By xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... More

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen~ The Past Inside Him
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
$uho ~ shopping [part 2]
Sehun ~ bubble tea café
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Hopeless ; He's Back
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
The Black Pearl
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
The Start of a New Journey
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay

Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?

21.6K 444 123
By xoxo_annie_exo


"Do you mind?" Chanyeol asked as he gestured to the table beside me. "No I don't mind." I answered, smiling. "Wah. This looks really good!" I commented. Chanyeol had again, bought me my favorite tofu soup.

"Jinja gomawo Yeollie oppa~" I sang as he blushed."It's nothing. Now eat up until you're full. Arraso?" Chanyeol oppa gave me a warm smile as he ate his lunch. "Sarang-ah. Here."Chanyeol suddenly said, holding his chopsticks near my mouth. In between the chopsticks was something red, and his hands were beneath the chopsticks to prevent any sauce from falling.

"What is it?" I asked as he fed the unknown food into my mouth. "It's ddukbokki." Chanyeol replied as I squealed in delight. "Oh. I love ddukbokki!!!" I said happily. "Gomawo Yeollie~" I smiled. "Do you want to try some of mine?" I asked as he shook his head in agreement, smiling brightly. "Gomawo." Chanyeol smiled, showing his teeth asfter I fed him a spoonful of soup. 'Another indirect kiss?!!!' I thought as Chanyeol oppa seemed to realize the same.

~ Park Chanyeol

"I'm fine." I answered as she touched my hand. "Oppa, let me see your face." She said as she gently grabbed my face. "Don't cry oppa." She said as she wiped my tears. I was crying again. "Uljimayo. Don't cry. Aren't you a manly man?" She teased me as I smiled a bit. "Yeah I am." I sniffed, wiping the rest of the tears with my tuxedo shirt.

"There you go. Oh wait. You need to smile." Sarang said as her fingers lifted the side of my lips. I chuckled at her actions, and she smiled too. "Gomawo Sarang-ah." I said, softly embracing her body. I felt her heartbeat quicken, and Sarang said something that made me want to crawl away.

"Lu ge. Are you ok? Your heart is beating so fast. Do you have a crush on me?" Sarang said, teasing me. "I-I do n-not..." I mumbled. "What?" She asked as I shook my head. "N-nothing." I responded her, blushing.

'I don't like you, Sarang-ah.... I love you.' I thought. I broke away from the hug and gave Sarang one final smile.

'Sarang-ah, thank you for making me smile again. Thank you so much. But then, make sure there's room for me in your heart.' I thought.

~ Luhan


Hyun Woo ~

I sat in silence, watching my dear sister lie on the hospital bed half-living, half-dead; arms to her side. We were in a hospital out of the magical's territory, where Hyo Ra and I have been admitted by our 'parents.' I was so worried about my sister that I haven't let her out of my sight. Her wounds are slowly healing, and the doctors said that she'd be back in normal condition soon. Thank god.

But that girl, Park Sarang, is going to pay for this.

I sighed in agony, patiently waiting for my sister to get better. I shouldn't have ever let her have that pendant; but I should've known that she was my sister from the start. It's all my fault. No. Wait. It's her fault. Yes, it's Park Sarang's fault that all this happened.

It's all her fault.

Although the back of my head is screaming at me that Sarang didn't do anything wrong, I just need a person to blame this all on. Of course, I wanted to blame myself- being Hyo Ra's oppa and family. But somehow, I just can't believe that it's my fault. I've been telling myself that Sarang is at fault, not me. But it's driving me crazy. I don't even know if I can be sane anymore. 'If Hyo Ra doesn't wake up in one minute, I'm going back to destroy everyone.' I thought.

Suddenly, I saw a slight movement. Hyo Ra's finger was slowly moving. I quickly stood up and went to her side. "Hyo Ra!!! Kwenchana? Huh? Come on, talk to me!" I said frantically as I panicked. "O...oppa...." Hyo Ra said quietly as I put my ear near her mouth so that I could hear better. I sighed in relief, and thanked the gods that she's still alive and talking. I'd kill myself if I watched her die right in front of my eyes. No. I'd actually kill the one who was responsible for her state right now.

But as I thought in concentration, I didn't know who's fault it was. I was the one who gave Hyo Ra the pendant. I was the one who convinced her that she needed the pendant. I was the one who didn't know that she was my only blood-related sibling. I was the one who....knows that Sarang is the one at fault. 'Yes. She's the one at fault.' I murmured softly.

"Oppa.... I don't feel so..." Hyo Ra said, wincing. "Good." She said, groaning and trying to sit up. I put my hand on her back, trying to help her sit up properly without hurting herself. "Hyo Ra-ah, kwenchana?" I asked worriedly. "What did the doctor say oppa? What's my condition?" She asked me, her face showing pain.

