The Destiny of Three [3] (The...

By Turtlii

87.3K 2.8K 1K

Having been separated for a whole year because of the Master the Doctor and Rita are back, their relationship... More

The Destiny of Three
Voyage of the Damned
Voyage of the Damned - Two
Voyage of the Damned - Three
Voyage of the Damned - Four
Partners in Crime
Partners in Crime - Two
The Fires of Pompeii
The Fires of Pompeii - Two
Planet of the Ood
Planet of the Ood - Two
The Sontaran Stratagem
The Sontaran Stratagem - Two
The Poison Sky
The Poison Sky - Two
The Doctor and the Stone's Daughter
The Doctor and the Stone's Daughter - Two
The Unicorn and the Wasp
The Unicorn and the Wasp - Two
Silence in the Library
Silence in the Library - Two
Forest of the Dead
Midnight - Two
Midnight - Three
Interlude: Making Everything Alright
Turn Left
Turn Left - Three
Turn Left - Four
The Stolen Earth
Journey's End
Journey's End - Two

Turn Left - Two

1.1K 55 4
By Turtlii

Donna walked down the street alone on a quiet night before noticing a flash and a loud buzz, flinching slightly she stopped before a blonde woman ran out the street as if she was forced before coming to a stop looking slightly confused.

"Blimey!" Donna blinked at the woman. "Are you all right? What was that, fireworks or?"

"I dunno!" She looked back at the alleyway. "I was just walking along and... that's weird."

Donna frowned then suddenly noticed who the woman was and pointed at her. "You're the one. Christmas Eve - I met you in town."

"Donna, isn't it?" The blonde smiled a little.

"What was your name?" Donna curiously asked.

"How are you doing? You're looking good..." her voice trailed off, the blondes gaze switched from the redhead to over her shoulder, her back to be precise. "How've you been doing?" She repeated after snapping herself out of her own daze. "What have you been up to?"

"You're doing it again." Donna looked around.

"What?" The blonde woman frowned.

"Looking behind me." Donna glared at her. "People keep on doing that - looking at my back."

"What sort of people?"

"People in the street. Strangers. I just catch them, sometimes, staring at me... like they're looking at something."

"And then I get home and look and there's nothing there." She started to swipe at her back. "See, look, now I'm doing it!" She groaned.

"What are you doing for Christmas?" The blonde randomly asked.

"What am I what?" Donna blinked.

"Next Christmas." She said. "Any plans?"

"I don't know, that's ages away!" She frowned. "Nothing much I suppose. Why?"

"Just... I think you should get out." She tried to say casually. "You and your family, don't stay in London, just... leave the City."

"What for?"

"A nice hotel... Christmas break?" She suggested.

"Can't afford it."

"Well, no, you've got that raffle ticket."

The redhead blinked then looked slightly alarmed. "How do you know about that?"

"First prize... luxury weekend break." The blonde ignored her questions. She looked at her seriously. "Use it, Donna Noble.

"Why won't you tell me your name?" Donna coldly asked. After no answer, she slowly walked around her threateningly with her words dark. "I think you should leave me alone." She gave the blonde a warning look before walking away.


Many months had passed by, Donna hadn't come across the blonde once, perhaps she listened to the redheads threatening advice to leave her alone, she never forgot her words though, she won the raffle earning her mother, grandad and herself a nice short Christmas holiday in a hotel outside London. Donna parked in the driveway of a mansion house while Slade's 'Merry Christmas everybody' played through the radio. The three had been excited for the Christmas weekend. After parking, they noticed a couple of footmen waiting for them in the doorway of the house.

"Cor, blimey - that's what I call posh!" Wilfred gasped staring up at the large mansion before him, he wore a pair of red Christmas antlers on his head as he headed around the back to the boot of the car. "I said you were lucky, didn't I? I always said, my lucky star!" He laughed taking another suitcase out the boot.

"For God's sake, don't tell them we won it in a raffle." Sylvia quietly muttered to her father. "Be classy." Glancing up she noticed the antlers and groaned glaring at him. "Dad! Take those things off!"

