Another Time, Another Place (...

By anonymous_1698

229K 8.6K 2.4K

During the fight to the death between Supergirl and Queen Rhea of Daxam, something happens that sends everyth... More

Part 1: Black Hole
Part 2: Weird Dreams
Part 3: Something Familiar
Part 4: First Day High
Part 5: The Adventures of Kara Danvers
Part 6: Thinking Straight
Part 7: Alex and the Doughnuts
Part 8: Bottled Up
Part 9: The Surprise
Part 10: Miss Bright Side
Part 11: Tangled
Part 12: Dance Off
Part 13: Weird Dreams 2.0
Part 14: Sparks Fly
Part 15: Chances
Part 16: Oh Brother
Part 17: Oh Sister
Part 18: Homecoming Jitterbugs
Part 19: Too Busy To Think
Part 20: Brain Stuff
Part 21: This Is It
Part 22: Unbeknownst...
Part 23: From McFuzzy To Chester
Part 24: Untitled
Part 25: Super meets Bat
Part 26: Up
Part 27: Rusty and Buffy
Part 28: Sing And Dance
Part 29: You Pick Me Up
Part 30: Stubborn
Part 31: Cordova St.
Part 32: Red Caped Blur
Part 33: Rescue
Part 34: Mommy Issues
Part 35: Pushing Luck
Part 36: Things To Consider
Part 37: The Doe In Headlights
Part 38: Keeping Up With The Luthors
Part 39: What Matters Most
Part 40: 'Normal Girls'
Part 41: 'Lexie'
Part 42 : Escape
Part 43: Blue Moon And Heights
Part 44: Suitcase
Part 45: Prison
Part 46: Together
Part 47: Operation Cadmus
Part 48: Potterhead
Part 49: Not Too Good At Goodbye
Part 50: Sad Song
Part 51: Addicted To You
Part 52: Its Real Yo!
Part 53: Hoodie
Part 54: Blurry Tunnel Vision
Part 55: The Princess, The Prince, Or The Bastard
Part 56: New Drug
Part 57: Hysterical Shock
Part 58: Home
Part 59: S***** Mess
Part 61: Black Hole 2.0

Part 60: Batgirl v Supergirl: Dawn of Another Reality

2.6K 97 55
By anonymous_1698

Kara's pov

Mom is furious.

And she's still fuming like a steam engine train as she talked to Lillian inside the police chief inspectors office at the presence of a bunch of cops. I didn't tell her before and asked Alex to keep it a secret. Until I've decided to come back home to her, she had no knowledge of me being taken by Lillian.

When I told her earlier what really happened, she was seething with anger she almost went raging at the Luthor's front door. I was able to stop her, but I wasn't able to stop her from going to the cops and had me reporting the incident.

I was asked to wait outside after I've given detailed statement of what has been done to me. After this confrontation, I have no clue of what's gonna happen next. But the more important thing here is that I don't have secrets anymore to keep, I don't have to hide.

But I still don't feel any good. I haven't seen Lena in a long while. Choosing to stay away from her was the worst decision I ever made and I regret it so much. The anticipation of seeing her again is giving me the entire rowdy zoo in my stomach instead of just a thousand butterflies. Not that I'm purposefully quoting that song, but it feels just like it.

I can't sit still and wait, having my attention fixed on the people arguing behind that glass window of the inspector's office. I rose from my seat and started pacing. I hope things will be okay and not escalate any further. Because I don't think I can handle any more crazy outbreaks in my life like getting kidnapped or tangled up with mobster feuds. It's just too much to---

I froze at the sight that was coming in through the glass doors of cop central. With her raven hair down blown by the gentle wind, her face expressionless but ever gorgeous nonetheless, the busy-bee bustling world around me seemed to have slowed all of its motion.

I instantly felt the familiar jumping, skipping beat in my heart every time she enters the room, the usual jelly like feeling in my knees and that almost unbearable ache to reach for her hand, pull her close and kiss her like it's the end of the world. She didn't notice me in the room full of cops and criminals in handcuffs alike. But I did notice her the millisecond she stepped in, taking that precious chance to marvel at her flawless beauty.

She looked around, probably searching for me since I asked to meet up here, and I just stood there like an idiot with my hands tucked in the back pockets of my ripped skinny jeans, my eyes completely glued to her. She craned her swan like neck scanning the crowd until her magnificent emerald green eyes found the blue pair of iris that is mine.

That exact same moment our eyes met halfway across a crowded smelly room, everything else began to fade. The movement around us and the noise in the air became dull as she walked towards me. Everything else turned black and white, and Lena and I are the only colors of the rainbow that shined through all this madness.

As she stepped closer and closer, our gazes locked and so inseparable, my heart thundered and pounded like a sledgehammer smashing the walls in my chest. The temperature has risen to a degree that could've scorched me and made me burn with want. Want to grab her and kiss her and...

