Hunted Princess

By karivieyra

532 15 3

Siberia is an Askar, a fighter, a shifter, a young girl who is in the lowest class imaginable. She is a subje... More

Long Live the King
Warrior Wolf
Put on a Show
Let's Begin
Cast Announcement! (A/N)
Tournament Tour
The Reveal Ball
The First Match
A Royal Announcement
Mad King
Ancient Pasts
A War on Two Fronts

New Wolf

58 2 0
By karivieyra

A/N: If you really want to get into the mood while reading the training scene, listen to Gasoline by Halsey. That's the song that motivated me to write that scene :) 

Siberia and Killian walked into their favorite pub, Moonshine, with the rest of the masters flanking them. Their collars glittered with the light from the sparklights floating around the ceiling, letting everyone know they were Askars from August's training facility. The barkeep, Milo, smiled wide and waved them back towards the bar.

"August sent word that you all would be arriving. Your tables are reserved out back. Pint of the usual?" Milo was cleaning off a table for the shifters that walked in behind them.

Killian bowed his head, "Pint for each you mean, right?" He grinned down to the short Spark.

Milo snapped his fingers and a little ember of energy zapped Killian's nose, "You're lucky I'm courting your Trainer." He smiled fondly at Killian, "Pint for each. And congratulations Siberia, we all just watched the announcement, you definitely have me as a supporter."

"Bah. Like this bitch has a chance. My bets are on the Bear from Terra. Have you seen how vicious he is? I would watch my back if I were you, little wolf, he will tear you in half." A drunk patron got into her face, growling his words through his fangs.

Siberia tensed but kept her eyes low like she was taught. On the grounds she was a Master, a high rank among the Askars, but outside of the grounds she was a lowborn, the scum of the earth. She couldn't dare lift a finger against a highborn lion, not unless he attacked first.

A rough hand grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at the drunk shifter. She could hear the low rumbles come from Killian but he couldn't do a thing. "You are a pretty one. Be a shame to put such a pretty bitch in the arena, maybe you can be my breeder." His grip became firmer, tightening and digging claws into her cheeks.

Milo waved a hand, pushing the drunken lion back into his seat, "Enough Miguel. You know the rules, no violence in my pub." Purple glowing eyes focused on him, warning against a challenge.

Miguel roared and stood, ready to attack the barkeep. A smooth voice came from the corner of the pub, "Miguel, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see, she's a tournament contender for the King, she's also August's favorite askar, and Milo is his potential mate. I know you're drunk, but you aren't stupid. You attack him and she will maim you, maybe even kill you and no one will do a damn thing. So, do you wish to live or die?"

"Watch yourself she-bitch. You won't last in that tournament. Riker, I'm only letting this slide because of your father, you disrespect me again and I will rip your throat out with my teeth." With a last rumbling growl, he left the pub, slamming the door on his way out.

Milo sighed, "Thank you Riker. Apologies everyone, but you all know how Miguel gets during fighting season. Askars please follow me out to your table, drinks on me!"

Siberia let out the breath she didn't realize she was holding and turned to follow Milo. Killian immediately took her arm and began grilling her with questions, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I should've ripped him to pieces." A low growl escaped the aggravated the wolf.

She gently pulled her arm away from his grip, "I'm fine Killian, and there was nothing you could do. We are not allowed to do anything unless they attack first, August would've been livid if you provoked a fight with a highborn. Now relax, I don't want to cause Milo anymore trouble." She joined the others outside and sat on the couches arranged around a floating ball of sparkfire. Killian sat next to her, hovering protectively.

Malia rolled her eyes, "You should just get sired already. This is getting disgusting."

Siberia barred her teeth, "Mind your tongue, you may be a master, but you're acting like a novice. No one wants to hear your opinion, bird."

Malia's eyes flashed as she sat back against the cushions, her annoyance rolling off of her in waves. The others ignored her and continued the celebration, grabbing the pints off of the serving trays that came floating out to them. Sia took her pint and downed half of it, immediately diving into a conversation with Raya, a fox master who was taking over Sonia's training. The buzz of celebration slowly set into the group of askars, along with the buzz of the now multiple pints.

Siberia was smiling and laughing with Raya while Killian was arm wrestling Jordan, a master bear. Most of the askars were thoroughly drunk and contemplating on going back to the training grounds soon before curfew ended.

"Master Askar Siberia, may I have a word with you?" A voice spoke from behind.

