Oliver (Vocaloid) x Reader

By Panda_chan12

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Working on a new description and this book is being rewritten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know that Oliver is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Special Chapter: It's your birthday!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 27.5
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
So sorry ;-;
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 23

313 10 74
By Panda_chan12

Rin's POV~ (time to change it up a bit XD)

Ugh I'm so frustrated! Rika really did an impact on my face! This is gonna take awhile for it to heal up! Me and Miku walked side by side, walking next to sensei. While Ay-ri and Rika were behind us, keeping their distance.

"Uwaaaa Nii-san is gonna get mad at me! I'm gonna be getting one of his long lectures on how to behave like a proper lady!" I whispered out.

"Proper lady? Pffff I can't even imagine you as one." Miku chuckled.

"I know right?"

Last time, I got his lecture was when we dropped off Oliver at his house after the dinner. I only put my feet up on the dashboard, laying back onto my seat, trying to relax.


"Oi Oi! What are you doing!? You're gonna get my dashboard dirty!" Len pointed at my feet.

"So? you can wash it later." I mumbled while snuggling onto the comfy seat.

"Clean it later?! This is MY car, which I'm kind enough to drive YOU, instead of kicking you to the curb and letting you walk four miles! Which I should have done." he mumbled. "So please RESPECT my property!"

"Mom bought this!"

"Still, she gave ME responsibility to care of it, so I don't appreciate you putting your dirty shoes on the dashboard!"

"My shoes are clean, I take great care of them! See?!" I swunged my feet over, rubbing it on his face. Which of course he got even more madder.

"NNNNGH! GET THAT OFF OF ME!" I put my feet back onto the dashboard, getting into the same position I was.

"See? No dirt smudge on that kawaii face!" I laughed.

"Still, it is disgusting! You don't know what you step on!"

"I clean them every week!"

"Are you cleaning it well?"

"I'm sure!"

"Baka, you're probably not even doing it right!"

"Yes I am! If I didn't than my shoes would be dirty!"

"If you say so." he mumbled. "Now get your feet off my dashboard!"

"No." I simply said, I peeked at him. White puffs were coming out of his ears. He was indeed angry.

"You know a lady wouldn't sit like that!"

"Well I ain't a lady!" I rolled my eyes.

"She would use proper grammar!"

"Proper grammar? Pshhhh boi do ya know me?"

"A lady would listen!"

"I don't listen to stupid people!"

"A lady would be polite and refined!"

"I like being sarcastic! Being polite, drains the fun!"

"What would Rilianne think of you?"

He always use that against me. Every time we fight, he would mention Rilianne. People say I look identical to her. Though the only bad thing about it, is that people expect me to be the same as her. Polite, considerate, refine, lady like, I mean like I only have half of those aspects but still Rilianne was the queen of Crypton. (No this is not a reference to Superman XD) Though a bad incident happened making the queen head get decapitated, while her servant Allen suddenly disappeared.

It was tragic as she lost the title, the kingdom, the royal family fell into bits. Now the reason for that was that she was selfish, cruel and wicked. When Len calls me selfish, it only brings me to that thought. Making me think, am I like Rilianne? Selfish, cruel and wicked.

I quickly disposed of the thought before I go into another one of my trance.

"She'd probably wish she would be me! What would Allen think of you? I don't think he would appreciate you as a playboy." I smirked.

"I'm not a playboy!"

"Says the one that dated over ten girls this year!"

"Half of them were forced! They forced me into it!"

"What about the other half?"

"Um one actually moved away, the other wanted to break up, the other one was just to intense, the other two........I actually don't know what happened to them."

"Wow such a good way to treat a lady!"

"Says the one dresses that completely say 'take me on now!'"

"I do not dress like that!"

"A crop top and high short shorts?"

"Hmm!" I pouted. "I hate you." I mumbled.

We arrived at the house. I got out quickly, slamming the door shut, before running inside our house and locking the door. He he he won't be able to get in now. Plus to make it even worse it's raining.

