Dragons, Unicorns, and All Th...

By gracenow

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First book in the 'All That Jazz' series! (There is a new and improved version of this story) The world is ch... More

chapter 1 - normal day
chapter 2 - abnormal social
chapter 3 - crazy assembly
chapter 4 - my escape
chapter 5 - the plan
chapter 6 - unwanted job
chapter 7 - messy abbrakadabra
chapter 8 - my punishment
chapter 9 - lovely week
chapter 11 - big changes
chapter 12 - everything explained
chapter 13 - meeting myself
chapter 14 - magic's price
chapter 15 - growing up
chapter 16 - not Puff?!
chapter 17 - extreme death
chapter 18 - she's missing?!
chapter 19 - 3 dudes, 1 chick
chapter 20 - some how?
chapter 21 - first mission
chapter 22 - news report
chapter 23 - the princess
chapter 24 - makes sense
chapter 25 - not good
chapter 26 - evil sister
chapter 27 - leisurely stroll
chapter 28 - the end
Added Bonus!!!
chapter 29 - my team
chapter 30 - a mess
Kim's Adventures

chapter 10 - new life

854 24 2
By gracenow

"EVAN!" I screamed as I ran out my door.

I had spotted him in the middle of my counciling sesion.

I almost jumped on him, but quickly decided not to. So I just hugged him.

He didn't seem surprised to see me run out. I usually do this.

"Why hello beautiful." He said while still in our embrace.

I laughed, "your just saying that."

"No," he held me out to look at him. "You are amazing." He pulled me back into the hug.

"No you are," I smiled, but he couldn't see it. "Oh shit."

"What!" He looked at me with concern.

"I'm still in my counselling session." I grabbed his hand and speed walked into the house.

"Bye mom!" He waved behind him as we walked through the door.

We walked into the living room and sat down on the love seat.

"Well I'm glad you could finally join us. She won't stop talking about you today." Synthia let out a slight smile.

"Well sorry but you didn't seem like you wanted to talk about anything else. All week all we've been talking about my life and not why your here." I smirked at her.

"Well would you like to talk about why I'm here?" She tilted her head slightly.

"Why is she here?" Evan asked to me.

"Well I knew I had to tell to, but I didn't want to say it over text message. So here it goes." I sighed and looked at Evan then Synthia then the floor.

"I have reasons to believe that I am the dragon rider." Evan gasped and Synthia was about to open her mouth, but I stopped her. "Actually I have proof."

'What kind of proof?" Evan asked.

"Uh.... The dragon egg." I smiled and looked back to the floor. "Trust me I've never seen anything like it. Its bigger than an ostrich egg and its covered in scales. The worst part is that it glows."

I looked up to see Evan staring at his lap.

Synthia stood up. We both looked at her. "Well then, I'll see you tomorrow. When I do see you, you better be out of this whole idea. Because that is the reason I am here. Is to make you forget." She stomped out of my house.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it was appropriate to say over a text or a phone call." I put my arm around Evan who was looking at his lap again.

He sat there for a few seconds before looking at me. "I get it," he smiled. "But your pay back is, you have to show me."

I rolled my eyes, "You were just looking of an excuse to see it, weren't you?" I smiled.


We got up and I led him down stairs. We stopped in front of my bedroom door.

"It's in there..." I paused to look at him.

"Have you gone in 'there' at all this week." He gestured to all of the junk out side of my room. "It looks like you moved out."

"Uh.. I kinda.... ignored my room." I smiled at him.

"Well lets go look then." He smiled back and put his arm around my waist.

I sighed and opened the door. In my room, the egg laid right where I left it. In the middle of the floor.

"Whoa... you were right! It's soooo cool." Evan let go of me and went to go sit beside it.

"Wow. You look like a 2 year old on christmas day." I laughed. I thought about how I could make it look cooler for him. I remembered that when I got closer to it, it glowed more. "If you think that this is cool, watch it when I come closer."

I slowly walked towards it. Just as I predicted, I started to glow the more I got closer to it. Evan's eye's widened. I sat down across from him. The egg in the middle of us, glowing the brightest I had seen it.

"It's so bright." Evan looked as if he was gonna start drooling.

"Hey! Pick your jaw up off the floor so you don't get any drool on my nice carpet." I laughed.

Evan laughed too. "This thing is amazing! We're going to be parents." He stood up and pulled me up too. Then he held on to my hands and made me dance around in circles with him as he jumped up and down.

"Wait!" I stopped his happy dance. "We?"

"Of course! I wouldn't let you take care of a dragon all by yourself, would I?" He put his pointer finger and thumb on his chin and started to stroke his imaginary beard.

"Okay," I laughed and grabbed his hands in mine. "Its supposed to hatch tomorrow."

