Writing Our Story (Complete)

By Monsi_Salcedo

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Demi Lovato & Harry Styles Demi Lovato moves into a new town after the death of her mother. Her dad wanting... More

Writing Our Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Thank You
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Fun Facts on Writing Our Story

Chapter 29

69 6 2
By Monsi_Salcedo

Demi walk to the yard as the dark sky was taking over. Demi look up to the sky as there was clouds covering the moon, giving it a ghost feeling. There was barely any stars in the night sky which disappoint her a bit. Taking a breath in as she feel her nose sending chills to her whole body as she breath in the cold air. Taking her eyes away from the dark sky as she look around the backyard. Perrie's parents had place Christmas lights on the trees which gave a lot of light to the place. The tables where they had place the food had paper plates and napkins that had jack-o-lanterns or spider weds background. There was so many snacks all around the two large tables. Demi's favorites were cookies that was shape as a black cats or pumpkins. They had also wrap medium sizes bags on their trees that had candy inside them. While all of the tables were all location around the big yard. She wonders if they would play any games or just dance the night away. Rubbing her hands against her arms as she look to the night sky. Feeling a large hand on her lower back as she look to her left seeing Liam.

"Are you cold ? Do you want me to go get you a jacket?"

Liam said as Demi could see the worry in his brown eyes. Smiling at him as she told him that she was fine.
Liam smile at her as he took a look around the yard. Taking a deep breath before letting out a low whistle.

"This places looks amazing. Thankfully Perrie's parents have a big backyard."

Liam said as his eyes return to Demi's. The only thing Demi could do was agree with him. Hearing Perrie's heels clicking as she made her way to them. She had a big smile on that beautiful face of hers. Her hands were holding the skirt of her dress.

"I'm so excited for tonight."

Demi giggle at her friend as she turn her to see Niall look eyeing the food. He was slowly picking up a few snacks pretending nobody saw him. Perrie and Liam look over and also giggle.

"Does he not eat at home ? "

Demi ask as she turn to her friends.
Liam smile at his crush as he only told her a bit of information on Niall.

"He does eat at his house. There's an angle in this stomach that eats all of the food, that why he sings like one."

Liam said as Demi let out an aww. How badly he wanted to put his arm around her and pretend that she's his for one night. What Demi did next was unexpected to him. She wrap her arms around his own as she gave it a light squeeze.

"You're so sweet. You'll make a girl so happy some day."

Demi said as she look up at her friend.
If only that girl could be you.

Liam thought to himself as he really didn't know what to do. He felt as Demi's hand ran through his arm all the way to his hand, which she hold. They felt so little compared to his own. He could feel the soft material of the gloves she was wearing. Debating rather or not telling her about the his crush but until he can get rid of Styles. The best thing he can do now is to be her friend.
How little did he know about their relationship. It piss him off so much but soon that would change, as he hope.
Demi turn around as she heard her name being called. Letting go of Liam's hand as she saw her dad calling her. Walking to him as she could see Blake behind him as her exciting die a little bit. Biting her bottom lip as she did when she was nervous. Not wanting to be rude she said hi to Blake as she look at the costume she had on.
It look like she was a flapper girl for the 1920s. Her hair had a few waves but was kept in a bob shape. Her dress was gold with a lot of fringe with a matching headband. Her heels were small they had a strap to keep them in place. She had a long bead necklaces that she made a knot into it to give it a form. Both of her eyes and lips were bold as she paired it with a red lip and dark eye shadow.
Demi smile at her as she thought she look pretty.
They gave each other a quick hi before heading to the backyard. Demi felt uncomfortable and excuse herself to find her friends. Holding her dress as she started to walk around the guess. Demi's head would move between side to side as she finally saw them by the tree. Making her way to them as she had a smile on her face as the uncomfortable feeling quickly vanish.

"I'm back guys."