"Ouch!!" The pain was sharp and sudden it snapped me out of my daydream.

"What the heck, Kara!!" Lena said after she slapped my arm. Boy, she looked so damn hot when she's mad, "You've been gone for three weeks with no calls or texts or anything at all and you have the nerve to stare at me like that!!"


"Don't baby me!... explain!" She crossed her arms and arched her left eye brow as her piercing eyes turned a darker shade of green.

I don't know exactly how I feel tingles all over me in this situation, but she looked so damn sexy. Must be those fiery eyes lasering through my soul.

Damn those green eyes...

"Uhm... erm... w-well, you see... aah... Lena, baby,"

Where do I begin? I can almost feel all my brain cells fumble clumsily for words to speak and just tell her. And Lena staring at me like this, like she's undressing me furiously and about to swallow me whole, doesn't really help me come up with a coherent, comprehensible sentence.

She didn't say anything else. She just stared at me like that. Had I been an ice cream, I would have melted already in a puddle with that stare.

"H-how have you been? I-i mean, how's your..." I shook my head, trying so hard to gather myself, "I mean to say... I'm sorry..."

The color change in her eyes easily made my insides flutter aimlessly. From a darker shade of green, it changed into something subtle and clearer hue. I'm not sure what emotion it tells me, but I am hopeful its something other than anger, though Lena still remained quiet.

I can't stop myself anymore. Impukse took over me and I reached for her hand, pulled her to me. I hugged her, holding her tight as though I am desperately holding out for dear life. I inhaled the sweet strawberry-like scent of her hair, and I have never been so high in my life.

I felt her arms slowly wrap around my waist, gently returning my embrace. I felt her breathe in between my neck and shoulder, still not saying a word. But then, there's not enough words to describe how great I feel in her arms.

We stayed like that until a dog barked at us. We both looked to see Maggie tugging the leash of her oversized pet, snickering at us,"Hey... 'sup Danvers, what trouble you got this time?"

We both know why I'm here. I'm a little surprised she didn't tell Lena what her mother really did, guess Maggie's good at keeping her words.

"Well..." I grinned like a moron, unsure of how to react.

"You two are crazy ass idiots," Maggie shook her head as she sat on the chair, "Spill already Danvers..."

I looked at Lena, gauging her mood now, and all I saw was her expectant gorgeous face, still waiting for my piece to be laid out for her. I felt her hand gently press my palm, pulling me to a chair, encouraging and willing me to speak out.

And there, as the grown ups exchanged words in the other room, I sat myself next to Lena and began to tell her the entire truth.


Lena's pov

I don't think I understand.

I know mom is capable of doing many things, very well connected with important people. I know she doesn't like Kara, and never approved of her like ever. I know she'd do anything to get her way with everything she wants.

But, never I would have thought she would do something so cruel.

Kara wouldn't lie about something grave like this. Accuse my mom of something so horrible. I just can't believe it, I just can't accept it. I don't think I can see what a crook my mother had turn out to be.

I looked up to her. I heeded most of her advice. I followed after her example as much as I followed dad's. I respected her.

But from what Kara just told me, the person she's talking about isn't the mother I know who raised me. I honestly do not know what to make sense of any of this.

I don't understand my life anymore...

"Lena..." Kara said.

I searched her eyes for any hint of lie as she explained to me everything and I found nothing. I remained silent the whole time. Mostly because I just want to enjoy the real life picture of her face that I have missed so damn much I almost covered my entire room with sketches of her, but also I just have nothing to say really out of shame and confusion.

"Lena... I'm really sorry," she reached for my hands, stopping my fidgeting thumbs I didn't realize I had been doing.

"I'm just gonna go walk my fluff... I mean buff... Buffy," Maggie said as she left pulling Buffy's leash, probably feeling uncomfortable with the silence growing in the air.

Kara and I were left alone in a crowded room, bustling with police officers and felons and other people who's got police business to do around. I still didn't say anything while Kara gently massaged my palm, her soft baby blue eyes intently looking deep into mine.

We remained like that, holding each other's gaze, until someone approached us and called out my name.


I looked over to see Barbara holding a box, very much surprised to see me, "Are you okay? What happened? Why are you here?"

She asked, concern very much evident on her face. She's been nice lately, friendly in fact. Something she wasn't really like before because she used to just ignore me. But she'd been visiting me in the hospital during my recovery, being thoughtful and kind. She's been helping me out with some school stuff even though technically I don't go to Kentwood High anymore.

"I'm fine... Just here to..." I glanced at Kara, who by the way slightly tightened her grasp in my hand, her eyes now looking somewhere else blankly, "... settle some stuff,"

"Oh... Okay... yeah, right... the shooting. How are you now? Does your stitches still hurt? Did you go back to Baxter Academy already?"

"I'm fine, Barbara, really thanks... and uhm no... I told Mom I want to go back to Kentwood High, so yeah... I'll be back in the same school as you after the break... Uhm, what are you doing here?"