He wrapped his hands around my hips. "I will be here for you. I promise."

"I don't need you!" I laughed.

"Yes you do! I know you too well. You are scared. You need me more than you think." He kissed me. Just a peck, but it meant a lot.

Besides he was right. I didn't want this egg. If Evan thought it was cool, than he could take it if he wanted. Why would I give it up though? Wait! I've been trying to get rid of it this whole time. Why would I want to keep it? Because you care for it stupid. No I don't! 

My mind was battling it self so much that I didn't notice my sudden frown and Evan's worried face.

I forced a smile. "Yes of course you can help."

He let go of me and started to jump around again.

"Wahoo! I get to take care of a dragon!" He stopped and looked at me. "Timmies! On me!"

"It's always on you when your here! You won't ever let me pay for it!" We both smiled.

"Thats because I'm being a gentlemen!" He put his forehead to mine.

"And thats what I love about you." I laughed and we kissed again. This time a bit longer.

We slowly walked back up stairs together. Hand in hand. I was glad that he was here. He made me feel so much better. You know, maybe this dragon thing won't be that bad. Especially with this 2 year old taking care of it.

We walked out of my house in silence. It was kinda nice. Just me and him.

"KIM!!!" Someone yelled at me.

Evan and I turned to the right to see who it was.

"Hi, Emma." I smiled.

"Oh my god! Where have you been? Everyone misses you." She walked up to us. I realized she was with her boyfriend too. His name is Ryan. He's in grade 9 though. We all bug Emma at school about him. We say she's a cougar. Even though its not a big difference.

"Everyone?" I raised my eye brow.

"Yea!...." She stopped in though, "Okay well not everyone. But everyone that matters." She smiled.

I laughed, "So what kinds of things are they saying about me?"

I knew I could trust Emma. We have always known eachother. Just like me and Alex, but not as long. My mom and Emma's mom are like bestfriends. So where as with Alex, we go on vacations together. With Emma, we all go camping together. It'd kind of like juggleing them together.

"Uhh.. they say that you are amazing for kicking that dude in the balls and that it was pretty damn cool that you actually got away from the government. Though some people think you are now mentally challenged. But everyone wants an explination when you come back." She smiled, then frowned. "By they way, when are you coming back?"

"Monday!" I smiled, "I will make sure no one thinks I'm mentally challenged when I come back." I sighed.

Evan broke into our conversation, "Why don't you come join us at timmies. Then Kim can tell you everything." He smiled at me.

"Sure," This time Ryan spoke.

Ryan and Evan have gotten used to eachother. They kinda have to because me and Emma hang out so much.

We all started walking together. Emma filled me in on all the gossip..... More than Alex had, thats for sure. Mostly because all three of us are from different schools. Our tiny town has one tiny high school. This is for all the people who live on the country side and the people in town. Alex comes from Graminia, which is on the country side. Emma comes from Riverview, which is the same school district as our current school. I come from the Cathoilc school, I only went there because I am Catholic and my parents found it appropriate.

So, anyways, the walk took long. Tim Hortons is on the opposite side of town, but in we had a nice conversation on the way. At timmies, we ordered our food and decided to walk over to a park so we could talk more privately.

I expalined the whole story. Exactly what I told Alex. Adding the little thing about Evan dancing around excitedly.

"Well it was pretty cool," Evan looked at me with a duh face.

"Wow, you are like a 2 year old," Emma laughed.

"Hey! Don't go messing with a happy man!" Evan pointed his finger towards Emma.

She put her hands up as if surrendering. "Sorry man. Take a chill pill."

We all laughed. After that it was all joking till we realized that it was almost 6:00. So Emma and Ryan walked their way and Evan and I walked ours.

It was nice being able to hang out with friends again. I think I was a little deprived. Okay, maybe not a little. After a while though, Alex can get on your nerves. Even though I love her too bits, its nice to not hear her blabbering on and on and on and on and...... I think you get the point.

At my house, supper was waiting for us. We had pizza. Apparently I was really hungary because I ate 4 slices. Even Evan was suprised at how much I ate.

I slept in the couch again and Evan slept upstairs on the couch. This is how it normaly is when he's here. My parents believe me when I say I won't do anything thats out of my comfort zone, but sadly he still has to sleep upstairs.

Eventually, I slept.



I sat up as fast as I could and tried to jump out of my now tangeled blankets, but ended up smaking my face on the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah aha ha aha ha ah aha aha ha!!!!!" Someone above me was laughing.

"What the fuu...." I looked up to see Evan cluching his stomach and trying to catch his breath.

"Oh my god Kim, I've never seen you so scared in your life! That was THE best!" He greatly empasised the word 'THE'.

"What the hell Evan!" I stood up and punched him in the arm.

"Wow, someone's fiesty this morning!" He smiled.

