A Woman Of Ice

By satansapostle6

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If you liked this story, feel free to check out my other rewritten Draco stories, they are all much better. More

The Soundtrack
LIV- At Home
LV- The Curse Of Killer Frost
LVI- Great Minds....
LVII- Persuasive Tactics
LVIII- Conquer
LIX- Fortify
LX- This Is War
LXII- Winter Is Coming
LXI- Alone Together: Pt. 1
LXII- Alone Together: Pt 2
LXIII- Never Enough
LXVIII- Sacrifice!
LXIV- Hidden
LXVI- Happy As The Kennedys
LXIX- Counter Strike
LXX- Only You
LXXI- Reality Check
LXXII- When The Ice Begins To Crack...
LXXIII- Confident and Ready
LXXIV- Just An Intern
LXXV- Corporate Spy
LXXV- Dear Mr. Greyhill
LXXVII- A Blast From The Past
LXXVIII- That Night
LXXIX- The Sub, The Superstar
LXXX- The New Development
LXXXI- Black Magic and Miracles
LXXXII- The Real Father
LXXXIII- When The Fat Lady Screams
LXXXIV- Put Your Head On My Shoulder
LXXXV- Foul(Play)
LXXXVI- The Shrieking Shack
LXXXVII- The Godfather
LXXXVIII- The Wolf's Bane
LXXXIX- Feeling Epic, Then Feeling Whitney
XC- Psycho Without You
XCI- Delicious
XCII- Thought I Was Dead
XCIII- An Unsettling Scar
XCIV- Going Nowhere
XCV- The Cause
XCVI- A Cry For Help
XCVII- A Girl's Best Friend
XCIX- Let The Games Begin
C- Eternal Glory
CI- The Five Champions
CIII- The Fist Fight
CIV- The Yule Ball Date
CV- Someone Who Could
CVI- Reckless And Alone
CVII- Best They Not Know
CVIII- Tremors
Anyone reading this series please read this.

CII- Slanderous Gossip

36 2 1
By satansapostle6

Diana received word that interviews for the Triwizard Tournament were happening today. Harry hadn't had the time to catch her up anymore, since he was in Gryffindor and she in Slytherin. But she knew Sirius was talking to him as well, which made her feel a whole lot better. If there was ever a time for fatherly, or god-fatherly, advice, now was definitely the time. Sirius made time for both Harry and Diana. He couldn't contact Diana by the fire, since Slytherins were always snooping around, and there was the small inconvenience of there being no fireplace in the Slytherin common room. So, Sirius had sent her a two-way mirror, which connected to his. It was always nice to see his face and hear his voice. As Diana walked through the hallway, she realized that she was definitely due for an interview, which she couldn't dodge. She was not only a Triwizard champion, but Harry's adopted, Slytherin, and powerful demigod sister. Any good journalist would definitely want a word with her. Specifically that nosy and fake b**ch Rita Skeeter. Oh, sh*t. That was going to be a disaster. Sure enough, Diana was approached on her way to her classroom overconfidently by a woman with dyed hair, much like hers, only far more tacky. She's like a British Kris Jenner, Diana thought.
"Can I help you?" Diana asked irritably.
"Hello, Miss Black. My name is Rita Skeeter, maybe you've heard of me, I'm a viciously trending journalist, as well as a highly praised author," Skeeter said arrogantly, offering her hand.
"Hello, Ms. Skeeter. My name is Diana Black, maybe you've heard of me, I'm a viciously germaphobic demigod, as well as a highly praised outcast from society," Diana mimicked, fake and almost Botox smile and all.

Rita Skeeter's facial expression turned foul and sour, as if she were sucking on a lemon slice dipped in salt. "A bit arrogant, are we? Well, that's quite alright," she smiled.
"A bit hypocritical, are we? Well, that's.... not really alright in my book, but in our nearsighted society, it practically is," Diana shrugged.
"Anyway, I wanted to do an interview before I meet with the actual Champions, you know, for background information and all that. Would you be willing?" she asked.
Diana shrugged. "Sure."

Let's see how bad this is going to turn out.
"Alright, come along then," the woman said hurriedly, leading Diana to a random empty room.

She had randomly marched Diana all the way up to the seventh floor, which Diana wasn't exactly appreciative of. They both took seats on either side of a small table, which, curiously enough, was the only table in the entire room.
"So," Rita said casually as a green notepad and a large and ornate green-feathered quill floated beside her, most likely to take notes on the interview. "Let me start by asking you, how is your relationship with your adopted brother, the famous Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived?"
  "You're not going to ask me how I feel about being in this tournament, the whole purpose of this interview?" Diana asked.
  "All in good time, dear. I ask the questions, you answer."
"Well then. I suppose it's just like any other relationship between siblings; filled with both ups and downs," Diana replied cooly.