Siberia turned and saw the wolf that had dissolved the Miguel situation. She stood and made her way over to him, shooting Killian a warning glance as he moved to stand. "Yes sir?"

He smiled and shook his head, "No need for formalities. I merely used your full title to capture your attention. My name is Riker, I'm a beta wolf, the same as you. I wanted to make sure that you weren't hurt by Miguel, he can get a little violent."

She studied the tan wolf standing in front of her, the alcohol clouding her instincts. "I'm fine sir, thank you. Miguel had a right to have his own opinions, however, I plan to prove those opinions wrong." She flashed a smile at him, feeling cocky and her chest rumbling with a growl at the thought of proving the lion wrong.

Riker's green eyes watched her intensely, as if he was looking straight into her soul, "Is that wolf over there your mate?" His voice had a hint of amusement to it.

She glanced at Killian who was slamming down another pint, "Killian? No, I'm an askar, we have sires or breeding pairs, never a mate."

Riker continued to stare at her, as if he knew her, "He certainly acts like a mate, very protective and...infatuated with you."

"August assigned him to me as a personal guard, apparently being a contender can be dangerous. That was made evident tonight with that drunk lion...the protectiveness you see is just Killian doing his job. Why do you ask sir?" Siberia tilted her head, crossing her arms to fight the cold chill of the night.

"My apologies for assuming things. Nonetheless you have my support for the tournament Siberia. I will be there along with many others that wish to see you succeed." He pulled off the coat he was wearing and put it on her shoulders before she could even refuse. "Please, take it. It's a cold night, even for a strong wolf like you. And that dress isn't helping you any."

She pulled it tighter around her shoulders, something about the wolf's scent calming her, "Thank you. I appreciate your kindness, Riker. I assure you I will not let you down in the tournament."

He smiled and took her hand, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her hand, "I can assure you, that you will be doing much more than that Siberia. You have a good night." Riker left the patio area through the back door that lead to the front of the pub.

Siberia turned back to the group that had grown quiet to watch the interaction between the two. "Nosy foxes the lot of you. Have you all finished your drinks?" She went back to her spot on the couch, feeling the warmth of the sparkfire immediately.

Raya let out a yawn, "I know for sure that I have, but the boys keep coming to a draw on their arm wrestling matches."

She watched Jordan and Killian go at it again, their entire bodies trembling as sweat poured down their faces. "What round is this?"

Raya cuddled up next to Siberia, letting out another yawn, "12 I think? I lost count, at this rate no one will win. We should leave them to their losses."

Siberia shrugged her shoulder to get the small fox back to sitting up on her own, "I agree. I have had my fair share of excitement for the day. Let's leave the boys to their playtime. We're heading back, just mind the curfew time."

Killian and Jordan merely grunted an acknowledgement and stayed focus at the task at hand. Siberia stood and stretched, Raya following suit. They made their way out of the pub, saying goodbye to Milo, and started the long trek back to the training grounds. There was a trio of askars ahead of them, and a trio behind, others had the same idea to head home.

They walked in silence, until Raya broke it, "So that wolf was pretty cute. And gods know Killian has filled out well."

Siberia barked out a laugh, "And a beta highborn, the only reason why I caught his attention is because I'm a contender and will be worth a lot if I win. We're askars, Raya. We don't have happy endings."

She snorted and looped her arm through Siberia's, "We definitely have happier endings than most. But I understand what you're saying, doesn't mean you can't have a little fun."

"A little fun? Ray how much have you had to drink?" She teased the fox, bumping her shoulder.

"Ha ha, very funny Sia. You have this opportunity of a lifetime, have fun with it, enjoy it, live a little for gods sakes. You're not going to be an askar forever, and if you win the King's tournament, that's essentially a stamp for freedom...look Sia, I'm not saying sleep with everyone...I'm just saying Killian has been preening for you since forever, and August would never find out if you wanted to...explore." The fox stopped the wolf in the clearing right before they hit borders of the grounds. "You know when your heats are...just work around them. You won't get pregnant and it won't ruin your chances at become a sire."

She nodded slowly, "Thank you Raya...I'll keep it would you know about all of this?"

Raya flushed bright red, " hears things..."

Sia raised a brow, "You're a horrible liar, you know that right?"

She let out a growl of frustration, "I promise not to tell anyone?"

Siberia let a claw grow and sliced her palm, letting a drop of blood fall to the forest floor, "May the gods strike me down."