I then ran, all the way to his room. Ugh he really needs to get a better taste! Poster of bananas everywhere! He even has a plushie! I ignored it, quickly pushing all his textbooks and papers out of the way which was covering his desk making them land onto the floor.

I dug around until AHA! His laptop! I opened it and of course it was password verified.

Let me guess, 'banana'!" it got in! Like really Len?! Really?! He is such a baka!

I scrolled revealing files and more files of useless stuff until I found something interesting it was a folder that said 'We are not a shota!' I clicked on it, to find a video of him and Pike complaining that they are not shotas. (Y'all know what song I'm talking about ;) )

They're such babies! Though the song was super funny that I had to upload it! I quickly went onto my YouTube account and uploaded the song, so that the whole world can see it!

I grinned before I heard knocks on the window outside in the hallways. I walked out making sure Len didn't see me in his room.

Suddenly I heard a sound, as if rocks where being throw at the window. I took a peak through, seeing the wet banana outside.

I got on all fours, silently crawling away from Len's room, quietly shutting it. Then I crawled to the window and jumped up starling Len.

"You look cold!" I yelled.

"LET ME IN!" He yelled angrily.

"No can do!" I smiled before crouching below the window.

I smirked before giving him an innocent smile while waving at him. He glared at me, it was too funny as he was soaked in water.

I closed the blinds, walking back to his room. Then a sneaky idea came into my awesome head.

I looked around and luckily he had a printer, with color ink. I went back to his computer, printing out some 'nice' pictures for him.

I laughed as I taped them on every inch of the wall. It was magnificent!

I closed all the tabs and placed everything back where it was. I walked out, letting the soak banana in.

"Oh were you outside?! I didn't even see you! I though you were a stranger outside, so I made sure to lock all the doors! Just like you said Nii-san! Aren't you proud of me!" I cheered proudly.

He glared at me, before giving me a whack on the head. "Owwwww!" I cried, rubbing the area.

"Don't do that again." he growled before heading to his room.

I quickly ran for my life to my secret hiding spot! Under the stair in that little door! Which was painted very well, blending it with the wall.

I crawled in that little area which I decorated myself, it has a little mirror, a small bean bag, an extra cell phone charger and of course snacks! I have pocky, two bags of oranges, chips, candy, and let's not forge-


I covered my mouth, afraid that he might hear me sniker and for sure, kill me.

I grabbed my phone, texting him.

Nii-chan! I thought you would like that!

I heard his notification go off, he was on top of the stairs.



But Nii-chan! Isn't that what you're into?



Ohhhh gome ne!...................I didn't know you roll that way! Next time I'll put boys okie?.........though it will be hard to find one of Oliver



Come find me!!

He yelled in frustration.

Looks like I'm gonna be staying here for awhile.

The next day~

I stretched across my bed. Finally I get some good rest! Recently I haven't been getting any since I still have songs to rehearse and memorize. But still it's nice, though once he is back, I will have to go through one long lecture.

"KAGAMINE RIN!" Shit he used my full name, which means I'm defiantly in trouble.

"Hai Hai! Nii-chan!" I smiled innocently which of course earning a glare.


"Errrm well, just taught some kids some lessons on how to treat others right."


"Well you see, I couldn't really control myself plus I have a bruise do you have any cream for that?" I casually said while leaning on a wall.

"Why are you acting so casual?!"

"Well it's no big deal! It just for five days and then I'll be up and going back to hell!"

"Well do you realize how much work I'll be doing?! I'll have to go to each one of your classes and get your homework and also have to teach you on how to do it! It's gonna be such a pain!" he rubbed his forehead.

"You don't have to do that! I'm free can't you see! I finally get to relax! So stop your nagging!"

"I'm not nagging!"

"Yes you are!"

"Fine, you can fail on your classes! Have fun at summer school! At least I'll enjoy it for the first time without a pest." he mumbled.

"I'm not a pest!"

He rolled his eyes. "Anyways still you're in trouble, just imagine how mad mother is gonna be angry." he smirked.

"Oh you better not tell her!"

"I have to! Since you told on me that I burnt the kitchen down!"

