Fallen Angel. (A Supernatura...

By DevilsFavoriteDemon

156K 4.4K 1.7K

(This is a continuation of my other account CelticPhenom's story Fallen Angel.) [Book 1 of the ANGELS AMOUNG... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 3: Mr. Grumpy [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]
Chapter 5: Tragedy [EDITED]
Chapter 6: Please Don't Leave Me [EDITED]
Chapter 7: 10:41 A.M. [EDITED]
Chapter 8: Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey Stuff [EDITED]
Chapter 9: I See Wings of Blue...[EDITED]
Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]
Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]
Chapter 12: This is Serious Ya Idjit! [EDITED]
Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]
Author's Note
Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]
Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]
Chapter 17: A (Mostly) Normal Life. [EDITED]
Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]
Chapter 19: The Devil is an Angel Too. [EDITED]
Chapter 20: Loverman. [EDITED]
Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]
Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]
Chapter 23: Abandon All Hope...[EDITED]
Chapter 24: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) [EDITED]
Chapter 25: The Reason He's Feared. [EDITED]
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]
Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]
Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.
Chapter 29: Hammer of the Gods.
Chapter 30: So It's Come to This.
Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]

4.7K 144 64
By DevilsFavoriteDemon

     Later that night, Sam is in the basement of the house talking with Ruby after summoning her behind his siblings' backs.  Ruby is in the middle of trying to convince Sam to use his psychic abilities when Dean and Jean walk into the room.  "So that's you, huh?  Our slutty little Yoda?" Dean says, walking up behind Ruby with Jean by his side.

     "I prefer to think of her more as Jar-Jar Binks; annoying as fuck and everyone wants her dead, but for some reason she stays alive." states Jean.

     Ruby turns around to face the twins, "Dean, Jean. Charming as ever."

     "Oh, we knew you'd show up."  He walks closer to Ruby, "Because we knew Sam wouldn't listen.  But you're not gonna teach him anything.  You understand me? Over my dead body."  Jean facepalms at her twin's choice of words.

     Ruby scoffs, "Oh, well, you're right about that."

     "What you are gonna do is give me that knife.  And then you'll go crawl back into whatever slop you came from and never bother me and my siblings again, are we clear?"

     "Your brother is carrying a bomb inside of him and we'd be stupid not to use it."

     "First of all, there is no we bitch.  You are not welcomed around us.  The only thing we want from you is that knife and you'll be damn lucky if we don't take the knife and then kill you with it." Jean says.  "And second...really?  You want us to let Sam use his psychic powers and you compare them to a fucking bomb?  Just how stupid are you?"  Ruby glares at the female Winchester.

     "Dean, Jean, look, just hold on...."

     "Sam, don't."  Dean snaps at him.  "Come on, man.  What are you blind?  Can't you see that this is a trick?"

     "That's not true," says Ruby.

     "She wants you to give into this whole demonic, psychic whatever, okay?  Hell, she probably wants you to become her little Antichrist superstar."

     "I want Lilith dead. That's all."


     "I've told you why."

     "Oh, right, yeah.  Because you were human once.  And you like kittens and long walks on the beach."

     "You know, I am so sick of proving myself to you.  You wanna save yourself?  This is how, you dumb, spineless dick!"

     Dean punches Ruby in the face hard enough to split her lip.  Jean takes a step away from her twin, knowing that he just pissed off the demon and that they're about to get into a huge fight.  Normally, Jean would have her brother's back, but since Dean threw the first punch this time, she figures he should deal with the consequences himself.

     Ruby punches Dean once in the stomach and then in the face.  Sam moves towards Ruby to stop her, "Ruby, hey."  Ruby turns, kicks Sam in the stomach and then brings her knee up into his face.