"Oh... I just showed my dad my little science project. His office is upstairs, I just came down from there," Barbara said then moved closer and sat right across from me and Kara, "I call it a transporter version 727, it's still in its early stages of development, but it works basic functions really... Hello, Lara!"

"It's Kara, you little ---" Kara grumbled and I just knew she's about to say something offensive so I held her hand a firmly in the off chance she'll calm down, making her look at me in disbelief.

"Oh... okay, I really didn't catch your name before," Barbara smirked then turned to me with full on flashing smile, "Hey Lena, maybe you can help me figure out some more quirks on this device,"

I could actually feel Kara tense next to me, not only because we're holding hands, but mostly because her silence speaks louder with her eyes turning icy blue looking dagger sharp at Barbara.

"What exactly does it do, really?" I turned to the girl in front of us, trying not to be rude, slightly curious at her 'little science project'.

"Basically, it's a teleportation device where it can move things from one side of the room to the other, but only small things. Like for example, this pencil,"

Barbara went full on demonstration mode with her device, which she now pulled out of it's box. It looks like a tube, about ten inches in length with metal plates on either side. She placed the pencil on one plate, and a counter weight on the other. She then punched in buttons that was in the middle and then a slight electric current wrapped on to the pencil, then it was gone.

"Where did it go?!" I was struck. I am now wondering how Barbara managed to do this, it is amazing.

"There..." She nodded to Kara's lap.

The pencil appeared suddenly, a slight electric current still wrapped around it before it dissipated like thin air upon falling on to Kara. She was amazed as I am, or so I thought.

"What kind of sorcery is this??" Kara said sarcastically.

"It's science... It's the recalibration in the pull of gravity within a controlled environment that---"

"Yeah... save the nerd crap, I know you're just playing tricks,"

Barbara sternly arched her eyebrow at Kara and was about to say something when the door across opened, letting out a sea of voices talking at once. As it turns out it's Kara's mom, my mom, a couple uniformed cops and a bunch of guys in suits. Apparently they're arguing, and they seemed to be unable to have come into terms just yet so they went back in.

Leaving the three of us kids awkwardly quiet.

"That was your mom, Lena... What happened?" Barbara turned to me, putting her device back to its box.

"It's none of your business," Kara beat me to a response, not being subtle with her tone.

"I bet it's none of yours either, Lara," Barbara retorted, "and I wasn't even talking to you,"

"It's Kara! You tw---"

"Okay! You two be nice... We're in a police station, might as well behave ourselves appropriately,"

I'm not sure how the tension between Kara and Barbara escalated this fast, but I'm sure to try my best to come up with ways on diffusing this very uncomfortable situation. They are now both staring sharp at each other, sharp enough to slice coconuts in half so easily, with their jaws clenched hard.

"Uhm... I think I'm a little bit thirsty, how about we grab something to drink," I offered, trying to catch Kara's attention, "See you around, Barbara... Good job on your project,"

I stood up pulling Kara with me, and took her to the nearby vending machine.

"Babe... Do you want some soda? Juice? Iced tea? Water?... Babe? You okay?" I asked Kara who seemed to be really pissed off right now.

"Are you mad at me?" She replied with question that I don't know where exactly came from.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"You haven't said anything since I told you what your mom did... then when Barber showed up out of nowhere, you started talking,"

Now, I feel guilty. I should have said something, but I just don't know what. I was too shaken to hear that my mother is capable of kidnapping, harassment and blackmail.

"I was just trying to be nice. She was really kind to me when I was still in the hospital and even when I got discharged, she remained being nice to me,"

"I'm sorry if I wasn't there for you at that time... I guess I really feel bad by not being there when you need someone the most... and lucky Barber over there got that chance,"

I can't help myself smile at her antic, she's really being cute right now, "Do I hear a tinge of jealousy in there?... You're deliberately altering Barbara's name,"

"Jealous?! Pfft! What jealous??" She scoffed, "what are you talking about? I'm not jealous... Nope,"

"Uh-huh... Sure, babe," I said handing her a can of soda, "I got something for you by the way, it's in my car,"

"Really?! Wow... If I get to have presents from you, maybe I should act jealous every time..."

"So... you were jealous??" I teased her that made her go all red.

"Shut up... Let's go see what you got for me,"

Now, she's the one pulling me excitedly. I've really been meaning to give it to her, a framed sketch of her face that day I saw her by her window. She was playing her guitar and had her headphones on her ears, she really looked beautiful and at peace with her music I wasn't able to stop myself from drawing her. When I finished it, I decided to have it framed and give it to her as a present.

Taking in to consideration of everything that's happened, no one can really tell what's really ahead of us. No one can tell for sure how many chances a person has in life. So, while I still have these chances, I will do the best I can to show Kara how much she means to me.

Because if there is something certain in life, it isn't future. Things can change in a snap or blink of an eye...

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