Bed Of Lies |Jolinsky|

بواسطة BrooklynWritings

82.6K 3.7K 4.4K

"This is so wrong." "This is the first time I've felt right." Story where Jack Johnson experiences more tha... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Quick Question
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Quick Question
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Check Out My New Book! ( +Serious Update)
New Book (Important News)

Chapter Twenty-Eight

1.6K 66 93
بواسطة BrooklynWritings


Jack J.

"Oh my gosh, shut up. You're so annoying." I said laughing while hitting Christian's shoulder as they took a small break from rehearsal.

It has been three weeks since we had met and we had instantaneously clicked, almost like how Mila and I had. It was nearly weird how fast we had created a friendship given how we had met and the things that were going through my head when we met. However, all that was pushed aside when we really got to have a conversation and I began to see just how cheesy, sarcastic, and down-the-earth he really was.

We had also gotten to know each other a lot better and I now knew he was definitely not gay like I had secretly hoped, but instead in a committed relationship with a pretty red head from New York that he talked fondly about on more than one occasion. The way he talked bout Nayla embodied how I wanted someone to view me in the future. It was truly beautiful.

In three weeks Jack and I had gotten closer as well. Almost as if we were actually friends and it honestly felt good considering I would be on tour with him for the next two months. In the last three weeks it almost felt as if we had disregarded who we actually were, a boss and an employee who had slept together, and replaced it with something way more pleasant. I liked it, despite both us still continuing a flirting situation that I had yet to fully comprehend.

Jack had also gotten familiar with my friendship with his background dancer and I wasn't really sure how he felt about it at this point, not that it really mattered.

"You love me though." He said giving me a cheeky smile, showcasing his perfect white teeth that I envied.

"Eh, that's debatable." I said giving him a straight face and a shrug.

"I bet you wish it was." He replied and before I could reply we were interrupted by another dancer.

"Hey, Christian, we're about to start up again." He informs before walking away to make it to the stage.

"Okay thanks." He said before taking a large gulp of his water, finally doing the one thing they were suppose to be doing during this break. Getting water.

"Try not to stare too hard once I get up there." He did with a smirk spread across his face.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I'll be too busy looking at things more interesting like paint drying or the seats." I said flashing him a smile as he laughs while walking away, telling me how wrong I was for that statement.

For the next two hours, I sat there and watched them rehearse, occasionally talking to Christian or Jack whenever they got a break. Once it was time to go I was extremely thankful because while I loved watching Jack perform, I had watched this countless amounts of times and I couldn't even get up and enjoy it like I was at a real concert without people looking at me like I was crazy.

"You ready, Johnson?" Jack said walking up to me with no shirt on and a white towel wrapped around his neck. His sweats were hanging dangerously low and his hair was a mess on his head, yet he still looked extremely good.

It was almost frustrating being around him after we had sex because I know at one point I had him. At one point, for one night that I can barely remember, he wanted me just as much as I wanted him and I would be lying if I said I didn't have the urges to do it again so that I could remember it better. Him being around me like this made it even more tempting even though I genuinely think that night was a one time deal that happened only because we were both drunk.

"Yea-" I said before clearing my throat that had suddenly became dry, "Yeah, I'm ready."

I started walking towards the exit as Jack followed behind slinging his arm over my shoulder.

While he had created a good friendship in this past week we had also become a lot more touchy in a more natural way.

"You okay Johnson?" Jack said obviously taking notice to my stuttering.

"Yeah, I'm good." I replied not removing the arm that was around me, but letting him move it himself after a little while.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, but Xavier, Mila, Matthew, and Carter are flying in tonight to see my show tomorrow and we might be going out once they get here. Are you down?" Jack said as we got into the car. I already knew they would be here today because Mila had texted me about it yesterday.

"Yeah, I'm down." I said giving him a small smile thinking about seeing Mila. Honestly, Mila and I had become very close before I left for tour with Jack and even then we had kept in touch. I was very excited to see her.