Raya sighed, "Remember Kip? Spark Milo's errand boy?"

Siberia nodded, "The little Halfling? How could I forget? August presented him as a gift to Milo ages ago and it caused such a huge spectacle that we were all on guard duty for days after." Her eyes widened, "No..."

"I was put as his charge...and well...he was a pleasure servant before...I didn't know what that was and he showed me...multiple times." Raya blushed brighter and bit her lip, looking away from the shocked wolf.

"Raya! You vixen!" Siberia whispered, a smile spreading along her lips, "And you kept this secret from me? How could you, I thought we were sisters."

"Well now you know. Do what you wish with found knowledge." Raya stuck her tongue out at Siberia before looping her arm again and pulled her towards the barracks. "I mean, Killian has filled out since we were children...I imagine he knows how to used his body very, very well."

They giggled like novices and stumbled into the barracks, the others still up and bustling about between the washroom and the small kitchenette they had stocked with snacks. Siberia wished Raya goodnight and headed to her room, slipping off the dress and pulling on her sweats and a tank top. Kane was fast asleep at the edge of the bed, upside down and paws in the air. She shook her head at the sight and slipped under the covers, not disturbing the sleeping wolf. She settled into bed and quickly fell asleep.


August let out a yawn but continued scribbling away at the letter in front of him. A soft knock on his door rousing him from his trance, "Yes?"

The tan wolf entered the room, bowing his head slightly, "I met her."

August put the pen down and sat back in his seat, rubbing his tired eyes, "And? It's far too late in the night for me to be having these guessing games, just tell me."

He took a step closer, "She holds the spirit of her father, and all the beauty and grace of her mother. Do you truly believe she's ready?"

Another yawn escaped the tired spark, "And the strength of both, ready or not, the time has come for her to take her place. Donovan's antics are becoming more and more dangerous. I have contacts all around the kingdom pushing for me to begin...and they all agree that the tournament is the best time to initiate it. I am confident she is powerful enough to execute everything...I am just afraid that Donovan will have more power than I expect. He has the Clan on his side and no soulbond, he has raw power flowing through his veins..." August trailed off, staring blankly at the letters strewn along his desk.

"If what you say is true, then she will have no issue in defeating him. Even with Donovan having the power of a demon wolf, he will be no match to the moon wolf. The plan will continue as scheduled, I will have my part ready by tournament day." The wolf left as quietly as he entered.

August placed his head in his hands, letting the gravity of the situation finally fall. Someone sent that assassin for his askar, someone knew, and he prayed to the gods that the someone would be dealt with. He looked up at the clock as it struck half past midnight. He stood and went over to the window, watching the stragglers make it past the borders before the protective spells sealed off the grounds from the outside world.

His attention focused on the howling laughter coming from Killian. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a ball of magic down to the wolf with a message to meet him in the office at once. The laughter died down as Killian received the message and began to sprint to the main house. Moments later he arrived at the door.

"Trainer August. I apologize if I was being disruptive." Killian spoke softly, the acrid scent of alcohol filling the room.

August faced him, waving his hand and letting the room fill with the scent of lavender, "Nonsense Killian. That's not what I called you up here for...I need to tell you something, but you must tell no one. Not until I tell you too."

Killian sobered immediately and sat down in the chair in front of August's desk, "What do I need to know?"

August sat as well, looking over at the coffee pot as it began to brew, "Let me start from the very beginning."


She awoke to the sound of snarls coming from outside her door, Kane rousing at her feet. Do you hear that?

Unfortunately. She replied, pulling off the covers and heading over to the door. She slowly opened it and poked her head out, only to see Jane and Raya swiping claws at each other.

She jumped to action and pulled the snarling fox off the lioness, "What the hell is going on here?!"

Jane snarled and spat at Siberia, "I caught this skank sneaking back in after spending the night screwing her pleasure servant!"

Raya lunged at Jane, nearly breaking out of the hold Siberia had on her, "I wasn't out with him you insolent, stupid, cat!"

Jane hissed, "I can smell him all over you, the Halfling stench of a slave."

The growling and snarling started up again with Jane launching herself at Siberia and the struggling Raya. Siberia tried to put herself in between the two angry masters, while the others tried to rip Jane off of Siberia.

"ENOUGH!" A loud roar rang through the hallway, startling the crowd, "That. Is. Enough. All of you return to your rooms at once or you will share the punishment these three will have." As the crowd dispersed, Siberia was met with the sight of her angry mother, low growls coming from her chest.