     Now Jean is pissed; she can understand Ruby attacking Dean, he punched Ruby first...but Sam was just trying to stop the fight.  Jean enters the fray, punching Ruby across the face and Ruby retaliates by punching her in the stomach.  Ruby then goes to kick Jean, but she catches Ruby's leg and yanks it hard enough to throw the demon off balance.  Jean then throws another punch at Ruby's face and there comes the satisfying cracking sound of Ruby's nose breaking.  However, it doesn't seem to slow the demon down very much, as Ruby quickly recovers and punches Jean in the ribs before kicking Jean's legs out from under her.  Jean falls onto her back and Ruby begins to kick her in the ribs and stomach.  Jean finally loses her temper and her eyes turn crimson as Lucifer's grace awakens in order to protect his etam.  Ruby goes to kick Jean for a fourth time, but Jean simply grabs her leg and easily tosses the demon across the room like she's a ragdoll.  Ruby's back slams against the opposite wall with enough force to break some of the wooden boards.  Jean stands up and makes her way over to where Ruby is laying on the ground.  As Jean approaches her, Ruby scrambles to her feet and prepares to attack the female Winchester again, but stops when her eyes meet Jean's own crimson gaze.  Ruby's face twists into an expression of shock and fear and Jean feels a rush of pleasure at the look of terror on the demon's face.  Jean can almost hear Lucifer's voice in her head, encouraging her to let his grace take control, and that's precisely what Jean does.  Jean feels an incredible surge of raw power flow through her and she grabs Ruby's throat with her left hand.  With inhuman strength, Jean rams her right arm through the demon's gut, grabs her spinal column, and with an immensely powerful yank, Jean breaks the spine of Ruby's host.  Ruby screams loudly and instantly collapses to the ground. 

     Sam and Dean are frozen in place, absolutely shocked and terrified by what their sister just did...what no human should be able to do.  As the brothers continue to watch in horror, Jean removes the demon knife from the waistband of Ruby's pants then lifts the blade above her head, ready to plunge it deep into the demon's chest.  "No!"  Sam shouts and rushes forward to stop Jean.  He grabs her from behind, wrapping his longer arms around her own upper arms and locking his hands together behind her neck.  "Don't, Jean!  You don't need to kill her, she's trapped!"

     Jean follows Sam's gaze upwards and notices that they are standing underneath the large Devil's Trap that she and Dean had made on the ceiling earlier that night.  "I might not need to kill the bitch, but I really, really want to."  She lunges for the injured demon, but Sam keeps a tight hold on her.

     "Stop, Jean!  Something is seriously wrong with you and you need to get control over whatever it is!"

     Jean takes a deep breath, in an attempt to calm herself down, and she can feel the power of Lucifer's grace slowly begin to recede.  Once Sam believes that Jean isn't going to attack Ruby again he releases her from the hold he has her in, but places himself between her and Ruby just in case.  Jean glares at her little brother for protecting a demon then she turns around and walks over to Dean.  Dean just stares at her in worry, his green eyes meeting her own, which are slowly returning to their normal color.  She holds the knife out, handle first, for Dean to take and once he does, she leaves the basement without saying anything to either of her brothers.

     As soon as Jean is gone, Dean turns to his little brother.  "What the hell was that?!"

     Sam walks over to Dean, "That's what dad and I told you about...I think.  Jean's eyes glow that color when she's angry.  I don't know what it is that's wrong with her, but whatever it is we can rule out demonic possession, since she walked out of that Devil's Trap."

     Dean runs his hand through his short hair, "Maybe she was exposed to gamma radiation?"

     Sam gives him a bitch face, "That isn't funny, Dean.  This is serious."

     "You think I don't know that?!  Our sister turns into the fucking Incredible Hulk!  Great, another damn thing we have to worry about."

     Sam sighs, "Let's focus on you first, Dean.  Once we kill Lilith and get you out of your contract then we'll deal with whatever's going on with Jean.  Okay?"  Dean nods and the two brothers leave the basement. 

