Brick Girl [Completed]

By niccieff

2.7K 126 101

Tara leads a painful and solitary life. Abused by her mum and bullied by others. All she has is her best frie... More

Brick Girl
The girl with no name
Slice of heaven
Tripped on air
Waddle like a duck
Pretty boy
If something is too good to be true...
I live for danger
Lighter than Air
Bruised Banana
I'm no good for you
I needed him
I promise I'll wait
Day at the beach
Not going anywhere
Time to tell the truth
Where you go, I go
Dizzy New Heights
Time to say goodbye
Winter term
Much better
Christmas Eve
How to say goodbye
Time flies
Girl at the Art Show
Bones to Liquid
What were they feeding you?
Feels like home
Dont push me away
The Hero dies in this one
Four months

Date Night

41 3 0
By niccieff


I woke up with Tar curled into my chest. She was breathing softly. I kissed the top of her head. I hadn't realised quite how lost I felt without her.

I could hear my phone beeping from my coat. I gently slid out the bed and let Tar roll over. I padded quickly into the sitting room, rummaged in my pocket and answered my phone.


"Hi Mum."

"How's Tara?" I heard her smile.

"She's good thanks, still asleep."

"I'm glad you've patched things up. Invite her around for dinner tonight. I've missed her."

"Actually, I have something planned. Can we make it tomorrow night instead?" I spoke quietly so Tar wouldn't overhear.

"Course love. I'm off to work. Love you. See you later."

"Love you too, Mum." I ended the call and walked back into the bedroom.

Tar had her back to me. I saw the old scars on her back and I tensed up. I'm not sure that I would ever get used to seeing those scars.

I brought her close to me and kissed her neck. She mumbled slightly and I kissed her again.

"Hmm..Zeke?" She whispered.

"Yeah?" I ran my hand up her stomach gently.

She rolled over and nuzzled into my chest, "I have to go back to class today."

"Ok," I continued to move my hand up.

"No, I really do..." she trailed off as I kissed her again.

"I'll stop if you want me to?"

"Oh shush," Tar said. She pulled my face down and kissed me.



I pulled on jeans and put a hoodie on. Zeke was making coffee in the kitchen. I quickly tied my hair up and walked through.

"That smells amazing." I said as I took the cup from him.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Uh, nothing planned. Why?"

"Could you be ready for 7?" Zeke took a sip of coffee.

"Sure. Why?"

"I'm taking you out." He leaned over and kissed me on the lips.


"It's a surprise." He grinned at my facial expression.

"Hm, ok," I put the cup down and reached for my coat. "I better get back to the exhibition."

Zeke grabbed his keys, "I'll take you there."


I spent the rest of the day at the exhibition. There was still a steady flow of people walking through and looking at my pictures. I didn't need to do much, it was nice just to look at people's faces as they studied them and wonder what they were thinking.

I was getting ready to leave when Liam appeared behind me.

"Do you have a minute,Tara?"

"Sure. What's up?" I asked.

"There has been a lot of viewings of your art from dealers and gallery owners over the past couple of days," Liam said. "We have had official offers put in to buy your pieces and for you to do shows in galleries here, London and in America."

"America?" I gasped.

"Yes. Isn't it great? Obviously that's a big step. If you would rather show your work initially here and London then you can go that too. It's entirely up to you. I'm very proud of you."

He hugged me and I hugged him back. I couldn't believe how much people wanted to see my work.

"That's brilliant! Thanks for telling me," I glanced over his shoulder. It was 5pm. "I've got to go. Can we talk more tomorrow?"

Liam nodded and waved goodbye as I walked downstairs. I walked into the bracing winter wind and pulled my scarf up over my nose. My phone beeped just as I turned onto the main road, it was Zeke.

Hope you've had a good day. Can't wait to see you xx

I sent a quick reply- I've had a lovely day. Missed you. What are we doing tonight?xx

Still not telling Tar ;) just make sure you are dressed up xx

I humphed and walked quickly home. I showered and stood in front of my wardrobe looking at the clothes. Poppy was on holiday with her family so I had to do this by myself.
I chewed my lip nervously.

Come on,Tar. It's easy. Girls do this all the time. Just pick something and put on makeup and voila!


I had just finished when the doorbell rang. I took one last look in the mirror. Black skater dress and a leather jacket. I had let my hair dry into its natural curls. I had never really put makeup on before but I don't think I'd done a bad job. Soft smokey eyes.

The bell rang again. I walked to the door and opened it. Zeke was standing there holding a bouquet of flowers. He was wearing jeans and a black shirt. His hair had been brushed back.I felt my throat tighten up. He looked gorgeous.

"Hi," he smiled at me.

I smiled back and let him in. He gave me the flowers and I closed the door.

"You look.." what do I say? Can you tell a guy he looks gorgeous? "Good. You look good."

Zeke smirked at me, "Thanks. You look beautiful. You always do."

I blushed, "Not as good as when Poppy dresses me up but she's a master. What are the flowers for?"

Zeke laughed, "You look more like Tar when you dress yourself up. The flowers are for you. A gift before we leave for our date."

"A date?" I poured some water into a vase and put the flowers in.

"Yup. Are you ready to go?"

"One last thing," I lifted my leg slightly and wiggled my toes at him. "Do I have to wear heels?"

Zeke laughed again, "Nope."

I moved over to him and kissed him on the lips, "I knew there was a reason I loved you,Zeke Sullivan."



I opened the car door and helped Tar out. She had opted for black boots and she looked beautiful. I could barely take my eyes off her. The dress she wore showed off her figure and her hair fell in soft curls.

"Ready?" I asked.

She smiled at me, "Sure."

I took her hand and we walked up a small path. I had driven us to a neighbouring city and there was a tavern that served brilliant food. My Dad and I had found it one day and it was still a secret to most people.

We walked into the room. There was a fire burning and big thick wooden tables and chairs dotted around. There was a small bar to the right where a couple of people were sipping beers but otherwise it was just Tar and I.

"This place is beautiful!" Tar said as we sat down. She looked down at the menu on the table.

We ordered a couple of beers and steaks. Tar and I spoke about everything and anything. She was so enthusiastic about her art, it made me love her more.

"Liam told me that I might get to do some shows in America too!" Tar exclaimed. She reached out and squeezed my hand.

I smiled back as my stomach sank, "That's brilliant Tar!"

She sipped her beer and raised an eyebrow at me, "So,what do you think?"

"About what?" I asked.

"Coming to America with me, if I get invited. It's ok if you say no, I understand how important your sport studies are but I want you to know that I'm always going to be your girlfriend, no matter where I am."

I looked at her with my bottle halfway to my lips. How had she known I was worrying about that?

The waiter brought us out steaks and a folk band started up in the corner. The lights dimmed, Tar smiled at me and squeezed my fingers again.

"Seriously Zeke. It doesn't matter where I am. I'm yours."

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