Her mother stood in front of the trio, "Explain."

Jane glared at Raya, "I caught her sneaking in after curfew."

Mary nodded slowly, "Siberia?"

She still kept her grip on Raya but answered her mother quietly, "I was woken up by the sound of their fighting. I came out to try and stop it."

She fixated her yellow eyes on Raya, "Explain yourself."

Raya flicked her eyes up at Mary, then glanced at Siberia, "I was just waking the grounds, I couldn't sleep after the festivities and needed to walk off the alcohol. I never left the grounds, the protection spells would've gone off. I merely just walked in when Jane accused me of being out of the grounds past curfew."

Jane snarled, "You lying bitch! She was out with a pleasure servant!"

Mary held up a hand, silencing the lioness, "Do you have any proof of this encounter?"

Jane clicked her mouth shut, shaking her head, "But I can smell it on her!"

"That doesn't prove anything! We were all in the town last night, pleasure servants are everywhere there, their scent could have easily transferred on to any of us." Siberia growled at the lioness in defense of her friend.

A loud slap cracked through the air, Siberia holding her cheek staring at her mother in disbelief. "How dare you speak out of turn. All of you, out now, start running and keep running until I tell you to stop." Her mother spat at the trio.

A snarl erupted from Siberia at the command from her mother, startling everyone. Her eyes burned a bright gold as she shoved her way through the hallway and out the door. She landed on all fours and dug her claws into the soft dirt, taking off on a loop along the grounds.


What. She snarled back at Kane, letting her anger be known through their bond.

You snarled at Elder Mary...your mother.

I know I did. She had no right to treat me the way she did. I'm not a novice. I'm a master and a tournament contender. I am an askar, and a great one at that. She shut off her mind to Kane and continued running, barely noticing the other two flanking her.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but she felt Kane tugging on their bond. Yes?

August want's to speak with you.

Siberia pushed herself harder and started running towards the back of the main house. She spotted August standing there in his dark grey armor, with Killian at his side. She slowed and trotted up to them, bowing her head.

August smiled down at her, "I heard what you did. I must say I found it amusing. Go in and shift and meet me at the training arena. I want you to meet someone who is going to help me in your training for the tournament."

Siberia slipped inside the house and was quickly ushered into a room by Gwen and Collette. She shifted and they dressed her in her armor, Gwen crinkling her nose, "Must you wear this awful thing?"

Collette sighed, "Gwen she needs the armor. She can't fight in a dress."

Siberia chuckled and thanked them both, leaving the pair to their bickering. Killian was waiting for her by the door, stifling a yawn.

"Sleep well?" She playfully punched Killian.

Killian half smiled, "Just drank too much. Jordan should've stopped me after the 7th pint."

She laughed, "Jesus Killian, I'm surprised you're still standing."

He chuckled, "Honestly, I am too. Tobias isn't too happy about it, he's taking the brunt of the pain."

They continued down to the training arena, finding August standing in the center with a very familiar wolf.

"Ah, Sia, Killian. I'm sure you both remember Mr. Riker McCray. He filled me in on the little situation with the drunken lion at the pub last night, and I can assure that has been taken care of. Now, Riker here will be helping me fine tune your skills for the tournament. He was Donovan's personal askar trainer and has seen many of these tournaments up close and personal." August clapped Riker's shoulder and waved his hand, illuminating the rest of the training arena.

"Siberia, today we will be focusing on your ability to stay in human form. I have seen the King place these rules when he feels like it to make the fight more interesting. If you break the rule, you die." Riker stripped off the long sleeve he was wearing, showing the armor that he hid underneath. "Killian will be helping me as well. Your only weapon; a bamboo staff. When August says begin, we will come at you with full force. You must stay focused and stay in human form. No shifting and no beta shifting. No claws, no fangs, and no soul bond, just human form."

Riker tossed Siberia a staff, twirling his own in his hand. Killian joined him, rolling his shoulders. Siberia tensed, watching as they began to circle her like prey.

August took a step back, their soul bonds at his feet, "Begin."

With a snarl the two men lunged at her, swinging their staffs at her head. She ducked and knocked Killian back with her staff, narrowly avoiding the swipe of Riker's claws. She growled and kicked his feet out from under Riker, only to receive a blow from Killian. Siberia swung her staff, colliding in midair with Killian's staff and breaking it in half. Killian took both pieces and began to charge at her, moving her back with every blow of the broken staff. She grabbed Killian's arm and twisted it, forcing him to drop one of the halves and head butted him to the ground. Riker growled and took her feet from under her, moving to bash the staff against her skull. She rolled and quickly stood, leaping up over the staff and kicking Riker in the chest.