"He said that you're doing fine." I answered her, patting her hair affectionately. "I won't let them do anything to you. You'll be fine soon Hyo Ra. Oppa knows it." I said as her expression softened. "Oppa.... Gomawo." She whispered.

A silence fell upon us for a while, and I looked into space as Hyo Ra was thinking. "Oppa..." She said as I adverted my attention to her. "What is it? You can tell me anything." I quickly answered. "Oppa... I don't know what to do." She said slowly as I looked at her in confusion.

"What I mean is about... Sarang. And... Everything else. I just... Don't know what to do. I know why you gave me the pendant oppa, and frankly, I won't and I don't blame you. We both didn't know." She said as I replied with a sigh. "And... I couldn't believe that I'm the princess. I- I mean - how can Lee Hyo Ra be a princess? I was just another student in high school, I mean a magical. To think that I've been lied to the 16 years that I've been living on Earth... It just isn't possible. I can't be the princess to a whole other planet that's in this galaxy." She said as I suddenly thought of something.

"Planet Cursia is in the Milky Way?" I suddenly asked as Hyo Ra nodded. "EXO planet is too. The humans just can't see them. Only we can. The Exopians, magicals, and us Cursians. The human eye can't see our planet because.... Well, they're not like us." She finished as I gave her a blank look. "JINJA?" I asked as she chuckled. "Oppa, you're such a pabo. Even I knew that." Hyo Ra smiled as I teased her.

"Yah... There's my sister." I said, smiling and patting her back. "Kunde oppa..... Do you have any news about Sarang and the rest? I m-mean the magicals." She asked me. "But... We are magicals, aren't we?" I questioned as she shook her head. "Ani. We're Cursians oppa. We're of royal blood. You can't forget that oppa." Hyo Ra replied as I realized the truth. "Arraso." I nodded. "Oppa." Hyo Ra tugged at my sleeve as I looked at her. "Tell me about what's happening with the magicals." She pleaded as I nodded.

I took out my phone to show her the video: the speech about the fight we had with the school, the ceremony, and most importantly, Sarang's speech. It was even on TV only for the magicals only. Humans don't have this special channel; only we have it. Cursians have one too. Someone took a video of the speech live in the flesh, meaning that they were in the same room. But the thing is.... I don't know who.

When I first saw it, I was.... somewhat touched and somewhat angry. I don't need her pity and her opinion. I can be the bad guy; I don't necessarily have to be the good guy either. But I always know that the good guys always win. 'Why can't the bad guys win for once?' I'd think to myself. And the thought of this would always make me even angrier than I was.

I gave Hyo Ra my phone and pressed the play button. I watched her expression thoughtout the entire video, and I just can't tell what she's thinking. Anger, sadness, happiness, guilt, or pain? Neutral?

"But something has happened on the night of of our Halloween dance. Lee Hyo Ra and her brother, Lee Hyun Woo has raised an army of monsters to fight against us. All of us, especially the students and teachers fought against them, trying to protect each other. From an encounter with the lost and last talking dragon of Exo planet, I'm sure most adults in this room know this- I've found out why the Cursed ones have taken the dragon. To try to fight back with the Exopians. But we know what has happened in the end." Sarang said as the crowd started talking. The next part was the part I hated the most.

"But from what I've discovered, Lee Hyo Ra and her brother, Lee Hyun Woo are the children of King Jongkook and Queen Minah of Planet Cursia." The talking became louder and louder, and still, no expression was displayed on Hyo Ra's face.

"What I've also learned, is that Miss Hyo Ra is doing this because of gaining power from her pendant. Her brother, is just simply avenging for the death of his family and people. Although I do not know many details about this, please don't blame this entirely on them. The siblings were once good people. But I have to say... Is that they're also the ones who've caused this, so we blame them still. They did this to your son or daughter. To your friends or relatives. To your classmates, who are deceased." Sarang's face becomes sparkly from her tears. I didn't know whether to thank her or hate her. The next part made me feel a bit guilty of what I've done. And yet- I want to thank Sarang for saying the next paragraph too.

"I just wanted to say that-that..... Lee Hyun Woo and Lee Hyo Ra may seem like the bad people, but we can't just kill them. They were good people before all this. I can't say that they were entirely good, but they were like us. Although they did kill, I'm sure.... I'm so sorry to you all but you can hate me if I say this."We can't kill Hyo Ra and Hyun Woo." With that sentence said, Hyo Ra's eyes widened in surprise.

