Lost In Time

بواسطة wolf_16

472 76 13

This story is for 17+ only ! contains - demons and angels - magic - alcoholic drinks -epic battles This is... المزيد

The key
A crazy man and illusions
Nice to meet you, i hate you more
Time to go home
A boy and his terrible climbing skills
The masks we hide
A father stalking his daughter
King Light
"Its not like that!"- Seishin
Strange sounds in the dark
Where is the Princess?!
I am ok, don't worry about me
Raziel and drunken sadness
A talk with Wine
A day with Lucca
Awake at midnight
Why are you keeping this secret?
"I just can't let her go."
Goodbye Raziel
The battle
Secret get away
Is it a dream or reality?
The OverLord
The Arranged marriage
Sakkaku and the box
The Interrogation
Dreams and dark wishes
The vacation and a King
An old story.
The magic crystal.
The wolf and the rabbit.
A talk with the Author #1
The Talk.
Alone in the cold world.
Erase the mistakes.
The death and the maze.
Kira's death and the jail
A talk with the Author #2
The Creators, Pt.1
The Creators, Pt.2
Laine is drunk.
Magic Memories
Forever lost
The final chapter
Thank you, the end.

The beginning

78 3 3
بواسطة wolf_16

Ray sighed as she looked in front of a classroom. This was an advanced school but everyone was programmed like robots, generation after generation was the same, training students to be the same, everyday was the same.

Ray looked at the teacher , like all of the teachers in the school they never cared, they were programmed to be strict and only teach the lessons, They didn't care about the students or what they had to say.

Ray overheard some girls talking about her, Who cares, they're all the same. In this world everything is gray, no colors but the night sky it has so many stars, so many hopes and dreams, for no one to reach because they're so far away.

'Ring!' Ray snapped back into reality.

All of the students were leaving the room.

Ray packed up her stuff and started to go to her locker. Opening the locker to hear -
" look! It's the quiet girl , i hear she has no father because he left her mother." One said, they laughed.

Ray  paid no attention to them
(Why do I need friends... They will just hurt me anyway, I don't need anyone.) she thought.

Her hair covered her eyes, she once read in an old book if you stare into some eyes you can see what's in their soul , light or darkness.

She took off her jacket when she reached the outside of the building,uncovering her angelic wings. As she flew home she thought about everything that happened today.

She was pushed  and hit today by the other angels, they said that she wasn't worthy of being an angel.

When she came home she opened the old oak door, she saw her mother lying on a old sofa

She didn't say anything to her mom, they haven't talked for awhile now , her mom hated her for who she was and what she looked  like, her father.

"I'm going to work" she yelled, then a small cat (Nate) rubbed up against her leg for food.

She feed Nate and flew to work.

She had to work 10 hours a day, since school was only eight hours, that was 18 hours of her day gone.

Her job was to sharpen the swords for the army and to help make battle gear, she often saw boy with  long blue hair laughing with a lot of people, after all he was the most popular gatekeeper in the School, Who wouldn't want to be his friend?

She never really cared to talk to him until he started calling her by name.

"Hello Ray!" Wolf said with a big smile, he waved and ran up to her.

" how may help you?" Ray replied, she didn't look up at him

"Oh come on don't be like that! let's train together, I know you want to get out of this world as much as I do!" Wolf said with a big smile, he laughed.

He was right, she hated this world but she couldn't trust him. In this world everyone's program to be like robots, no one has a heart, soul, mind or love.

"No, I have a job to do, go ask one of your friends" Ray replied.

-He asked her every day until one day he didn't show up-

"He is just like the others, don't trust him, he will eventually hurt me anyways." she said to herself.

"Why am I dwelling on this?" She looked down at her charcoal-covered hands

"He will just hurt me like the others, there is no point of thinking about this."

Throughout the week she couldn't forget about him, He was different from the others yet she still didn't feel like she could trust him.

-The next week-

Ray was walking in school and saw Wolf, he was running up to her, waving his arms in the air.

"Ray!" Wolf ran up to Ray with a smile, he paused to catch his breath.

"Did you miss me?" He asked as he looked up at her.

She rolled her eyes and said "No."
She really did miss him but didn't want to admit it.

"Well... I missed you!" Wolf replied as he looked at the sky, it looked as if it were going to rain.

She ignored him and kept walking.

"If you were wondering I was visiting my family across the sea." Wolf said as he caught up with her.

The Demons were laughing, then they saw Ray, "Hey ugly!" They yelled.

Ray looked down, she was used to everyone calling her ugly, eve her own mother called her that.

"Hey! Stop it, she isn't ugly!" Wolf yelled, he stepped closer to them.

"What are you going to do about it? Even the teachers are scared of us, what can a little gatekeeper do?" They taunted.