"Well it's not my fault that somebody wanted to make banana bread! Plus it was on fire! How could you have hid that?!"

Literally Len was freaking out really hard, tears where coming out of his eyes. He kept on yelling "MY BANANA BREAD!" I yelled out at him to get the fire extinguisher and he didn't even know where it was! So I had to run and get it and of course he also didn't know how to use it. What a baka!

"I could have easily cleaned it up!"

"You couldn't even figure out how to use the fire extinguisher!"

"I'm still a beginner! I'll become more advance on it!"

"Oh I didn't know you take fire extinguisher classes?" I smirked.

"Shut up! Anyways this will be pay back!"

"No no no no no no! Please no! She's ten times worser than you!" I begged.

"Well that's why you don't be fighting people!"

"It wasn't fighting, it was simply teaching her how to treat other better! Plus it was also self defense!"

"'Self defense?' you nearly killed Rika!"

"I might have taken it too far but still, you know I'm a black belt!"

"You're a black belt in stupidity."

"Nani?! I'm not stupid!" I looked at him offended.

"Says the person who thought they could fly with an umbrella!"

"I saw a movie, it looked so real!"
"You broke an arm trying to fly off of our house!"

"Though you have to admit, I flew just a bit."

"For like a second." he rolled his eye.

"Yea at least my hypothesis was kind of supported."

"Hypthothesis is an educational guess, you literally have no brain and you did not research anything. So it was not an hypothesis, it was just an idea that came out of your stupid head!"

"Hmm whatever!" I looked the other way until another idea came up. "Hey, we could do another bet! I really need some more gold nail polish." I winked before showing him my fingers.


"Come on! We haven't did one in like ages! Plus I won't take anything this time! I promise!" I clasped my hands together, begging.

"Nnnnnnngh." he grumbled before sighing. "Fine! But just one last time!"

"Ok! Hmm let's see, oh I got one! I bet that you can't eat a tablespoon of cinnamon without drinking nothing!"

"This is gonna be easy!"

Five minutes later~

Cinnamon was everywhere, on the floor, on the counter, and even some of floating in the air.

"Told you, you couldn't do it." I chuckled.

"I-I-I thought....*cough* I-it was gonna *cough* easy!" he choked.

"Welp now I won and your punishment will start when the party starts!"

"T-that's *cough* tomorrow!"

"Precisely, now I just need to head out to by some more makeup as I am low."

"You're g-gonna leave *cough* here, to d-die! *cough*"

"I'm sure you'll be fine! A lot of people survive!"

"And s-some don't!"

"Ehh well when I come back, I'll make sure you're alive and I'll make banana bread to cheer you up!"

"OH NO! *cough* you are not going anywhere! You are in trouble and you have *cough* stay here!"

"Did you just grounded me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes so what?"

"You ain't the boss of me!" I yelled before turning my back on him.

"Yes I am! I'm older than you!"

"Only by like five minutes!"


"Like I said before I don't listen to stupid people so I ain't gonna listen to you!" I covered my ears.

"Fine then!" he grabbed his phone, dialing something before clearing his throat.

"Hey, Piko! What are you doing?.....oh nothing? Well do you wanna come over, it seems like I have to clean up a big mess and I wanted to know if you could help?........really great, yea Rin keeps on peeing on her be-"

"KWJDBJDHDBEH WHAT THE FUCK?!" I snatched his phone away from him. I ran to the living room.

"H-hello Pi-Piko." I stuttered nervously.

"Hey Rin!" he cheered.


"Say what did Len say? He said something about you."

"It was n-nothing!"

"RIN PEES ON HER BED!" He yelled from the kitchen.

"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP! OR I'M GONNA MAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT WORSE!" he flinched before getting quiet.


"N-no I d-didn't mean you, I meant that to my baka brother!"

"Ohhhh k."

I legit gonna kill Len someday!

I though I would do Rin's POV for a change!!

Omg I was looking through some pictures on the internet (which I'm always on XD yes I have no life, no need to tell me twice XD) and I found this really dirty picture of Oliver and Yohioloid ;-; I can never forget that! Also some dirty songs as well.


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