Perfect In Every Way (SoRiku)...

By Rena_Blanc

72.5K 3K 1.6K

He knew damn well he was attractive. He noticed all the stares he got. He purposely did things that caught ot... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
A/N-Thank you!
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Quick Question
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Extra Chapter (w/ AkuRoku & HaruKei)
Please Read
Update on sequel
hello from the future
Hello, again (announcement: Rewrite)

Chapter 1

4.9K 127 150
By Rena_Blanc

Riku walked into the cafeteria and, as usual, a group of girls surrounded a certain brunet boy.

Sora Akishima was the most popular guy in school. He was rich, which made him a target for attention, and he was also super nice to the girls.

When he hung out with boys, he let his goofy side take over. His real self. That only happened with two guys. The ones he grew up with. Tidus and Wakka.

The only girls he didn't flirt with were Kairi and Selphie. Mainly because Kairi punched him once after he flirted with her. She only liked him as a friend. They were together since they were five.

And Selphie had a crush on Tidus. No one but Sora and Kairi knew. And Riku, since he over heard their conversation. They were talking right in front of him, and ignored him. It was as if he wasn't there.

Riku was always looked down on by Sora and his friends. He got along well with Kairi, and he didn't talk to Selphie. Tidus and Wakka liked to make fun of him when they had the chance.

They weren't what Riku would call bullies though. They were actually pretty childish for being juniors in high school.

Riku had long hair, so they would often pick on him and call him a girl. He didn't even look feminine. Heck, Sora looked more feminine than him.

When Riku spotted Sora, he let out a sigh. It wasn't that he hated Sora, it was just that Sora thought he was perfect. That got on Riku's nerves the most.

But Riku had to admit, the guy wasn't bad looking.

Sora smirked and excused himself from the group. He walked over to Riku's table, and the silver haired boy sent him a glare.

When he reached the table, Sora put his hands on the surface and leaned towards him.

"You're ruining such a pretty face by glaring," was the first thing out of Sora's mouth.

Riku rolled his eyes. He didn't believe anything this guy said, so he certainly wouldn't believe he was being serious.

Then again, others did tell him he was 'hot'.

"Smile a little," Sora told him.

Riku raised an eyebrow. This wasn't what Sora was usually like. Well, with him at least.

"What are you planning on doing, Sora?" Riku asked warily and a bit confused.

Sora pouted.

"Nothing." He sounded offended.

"You're acting strange," Riku said as he took reached for his backpack and took out his lunch.

"No I'm not," Sora said. Then he smiled. "I'm just happy that I got to see you."

Riku shook his head.

"You've hated me ever since I transferred here just because I'm not rich," Riku said with an annoyed look.

Sora rolled his azure eyes.

"You really think that's the reason?" he asked. To Riku, that tone sounded like he was mocking him.

Riku nodded.

"You're wrong," Sora started. "It's because all the attention was going towards you. All the girls looked your way."

"I never noticed that," Riku said. "But I don't care. Go away."

Sora stuck his tongue out. "Fine."

With that, he left. Riku stared at the shorter boy walk back to his fangirls. Sora never acted like this since he got to the school. That was at the beginning of the year, so almost a whole semester.

'What's he planning?' Riku thought skeptically.

After a few minutes, Riku managed to convince himself he didn't care. It had nothing to do with him. After all, he wasn't included in their social class and little group.

Sora and his friends were taught that they were better than 'poor people', and that they should ignore them. That obviously meant that they thought Riku wasn't worth talking to.

Just as the sixteen year old boy finish his lunch, the bell rung. Riku groaned as he realized what class was next.


The subject wasn't bad, in fact, it was one of the only easy classes he had, but the teacher usually lectured. She never thought of anything exciting or fun to do. Only worksheets.

Since he didn't want to go to his class, he stayed back a little bit. Only when he saw the cafeteria almost empty, he stood up. His physics class was near the cafeteria so he didn't need to worry about being late.

He reluctantly picked up his backpack and started to head out to his classroom.

As he passed by an empty classroom, he heard a girl's giggle. Curiously took over Riku, and he looked through the small window on the door.

The people he saw didn't really surprise him. Sora was with Kairi, Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka. His usual group.

They seemed to be writing things down. Maybe they were planning something.

Riku frowned and scolded himself. He didn't care was Sora was up to.

Even if he was a bit interested in the arrogant guy. Riku thought he was a bit of a narcissist too at times.

The warning bell rung, and made Riku jump. He cursed under his breath as he noticed most students gone. He practically ran to his classroom to make it on time.

His teacher was about to close the door, and leave any late students out.

"Mr. Mizukawa, this is the first time you're almost late," she said surprised. "You're usually here right before the warning bell rings."

Riku sighed and shifted his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

The teacher nodded. "Okay, but we're talking after class."

Riku let out a sigh again. What was he going to say?

'I don't like your class. It's boring because you give us too many worksheets. That's why I take my time.'

'Yeah, right. As if she'll let me get away with that,' Riku thought as he walked to his desk in the back.

He had little friends, but none were in this class.

Riku started to play with his pencil. The teacher started to talk about some important project, but Riku wasn't paying attention.

'I'll just ask Roxas about it,' he told himself.

Roxas was one of the very few friends he had. Roxas' boyfriend and sister were also very close friends. Xion was his younger sister, and Axel was his boyfriend.

Roxas was blond, but somehow Xion had jet black hair. There was a huge difference in the color. Axel had spiked up red hair and, more often than not, he had upside down purple tear drops drawn with make up underneath his bright green eyes.

He liked them, but he never considered getting them tattooed. His mother didn't allow it, and he thought it would hurt a lot.

Riku started to doodle on the cream colored desk. He wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, until the teacher passed out worksheets. Like always.

"Mr. Mizukawa, I know you like art, and I know Mr. Akishima is very popular, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't write on the desks," his teacher said while she placed the worksheet on top of his drawing.

When Riku gave her a confused look, she smiled and walked away.


He looked down at his desk again and moved the paper.

Riku let out a groan and put his head over his crossed arms.

He had drawn Sora with that goofy smile he loved. But that was something he would never admit, not even to himself.

'Why am I drawing this idiot?'

Riku sighed and took out an eraser and started to remove the drawing.

When he was done, he took the paper again, only to stare at it.

'Okay, how do I do this?'

He tried looking for his teacher, but she was on her computer typing something.

'Just my luck. I guess I'll have to figure it out,' he told himself and started working.

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