Demi said as Perrie hug her as they started to discuss that the place look better now that the lights were on and it was dark. They would dance to Perrie's playlist that she had pick for the party. Which was a mixture of many types of music. They would dance in a group and every so often they would dance in pair. Niall couldn't help but spend a lot of time in the snack tables. The girls giggle at him when he got whip cream on his nose. Liam just shook his head as he disapprove of his best friend.

"Niall, you look like a five year old that barely getting into sweets."

Liam said as he had his arm cross against his chest. Niall gave him a mean look as he stuck his tongue out.  The girls laugh at their boys, Liam look over at Demi feeling proud that he made her laugh.

"Shut up, Payno. You don't know what fun is."

Liam roll his eyes at his friend but immediately smile afterwards. They played a few games that Perrie's parents set up. They did the most they could entertained themselves for a two hours. Yet they felt bored as they were the only teenagers there.
Perrie got an idea to head to her room to watch a movie. They all agree at they started to head to her room. Liam help Demi walking up the stairs as he didn't want her to fall and make a bruise on her cute face. Perrie open her door as she told then other to pick a movie while she set up the DVD player. Lucky Perrie's room was actually quite big as she had a lot of space between her bed and the dresser that had the TV on. They made their way to as they all knew that they wanted a horror movie. Liam pick a movie that would only set tonight. Showing Demi and Niall as they both agreed. Liam took off the DVD box before placing it on the DVD player. Perrie press play as she quickly skip all of the commercials.
Niall and Liam grab all of the four pillows Perrie had on her bed as they brought it in front of the bed. Demi grab a big blanket that Perrie had in her closet as she sat down next to the boys on the floor. Liam gave Demi a pillow as she place it on her back so the wood of the bedframe wouldn't hurt her.
Perrie hurt off the lights of the room as she un-pause the  movie.

It started at a front door of a white house before the camera move to a window on the side. There you could see a teenage couple kissing on the couch with the TV light illuminating them. They headed to the upstairs room as the camera move to the back door that would lead into the kitchen. They watch as the person pick up a knife before heading to the dinning table. He slowly move through the house as he watch the boyfriend come down the stairs and leave the house. He continue to head up stairs that was dark as night as only one light would help him see. Turning around as he pick up a clown mask before putting it on. He continue to walk down the hallway that would lead to the girl's bedroom. Once he enter you could see a clothes scatters on the floor before moving deeper into the room. After he enter a small room you could see the naked girl brushing her hair as she look at herself in the mirror. He got closer as he look at the messy room. The girl turn around as you could hear her say Michael in a high pitch voice. He then quickly started to stab her with the knife as the girl scream in pain. You could hear the girl slowly losing breath as he left the room. He quickly walk down the steps heading to the front door as heard his parents car approaching. They got out of the door as his father called his name before taking off the clown mask off of him.

Showing a six year old Michael as the camera started to leave Michael and his parents.

Throughout two hours they would scream or cover their eyes. At one point Demi was hiding her face on Liam's chest as he couldn't help but blush. Looking over at Niall who was giving him thumbs up as Perrie was just hugging a pillow very tightly. Liam started to rub Demi's arm as he whisper into her ear.

"Relax. It's only a movie."

He could feel that she relax a bit but kept her head on his chest. He wouldn't mind if she stay like that throughout the movie. Liam could feel as she breath in as his arm is still around her. His hand was between the little skin she had expose and the long yellow gloves. He could smell her shampoo that smell like tropical fruit. Once the movie was over Demi and Liam were the only ones up as Niall and Perrie doze off the last 30 minutes. Liam look over at them as he look at Demi as he tilted his head to the door. Suggesting to leave the room while they slept. They made their way out of Perrie's as they made little to no noise. Demi close the door as she felt tired of the high heel that was killing her feet. Placing her hand on the wall as she quickly took off her shoes. Liam turn around as he look at her with a smile on his face. Turning around as he could see the small balcony that was outside of Perrie's room. Once Demi was standing up straight she walk closer to him.

