Brick Girl [Completed]

By niccieff

2.4K 106 101

Tara leads a painful and solitary life. Abused by her mum and bullied by others. All she has is her best frie... More

Brick Girl
The girl with no name
Slice of heaven
Tripped on air
Waddle like a duck
Pretty boy
If something is too good to be true...
I live for danger
Lighter than Air
Bruised Banana
I'm no good for you
I needed him
I promise I'll wait
Day at the beach
Not going anywhere
Time to tell the truth
Where you go, I go
Dizzy New Heights
Time to say goodbye
Winter term
Much better
Date Night
Christmas Eve
How to say goodbye
Time flies
Girl at the Art Show
Bones to Liquid
What were they feeding you?
Feels like home
Dont push me away
The Hero dies in this one
Four months


70 1 0
By niccieff


I dressed in jeans and a jumper then climbed into the car beside Zeke. He had a small secretive smile.

"You're not going to tell me where we are going are you?"

"Nope!" His grin grew wider.

I groaned. He laughed, started the car and pulled away.

We drove for a couple of hours, listened to music and joked around. It was nice feeling this easy with someone and part of me still can't believe that it's Zeke.

We headed North and I slept for a while whilst Zeke sang softly along with Ben Howard. I woke up when we started to bump along a rocky road.

"Still not telling?" I asked.

Zeke shook his head in response. I looked out the window and admired the view. The mountains were breathtaking and there was big clumps of heather along the roadside.

Zeke turned up a small lane and nestled amongst the forest was a small cottage. It had patches of moss and ivy crawling up to the roof. There was a thick thatch roof and smoke billowed cheerily out of the chimney. I rolled the window down and breathed in deeply. A rich peaty smoke smell invaded my nostrils. It was lovely.

Zeke parked the car alongside the cottage and looked at me expectantly.

"Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful!

"Good, this is where we are staying for the weekend."

I squeaked and Zeke laughed. He opened his door, walked round and opened mine.

"Birthday girl," he said in a mock serious tone.

I chuckled and took his hand. We walked up to the door and Zeke fished the key out his pocket. He opened the door and lifted me up over the doorway into a big living room and kitchen.

I laughed as he carried me over to the sofa and sat me down.

"That was quite an entrance!" I joked looking around me.

The room was painted a dark red and cream. Heat was radiating from the small wood burner and there was checked throws all over the seats. I kicked off my shoes and walked across the wooden floor towards the full length glass doors at the back of the cottage. They pulled back onto wooden decking where there was a hot tub and view of the forest and mountains. It was breathtaking and Zeke had done all of it for me.

I felt his arms slip around my waist and I leaned back against his chest.

"Is it ok?" He whispered in my ear.

"I can't believe you did this for me. I love it and I love you." I turned and kissed him.

"I love you too," he murmured. He rested his forehead against mine with his eyes closed. I wondered what he was thinking. He let go and walked to the small kitchen, opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of champagne.

"Drink? Hot tub?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

"Yes please," I stopped. I hadn't packed anything.

"Your bag is upstairs in the bedroom, Poppy packed it."

"You thought of everything!" I climbed up the wooden stairs and looked around. There was a bathroom to the left and to the right, I opened the door and gasped. A huge bed facing opposite full length glass doors that showed the same spectacular view as downstairs. The room was painted in a soft duck egg blue and there was small fairy lights wrapped around the bed frame.

I opened my bag and saw what Poppy had packed. Oh hell.



The company who owned the cottage had done a great job.The fridge was packed with food and drink, the woodburner had been lit with plenty of firewood and they had the hot tub already warmed up.

I opened a door behind the kitchen and brought out another surprise for Tar. I'd asked them to bring an easel and canvas. I'd sneaked her art supplies into the boot of the car earlier in the morning.

I put the easel out onto the decking when I heard Tar coming down the stairs. She peeked over the bannister and I noticed her cheeks were red. She had pulled her hair back into a bun.

"Did you see what Poppy had packed?" She asked.

"No, I gave her a list and let her go for it. Why?" I said with a sinking feeling in my stomach. What had she done?