"We can change them. We can also change the ones that follow them! We can turn them into the good guys. If we just kill them, won't that make us evil too? Plus, they're also part of Cursian royalty. We're going against two evil people with royal blood, but the thing is..... Hyo Ra could die, any moment now. Hyun Woo, being the protective brother he is, might become paranoid if his sister dies. Hyo Ra is the only family Hyun Woo has left. And if Hyo Ra really does pass away, won't Hyun Woo just blame us all and unleash more violence and wrath?" This part almost made me cry because Sarang knows how I feel. She knows, but no one else has ever even thought about Hyo Ra and I that way before. Sarang's the only one.

Now, I see a member of one of the popular guy groups [EXO's Luhan I think] taking the microphone and escorting Sarang to the side of the stage. He announces the start of the ceremony and I try to pause the video, but Hyo Ra stops me. "Wait. I want to listen to this." She said as I wondered why, confused. "Hyo Ra-ah, it goes on for hours." I answered as she shook her head. "Oppa, can I be alone for a few hours? I promise that I'll stay in here. I-I just wanna be alone." She repeated as I nodded and got up with a sigh. "Of course. Oppa will buy you something to eat. Do you want anything?" I asked.

"I want bubble tea. And... If possible, a home cooked meal from omma." Hyo Ra answered as I nodded. I knew she was calling Mrs. Lee Chaeyoon her mom. "Arraso." I smiled weakly at her.

'Why does she want to watch the video?' I thought to myself as I left the hospital. I called Mrs. Chaeyoon, who was happy to make a meal for Hyo Ra. She talked to me while she cooked. "Hyun Woo-ah." She called me. "Ne omonim." I said as she looked at me sadly. "Is Hyo Ra ok?" She asked as I nodded. "Ne. She's doing very well omonim. The doctor says that you have nothing to worry about." I answered as she sighed in relief.

"Hyun Woo-ah. Who do you think is at fault?" She asked as my blood froze. I was hoping that I wouldn't hear that question. I gulped. "W-who omonim?" I asked nervously. "You're so obvious darling," She sighed, sitting down in front of me at the dining table. "You're trying to blame two people at once. And that's not good for the mind dear." Mrs. Chaeyoon said as my eyes widened. "See? I was right."

"I guess you want to blame that girl. But you also want to blame yourself because you're Hyo Ra's oppa. I get that." She said as I gave her a sullen look. "As for Hyo Ra, you want to protect your dongsaeng, am I right?" She asked as I nodded. "Of course. It's in your nature."

"But do you know why your mother and father chose both your parents, Donghae, and I to be your protectors?" She asked as I shook my head softly. "It's because we can understand people better than they can. There's also some other reasons, but that's the main ones. We can tell a persons' story like reading their mind. But instead, we take reason, logic, and the person's feelings to determine what kind of a person they are."

"Then.... What kind of person am I?" I asked Mrs. Chaeyoon. She took my hands and rubbed them affectionately. "Hyun Woo-ah. There's so much bad energy in you." She said as something tingled in my body. "But. Listen to me first." She said as I nodded. "Hyo Ra isn't the kind of person like you are. Maybe it's because she's like your mom. Kind and sweet, a person that despises violence. You're more like your father, a person full of the desire to kill, to destroy, and.... Has such a huge temper. Your mother and father were such opposites." She chuckled. "And that's what brought them together. They were opposites. And so, with you and Hyo Ra, I know myself that Minah's daughter will try to be as peaceful as possible. This includes her decision at who's at fault too."

"This means that Hyo Ra doesn't blame the girl, or you. She might even be blaming herself; since her logic and reasoning is different than yours. And I know this from living and treating her as my own daughter for the past 16 years." Mrs. Chaeyoon stood up. "Well Hyun Woo, I guess I should be making her a meal, right? I wouldn't want to keep her hungry. She said, going back into the kitchen to continue cooking.

'So Hyo Ra's like mom.... And I'm like dad?' I thought to myself. 'That means that we think differently. Who does Hyo Ra blame exactly?'


I left Hyo Ra's house after awhile. I still remember Chaeyoon omonim's words in my mind. 'Remember Hyun Woo-ah. If you go back and Hyo Ra starts blaming herself, convince her not to blame herself. But the hard part is, is that you have to find a person to blame. It could be you, the girl, the 12 boys that Hyo Ra talks about, or even your parents. You have an option to choose from too. To fight in a war that's fatal and dangerous, or make amends with the Magicals. I can feel that the legendary one will avenge and do his or her best to keep peace between the two planets.'

'But Mrs. Chaeyoon. Who's side are you on?' I asked. She gave me a smile. 'I'm on our side, but as for the war and violence, I'm neutral. I believe that you can be a great king one day, just like your father. If you have time, Hyun Woo-ah, go and visit your parents. Siwon-sshi and Yura-sshi both miss you dearly.' She said as the memory faded away.