     After Dean washes the blood from his face and the brothers share a moment of bonding while loading rock salt into shotguns, they make their way out of the abandoned cabin.  Once outside, they can see Jean sitting on the hood of the Impala while Bobby is nowhere to be seen.  Dean scowls at Jean, "Down.  Now."  She sticks her tongue out at him, but does as he wants.  Dean and Sam place their duffel bags into the trunk and then the three siblings get into the Impala with Dean behind the wheel, Sam in the front passenger seat, and Jean in the backseat.

     Dean turns the key in the ignition, but the car doesn't start.  Suddenly, Bobby walks up to Dean's window and knocks on the roof above Dean's head.  The Winchesters turn to look at him and he holds up a part from the Impala's engine.  "Where do you think you're going?"

     The siblings climb out of the car to stand in front of Bobby.  "We got the knife," Dean tells him.

     "And you intend to use it without me.  Do I look like a ditch-able prom date to you?"

     "No, Bobby, of course not," says Sam, trying to placate the older hunter.

     "This is about me, Sam, and Jean.  Okay, this isn't your fight."

     Bobby moves forward until he's practically in Dean's face, "The hell it isn't.  Family don't end with blood, boy."

     Jean smacks her twin brother on the back of his head, "Bobby is family, Dean.  He always has been and he always will be."  Bobby looks at Jean with a small smile, "And besides...it's not like he doesn't know where we're going.  Bobby's going to follow us to Indiana anyway, so we might as well not fight about it."  She then opens the back door of the Impala, muttering, "I'm sick and tired of all the damn arguing."  She climbs inside and shuts the door before scooting over to sit in the middle.

     The three men talk for another few minutes before Bobby walks over to his own car and Dean lifts the hood of the Impala to reinstall the part that Bobby removed from the engine. 

     Ten minutes later, the car is fixed and the Winchesters are driving down the road with Bobby following closely behind them.  They drive for hours on end, stopping a few times for gas and food.  When Bon Jovi's 'Wanted Dead or Alive' begins to play on the radio Dean and Jean start to sing along with the song.  After the twins both pester him, Sam joins in and the three siblings forget their troubles for the moment; happy just to be together.  And for just those few moments the Winchester siblings are at peace, happily singing together to a classic rock song.  All too soon, however, the song is over and reality settles over the Winchesters once again.  Dean turns off the radio after a couple of songs and Jean falls asleep in the backseat while Sam stares out of the passenger side window.

     Forty minutes later, Sam is shaking Jean awake.  "What?" she mumbles.

     "We need your help hiding a police car.  We were pulled over by a cop for a busted taillight, but the cop was possessed.  So Dean killed him.  Apparently, he can see demons' true faces now."

     "Wonderful…things just keep getting better and better."  Jean says sarcastically while sitting up.  She slides out of the backseat and looks over at her twin brother, who is standing next to the police car.  "Please tell me that it was a sheriff and that you shot him."

     Dean chuckles, "Nope.  Sorry.  Deputy and I stabbed him with the demon knife."

     "So you didn't shoot the sheriff, but you stabbed the deputy?"  Jean scowls, "It's just not the same."

     "Just get over here and help us, ya idjit." Bobby snaps at her.

     "Alright, alright. Geez."  Jean replies before helping the three men hide the police car.  Dean drives the car into the woods and then the four of them begin to cover it with fallen tree limbs.  Thirty minutes later, they are satisfied that the car will go unnoticed; at least for a couple of days; and are driving down the road once again.

     They arrive in New Harmony, Indiana around 10:30 p.m. and after leaving both cars on the outskirts of town, the four hunters silently make their way through the small town until they find an empty house that's for sale.  Sam quickly picks the lock of the back door and the four of them hurry inside.  Thanks to Dean's newfound ability to see demons' true faces, they manage to locate Lilith.  "It's the little girl," Dean informs the others as they all observe what appears to be a normal family of four having a chocolate cake for dinner in the house across the street.  Well, a family of three now...the sweet, innocent-looking little blonde girl just snapped the grandfather's neck with the twist of her hand.  Needless to say the mother and father are terrified.  "Oh, God, her face is awful."

