My Heart Belongs To A Footbal...

By Amazon_river

945K 39.3K 17.7K

Gabriel Walters is not gay. He just likes to look at guys. And think about guys. And smile at really hot guys... More

My Heart Belongs To A Football Player (boyxboy)
How do you play American Football?
You have the right build
I don't date gay guys
Suspiciously masculine
Why are you in my head?
It's really quite simple
My new best friend
I'll buy you a Twinkie
We defintely have muscles
The Responsible One
Interesting but not weird
Let's get straight to the point
The best boyfriend ever
Why is it pink?
You can be normal again
We need a plan
Jealous, are we?
You should be happy
A little nervous
We want answers
We're a team
Imagine this is a game
I'm not okay
The End

We need to talk

44K 2K 1K
By Amazon_river

Quent? Oh, it was you all along. Should have realised. WAIT WHAT? Why are you suddenly in my head? Get out!

Quent sighed. This was fairly difficult to do while in someone else's head, but he managed it.

As I think we have both been saying for the last five minutes, I don't know why I'm in your head. If I could get out, I would, but I don't know how to do that anymore than you do. Now, first we need to talk about this, and figure...

"Mr Walters, is there any particular reason why you are still lying on my floor?"

Gabriel looked up slowly to see the American History teacher looming over him in her usual blend of frumpy skirt and pastel cardigan.

"I umm...I fell?" He replied lamely.

"Yes, you did fall. You fell over about five minutes ago. What I want to know is why you didn't get back up again. Am I missing some wonder that you've spotted in the carpet?"

Gabriel blushed slightly and looked around the classroom, to see that everyone in the room was staring at him. He'd been so engrossed in their mind conversation that he hadn't noticed that he never got back up again after he fell.

"Umm, no Miss. Sorry," He said, sloping off back to his seat. He could hear Quent laughing at him in his head.

So, Quent said, inside his head. We need to talk.

No we don't! Exclaimed Gabriel, in Quent's  head.

There is nothing to talk about. In fact, talking is probably the worst thing we could do. It will just lead to more confusion, and more confirmation that this is actually happening. And I don't  need any more conformation.

We can't just ignore it! Quent insisted.

Us not thinking about it will not make it any less real, we have to face this, we can't run away from it forever.

Yes we can! You forget that I am the king of pretending stuff like this isn't happening. Besides, you're pretty good at it too. Unless you're planning on coming out of Narnia anytime soon, I don't think you can talk, Gabriel pouted.

That is totally different! Being gay and in the closet is something that happens to people all the time. Sudden mind reading abilities is not something  that happens to people all the time.

All the more reason to not talk about it. Let's face it, even if we do find out what's causing this, it's almost certainly something horrible or dangerous, and at the moment, I have enough problems as it is. Besides, maybe if we wait long enough it will just go away, said Gabriel hopefully. 

We do need to talk about this. You know we do. You're forgetting that I can see inside your head at the moment. You're just scared. What we are going to do, is we are going to act normal for the rest of the day. Then after school we will meet in Starbucks and talk it over. That is what we are going to do, whether you like it out not.

No we are not, I absolutely am not going to talk about this, and you can't make me. We are just going to ignore this, and there is no way in hell I'm going with you to Starbucks.

Gabriel sat opposite Quent in Starbucks and glared.

"You know I don't like this, right?"

"You've made that very clear. Now, we need to talk. Has there been anything else that has happened to you in the last month that you thought was unusual?"

"What, besides the fact that I can see your thoughts? No. Okay, maybe a few things. But you dragged me here, and so you should have to go first."

"Fine, I'll go first. There are two main things that I've noticed in the last month. The first one is the fact that last week I need my pen, and it slid into my hand."

"Oh yeah, that happened to me too," Gabriel interrupted, "But I just thought I was imagining things."

"And the second thing," Quent continued,

"Is the way I feel. I've thought a lot about how I'm going to say this, so now I'm just going to lay it all out there. You can hate me or say I disgust you if you want, but I need to do this, I won't forgive myself if I don't say it all, no regrets. Now." He looked up at Gabriel with determination in his eyes, then continued.

"I feel really really happy all the time. It freaked me out at first, but now it just feels kind of right, you know? I kept trying to explain it, but then I looked at your face, and it all kind of clicked. I think, no, I know that you are the reason I've been feeling like this, so whole. Before there was always something missing, but now there's not. It was you that was missing. " He looked back at Gabe, desperation in his heated gaze.

Gabriel stared at Quent and thought about what he said. Then his brain decided it was all too much and shut down. The bit that was left just decided to go on instinct, and leaned forwards and kissed Quent.

Everything else melted away. All the depressed businessmen, and the mothers with prams, the rowdy teenagers and the gossiping grandmothers. None of them existed anymore, all that was left was two boys and a kiss that tasted of bliss and coffee. Then it was rudely interrupted.

The person that had come into their private piece of heaven was not exactly old, but not really that young either. She was dressed entirely in pink, and had the aura of someone that never stops smiling even if they were being threatened at gunpoint. She opened her lipstick coated mouth and spoke in an overly excited high pitched voice.

"Oh, I'm just so delighted that you two boys have found each other. And so young too, you're both so ridiculously lucky! I'm so happy for you two, and you don't you just make the cutest couple? I haven't met some gay ones in years, not since those two delightful women from Australia. This is all so exciting!"

"Ummm, excuse me, but who are you?" Quent asked, reluctantly pulling away from Gabe's lips.

"Oh, I'm your coordinator honey, and I'm sure you both have a lot of questions," she said, casually pulling up a chair at their table while Gabe and Quent gaped at her.

"First off, the mind reading. Totally normal for people in your situation, don't worry about it. You should learn to control it soon though, you just need a little practise."

"How did you know about the mind reading? And what is our situation? Who are you anyway, and what do you want?" Quent almost shouted at her.

"Now honey," she said in a soothing tone.

"You need to calm down. I'll answer all your questions soon, but right now I don't have a lot of time. You'll have to figure most of it out on your own. You two should be happier, you are two of the luckiest boys alive! You found each other, what most people only dream of! All of the powers, everything that's happening is because you found each other and were able to physically bond. You were made for each other, you complete each other. You're Soulmates."

When I first looked at how many reads this story had, I expected it to have about four, if I was lucky. I almost had a heart attack. I'm serious. I thought I was reading it wrong or something. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND VOTING AND COMMENTING AND STUFF IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!!

I know this chapter was unbelievably bad and cliché, but can you still vote and comment, please??? As always:


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