"No, I shan't! It's Christmas." He protested going to bring out another suitcase. "Oi, I'll have that one, thank you." He stopped one of the footmen from taking the last suitcase out of the car. "It's got my liniment in it." 

He then started to move towards the house Donna and her mum strolling leisurely towards it. "I reckon we deserve this." Donna smiled up at the mansion. "It's been a hell of a year."

"Your dad would have loved this." She fondly smiled over the thought.

"Yeah." Donna nodded. "He would've." She smiled placing her arm around her mother, heading inside.


It was now Christmas day, Donna was beaming in the bathroom getting ready while her mother sat in bed with a dressing gown and box of chocolates on her lap on the dovay. Donna had ordered her grandad to open the door as breakfast for the day had arrived. The maid was bringing in a large cart filled with different foods. "Merry Christmas!" Wilfred beamed opening the door.

"Merry Christmas, sir!" The Spanish maid warmly smiled pushing the cart into the room.

"We have interrupted your programme to bring you breaking news. Read on the screen on the TV.

"Have you seen this?" Sylvia frowned eyes glued to the TV.

"Because I thought, nice early breakfast and then we'll go for a walk." Donna beamed continuing to brush her hair. "People always say at Christmas, "oh, we all went for a walk". I've always wanted to do that."

The maid set a tray down smiling before she noticed Donna in the bathroom and suddenly froze in fear as the woman happily continued to brush her hair looking in the mirror. "So, walk first, presents later, yeah?" She asked not noticing the look on the maids face.

"Donna, come and see." Her mother called her over urgency in her voice.

"Tienes algo en tu espalda." The maid quietly muttered to Donna sounding terrified.

"What?" Donna blinked not understanding a word the woman had just said.

"Donna, look at the telly." Her mother urged for her again.

"Tienes algo en tu espalda!" The maid cried out her eyes staring at the redheads back.

"What does that mean?" Donna frowned. "I don't know what you're saying."

"Donna, look at the TV!"

"Tienes algo en tu espalda!" Donna glanced at the mirror thinking something was behind her before she saw it. Seeing a black shape looking much like a giant bug on her back she heard the clicking sounding like pincers. Donna gasped at the sight as the maid ran from the room screaming. It was ignored by the commotion on the TV.

"For God's sake, Donna, don't just stand there!" Her mother snapped. "Come and look!"

Donna tried to turn looking into the mirror to try and see whatever the maid was staring at looking so terrified as she ignored her mother. Whatever was there seemed to have disappeared leaving the redhead confused.

"...It seems impossible, but this footage is live and genuine." The reporter announced through the TV as Donna glanced at her back through the mirror for the last time before heading into the bedroom looking at the TV. "The object is falling on Central London. Repeat: this is not a hoax. A replica of the Titanic has fallen out of the sky and it's heading for Buckingham Palace." The screen changed to show what looked like the Titanic falling through the sky towards the Earth, the view switched showing Buckingham Palace. "We're getting this footage from the Guinevere range of satellites."

"Is that... a film or something?" Donna frowned at the TV. The replica of the Titanic continued to fall through the sky a mere foot above Buckingham Palace. "The Royal Air Force has declared anarchy--" the reporter was then cut off as the screen changed to white and black with a slight buzzing.

Worrying Sylvia grabbed the remote repeatedly switching the channel trying to get something to show up. "It's gone dead." She shockingly breathed. "All of them."

Nervously Donna smiled at the absurdity of the current situation not wanting to believe it at all. "No, but the Titanic... well, don't be daft." She scoffed staring at the blank screen. "Is that like a... sequel?"

Peering out of the window Wilfred gasped at the horrific sight before him. "Oh... oh, God rest their souls."


Exiting the house in a hurry Donna, Sylvia, Wilfred and the rest of the occupants in the hotel stared at the mushroom cloud in the distance in London.

"I was supposed to be out there selling papers." Wilfred thickly swallowed staring at the cloud. "I should have been there, we all should. We'd be dead."

"That's everyone." Sylvia quietly muttered. "Every single person we know. The whole City."

"It can't be." Donna breathed not believing the sight.

"But it is, it's gone!" Sylvia said in horror. "London's gone!"