I thought about my real parents for a moment, but my mind trailed off to the couple that I've called "mom and dad" for the past 17 years of my life. They were so kind to me; they protected me for all these years, under the orders of my father. And I shall never forget their kindness for raising me like their very own son.

I parked my bike next to the garage, and pushed the doorbell. It rang for a few seconds before my mother opened the door. She gasped in surprise, and welcomed me with open arms. "Oh Hyun Woo-ah!" She cried in happiness, throwing her arms around me and engulfing me in a tight hug. "Mom, I can't breathe..." I said as she panicked. "Are you ok?! Did I hurt you anywhere?!" she asked as I shook my head.

"Son!" Dad's voice rang from the hallway, his tall figure so familiar to my eyes. He too- engulfed me in an even tighter hug. "Hi mom, dad, I'm home." I said, smiling. Mom's eyes started tearing, and dad looked proud. "He still calls us mom and dad!" She said, crying of happiness. "Yeah, he does." Dad said, putting an arm around mom and looking at me. I gave them a look of sadness.

"Hyun Woo, is everything ok?" Mom asked as I smile faintly. "Actually, no." I answered with a sigh. "Nothing's ok right now omma." I said.

I explained what was happening, and told them about my conversation to Mrs. Chaeyoon. Mom agreed with her logic. "I'm sure being the sweet girl Hyo Ra is, she's probably scared of all this happening so quickly. The poor girl..." Mom said.

"But son, what are you deciding to do? Are you going to do the right thing, or are you going for revenge? If I knew your father so well, you could choose his path like he did with the Exopians a hundred years ago." Dad said as I looked at him sadly. "Or if you want to protect all the other subjects of your kingdom living on Earth and your followers, then you can create peace and choose not to create a war. Many predict that the legendary one will rise in this generation, and many are very sure of it." He said as my blood boiled.

"Why is everyone telling me that the legendary one will avenge?! What good does that do while my sister is in the hospital?!" I yelled. "Why is everyone telling me to choose and to tell me what to do?! I make my own choices! I don't need your opinion!" I said angrily as mom and dad flinched. "We're only trying to protect yourself Hyun Woo-ah." Mom said. "No! You're not! You're not trying to protect me! You just want to let the Exopians win, don't you? You don't want to fight for your victory- our victory as Cursians!"

"You're just like your father, Hyun Woo-ah. It's just that there more to the story. We can't tell you that. You have to figure it out yourself. But remember this. You could die while fighting the legendary one. Ignore or heed our opinion if you want to live your highness." Siwon said harshly. I ran out of the house, the one place where I called home for 17 years. Something must've happened to me because I suddenly blacked out and woke up in a place I've never seen before.


Someone's POV ~

I chuckled as I saw him sleeping so peacefully. I knew that I had to press the right buttons in order for the plan to work. It's unacceptable as a Cursian, and as a possible heir. I will do anything to make the throne mine; it was in the wrong hands in the first place.

You could be wondering who I am and what am I, but let me tell you this. The rightful heir of the Cursian throne should be mine, not Hyun Woo's. King Jongkook stole my father's throne when he died. I was the rightful heir, but they kicked me out. Mother and I had to endure all the shame and hate from our mother planet for more than a decade.

We escaped to Earth with our space craft and lived there until good news came one day. We were told that the king had died. Don't get me wrong- I loved uncle. I loved him and everyone else until they decided to kick mother and I out the palace. That's when I grew angry and hated my relatives. And now, after mother's painful death 3 years ago, I'll have my revenge and reign as Cursia's rightful king.

But first, I have to get rid of some important things in order for my plan to work. I'll do anything, even if it's at a great cost. Even if I have to kill my relatives, oh I will.

Whatever it takes, I'll do it. And no one will get in the way. I'll have my throne back once again!

All I have to do know, is to play a bit with Cursia's precious 'heir' for now, and..... wait for the right time to jump on my prey.


Hello c: it took forever, right? Well PS, this chapter wasn't like I had imagined. It seems like I changed this chapter completely, thus I think I'll make this fanfiction longer. I don't even know if I'll make a second book, but I was just thinking about it.

Uhhh... Soo... I made up this new character as I wrote this chapter OMG ouo

But here's some hints: it's definitely a guy, he's Hyun Woo and Hyo Ra's cousin; was taken off the throne as an rightful heir; banished to Earth with his mother. And possibly very like King Jongkook himself.

PPS: King Jongkook is Jongkook from running man { just sayin } and as for Queen Minah, I have no idea. She's just a fictional character. Plus like Chaeyoon & Donghae, Siwon and Yura. They're all fictional, but you can imagine them however you want to. Or even the original people too.

Ok that's it for now ~ until the next chapter!!!


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