"Cool because you staying in tonight wasn't an option." He said looking at me.

"When do I ever have an option?" I said rolling my eyes as he laughs at my comment. Right then his phone let's off a ring that indicated that he had a text message.

I wasn't intending on being nosey, but I was already looking over there and I just casually didn't look away.

The text read 'Hey babe, I miss you so much' and I almost gagged in disgust.

I watched him type 'I miss you too', but I soon looked away feeling as if I had just invaded his privacy.

Their relationship just really annoyed me. This annoyance was most likely was generated by me being frustrated with myself. If they weren't together I wouldn't feel this much guilt in the back of my mind for sleeping with him.

"So, um, do you know what time they should be arriving?" I asked because I hadn't talked to Mika all day and I didn't know exactly what time they were getting here.

"From what I know they should be here around five, so in about two hours or so. Then, they'll probably rest and we'll go out tonight." He explained seeming pretty excited about going out tonight. Him and I had been hanging out for the last three weeks, but we had avoiding going clubbing so I knew once his friends got here those were most likely the plans.

"So, what will we do in the meantime?" I said turning to look at him now that I knew he was finally off his phone and giving me his undivided attention.

"I don't know, we could eat, watch movies, or something." He suggests, trying to think of things we can do in our hotel.

"I think a movie would be nice." I agreed.

"Movie it is." He said as we arrived at the hotel.

Shortly, we were approaching Jack's room to watch a movie. Although, I did have a room in this city, Chicago, I still managed to spend most of my time in his room. We were always handing out and watching movies that my room only was put to use when I had to take a shower and change.

"I'm going to take a shower and put on something comfortable first. You can go do that too and come back or just stay out here and wait for me." He said.

"Um, I think I'm going to go freshen up real quick and come back." I said taking in consideration the really tight skinny jeans I had on that I wanted to get rid of before the movie starts.

"Okay." He said before entering the bathroom which was my cue to head to my room.

I quickly took a shower and threw on a comfortable shirt and some sweats. Afterwards I made my way back to Jack's room which I had a key to and walked right in.

Jack was still in the bedroom part, probably getting changed so I waited till he came out and gave me the okay to come into the room.

I hard the door that led to Jack's room open before he peered into the room where I was seated on the couch.  

"You know you could have already come into the room." He informed touching his hair that was still slightly wet.

"Well I didn't want to be in there while you were still changing." I replied.

"It's not like you haven't seen it before." He said with a wink causing me to choke on air. He simply laughed at my response and went into the the room for my to follow behind.

It was the small encounters like that, that left me confused. What type of straight, married man who truly regretted what he did with me would, at any chance, bring up the fact that we had sex. I was never the one to initiate the banter, it was always him.

"What are we watching?" I asked, brushing his small comment and following him into the room.

"Well, we can watch Iron Man or Captain America, your choice." He said moving the remote between the two channels that were playing two different superhero movies.

This decision was simple, "Iron Man." I answered and he gave me a smile.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." And here came the inevitable blush that coated my cheeks from him saying he liked me. I knew he didn't mean it in a romantic way, but a little gay boy can dream.

"Yeah, yeah, move over." I said taking a spot on the bed next to him. We were a good distance away from each other to where it didn't look as if we were cuddling each other under the covers, but the situation was still a little awkward. I shook it off and focused in on the movie, as I assume he did the same.

Before I knew it my eyes were closing and I was out like a light.


"Aw isn't my bestie the cutest?" I heard someone say as I rolled over in the soft sheets towards the noise.

"Babe, keep it down, he's sleeping." Another voice said, but it was too late for that. I was definitely up.

"No, he's up. Good morning sunshine." The other voice, that I recognized as Mika's said while rubbing my cheek.

I lifted up from the bed and rubbed my eyes to see Mika and Xavier staring at me, while other voices are heard through the hotel.