Tar sighed and she walked down the rest of the stairs and stood at the bottom in a bikini. She fidgeted slightly.

My jaw dropped. Holy shit,she looks amazing. Tar was dressed in a 1950s style bikini with red and white stripes. Her curves looked great, she looked great..I...

I tried to rein my thoughts back in.

"I look ridiculous!" She said sadly. "I've never worn a bikini before. Poppy must have bought this for me."

I walked over to her quickly and held her arms. She looked up at me, her grey eyes full of dismay. Her blush deepened. I could see all the freckles over her nose.

"Tar, you wouldn't look ridiculous even if Poppy had packed you a bin bag to wear. You look gorgeous." I moved my hand down her side, across her soft skin and felt her shiver. I swallowed and moved away.

"Would you like to wear my jumper until we go into the hot tub?"

Tar looked at me,confused, and then nodded. I shrugged off my jumper and she put it on. It stopped just on her thighs and she smiled at me.


I tore my eyes off her legs and reaching out, took her hand. I led her out to the decking and smiled as she saw her art supplies and the easel.

"Zeke!" She said with amazement in her voice.

"I thought you might like to do some drawing?"

She nodded and I noticed her fingers twitching.

"Why don't you do some just now whilst I check the tub and get some food ready?" I asked but Tar was already gone. She picked up the charcoal and started to sketch quickly. I could see shapes forming, the trees and the mountains. She was really good.

I went upstairs and changed quickly. I found what I was looking for in my bag and tucked it into my shorts pocket. I went back downstairs to see Tar hadn't moved. I grinned and got the food together. I'd ordered all her favourite foods; cheese, olives, strawberries, chocolate and bread. I laid it out on a wooden platter,stoked the woodburner and lit candles around the hot tub.

"Tar? It's all ready."

She jumped, "God sorry I was miles away!"

I laughed as she tucked my jumper down.

"It's alright, it's nice to see you work." I turned the easel away from me so I couldn't see what she'd done. I knew she liked to wait until it was finished. She smiled at me shyly then I saw her eyes widen as she took in the food and the candles.

"This is so sweet!"

I took off my tshirt and tugged her jumper.

"Hot tub?"

She nodded, "I've never been in a hot tub before, I'm looking forward to it." She pulled my jumper off and I took her body in again. She seemed a bit more at ease now. She stepped into the tub and smiled.

"I love this!" She grinned.

I handed her a glass of champagne and took her present out my pocket. I tucked it underneath the jumper and then climbed into the tub next to Tar.

We clinked our glasses and took a sip. Tar moved closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. It was peaceful, it was starting to get dark and we could see the sunset over the trees. Tar sighed contentedly. I kissed the top of her head.


"Very," she smiled up at me. "I haven't had anyone do anything for my birthday in a long time."

She ran her hand up and down her arm absentmindedly. Her grey eyes darkened as she drifted away into her own thoughts. I kissed the top of her head again. She started slightly then smiled up at me again. I would never get tired of that smile or the way it makes me feel.

I pulled her closer and kissed her again. She moved and wrapped her arms around my neck. I slid my hands up her back and gripped her tight. We kept kissing and I felt myself getting carried away. The way she was pressed up against me was driving me crazy. I stopped kissing her and smiled awkwardly. I wasn't going to force her into doing anything. I didn't want the way I was feeling to influence her.

Tar looked puzzled, "Are you ok?"

"Yup, better than ok." I smiled at her.

She chewed her bottom lip nervously then moved away.

"So,food?" I said and climbed out the tub. She followed and wrapped a towel around her. She opened her mouth to say something then closed it again.

"What's going on Zeke?" She asked bluntly.

I stopped, "Nothing is going on. What do you mean?"

Tar scoffed, "You know what I mean. Anytime we kiss,you stop and I don't know why. Have I done something wrong?"

"No! Of course not!" I felt myself blush, shit, I didn't think she'd noticed.

"Well something's up. So come on," Tar said stubbornly with her hands on her hips. She looked cute as hell which I was pretty sure she wasn't going for.

"Nothing, it's nothing. Honestly." I pulled her towards me and kissed her. "You're cute when you're angry."