     "Awful as in terrifying, or awful as in 'eew'?"  Jean asks her twin, making a face of disgust as she says the last word.

     "Both, actually."  Dean answers her.

     "All right, let's go.  We're wasting time."  Sam says then starts to walk towards the door.

     Dean grabs his arm, "Wait."

     "For what?  For her to kill the rest of them?"

     "Yeah, and us too, if we're not careful.  We need a plan, Sam.  Lilith isn't the only demon in this town.  Look," Dean then points out different demons surrounding the house.   "See the real go-getter mailman on the clock at nine p.m.?  And mister Rogers over there," he gestures towards a house with an old man sitting in an armchair reading a book and smoking a pipe in front of his window.

     "So what do we do?" asks Sam.

     "Bobby, wouldn't a place like that have an automatic sprinkler system?"  Jean asks the older hunter.

     Bobby is confused for a moment then looks impressed, "Yeah, it should.  Good thinking girl."

     "What?"  Dean and Sam ask at the same time.

     "If we turn the water in the sprinkler system's tanks into holy water, it should buy us enough time to run over to the house to do what needs to be done."  Jean tells her two brothers.

     Dean nods, "We should split up.  Sam and I will take out the mailman and mister Rogers on our way to the house.  Jean, go with Bobby and watch his back."

     "But, Dean..."  Jean starts to protest, but her twin cuts her off.

     "Sam and I will be fine, we have the demon knife.  But Bobby needs someone to watch for demons while he's performing the ritual to turn the water into holy water."  Dean walks over to the door, but doesn't open it instead he turns back to Jean.  "Jean, if you guys get into trouble...don't get angry.  We don't need you Hulking out on us."

     Jean scoffs, "Even though I may have breath-taking anger issues, I'm not Bruce Banner or Jennifer Walters, Dean."

     Dean just shrugs before walking out of the empty house and the other three are quick to follow.  Once outside, the four of them divide into groups of two; with Sam and Dean going in one direction while Bobby and Jean go in another direction.

     Jean is slightly disappointed when they arrive at the spot where the sprinklers' water tanks are stored without incident.  She kinda wanted to feel Lucifer's grace again.  As soon as that thought crosses her mind, Jean feels ashamed.  She knows that she shouldn't want anything to do with the Devil, but she does.  While Bobby is busy chanting the words to the ritual, Jean stands guard, keeping a sharp eye out for any demons.  Suddenly, she sees Sam, Dean, and; much to her displeasure; Ruby running towards the front of the house in which Lilith is in.  The reason for their haste soon becomes apparent as Jean spots about 10 demons chasing after them.  "Are you almost done, Bobby? Cause the boys could really use some help right about now."

     "Done," Bobby says, dropping the rosary into the tanks then turning the sprinklers on manually.  The sprinklers pop up from under the ground and begin to spray the holy water everywhere.  The water hits the demons and they scream in pain, small wisps of smoke rising from their bodies.  The demons quickly retreat to the safety of the road.

     Since the demons are now blocking the way to the house where Dean and Sam went, Bobby and Jean are forced to return to the empty house across the street.  They look out of the window as the minutes pass by.  Jean pulls out her phone and checks the time.  "It's almost midnight. I've got to get to Dean and Sam."

     Bobby gives her a 'are you crazy' look, "What about those demons?"

     Jean shrugs, "I'll try not to let them see me, but if they do, I don't think they'll attack me.  Guess we'll find out."  She tells him before leaving through the back door and starting to make her way across well-manicured lawns.  Keeping to the shadows, Jean walks down a couple of blocks before crossing the street and beginning to walk back to the house where her brothers are.  As soon as she walks into the spray of holy water, the demons notice her and some stare at her in awe and curiosity while others glare and shout insults at her.  She stops, turns to face the group of demons, and raises her left hand in front of her.  She balls her hand into a fist and then with her right hand, she pretends to crank something while slowly raising the middle finger of her left hand.  When her finger is fully up, she acts like she's surprised, "Oh...I'm sorry.  I didn't know how this machine worked."