"Hey Mila." I said with a smile as she came over to hug me.

"I missed you." She said with a pout squeezing me in our long hug.

"I missed you too, but I can't breath." I said trying to remove myself from the tight hug.

"Sorry." She said sheepishly.

"Hey Xavier." I waved turning my attention to him who greeted me back.

"When did you all get here?" I questioned.

"Just now." Mila answered. "And were going out tonight, no exceptions, so if you still need to rest up do it now."

"I know, I know. Jack already gave me the rundown and I'll be there, although it won't make a difference if I'm there or not." I said rolling my eyes and placing my hand on Jack's soft sheets that were above my body.

"How won't it make a difference?" She questioned.

"Your man will be there." I said pointing to Xavier who gave a small wave. "You'll forget all about me."

"While I cant say that's not true, you will be with me for the majority of the time AND I will help you get a man to keep you company, so there so no excuse for you not to go." She stayed with her hand on her hip.

"Okay." I said outing my hands up as if to surrender and then laying back down.

"Well, I'll leave you to rest. We have to do some testing of our own as well. I'll see you tonight." She said blowing me a kiss before taking Xavier's hand and leaving me in the large room where Jack and I was watching movies.

I could only assume Jack was out there talking to Carter and Matthew. Normally, I would go and greet them, but right now I was tired with at least two more hours to spare before I had to get dressed to go out tonight. Therefore, I closed my eyes and allowed myself back into deep slumber.


"Johnson, get up. You have to get dressed." I heard Jack say as he shook my leg.


"I'm up, I'm up." I said grumpily wanted him to stop calling my name and shaking me.

"Well someone's grumpy." He said as I peeled my eyes open to see him already getting dressed. His shirt was off, so that meant I got a clear look of his perfectly formed abs that I was convinced he loved to showcase.

"You never have a shirt on." I said trying to seem as if I was disgusted by the fact that nine times out of ten, he was shirtless, when that definitely wasn't the case.

"What can I say, I promote body positivity. If I could I would walk around stark naked." He said with a shrug as I shake my head knowing he's telling the truth.

"Okay, I'm going to my room. Where are we meeting and what time?" I asked.

"We're meeting in the lobby at eight, but if you get done before then you can come to my room and we'll go down together." I nodded my head in agreement before leaving the room and silently praying I had something in my suitcase that was good enough to go out in.

To say I was uncomfortable would be downplaying my feelings. I had absolutely nothing to where so I settled on a button up, these extremely tight ripped jeans that made my legs look like toothpicks, and black converse.

Leaving my room I was already prepared for Gilinsky to give me a look, mentally noted that I looked ugly, but there wasn't too much more I could do. It was five minutes until we met in the lobby and I didn't desire to be the last down there on top of being ugly.

I slowly trotted to Jack's room expecting nothing less than perfection to answer the door. Merely seconds later I was proven right.

The door was opened to reveal Jack and he smelled almost just as good as he looked.

We both stared at each other in silence. I was silent because although I wanted to compliment him, he looked breathtaking disabling my ability to say anything. I'm sure he was only silent because he couldn't think of anything nice to say.

"Woah, Johnson, you clean up nice." He said examining me and although, I didn't feel as if that was forced compliment, there's no way he could have genuinely thought that about me. I'm not trying to down myself, but I know when I look good and this wasn't one of those rare occasions.

"Yeah right." I snorted out.

"No seriously, you look really good." He said nodding his head and examine my body more to the point that I was feeling uncomfortable.

"Well, you look good yourself." I breathed out trying to calm my heart that was going a mile a minute under his gaze.

"Thank you, I think so too." He said with a grin before taking my rest and pulling me into the room that had him written all over it. He smelled amazing and the room smelled just like him, so the room smelled delightful as well.

"I just need to put my shoes on and we can head down." He states walking into the bedroom part as I sat on the couch.

"Okay." I said checking the time which read 7:57.