Tar humphed, "That's not what I was going for. I was going to scare you into talking."

I burst out laughing at that thought. Tar's lips twitched and soon she was laughing too.

"Come on, let's eat."



We spent the rest of the evening talking and eating. Zeke would occasionally put another log in the woodburner but other than that we spent our time sprawled on the sofa. Zeke on one end and me lying down with my legs over his. He would rub my calves and it felt amazing.

All the food and mountain air was starting to effect me and soon I was yawning. Zeke pulled me up off the sofa and pushed me up the stairs.

"I'll tidy up, I'll be there in a minute."

I had a quick shower and searched in my bag for the vest and shorts I wear to bed. They weren't there. As I searched again I thought of Zeke, I don't know why he was pulling away when we got close. I loved him, he said he loved me. I realised as I pulled things out my bag that I wanted to sleep with him. I wanted him to be my first but maybe he didn't want to sleep with me?

I spotted a small green bag at the bottom and opened it, there was a note from Poppy.

Sweet dreams ;) Poppy xx

'Sweet dreams'? I looked in the bag and groaned. I was going to kill her.


I took a big swallow of beer from the bottle I'd carried upstairs with me. Ok I can do this.
No I can't.
Yes I can.
Nope, nope,nope.

Zeke tapped on the bathroom door, "You ok babe?"

No I'm not, I'm freaking out in case you scream and run to the hills.

"Yeah, be there in a minute!" I said in a high pitch.

I heard Zeke walk into the bedroom and I took a big breath. I can do this. It's just Zeke. The boy that I'm madly in love with and who looks like a God.

I looked in the mirror. My hair was loose and hung in messy curls. Poppy had packed a small thin black vest and pants set. It was really revealing. I'm pretty sure Poppy hadn't wanted me to do any sleeping in it.

Ok Tar, let's do this.

I opened the door and walked into the bedroom. Zeke had his back to me and was taking his jumper off. I saw all the muscles in his back and I felt my knees go weak.

Nope, I can't do this. I turned and clattered into the door. Shit.

"Tar?" Zeke turned and stared at me.

"I know, I know. It's Poppy again. She didn't pack any of my normal clothes. I'm so sorry. I look ridiculous. If I could borrow one of your tshirts?"

"No." His voice was hoarse.


He walked up to me and kissed me hard. I could feel the lust in it.

"No. You look fucking incredible."

I blushed and he moved my hair to kiss down the side of my neck. It was electric. He bit my neck softly and I closed my eyes. He pulled away and looked at me. His eyes were dark. "Sorry. I.. I shouldn't have.."

I pulled him closer and kissed him again.

"Zeke, I love you and I'm ready."

He stared at me, I saw the flecks of green I loved. He swallowed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I said with utter conviction. I loved him.

He brought his face close to mine, "I love you, Tar."

I kissed him and ran my hands through his hair. He gripped my waist tightly and moved me onto the bed. He trailed kisses down my neck and onto my breasts. Zeke slid the straps down of my vest off my shoulders and I pulled it up and over my head. His hands cupped my breasts and it felt like lightening bolts. I moaned and ran my hands down his stomach.I trailed my fingers along it and he whispered in my ear, "You're amazing."

Zeke stood up quickly, pulled his shorts down and lay next to me. He ran his hand down my stomach to the top of my pants. I arched my back as he kissed me again. Zeke slipped my pants down and he kissed me again. He moved over me with his weight resting on his arms.

"Are you sure?" He asked softly.

I nodded. We kissed again and I felt Zeke shift slightly. He looked at me as he moved and I felt a short jolt of discomfort.

He stopped, "Are you ok?"

"Yes." I whispered. He bent his head down and kissed my neck. He moved gently, my hips moving with his. It was as if they were always meant to.

Zeke continued to kiss me, I felt the heat rise as the feeling of electricity intensified. He moved faster and each time felt closer. I burrowed my face in his neck.

I said his name softly, "Zeke, don't stop."

He groaned and quickened. I felt myself letting go and at the same time, Zeke looked in my eyes and it was the first time I felt like light.

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