Who I Am [Boyxboy]

By JSBelard

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Nathan Velin is the oldest grandson of the Chairman of House of Amanda Velin, a famous multi-billion clothing... More

Chapter One - The Vultures
Chapter Two - Masks
Chapter Three - Eyes of Death
Chapter Four - Beacon of Light
Chapter Five - The Beginning
Chapter Six - Caught Off Guard
Chapter Seven - Growing Feelings
Chapter Eight - Disaster at the Runway
Chapter Nine - Moments of Bliss
Chapter Ten - Clashing Vultures
Chapter Eleven - One Step Closer
Chapter Twelve - Emerging Feelings
Chapter Thirteen - Vast Skies
Chapter Fourteen - New Partnership
Chapter Fifteen - Blissful Moment
Chapter Sixteen - The Black Car
Chapter Seventeen - Hello Mother
Chapter Eighteen - The Promise
Chapter Nineteen - Ryuzaki
Chapter Twenty - The Perfect World
Chapter Twenty One - Aozora
Chapter Twenty Two - Crazy Night
Chapter Twenty Three - Almost Engaged
Chapter Twenty Four - Dragon in the Sky
Chapter Twenty Five - Chasing Kazuki
Chapter Twenty Six - Fall of the Vulture

Chapter Twenty Seven - Embracing the Sky

211 13 3
By JSBelard

 As Sora walked towards him, Nathan gave him a stern expression. Sure, he was glad that things are finally over, that Avery was finally in jail, but he was still a bit angry that Sora kept his plan a secret, and that he gave him quite a scare.

Sora planned everything, and Kazuki was on it as well. Sora had Summers and his team arrest Avery's men without alarming Avery, and then they set up the trap for Avery. Sora switched places with Kazuki to make sure he is safe.

"I hope you're satisfied with Avery being in jail. You're not planning on doing anything else, are you?" Nathan said sternly as Sora stood in front of him.

"You look angry..." Sora said guiltily.

"Of course I am. What were you thinking? Do you even know how worried I was? You could have least told me what you were planning. I almost had an heart attack thinking that Avery had done something to you and Kazuki." Nathan paused for a while, Sora thought he was done, but there were still a lot of things Nathan wanted to say. "How hard is it to at least give me a heads-up. Don't you trust me? Do you think I would mess up your plan?"

"Sorry. It won't happen again." Sora said, sounding very apologetic.

"That's it? You're not going to explain yourself?" Nathan asked.

"I'm wrong. Forgive me." Sora added.

Nathan sighed. "Come here." He pulled Sora and embraced him tightly. "Stop scaring me like that. I can't take it. I'm serious."

"I know..." Sora said guiltily as he embraced Nathan. "It won't happen again, I promise."

"You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" Nathan asked as he gently pulled away.

"I'm totally fine..." Sora replied with a smile.

"SORATA! You bastard!!!" Henry shouted as he walked quickly towards Sora.

"Take it down a notch, reporters are coming." David warned as he walked just behind Henry.

"Take it down a notch?" Henry repeated sarcastically. "That's impossible. I need to teach this guy a lesson!" He pointed at Sora.

"They're together again?" Sora asked Nathan. "What's going on between those two?"

"I have no idea..." Nathan replied as they watched David and Henry.

"I know what you're going to say." Sora intercepted Henry's nagging. "I heard it all from Nathan already." He sighed. "I'm sorry, for doing something crazy again and worrying everyone."

"That won't cut it." Henry said, a bit irritated. "Let me punch you at least once."

"Sure, but you'll have to tell me what's the real score between the two of you." Sora retorted as he looked at David and Henry with a meaningful smile.

"What? There's nothing going on between us." Henry denied defensively as he blushed. "What made you think that something is going on between us?"

"Do you have to deny it that hard...?" David asked Henry, his voice seemed quite hurt.

Henry looked at Sora, who was looking at him with a meaningful and teasing smile, and then he turned to David, who was looking pretty disappointed and somewhat hurt. There was nothing Henry could do but sigh in exhaustion.

"Alright." Nathan said as he raised an eyebrow. "We should go, before reporters crowd us in."

"You three can go ahead, I still have something to do." Sora said. "It's nothing dangerous, official police business, and I would call as soon as it's over." He told Nathan as he saw the worried expression on his lover's face.

As Sora walked back to the precinct, Henry shook his head. "You know every time he would be active on a case, Dad and I would always pray that nothing serious happens to him. He got out of hand one time, he was pursuing a gang that beat up one of his friends, he almost killed one of them, so he was put under probation." Henry sighed. "Dad gave him hell, but he still insisted on the force. He made a promise, he had a mission to do..."