"Stop. Siberia you're thinking too much and leaving yourself open! You must always be one step ahead of your opponent. They shouldn't have been able to touch you. Again!" August yelled, his eyes flashing purple.

Siberia took a deep breath and dove back into the fight, fighting twice as hard and pushing herself to her limits. By the end of the second battle, her heart was beating out of her chest and sweat coating her body.

August nodded, "Better. Riker, Killian, full shift. Siberia you remain human, remember your control. This time they are going to come at you as wolves, I expect no scratches or bite marks on you to declare the battle successful. Begin."

The two wolves leapt at her, knocking her to the ground. She kicked them both off, cracking one of Killian's ribs in the process. Riker lunged again, snapping at her legs causing her to fall back again, giving him full access for a kill. She threw her arm up as his teeth clamped down, sending a blinding pain through her body.

August was furious, "Stop! Siberia you cannot fight like a novice. These battles will be more intense than you can ever imagine. You have trained all your life for this, prove to me you are the champion, prove to me you are the wolf queen."

Siberia stood, cradling her arm and biting back the pain. He's testing my limits.

You can do this Sia, I know you can. Come on, just like practice. Kane whined laying his head down in between his paws.

Riker took a cheap shot and jumped on her back. She fell to the ground and grabbed the scruff of his neck, pulling him off and sending him flying to the other side of the arena. She snarled at his direction and fixated her gaze on Killian.

"That's right Siberia. Use your anger. I will let you know when you can shift. Begin." August called out.

Killian bounded to her, teeth bared. She jumped out of the way at the last second, flipping herself over him and landing on his back. She dug her blunt nails into his ribs, easily finding the broken one and crushing it further. He yelped out in pain and went down.

Siberia screamed out in pain when she felt the teeth of a wolf sink into her leg, snapping her bone. She dug her claws into the wolf and tore him off her, throwing Riker against the wall of the training arena.

She stood shakily, her leg healing itself quickly as she turned to the snarling wolf. She could feel her control coming to its breaking point, her body trembling as every fiber of her being held back from shifting. Riker snarled and launched himself at her, paws pounding against the dirt.

"Shift." August whispered.

Siberia took off, shifting in midstride and collided mid air with Riker. Snarls deafening those who watched in awe as Siberia maneuvered out of every attack Riker launched at her, swiftly locking her jaws around his neck and throwing him away from her.

She shifted back into human form, her eyes blazing, "Submit," she growled. The order sent chills down her spine, the raw power in her voice causing everyone to stare in awe.

Riker shifted back to his human form, lowering his eyes and baring his neck. Siberia went over and placed a clawed hand on is neck, rumbling approval of his submissive stance. She turned and focused her attention on Killian, the grey wolf struggling to stand. Siberia snarled another order, sending the wolf onto his belly.

Sia...Siberia enough. You've won. You proved yourself. Kane's voice filled her mind, pulling on their bond.

She focused her eyes on the tawny wolf standing next to August, a gasp coming from the spark. Your eyes...

"Good. You're almost ready. Head to the washroom, Collette is going to heal you up and then you will work with Gwen on etiquette." August nodded, dismissing her.

She bowed her head and left the arena, Kane padding behind her. Kane, I can feel you thinking at me, just spit it out.

Your eyes...they flashed red for a second.

Siberia's heart skipped a beat. Nonsense Kane, only royals have red eyes. You're just imagining things. Leave it be.

Kane huffed but dropped the topic, not wanting to anger his soul bond. They went past the prep cages and down into the arena washroom, where Collette was waiting for them.

Collette's eyes widened, "Gods where is all this blood coming from? Did you kill someone?"

Siberia shook her head and motioned down to her leg, "Training fight, theres a bite on my leg that is the cause of all the blood."

Collette placed her hands on Siberia's shoulders, the warmth of her magic filling her. She took a step back a frown on her lips, "Are you sure it was that bad? I'm not finding any injuries on you that need healing. Now come, lets get you washed up."

Siberia looked down at her leg, finding it completely bare of the deep bite mark she had in the arena. She shared a look with Kane, not wanting to acknowledge the feelings he had about something happening to her.

I told you so.

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