I was a little excited to go out if I was being honest. Especially with Mila because she was a unpredictable ball of sunshine which could only result in fun for the both of us. I was prepared to get out of my comfort zone tonight.

"Okay, I'm ready." He said with his key card and phone in hand.

We went down to the lobby together to be met by Matthew, Carter, Mila, and Xavier.

All of the men Jack was friends with were attractive and they knew it, you could tell from the way they carried themselves. Mila knew she was stunning as well and I sort of felt like the black sheep in this group of beautiful people.

"Aw Jack, you look so nice." Mila said walking up to me and brushing my shoulders.

"Thanks." I muttered not believing a word she said, but taking the compliment because I knew if I didn't it would result in a long speech about how I should be more confident.

"Okay, are we all ready?" Matthew said taking Carter's hand and we all agreed that we were before heading out to our separate cars.


"Drink." Mila stated scooting a shot of vodka my way. "I can tell I need to get you a little tipsy that you will let loose."

"I'm not drinking tonight." I stated remembering the last time I drank and what happened. I couldn't let myself loose self control like that again.

"Oh come on. We've been here for almost forty minutes and you've turned down at least two guys that was trying to dance with you and you won't even drink. You're killing my buzz!" She whined.

"Fine! I'll go dance, but I'm not drinking." I compromised mentally regretting my decision. In no way, shape, or form could I dance, but I did say I wanted to get out of my comfort zone tonight, so I guess this was a step in the right direction.

"Great." She said with a cheeky smile pulling my rest so that we could go out in the middle of the dance floor amongst the group of sweaty bodies that were grinding on each other.

Both me and Mila had lost track of the guys once we went to go get drinks, but I'm sure we would find them sooner or later. She didn't seem to care too much, so I didn't either.

"You are so awkward, just let your body flow with the music." She screamed over the music, stopping my weird fist pumping dance and swaying my hips with hers to the beat of The Weekend by Sza.

Soon that song was off and Privacy by Chris Brown was blasting through the speakers.

"This is my shit!" She shouted moving her hips, her long curly hair moving as well. I laughed and danced with her because I was having fun.

Suddenly, Xavier was pushing through the crowd to reach his girlfriend.

He lovingly wrapped his arms around his slightly drunken girlfriends waist as she leaned back in his embrace knowing who it was.

Of course I was a little annoyed because I knew he was coming to still my friend, but that was his girlfriend and they were cute.

"Can I steal her for two seconds?" He asked over the music with a large smile.

"Go for it." I said with a smile as they walked a little to the side to dance together.

On any other occasion I would have just left the crowd and went to sit down, but I was determined to have fun so I continued to dance moving deeper within crowd.

The constant pushing and body heat was annoying and overwhelming, but at the same time it was exhilarating. I danced to a few songs I knew every lyric to as well as one's I didn't and I was having fun with the strangers around.

Then suddenly I felt large hands on my waist halting my movements to Havana by Camila Cabello.

"Having fun?" The man whispered in my ear, that I recognized as Jack.

I turned around with a huge smile on my face. "The most fun I've had in awhile." I said over the music.

"Well don't let me stop you. Continue dancing." He said with a smirk hovering over me and suddenly I began to feel nervous. I was just making a fool of myself dancing in front of all these strangers and didn't care, but in front of him it was different.

I slowly nodded moving my hips like I was just doing, but a bit more awkwardly because Jack was staring.

"That is so not what you were doing when I came over here." He said with a laugh before taking my hand and beginning to dance. Jack was an excellent dancer so of course everything looked good and I really didn't want to make a fool of myself trying to keep up.

"Come on, act like I'm not even here." He said and that's when the fun began.

We were acting like no one was around us. Doing every move under the sun including occasional grinding and it was all fun in games until things became a bit more serious.