"To make whoever responsible for the burning of the orphanage and the death of Michael pay." Nathan continued. "He has a strong sense of responsibility, sometimes it doesn't do him any good anymore. Now that Avery is behind bars, his mission is over, would he stay in the force?" Nathan asked worriedly.

"I don't know." Henry replied honestly. "Try asking him, he might listen to you."

"If he loves what he is doing, then how can I ask him to leave?" Nathan said with a wry smile. "I just hope he dial it down a bit."

"You're too nice." David said. "Sora is totally your weakness now."

"What Sora loves doing might someday kill him." Henry sighed. "I don't know what part of being a cop he loves, helping people and putting criminals in jail or chasing those criminals and risking his life."

"Maybe he's in in for the thrill? He likes the adrenaline rush." David added.

"Wow. That made me feel a lot better." Nathan said sarcastically. "You know, I wanted to be a supportive boyfriend, but hearing you two is making it difficult for me."

"You're trying to be a perfect boyfriend, Nathan, admit it." David said. "That's why you are spoiling him."

"You don't have to be nice to him all the time." Henry added. "Dad and I won't mind. We don't want a perfect partner for Sora, we want someone who would keep him alive. Tie him up, if you want to, if that's what it takes to stop him from risking his life all the time."

After Avery's arrest, things were a bit crazy around Amanda Velin.

There were some negative feedback about his arrest, but it was quickly overshadowed by succeeding news involving those around Amanda Velin.

In a move that surprised everyone, Bailey and Kazuki announced their engagement.

Things went wild on both sides in an instant. Sora was worried that Kazuki might get hurt if Bailey finds out the truth about him taking Kazuki's place for a while.

He had no reason to worry, though, since Kazuki confessed everything to Bailey. He told her not to say anything to anyone and asked her to pretend that she doesn't know, because he knew that Sora might get into trouble if that information leaks out.

Seeing that there's still negative feedback of Avery's arrest, Sora and Henry released a teaser of the collection they are collaborating with Amanda Velin. It was of two hand painted gowns showing each of their own painting styles.

The internet went abuzz about the wearable pieces of art.

Avery's issue was completely buried when pictures of Henry and David having dinner together were uploaded. Not only were they photographed in the restaurant, they were also captured together inside David's car.

"Why are you angry at me? It's not like I'm the one who shot and uploaded those photos." David asked as Henry refused to talked to him. "Why aren't you talking to me?"

"Don't you have a hotel to run? Why are you bothering me here? I'm working." Henry said. They were at Amanda Velin, and Henry was hand painting a fabric, or at least he was trying to.

"Not until you stop being angry at me." David insisted.

"Who says anything about being angry? I'm not angry at you, but if you keep bothering then I just might."

"You're really not? Then what's with the attitude?"

"Dad found out."

"Found what out?"

"About that night." Henry sighed. "He wants to meet you."

"Ehhh... How did he find out? Why does he want to meet me?"

"To finalize details about your engagement, obviously." Sora said as he and Nathan entered the room.

"What are yous till doing here? Go back to your hotel, stop bothering my artists." Nathan told David coldly.

"Hey, wait, what engagement?"

"The contract that Henry signed still stands you know." Sora added.

"Don't tell me, you're the one who told him. You said you'll keep it a secret." David complained to Sora.

"It's not me." Sora denied. "Whoever it is, though, must really want you and Henry to be engaged." Sora said as he gave Henry a meaningful look. "Am I right, Henry?"

"Why are you asking me?" Henry complained as he blushed.

"There were news and rumors of David's parents wanting to set him up with one of their partners' daughter. Did you know about that?" Sora continued to ask Henry.

Henry coughed a few times. "Well... I might have heard about it..." He said as he flushed even redder. "You're all so noisy..." He complained.

"Henry... Perhaps, did you..." David asked as he moved closer to Henry.

"You're too close, move away..." Henry pushed David weakly.

"I have no plans of accepting any marriage proposals that my parents would throw me." David explained. "I only have one prospect in mind."

"Dad said he wants to meet your parents as well. What are you going to do?"

"Let's set it up as soon as possible then." David asked with a bright smile.

"You sound enthusiastic about it..." Henry scoffed.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'll be introducing someone I like to my parents."

With that, Henry blushed even redder. His body felt hot and his mind swirled in embarrassment. He wasn't used to that kind of feeling,he had never really liked someone before, but David was breaking so many of his barriers, that he couldn't stop himself for falling.

"Sora, I think we should leave." Nathan said with a smirk. "These two might need some privacy."

"You're the CEO, you shouldn't encourage PDA in the workplace." Sora added.

"It's not like we're any better, though." Nathan replied as they walked out of the room.

"They're gone. We're alone again." David said.

"So, what...?" Henry replied, sounding shy.

"You don't have to be shy." David said with a smile. "Thank you, for telling your father."

"I haven't admitted to it yet." Henry replied coyly.