     Jean turns around and continues to walk towards the house.  She enters through the open door and walks around until she finds her brothers and Ruby in the living room.  Dean turns to glance at Jean when she walks into the room before turning his attention back to Sam and Ruby.  "There's gotta be something, there's gotta be some way.  Whatever it is, I'll do it."  Sam says in desperation.  Dean grabs him, "Don't, Dean.  I'm not gonna let you go to hell."

     Sam shrugs out of Dean's grasp then turns around to face him.  "Yes, you are!"  Dean shouts then in a calmer tone of voice tells Sam, "Yes, you are.  I'm sorry.  I mean, this was all my fault.  I know that.  But what you're doing is not gonna save me.  It's only gonna kill you."

     "Then what am I supposed to do?"  Sam asks his older brother, trying to hold back his tears.

     "Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels.  Sam, remember what dad taught you.  Okay?"  Sam nods his head and Dean continues, "And remember what I taught you.  You and Jean look out for each other."  He turns to his twin sister, "Jean, make sure Sam doesn't do anything stupid like try to bring me back...Don't you dare try to bring me back either."

     The tolling of a nearby grandfather clock announces that midnight has finally arrived.  Jean and Sam's eyes begin to shed tears for their older brother.  Ruby says, "I'm sorry, Dean.  I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy."

     Jean's eyes flash crimson as she turns to the demon, "Why are you even here, bitch?  I should tear your fucking guts out through your mouth!"  Jean steps towards the demon as though she's about to actually follow through with her threat.

     Ruby doesn't respond, but cringes away in fear from the angry female Winchester.  Dean looks to his right and says, "Hellhound."  Jean stops and turns towards her brother, her anger vanishing.

     "Where?"  Sam and Jean ask him.

     "There," Dean simply states and the other two siblings follow his gaze to the dining room.  Dean then takes off running through the house and the other three are close on his heels.  They pass through a set of double doors and as soon as they're all through, Sam and Jean slam the doors shut and hold them closed as the hellhound begins to slam up against the doors.  Acting quickly, Dean removes a pouch of goofer dust from his jacket pocket, unties the string holding it closed, then rushes back to the doors and starts to pour the dust in front of the doors.  As soon as he's done, the doors stop shaking and Dean stands up, hurries over to the window then pours the dust in front of it.

     Ruby turns to Sam, "Give me the knife.  Maybe I can fight it off."

     Sam is confused, "What?"

     "Come on.  That dust won't last forever."

     Sam starts to give Ruby the knife when Dean stops him by calling out, "Wait."  Sam halfway turns around to face his brother.

     "You wanna die?" asks Ruby.

     "Sam, that's not Ruby."  Dean informs his little brother.  Sam turns back to the female demon and goes to stab her with the knife while Jean goes to restrain her, but Lilith uses her powers to pin both of them to opposite walls.  Sam's back hits the wall hard causing him to drop the demon knife.  Lilith then uses her demon powers to knock Dean backwards and pins him down on a table.  "How long have you been in her?"  Dean asks, struggling against Lilith's invisible hold on him.

     "Not long," Lilith replies and looks down at the body of Ruby's former host.  "But I like it."  She looks back up, her eyes are now pure white, "It's all grown-up and pretty."

     "And where's Ruby?" asks Sam.

     Lilith's eyes return to normal, "She was a very bad girl. So I sent her far, far away."

     "You know, I should've seen it before.  But you all look alike to me."

     Lilith glares at Dean then turns and looks at Sam.  She walks over to him, "Hello, Sam.  I've wanted to meet you for a very long time."  Lilith grips Sam's face and presses her lips against his.