"What the fuck was that for?" I looked at him with 'the death stare'.

"Wow, if looks could kill!" He frowned, "I wanted to ask you if our baby has hatched yet?"

"Oh my god, that is the weirdest thing I have ever heard." I rolled my eyes, "and if you saw me sleeping, does that mean that I know if it has hatched yet?"

"No..... You have a good point." He looked down, thinking.

"Wow, you are such a guy," I sighed.

"Hey! Thats rude." He looked at me.

"Well so was what you just did." I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" He raised his eye brow.

"Nothing, I just can't believe......" I sighed, "Nevermind."

"You can't believe what?" He looked concerned. I started to walk away, laughing slightly.

He grabbed my arm before I reached the door, "Tell me," He gave me the puppy dog face.

"I can't believe..." I paused, "That you came down here, in that," I gestured to his black boxers. "Wanting to know if the dragon has hatched yet." I laughed some more.

"Whats wrong with this?" He looked down at himself.

"Nothing," I quickly, while he was still looking down, gave him a hug.

Suprisingly he was warm.

After he realized I was hugging him, he hugged me back.

After a bit, we made our way up to the kitchen. For breakfast, there was some sausages, omlets, and pancakes. Me and Evan both avoided the omlets.

After all the food that we scarfed down, we headed to the living room and watched kids tv, like we do every sunday morning. Evan put on some pants, but he knows I like his abs, so he kept his shirt off. I cuddled up to him in my short pj shorts and thin tank top. We sat there like that till around noon when I felt a sudden pain in my head.

"Oww," I cringed.

"Are you okay?" Evan sat me up, he looked at me with worried eyes, "Did I hurt you?"

"No, don't worry you didn't do anything, I just..." I felt another one, "Fuck that hurts!"

"What hurts?" He cupped my head in his hands.

"My head hurts.... a lot." I squished my eyes together as another wave came.

"Lets go lie you down," Evan started to stand me up. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah, can you grab me a drug to help, like Tylenol or something and I'll meet you down there."

"Yea, sure." He looked at me with great concern.

He always did this to me, he made me feel like a princess when ever I hurt myself. I kinda liked it though.

I walked down stairs and just reached the bottum step when I got another wave of pain. Tis time it was all through my core. I was in so much pain that I had to sit down.

After the pain was gone I got up and slowly walked towards my room. I was looking at the floor and didn't notice the bright light coming from it. I didn't see a lot of stuff untill it was right in front of me.

I stared at the bright light that was coming from the edges of my door untill i heard something fall from behind me.

I turned around a little too quickly and felt another pain shoot through my entire body. I saw Evan out of the corner of my eye as I started to fall. I closed my eyes waiting to feel my head hit the floor. But it never did. I guess I was in so much pain already that I didn't feel my self slam into my cement floor. I opened my eyes to find that Evan had been quick enough to catch me.

"Don't scare me like that!" He smiled at me.

"Sorry.... pain...... everywhere." I managed to say between breaths.

"How about we go check on the glowing object in your room before you pass out."

I nodded my head and he helped me stand up. With his hand place firmly around my waist, so that I wouldn't fall over, he opened my bedroom door.

The light didn't blind me as much as it blinded Evan. He had to turn away for a second. I just stared. My mind felt like it was somewhere else. My body was all by itself. Like a doll or a zombie. More like a zombie actually, because before me or Evan knew ehat was happening, I was standing... scratch that, kneeling in front of the glowing egg.

I felt like I was standing back and watching myself reach out and grab the egg in both hands. I lifted it off the ground and felt another shot of pain all through my bady. The only difference about this one was, it didn't go away.

I sat there with this egg in my hands, not being able to will myself to do anything. Pain was flowing through my body as it made its way to my skin. My skin felt like it was burning. Everywhere. I heard a scream that sounded like mine but I didn't scream.

"Kim! Put it down! It's hurting you!" Evan came up behind me and I felt his hand being place on my burning skin. "Ouch! KIM! Are you in there? I can tell tha...."

His voice stopped behind me.

Everything wil be fine! Don't worry about her!

Oh No! It's her.

I looked around in my eyes and didn't see her.

You're just going to feel a tad bit more pain and then it will be over.

I could hear her smile.

Just like she saud, I felt a massive, not little, wave of pain flow through my body. My skin heated up. The egg started to move in my burning hands. I saw craks forming as I felt small tears trying to cool off my burning face. The last thing I remember before I saw black, was a little scaly green head with two yellow eyes looking at me.

AHHH!!!! Intence chapter!!!! OMG I loved writing this and couldn't stop because I felt I needed to find out what was going to happen. The suspence was killing me!! The writer!! I hope you all like it.

on the side is how i imagine evan to look like.... sadly he is not based on anyone :)

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