"If you hadn't won that raffle..." Donna's mouth fell open in realisation. Feeling a pair of eyes on her she slowly turned around to see the Maid from before pointing at her with her eyes narrowed as if she was looking at a demon as she shook her head disgustingly at the redhead.


After the horrifying events of Christmas day when the Titanic fell out the sky completely destroying London the Noble family were forced to relocate elsewhere away from the south now completely flooded with radiation. They had lost everything, all of their belongings, friends and their home completely destroyed in the second the Titanic crashed into Buckingham palace. Looking for somewhere more permanent they headed to a housing office.

After gaining no luck in the small confined space and Donna arguing with the housing officer due to wishing to go to Glasgow after rumours of there being jobs in that area they were forced to move to Leeds the only place available to them.

And so after they collected up the small belongings they had gained during their three months in small temporary housing the Noble family found themselves sharing a small already cramped house with The Colasanto's, finding themselves living in the kitchen. Sylvia and Donna found themselves getting more and more depressed after each day, the news of aliens not even fazing them anymore. They believed that America would help them until even that small light of hope was lost when people all over America suddenly started to dissolve and small white blobs wondered the streets of America in the humans places before multiple spaceships hovered over the major areas and the blobs began to fly, up to the ships and leaving the Earth, causing Great Britain and America to now both be in desperate need of help.

Worried and very, very afraid Donna became determined. Determined to turn her family's life back around and get them a house, a job, money. Sylvia depression had deepend feeling that there was no hope left in the world. The only thing to keep them happy was the alcohol, the Nobles sat in the living room in a circal with all the other occupants in the house drunkenly singing their worrys away.

That was until the gun fire.

Rocco ran out the house flailing his arms around and shouting as the soldiers had their backs to him shooting at a car. "Hey-ey-ey! Firing at the car is not so good! You-- you crazy or what?"

"It's this ATMOS thing," The solider turned around hearing the man as Donna, Wilfred and Sylvia ran out, a couple of people from the other familys inside staying at the door. "it won't stop! It's like gas, it's toxic."

"Well, switch it off!" Wilfred said.

"I have done, it's still going. It's every car. Every single ATMOS car, they've gone mad." The mans eyes darted to Donna's back hearing a clicking before his eyes widend, he pointed his gun at her and started to shout. "You, lady, turn around!" Wilfred and Rocco automatically moved in front of Donna starting to shout at the soldier.

"Are you crazy, boy?"

"Turn around!"

"Put the gun down!" Wilfred shouted.

"Turn around!" The soldier ordered. "Turn around!"

Clearly in distress Sylvia screamed from the doorway, the rest of the occupents in the house hiding back inside not wanting to witness the events, leaving the poor woman to scream at her only daughter who had a gun pointed at her. "Do what he says!" She cried cluching onto the open door for dear life. "Turn around, now!"

"Turn around, now!" The solider repeated. "Show me your back!" Donna then turned around slowly following the soldiers orders holding her hands up in the air her eyes wide and terrified.

Widening his eyes the soldiers quickly lowered their guns as the one who was shouting at the redhead shakingly apologies for his rather innappropriate behaviour, everyone was on edge and terrifiered, aliens were real and they knew that they were alone. "Sorry... I thought I saw..." He started to trail off staring at Donna.

Angrily snapping Wilfred starting to storm up to the soldier. "Call yourself a soldier?" He growls glaring at him. "Pointing guns at innocent women?" Rocco stared at the man in shock not believing that the soldier had threatened a life. Donna, however, wasn't angry at all, she had a small idea of what could be there, on her back, but why? She wasn't important? She was a temp that didn't even have a job. Donna Noble was just a nobody. Her eyes wondering over the pattens on the brick houses. Seeing a bright flash of blue light and a buzzing sound Donna slowly turned wondering down the street as n a trance knowing that she had heard that buzzing before.

"You're a disgrace. In my day, we would've had you court marshalled!" Wilfred snapped.

Seeing her daughter slowly wondering down the road Sylvia worrying shouted from the house for the redhead to stop. "Donna? Where are you going?" She loudly shouted. "It's not safe at night! Donna! Donna!"

Turning the corner she saw the blonde from before standing there. "Hello."


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