Oliver (Vocaloid) x Reader

By Panda_chan12

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Working on a new description and this book is being rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that Oliver is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter: It's your birthday!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
So sorry ;-;
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 27.5

283 11 17
By Panda_chan12

Ok so in the last chapter I did not like how I wrote it at all! Sooooo the nightmare was supposed to give a creepy vibe but no I did not do a good job on it so without further a do let me rewrite Oliver's nightmare!

Also big thanks to OtakuKagamineLen

for helping me write this! We both have twisted mind XD lol but I do recommend her books, they're amaaaaaazing!!!

Oliver's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly, seeing nothing but black. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face, it was so dark and lonely.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hello?" my voice echoed back, jeez do I sound that terrible?

I stood up, trying to see if I could get out of this alone abyss.

"Hello!" a light female voice spoke back.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, I turned around where the female was continuously giggling.

"Hahahahahahaha! You're so weak!" she laughed out.

I saw a glimpse of her dark purple eyes. A white figure appreaed in front of me, she stood there smirking.

(Picture above~)

It was her again! She twirled and laughed while swinging a plushed rabbit.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked.

"Cause I get to see you again!" she giggled.

"Can I leave? Please?!" I begged,

"No no no no no no no, that won't do!" she singed. "You see, you abandoned me! Left me here, all alone in the lonely abyss. While breaking your deal with me."

"I never made a deal with you!" I lied.

"Haha! You don't remember? Well let us recall this spectacular moment shall we?"

"No! I don't wanna see it again!" I yelled regreting that I lied.

"Oh but if I don't show you than you want remember the deal than I'll be lonely forever! Didn't you wanted to be with me instead that wicked cruel world?" she pouted.

"That was the old me." I said sternly.

"I missed the old you. Where you were yearning to die, where you almost killed yourself multiple times. Ah that was good times! But now the new you is boring!" she growled.

"Still I don't want to stay with you!"

"Think about it Oliver! Me, you, Cheshire, and Oz we could have a splendid time together! All we have to worry about is how fun the next party is gonna be! Instead of worrying about the worlds problems! Doesn't that sound flattering?" she cheered.

"N-no! I want to be with my friends! Not here!"

"Oh?" she stepped closer to me. "Is it because of that girl? Is she the one keeping you away from me?"

"It's not that, it's just-"

Suddenly (Y/N) appeared. She stood there tears continuously pouring out, her cheeks were red and puffy.

N-no Oliver! This is an illusion! It isn't (Y/N)! I tried to tell myself but my feelings rejected that.


"Oliver." her voice was calm and serene, she appeared next to
(Y/N). "I know that you want true happiness. I know that you wand to be free and not worry about a thing. But is 'this' gonna help achieve that? Is she really gonna help you be happy? What if she rejects you? What will you do?" she sighed. "You rely on people too much Oliver. You expect people to fill in that empty soul of yours. You think that you can just easily fulfill your wish so easy! But no! People are cruel and beautiful at the same time. You never know what they're capable of. Remember that you can't just easily trust people easily. So what makes you think that you can trust 'this'?"

"I-I-" I couldn't think of anything else. "I LOVE HER!" I yelled.

She looked at me. "That's what your feelings tell you, your thoughts also. But what about your heart? What does your heart say? Also I want to add but isn't that was the same exact thing you said about Elizabeth?"

"Elizabeth?!" I flinched back, Elizabeth was my first crush.

"Yes her, what happened to her? Wasn't that she rejected your feelings? How did you feel? How would you feel if the same exact thing happened with (Y\N)?"

"N-no, Elizabeth was different. She was more meaner than (Y/N),
(Y/N) is more sweeter and calm."

"But will she give you the true happiness that you yearn for?"


"Oliver you need to wake up, wake up to the wretched world you live in!"

I looked at her, my feelings and thoughts were a mess that I couldn't keep up with them.

"What about the deal you made me? I can still make it happen you know. Just a snap of a finger and you can be with them!"

"I do want to, but I can't!"