As they talked, the quill in the corner scribbled away.
"Hmmmm," Skeeter sighed disappointedly. "Very well then. Let me ask you, what do you think of yours and your brother's.... unlikely entrance in the Triwizard Tournament? Do you think it was a huge mistake, or....?"
"Let me just stop you right there," Diana hissed. "My brother and did not enter his name, that I'm sure of. I, however, did, and legally. I know him very well, and I know when he's lying, he's not the one doing so. But he's not the only person who could've been behind this," Diana said carefully.
"Interesting. And are you proud of him for his accomplishment, his improbable spot in the Tournament?" Skeeter asked more curiously.
"Proud of him? For his spot in the Tournament? Absolutely not. I'm not saying there aren't other things that he's done that I'm proud of, but this is not one of them. Yes, he was chosen, but not because he wanted to be, or because he tried to be. So no, there isn't much to be proud of," Diana wrapped up. "Not on my part, either. I'm just like any other entrant."
"Wow. Very brave, very humble, Miss Black. I understand that you see yourself a bit above Harry Potter. That must take lots of guts, or lots of stupidity. Tell me why. Is it your demigod status, being one of the few daughters of the war goddess Bellona? Is it your beyond pureblood status? Is it.... your friendship with the Malfoy family, and many other powerful and influential families in the wizarding world?" she asked.
"What? No. That's beyond stupid," Diana waved off dismissively.

Rita Skeeter studied Diana carefully, spotting her earrings, and the clip in her hair. Both generous and unnecessary gifts from Draco. "Speaking of your friendship with the Malfoys, I hear you and Draco Malfoy are quite.... close," Skeeter nodded, as if the jewelry were complete proof.
"Yes, we were, as friends," Diana clarified.
"Fascinating. And I've heard about the gifts you've received, from him. I find this curious, seeing as you're.... friends," she murmured, poisoning the word "friends".
"Well I don't. It's not at all. I've given Pansy Parkinson jewelry before, in the past, as had she to me," Diana replied curtly.
"Excellent. Now, I hear your beauty makes you quite popular in this school," Rita Skeeter remembered, clicking her tongue. "Many of your fellow male classmates have mentioned you to me. Yes, you in Hogwarts is almost like me in the wizarding community," she laughed arrogantly. "Good for you, Miss Black. You really are quite the looker. Now, about your hair color. It's lovely," Skeeter complimented falsely.
"Thanks," Diana said coldly.
"Now, I've just noticed something, pardon me if it's wrong, but your gorgeous blonde hair reminds me very much of the reigning tradition in the Malfoy family," she observed slyly. "Any connection at all?"
"Interesting observation, but no, no connection whatsoever," Diana explained quickly.
"Well, I seem to have heard that your hair is colored. Is this false information?"
"No," Diana answered through gritted teeth.
"Well, I think it'll interest you to know that shortly before this, I had a meeting with a young man called Blaise Zabini, who seemed to be staring at you, in a particularly interesting manner. Any comment?"

Oh, God. Not this, Blaise, please.
"Well, I asked him a few private questions about you. He told me that your hair smells like hair coloring product. Is it true that you use Muggle products?"
Diana turned very faintly red with anger. "No. As soon as I could, I switched to the coloring charm. Far more effective," she responded impassively.
"That's a smart girl," Skeeter smiled.

Diana was silent, and almost stiff. She felt chained to the chair she was so uncomfortable. Blaise wouldn't say that. Would he? I swear if he did....
"Alright, now, if your hair is colored, what is your natural hair color?" she asked
"Do you think I'm stupid enough to answer that?"
"Okay, well, um, why blonde? Why not brown, or black, or red, or some unnatural yet exciting color?"
"Same reason as anyone else. It's what I wanted," Diana shrugged indifferently.
"I see. Now, back to something a bit more relevant. How do you view being a demigod? I mean, what is life as a demigod, as opposed to life as being a human, or a witch?" Rita Skeeter asked unexpectedly.