Daniel Caesar's Get You sounded through the club slowing everything down and suddenly my back was pressed against Gilinsky's chest as we began grinding against each other. I couldn't begin to explain how we ended up in this position, but the mood had completely changed from fun to sexual.

We were still buried in the middle of the large crowd so no one noticed the small kisses he began to lay on my neck. I could smell on his breath the alcohol, but I knew he wasn't anywhere near being drunk and I didn't stop him from doing what he was doing.

I tensed up as he moved lower down my neck, realizing we were about to repeat a cycle we had been in numerous times before.

"Jack, I think-" I began.

"Don't think. Just let it happen." He whispered.

I didn't stop him from feeling me up and I didn't stop him from interlocking our fingers and giving me small kisses to my neck and the side of my face. I didn't stop myself from grinding my ass on the front of his pants where a growing erection was building up.

I wish I could say the liquor was what was causing me to allow this, but sadly that wasn't the case.

"Let's get out of here." He whispered in my ear and I nodded, my mind clouded by the thoughts of fixing my problem. He gripped my hands as we scurried out of the club not informing any of our friends where we were going.

We hopped in the car, his hand gripping my inner thigh, not allowing the sexual tension to die down during the ride so that I could come to my senses. My conscience was still on the dance floor at the club.

Impulse was now leading me into the elevator where Jack picks me up and we engage in a heated make-out, our hands roaming any and everywhere on each other's body.

Nothing was off limits.

Third Person P.O.V.

The kisses, the groping, the grinding, and the pulling of hair continued into the hotel room where Gilinsky tossed his key card and Johnson frantically unbuttons his shirt.

Both of them knew this sexual tension they had was begging to be release, it was long overdue and not that it was there they were frantic to enjoy every sinful bit of it.

Meanwhile at the club music is still bumping, playing a song that no one there would have known would describe these set of events perfectly.

I left my girl back home, I don't love her no more.

Johnson slid his hands down Gilinsky's toned chest craning his head to kiss the beautiful man above him again.

"This is wrong." Johnson whispered

"This is the first time I've felt right." Gilinsky admitted.

And she'll never fucking know that, these fucking eyes that I'm staring at.

Gilinsky stared into Johnson's bright blue eyes that were dark with lust before reattaching their lips, grinding down on the boy.

Let me see that ass, look at all this cash.

Gilinsky pulled down Johnson's pants and underwear all together to reveal his pretty, pink erect penis. He admired it before turning the whimpering boy over and kissing his fluttering hole. 

Bring your body baby I could bring you fame, and that's my motherfucking words too. Just let me motherfucking love you.

"Shit." Gilinsky hissed out through overwhelming pleasure as Johnson lapped his tongue over the tip of his length.

Listen ma, I'll give you all of me, give me all of it, I need all of it to myself.

"Ahhh- oh my- J-Jack, fuck, deeper." Johnson screamed as Gilinsky moved in and out of his hole. Gilinsky was holding his thighs down on the bed so he could hit the spot that made Johnson go insane.

So, tell me you love me, only for tonight, only for the night. Even though you don't love me.

"Goodnight baby." Gilinsky said removing his length from inside Johnson who was laid on his chest. He quickly removed the used condom and cradled the exhausted boy who made no attempt to move after the many rounds of sex they just had.

They couldn't blame this time on the alcohol.

Soon, Johnson's phone buzzed, but it was completely ignored by the two men, for they were in deep slumber by this time.

It was from Mila.

Mila: We have to talk

A/N: Guys, I DID IT! I don't think you understand how hard this was for me to write and I still am not satisfied at all, but at least we're past this and I get to more interesting stuff.... the drama.

I know it's been awhile and I'm not saying I'm officially back, but I am giving an honest effort on this book. I've just been losing interest and I don't want writing this not to be fun, but I still see the potential in this book.

So, guys just stick with me and I hope you liked this chapter.

What do you think will happen next?

What do you think Mila wants to talk about?

Leave me feedback ❤️

Love you guys



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