"I was having doubts whether you like me too or not, but you telling your father about us, that wiped all my doubts away."

"Just to be clear." Henry faced David bravely. "If you cheat on me, even in the slightest, you're dead. If I don't cut you myself, Dad have connections, and my brother is a cop." He threatened half teasingly.

David chuckled. "Just to be clear too." He said as he leaned closer to Henry. "I would never cheat on you." He said as he stole a kiss even before Henry could react.'

The kiss was soft, and sweet, but it was quick. David would have preferred something more passionate, something wilder, but he knew Henry would kill him if he does something like that there. Nonetheless, that kiss was more that superb.

Henry wanted to protest, but David's kiss sent electricity throughout his body that made him weak. He would have to get used to David's antics, or else his heart might stop of excitement one day.

That's one of the things he liked about David, though. His unpredictability, and he carefree attitude. David might not be his ideal partner, but he is the best that he never thought he wanted.

"Those two might be making out right now. God, I hope they don't ruin the fabrics." Nathan joked.

"David would try, for sure, but Henry would maim him first. He would never let anyone ruin his works, and whoever does would be chased to the end of the earth." Sora jested.

They were walking side to side, and Sora moved closer to Nathan and then held his hand. Nathan was surprised at first, but then he smiled contently. Sora had always been independent, he wasn't one to be clingy at all.

"Should I be worried? You're acting very affectionate all of a sudden."

"You're making it sound like I neglect you." Sora complained.

"I wouldn't as far as neglect..."


Nathan chuckled as he gave Sora's hand a squeeze.

"I have something to show you." Sora said with a small smile. "Do you have time now, we have to go somewhere?"

"Where? What are you up to now?" Nathan was actually nervous. Whenever Sora is involved, he doesn't know what to expect at all. "Sora, where are we going?"

"Why do you sound so nervous? I've been thinking of doing this for the longest, but with everything that was happening, I didn't quite have the chance." Sora said with a smile. "You might like it, but you might also hate it, but I don't know what it would mean for our relationship if you hate it."

"So, I have no choice but to like it." Nathan surmised.

"It's not like I'm forcing you to."

"No, I already like it."

Nathan was perplexed when Sora brought him to a gated subdivision. The neighborhood was nice, it looked quiet, a striking contrast to the city streets he was used to.

"So what do you think?" Sora asked as they walked towards a two story house. The house looked expensive, but it looked cozy. It was not as big and opulent as the Velin Manor or even the Sato Estate, but it looks like it would be a nice home.

"It looks cozy." Nathan replied.

"Really? I hope you like the interior." Sora said with a smile.

"Sora, wait." Nathan said as he held Sora's hand and stopped him from entering the house. "Is this what I think it is?" He asked nervously as his heart started to pound nervously.

"Well, your condo is nice and big enough for us, but it wouldn't be big enough once we start a family. Plus, I've always wanted to have a romantic dinner in a garden gazebo." Sora said with a smile.

"You want to have a family with me?" Nathan asked as smile broke out of his lips. His heart continued pounding with joy.

"I'm not rushing things, if you don't wan kids, then we can adopt dogs instead..."

"No, no, no... I want it. I want a family with you. Kids and all." Nathan said as he pulled Sora for an embrace. "When did you think of all this?"

"When Dad practically locked me up." Sora said with a chuckle. He pulled away from Nathan fro a bit. "I know things had been crazy lately. I know I've put you through so much, it wasn't easy. I know how much worried and scared you were for me, and I don't like seeing you hurt or in pain because you are worried if I'm alright o not. I know being Amanda Velin's CEO is stressful enough, and I don't want you to go home thinking and worrying if something bad happened to me. I want you to go home to a place where you could relax, forget all the problems, and just be with me."

"What are you saying?"

"I ended my leave, and I resigned." Sora said. "I became a cop to bring justice to Micheal, and now that I fulfilled that, I have a new goal."

"Sora, you love being a cop..." Nathan felt guilty. He felt like he's the reason why Sora is quitting something he loves doing.

"But I love being with you more. Listen, I'm not saying I'm not going to miss being a cop. It is a duty that I am more than happy to go back to, but right now, I want to start a family with you. And I can't do that if I'm busy running around after criminals, risking my life."

"Are you sure about this?"

"More than anything in my life." Sora smiled. "So, what do you say, Nathan Velin, do you want a family with me?"

"As long as it's not as messed up as my family." Nathan said jestingly.

"Well, it might be a little crazy, but I promise it would be a loving one."

Nathan chuckled. "Where do I sign up, then?" He smiled.

"We could seal it with a kiss." Sora suggested with a sweet smile.

"Ahh, that would be the best." Nathan said as he leaned closer.

Under the clear and vast blue sky, Nathan held Sora very gently as they shared the sweetest kiss of their new lives.

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