Diana was genuinely surprised by this thoughtful question.
"Well, I think it's life all the same. I mean, wizards lead some sort of life. Muggles as well. Some may argue that some people's lives are more difficult than others', but I don't believe that that's necessarily true. Everyone faces different challenges in their lives that are uniquely designed for them and their life path. Thousands of pounds of gold may seem like very much to your average folk, just as a few pounds may seem like just as much of a challenge to someone who struggles. For Muggles, getting from place to place is a challenge. For witches and wizards, learning easier ways to get to and from is difficult. And for demigods, pleasing their godly parents and fulfilling their task in this world is a challenge," Diana explained. "In my opinion, it's all about perspective."
"Well. You really are more than a pretty face," Rita murmured in surprise. "I want you to tell me something, Diana. I want you to tell me the truth about what you think about your brother."
"I don't know what it is you want, there's not much to tell," Diana shrugged.
"Oh, come on! You have to have some sort of thought about your brother's place in this Tournament," Skeeter pressured.
"Well, I think it's an absolute shame that he can't withdraw. This Tournament is absolutely no place for Harry to be, especially not now," Diana answered.
"And why not? And what makes you think that you're more equipped to handle it?"
"Well, this Tournament, the Triwizard Tournament, is very dangerous, and so, potentially, are its contestants. I mean, I'm a contestant. Obviously the damn Goblet of Fire isn't going to pick the dullest of the bunch. And Harry, he always has to try and do everything, especially the things that no one has ever done, or the things that he shouldn't be doing. But often if something is prohibited, or not done, maybe by certain people.... there's usually a good reason," Diana thought aloud. "I'm a powerful demigod-witch, and older as well; it's a completely different situation."
"Very good point," Skeeter nodded. "And do you think.... that you'd be able to win this competition?"
"Well, things like these.... they're never certain, but possibly, yes. My Defense Against the Dark Arts marks definitely show my ability, and so I suppose I do believe I could compete in the Tournament, but whether I can do so better than Harry remains.... unknown. For now."
  "Ah. Positively delightful. Miss Black, we've all more than heard that you had been, for a few months ago, at the Ministry of Magic in the Court of Negotiations fighting for the immunity of one Sirius Black, your birth father. Tragically enough, your efforts were in vain. Care to comment?"
  Diana gritted her teeth irritably. "I'll tell you the same thing that I've been telling the press; Sirius Black is innocent, and was framed. The amount of evidence proving so may be insignificant in comparison to the evidence of the contrary, but the only reason that the Ministry refuses to see the truth is because it goes against what they had believed for 14 years now. Case closed, no further comment."
  "Absolutely fantastic! Now, the entire Wizarding community is more than aware that you have recently been battling another soul loose in that head of yours," Skeeter grinned. "Care to elaborate?"
  "No comment."
  "Oh, come now, one single quote could hurt!"
  "No comment."
  "Oh, Diana...."
  "No. F**king. Comment."
  "Ooh, am I pressing your buttons there?"
  "No. F**k off. Please."
"Well. I think that's all that I'll be needing, thank you, Diana."
"You're welcome."

Diana walked out of the empty classroom, saying nothing. She was very interested in the next day's edition of the Daily Prophet. The rest of the day went by quickly, since it was a fairly ordinary day at Hogwarts. The next day at breakfast, all of Diana's friends and other classmates had coincidentally gotten the paper before her. All of the Slytherins were either furious,horrified, embarrassed, or both. They had found Harry's interview particularly amusing. Diana snatched the paper out of Pansy's loose hands.
"Hey! That was good entertainment," she laughed, still gawking at Harry's interview, which was, for some odd reason, on the front page, accompanied by nothing but the usual headline.

Diana skimmed through the article on Harry, which was a load of trash she hadn't even bothered to read about Harry in tears and feebly lying about his entrance in the Tournament. It was to be expected, really. But then she got to hers, which was right behind it on the other page:

Diana: A Girl of Many Names

By Rita Skeeter

Diana Black, 20, is the more gifted,more confident, and even more notorious(almost infamous) adopted sister of magical phenom, Killing Curse survivor, and Triwizard Champion Harry Potter, 12(see front page). She proves to be far more confident and sarcastic, almost to a point of rudeness. Just almost. Not surprising, judging by her parentage; Black is the daughter of the honorable Roman war goddess Bellona and infamous mass murderer Sirius Black. I have reason to believe that demigod powers do naturally provide a demigod with an almost inhuman personality. Miss Black seems different from others; more confident, more harsh, and more secretive than anyone of her age. She has also been in multiple situations even a wizard or witch couldn't survive, and is currently representing the infamous Sirius Black in Ministry courts, which is of course very well-known. Miss Black seems to now attract even more attention now that the siblings have stepped into the spotlight, her being a beautiful and pureblood demigod, unfortunately for the young and attention-seeking Harry Potter. She's everything you could want in a person(And a bit more if you ask me); wise, clever, beautiful, rich, powerful, brave, confident, ambitious, all of that. Miss Black has, not surprisingly, caught the attention of many of her male classmates. Just to name a few, Draco Malfoy, of the powerful Malfoy family, the well-connected Cormac McLaggen, Blaise Zabini, son of the seven-time and wealthy widow, and both of the twins Fred and George Weasley, of the simple Weasley family(My, do they have themselves some serious competition!). In the interview, Miss Black was asked a few questions about her once more-famous adopted brother. She replied straight away with,"This Tournament, the Triwizard Tournament is very dangerous, and so, potentially, are its contestants. I mean, obviously the damn Goblet of Fire isn't going to pick the dullest of the bunch. And Harry, he always has to try and do everything, especially the things that no one has ever done, or the things that he shouldn't be doing. But often if something is prohibited, or not done by certain people.... there's usually a good reason." Fascinating [statement], I think. So, I asked her if she believes that she would be able to win this tournament, naturally. "Well, things like these, they're never certain, but possibly, yes. My Defense Against the Dark Arts marks definitely show my own ability, and so I suppose I do believe I could compete at least decently in the Tournament if I had to, but whether I can do so better than Harry remains.... unknown. For now," Black had replied confidently. So I questioned further. "Would you say you're proud of your brother for his accomplishments?" I had asked. "Proud of him? For his spot in the Tournament? Absolutely not. Yes, he was chosen, but not because he wanted to be, or because he tried to be. So no, there isn't much to be proud of," Black had shot back in an instant. Does Harry Potter know about this answer? Both Potter and Black had claimed, in their interviews that they had a "normal and ordinary" relationship, but who knows? Clearly Black is not a reliable source. When confronted about her known bipolar disorder, she had reacted quickly and aggressively. Also, Black seems more than bitter over her disappointing loss in the Court Of Negotiations only weeks prior to her acceptance of the substitute post at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry. Black had only this to say on the subject,"Sirius Black is innocent, and was framed. The amount evidence proving so may be insignificant in comparison to the evidence of the contrary, but the only reason that the Ministry refuses to see the truth is because it goes against what they had believed for 14 years now. Case closed, no further comment." She has colored pale blonde hair, which most are aware of. When asked about this, Black coldly denied that she used Muggle hair color products and explained that she used a permanent Coloring Charm, although Blaise Zabini, a previously mentioned admirer of Black's, revealed that her hair smelled of [chemical] hair coloring products. The chosen color has been linked to the family of one of Miss Black's admirers, the Malfoy family, notoriously pale blonde. Is there a connection? Multiple sources report that this hair color was used (by Black) before her attendence at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, most likely before she had even come into contact with the youngest Malfoy. But was it really before? Had they met before? It's definitely possible, considering Miss Black's distant family connection to the Malfoy fanily. Everyone knows that many pureblood families require their children to marry other purebloods, even if it means marrying their own distant cousins. Are Diana Black and Draco Malfoy an arranged marriage?Exactly how many secrets does Diana Black keep? At first, Diana Black may seem like just a cold-hearted, secretive, and attention-seeking harlot, but is actually either very well-spoken and wise, or even more well-rehearsed. When asked about [her] life as a demigod, instead of replying arrogantly and heroically, Black surprised both myself and probably the entire wizarding community by responding with,"Well, I think it's life all the same. I mean, wizards lead some sort of life. Muggles as well. Some may argue that some people's lives are more difficult than others', but I don't believe that that's necessarily true. Everyone faces different challenges in their lives that are uniquely designed for them and their life path. Thousands of pounds of gold may seem like very much to your average folk, just as a few pounds may seem like just as much of a challenge to those who struggle. For Muggles, getting from place to place is a challenge. For witches and wizards, learning easier ways to get to and from is difficult. And for demigods, pleasing their godly parents and fulfilling their task in this world is a challenge. In my opinion, it's all about perspective." She sure has many different sides and personalities to her. She could easily become Diana Black, Diana Potter, Diana Zabini, Diana Malfoy, or even Diana Weasley! Well, she's right. It's all about perspective. Wouldn't we all love to see from this layered, secretive, ice-cold beauty's perspective?"

Diana sighed softly under her breath. "Son of a b**ch."

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