"Meet me outside the school and you will find out what a gatekeeper can do." Wolf's eyes where glowing with hatred.

"We'll be there." They mocked, then they walked away.

"See you soon, Ok?" Wolf asked as he waved goodbye to Ray.

She said nothing.

As Ray watched Wolf walk off she saw someone run after him and ask him "Are you ok?"

He ignored her, she looked like another Gatekeeper but Wolf was the only gatekeeper in the school that she knew of.

Ray walked up to her and asked her "Do I know you?"

She looked at her and then quickly started to walk away.

"Wait!" Ray yelled

The girl looked back at her for a second then disappeared in a classroom.

(That was strange, I could've sworn she was a gatekeeper but I guess she's a hybrid.) Ray thought.

-The next morning ray awoke to Nate on her face-

"Nate! C-Can't  breathe!" ray mumbled.

Nate got off of her and meowed for food.

"Ok Nate, give me a moment...." Ray said quietly.

As she was feeding her cat she noticed a strange figure sleeping on the sofa.

Ray walked up to the figure, she recognized this figure...

She poked the head, "Hello?" She asked as she poked it.

"Mm..." A familiar voice said, Ray pulled back the blanket that was hiding the figure's  face.

It was Wolf.

"Wolf?!" Ray yelled as she jumped back.

"Yes?" Wolf said in a tired voice, he was still half asleep.

"Why are you in my house?!" Ray raised her voice, she was surprised.

"You don't remember last night?" Wolf asked

Ray froze...  "Last night?" She asked, as she took a step back.

Wolf sat up, he was still wearing his school uniform from the day before. He rubbed his eyes, then slowly opened them.

"Yesterday I beat the demons senseless but I got a few cuts on me, so you offered to take me to your house and to bandage me up, I guess I accidentally fell asleep on your couch and now were here." Wolf explained, he looked at the clock, "And we are late to school." He commented.

"Is that it?" Ray asked as she sighed in relief."

"Yeah." Wolf replied.

Ray looked away.

Then the door opened, a man in his early 20's walked in, ray quickly stepped in front of Wolf.

"Hey sis, I'm back from the experiments.... how is Pris- I mean School for you?" Silas asked, he looked tired.

Ray sighed "hey Silas... how is Cassiel? School is fine." She replied.

He looked at her with a sad face, "Her father took her away. She is not coming back for awhile." He said with his eyes closed.

Ray looked at him with a sad face then wolf mumbled "That's so sad!" Behind her.

Silas jumped back "Why did your blanket talk?!" He asked with a shocked face.

Ray elbowed wolf's Head.

"Shut up!" She whispered in a sharp tone.

Silas walked to the couch and slowly uncovered wolf from the blankets.

"Hi..." Wolf said

Silas looked at him for a second and got an evil look in his eyes.

"Hey Mom!" Silas yelled.

"Don't you dare!" Ray said quickly.

Silas turned to the door and slowly started to walk to in then he shut the door and walked over to wolf.

Wolf smiled and waved.

Silas sat on the edge of the couch and sighed, " care to explain?" He asked.

Ray looked at Silas then at wolf

Wolf smiled, "We were hanging out and then accidentally fell asleep." He said in a happy voice.

That's all, there was nothing more." Ray explained

Silas sighed in relief   "Good..." He said.

Wolf looked at the walls, there were pictures of a family, a happy family on it.

"Who is that?" Wolf asked them and pointed to the pictures.

"Us before this war." Silas replied

"Oh, I thought it was someone else but who is the girl?" Wolf asked

"Cassiel." Silas said

Silence swept the room...

"She was my best friend and fiancé, but she is gone now, So is our father, why don't you go home soon?" Silas asked

Wolf got out of the bed and tied his hair back then turned to Ray, " I had fun yesterday, we should hang out more." Wolf said and smiled

Ray smiled a little then looked away.

Wolf walked out of the house.

Silas looked at ray , "Listen, Gatekeepers are trouble, I don't want you talking to that Gatekeeper again. Dad left for the war against The Gatekeepers, he's missing in action, he's probably dead. I really don't want you to have any contact with their kind, Angels and Gatekeepers are not supposed to talk to each other. I don't know how you could let a Gatekeeper into this house after Dad disappearing but if you talk to him he will deceive you." He explained

After that he stood up and started to walk towards the door, "Are we clear?" He asked.

"Wait..." Ray said.

Silas looked back at her, "What if an Angel falls in love with a Gatekeeper?" Ray asked

"Then the Gatekeeper will become a fallen and the angel will be cast down." Silas sighed as he walked out the door, then he left the room.

Ray heard Her mother ask Silas some questions then walked out the front door.

The next day at school Ray ignored Wolf. "Hey ray!" Wolf yelled from down the hallway, she didn't stop walking.