     "Get away from him, you bitch!"  Jean shouts and Lilith pulls away from Sam.

     Lilith turns to face the female Winchester, looking at her with an expression that can only be described as awe.  "Jean Winchester...You know, I saw what you did in Ruby's memories earlier.  That wasn't very nice."  Lilith walks over to where Jean is being held against a wall and begins to run her hand up and down Jean's face; almost like she can't believe that Jean is real.  Jean's eyes turn crimson in anger at the demon's touch and she tries to call upon Lucifer's grace, but it doesn't fully respond; it just stirs slightly inside of her.  Lilith sees Jean's eyes and a look of adoration appears on her face, "So it's true. You really do have a part of Him inside you.  I'm so excited I could just squeal."  Jean's eyes fade back to their normal emerald color.

      Sam and Dean exchange alarmed glances with each other before Sam speaks up, trying to get Lilith's attention away from his sister.  "All right, so you have me. Let my brother and sister go."

     Lilith turns and walks across the room to stand in front of Sam once again.  "Silly goose.  You want a bargain, you have to have something that I want.  Tsk, tsk, tsk.  You don't."

     "If you hurt either of my brothers, bitch, I will make sure that your final moments alive are pure agony!  You know who I'm connected to and you know exactly what he can do."

     Lilith looks at Jean, "Oh, yes.  All of us demons know.  It's the only thing that has kept us from playing with you for all of these years."  Sam and Dean exchange looks of confusion.  "But soon He'll see the truth about lil' ol' you.  That you're not worthy of His time or affection.  That I am the one who deserves to be by his side."

     "So is this your big plan, huh?"  Dean asks, drawing Lilith's attention away from Jean and to himself.  "Drag me to hell, kill Sam, take Jean to whoever it is that she's connected to?  Then what?  You become Queen Bitch?"  He looks over at Jean, "By the way, I'm super pissed that you've been keeping this shit from us, Jean!"

     "I don't have to answer to puppy chow," Lilith replies then walks over to the double doors.  "Sic him, boy."  She then opens the left door, breaking the line of goofer dust.

     Dean is suddenly pulled off of the table and down to the floor.  As Dean screams in pain, Lilith begins laughing and Sam begs for her to call off the hellhound.  Jean starts to sob as she is forced to watch as her twin; the person she came into this world with, who she shared everything with as children, the overprotective brother who would chase away any guy who so much as glanced her way as teenagers; is ripped to shreds by a hellhound.  "No!  No!  No!  No!"  Jean screams out repeatedly as huge vertical claw marks slice open Dean's chest and blood begins to gush everywhere.

     Dean stops screaming and as he exhales his final breath, Lilith turns to Sam and then raises her hand.  Lilith's eyes turn pure white again as a bright light emits from the palm of her hand.  However, nothing happens to Sam and Lilith slowly lowers her arm, confused as to why her powers didn't affect him.

     Sam and Jean are now free from Lilith's hold and both are sitting on the floor with their backs against the walls opposite of each other.  Sam stands up, but Jean crawls over to Dean.  She cradles Dean's body in her arms as she continues to cry uncontrollably.  Sam walks towards Lilith and she throws her arm out, trying to send him flying backwards with her powers.  "Back."

     Nothing happens and Sam glares at Lilith, pissed.  He bends down and picks up the demon knife.  "I don't think so."  He raises his arm to stab Lilith with the knife, but as his arm starts to come down, Lilith smokes out of Ruby's former vessel and escapes through a vent in the ceiling.  The now empty body drops to the floor next to where Jean is holding Dean's body.

     Sam slowly approaches his older sister, tears running down his own face.  He crouches next to Jean, "No. Dean."  He wraps one of his arms around Dean's body and the other around his hysterically sobbing sister.  He pulls both into a tight embrace and joins Jean in crying over their brother's lifeless body.

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