She sighed before going back to (Y/N). "Because of 'this', she made you like this!" she yelled, grabbing (Y/N)'s hair harshly and pulling it up. (Y/N) yelped. Suddenly chains wrapped around her body squeezing it tightly.

"So what do you say Oliver? Do you want to spend time with me while you can see them? Or do you want to get rejected and die alone?"

I stared at her in disbelief. I can't answer that, I want both.

"Hmm? How about we take a trip to the future?!" she cheered. "Here hold Oz!" she placed him in my arms before going behind me. Placing her soft cold hands on my shoulders.

"Let's go!" she yelled, cold chains wrapped around my body. It wrapped so tightly that I couldn't barely even breathe.

(Gore ahead! If sensitive or something don't read!)

Soon we were outside -where it all happened. My parents in the car with glass impaled bodies, the scene too gory for a weak stomach to take. And I'm in the back, screaming my head off; I couldn't do anything.

"No." I whimpered, I shut my eyes as the happenings continue to haunt my being.

"Aw, don't close your eyes! You're gonna miss all this fun!" She chuckled before using her hands to force them open. I looked around to see five more lifeless bodies sprawled on the ground, bathing in their own blood.

I couldn't take it, I was so close to emptying the contents of my gut.

"Next one!" She sang. We entered an abandoned house, it was eerie with glass smithereens scattered on the floor; spider webs evident on every corner of the wall as if they were decoration; it was cold -too cold. The somber red liquid on the walls only worsened the ghastly scenery; I wish I didn't see it.

The first cadaver being Rin: stabbed multiple times on the heart, the head, and the abdomen -it's too gruesome to look at.

Beside her lay Miku who was cut up into bits, her innards scattered around.

And Gumi, she was burned to death; her body unrecognizable as part of it are ashes.

The fourth corpse was Meiko, pale as if her heart had suddenly refused to pump blood to her veins -hanged, that's what happened. A rope still tied to her neck, she's still -she's dead, gone.

Kaito, he was frozen, his lips blue as the cold embraced his body, ice crystals on his physical form.

And a severed head; eyes closed, lips sealed, nose broken beyond repair, and the blood still fresh from the previous events. Luka , I almost screamed.

And the last, SeeU who was flesh and bones; starving -not anymore. awaiasses no longer need such necessity.

I didn't want to see anymore, it was horrible as it is, "P-please stop this!"

I've been sitting through this whole mess, I gagged -it might be my last.

"Awwww, but we haven't gotten to the good part yet consider this an appetizer to what awaits."

"N-no, please no more!"

"Well you know this is the future."

"The future?!"

"Yup yup!"

Finally the last person stood there. It was (Y/N), she stood there in chains still.

"NO NO NO NO PLEASE NO! I BEG OF YOU NO!" I cried out, tears started pouring out. I struggled to get out.

Alyss stood up walking towards her, grabbing a sword. She twirled and laughed, going towards her.

Slowly she raised the sword, she then slashed.

(Gore has ended! Sorry I've been a little gory for the past chapters. What has happened to me?)

"NOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled getting up from...bed?

I looked around, I was at home. I panted before getting up. I breathed in and out slowly calming my racing heart.

"I'll be waiting!" Alyss giggled in my head.

"No, just no!" I mumbled.

I looked around. 12:47 was the time.

I sighed, at least I'll see my friends well and alive at the party later.

I smiled, though I don't want to go back to bed.

Maybe I'll play with James for a bit? I thought. That made me feel a bit better.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, and sorry! I'm so so so sorry for torturing our precious cinnamon roll with these horrid nightmare. I thought I would add a twist but Idk! I'm a horrible author aren't I?

Also I do not own Alyss she is from the very amazing manga Pandora Hearts! And I do not own Elizabeth! She is from another amazing Manga and Anime Black Butler!
The reason why I put both reference is because I actually got done updating my new black butler book which was requested and also I recently started rereading Pandora Hearts because it's so amazing! When I was writing this I was like 'hey why not add both?'



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