Then a girl stopped him and pulled him into a classroom.

"Leave the angel alone, she is worthless to a Gatekeeper like you." she said.

"Leave me alone Zella, she is my friend and I want to talk to her." Wolf pushed her back and stormed out the room.

"Stupid." Zella whispered to herself, she smiled a little (at least my stupid brother doesn't act like his twin.) she thought.

Zella walked out of the room to see Wolf on the ground and the demons laughing, Ray was watching in the corner.

Zella ran up to the demons and used forbidden magic to blast them away from wolf, the crowd around them gasped.

(A/N: forbidden magic is forbidden to use.)

"What are you doing?!" Wolf asked in a panicked voice.

"Shut up!" Zella said, she sounded annoyed.

The demons looked at her and smiled. "Finally a real opponent!" One of them said, they walked up to Zella and pushed her back.

Zella looked annoyed, then she took off her jacket to uncover an acid looking arm. All of them (except Wolf) was shocked, even the demons looked scared. She lifted up her left arm and a black mist went around her, her eyes went white.

"If you want to see what a gatekeeper can really do then try me. If you touch wolf again I will murder you." She said in a cold voice.

The demons ran away and the crowd backed up, she put her jacket on and the mist went away. her eyes went back to the blue color.

She held out her hand to wolf, "Are you ok?" She asked.

He looked away as he took her hand "Yeah, but next time turn the crazy a little down, ok?" He said with a small laugh.

She smiled then looked up... the principal was standing right there. Then she stopped smiling and started to apologize to her.

"I'm sorry Miss! Please don't get mad at me! I umm...." she couldn't even finish a sentence before her face got red and the crowd started to form again.

The principal sent her to the office and the rest had no punishments.

Ray walked up to wolf, "Sorry that you were hurt because of me." She said as she looked at the floor.

Wolf smiled a little "What's the point of living if we can't get hurt to once in while? And besides I'm happy that you're talking to me again." Wolf replied.

Ray returned a small smile back at him.

"Why were you avoiding me all day?" Wolf asked.

"It's nothing" Ray said.

Wolf looked at her with confusion.

"Is this another one of those girl codes that say if you're OK you're not really OK?" He asked.

Ray laughed "No, I'm really fine." She replied.

They walked home after that but Ray asked Wolf to leave her a few houses down from Her's, Wolf didn't really care about it, he was just happy that she was talking to him.

When wolf got home he heard yelling.

" You stupid child! How could you dare to use forbidden magic in school with angels in it!" Their Dad yelled.

Ōkami, usually the chilled and relaxed one looked tensed up.

(A/N: Ōkami is wolf's twin, they have one older brother and one younger sister)

They heard a slap and more yelling then the room was quite...

"He took her to the basement again..." Ōkami whispered.

"But it wasn't her fault, it was mine. She shouldn't get in trouble for something I did." Wolf whispered

Ōkami took Wolf to their older brother's room.

They knocked on the door and a older looking teen yelled "come in!"

They opened the door to a dark room and a almost adult young man sitting with a lamp studying with a lot of books.

"Zåne, we need your help, Zella is in the basement again." They explained.

Zåne looked back and stood up, he walked to the library of the House and grabbed a key and walked to their father's Office, Zåne slapped his father and yelled "She is a child! If you take her to that dungeon again I will personally take it out on you if she dies!"

His father rolled his eyes and said "She used forbidden magic today, she deserves to die." He said.

"I didn't know someone this old could be an Idiot." Zåne said as he walked out of the room.

Zåne slammed the door and walked to the basement, he unlocked the door and looked back at Wolf and Ōkami.

"Neither of you are supposed to go after me ok?" He said.

They nodded.

Zåne walked into the cold, dark basement.

-in the basement-

"Zella!" Zåne yelled.

She whispered "I'm alive."

He pushed back the bones and picked her up, she was freezing.

"Are you ok?" Zåne asked.

"I'm so cold" she whispered.

When they got out of the basement he shut the door and locked it, Zåne took Zella to his room and set her on the bed

"Get some rest and stay home with me tomorrow." Zåne said.

She just closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Will she be ok?" Ōkami asked Zåne.

"She will be fine tomorrow hopefully." Zåne explained

Wolf and Ōkami walked to their room... "hey Ōkami..." Wolf asked.

Ōkami looked at him, "yes?" He asked.

" I miss Mum..." he whispered.

"Me too..." Ōkami whispered back.

That night Zåne took care of Zella, she had a fever.

The next morning everyone was asking wolf about Zella, all he said was "She is just sick."

How could he tell the truth? His Father almost killed his daughter... everything has been different since his mom died... everything changed.

(A/N: The dungeon is a freezing cold room, you can get hypothermia in there.)

-To be continued-

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