"Come on let's go to the balcony. We could play some music there."

Liam suggested as he open the door. He let Demi walk in first as she took a look at the place.

A smile made a way to Demi's face as she took a seat to the far one to the door. Fixing her dress as Liam took a seat next to her. He took out his phone as he pick a random song from his play list. Placing the phone on the table as he put it face down as he didn't want to get distracted. Well even more distracted as he couldn't keep focus with somebody so beautiful in front of him. He watch as she look at the night sky that was filled with many starts. Licking his dry lips as he thought that this could be the only chance to tell her how he feels. Regardless of her mystery relationship with their teacher. He would tell her tonight. Just the thought of her rejecting him breaks his heart. Scratching the back of his head as Demi haven't notice his nervous behavior. Looking at her as he decided just to start a conversation.

"Demi "

Liam said as Demi's eyes turn to him as she gave him a smile.

"Yeah Liam?"

Playing with his hands as he kept his eyes on her.

"I know we've been friends since you move here. Almost 3 months, yet I feel like I hardly know you. Why don't we use this moment to get to know each other."

Demi agreed as they started to play 20 questions. They would go back and forth and stop every now and then to tell a random story. After 40 minutes Demi was trying to control her laugh as she cover her mouth.

"You were obsessed with Toy Story. Wow. I mean I can't say much. I'm obsessed with Kelly Clarkson."

Demi said as she haven't notice how close their chairs have gotten throughout their long conversation.

"Yeah I was. I think it drove my mom mad. She has pictures of me dress up as Woody."

Liam said as he notice how close they truly were. Demi place her hands on her knees as she slouch making herself closer to him. Their faces were inches away from each other as Liam thought that this was his only chance.

"Demi I need to tell you something."

Liam said in a serious tone which Demi notice. Her smile disappear as she brought her chair closer.

"Is everything fine, Liam? "

Demi reach out to touch Liam's hand which he took. He stare at her hand as he tried to find his guts to actually tell her. Taking a deep breath as he look at her.

"This last few months hanging out with you and the others have been amazing. I never thought I would find a girl that I have so much in common."

Biting his bottom lips as he look up at her eyes as he could tell that she wasn't connecting the dots. Taking a deep breath as he quickly look at the ground before returning to her eyes.

"Every time we hang out I feel different around you. It's an amazing feeling that i've never experienced before. Every time I look into your eyes I could see true beauty within. I know you have a heart of gold and how special it is. It's unbelievable how much we have in common. I really like you Demi."

Demi let out an aw as she tap his hand before replying to him.

"That so sweet Liam. I like you too."

Liam shook his head as he knew that she wasn't understanding him.

"No you don't understand. I like you. Like like you Dems. I've had a crush on you for a couple of months now. I never told you of this one thought."

Liam said as he got much closer to her. They body are touching while their faces were inches apart.

"I really do like you Dems. It's unbelievable how much we have in common. I sometimes feel like your the female version of me. If only you understand what i'm trying to say."

Liam said as he notice how blushing red Demi is. He look down between her eyes and lips as he started to lean in. He would notice that she didn't move. He wasn't sure if she wanted him to kiss her or is frozen from the shock. Yet when he place his lips on her she didn't push him away. They felt soft while the lipstick was slowly making it way to his own. It was just a small peck but he could feel a light spark. Moving his head away from her before he felt her hands on his shoulder. Demi pull him in first another kiss, much to Liam's surprise. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of actually kissing her. Letting go of each other as they look into their eyes before smiling at each other.

Liam pull her closer as he grab her waist as he continued to kiss her. Demi's hands were around his neck, she played with the ends of his hair.
Demi wasn't thinking clearly as she couldn't help but just kiss back. Relation quickly set in as Demi's eyes widen before she push him away. She covered her mouth as she walk away from him. She could see the confusion in Liam's face. The only thought that Demi could think is.....
What did I just do?


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