The Lost Diary

By DaErudite

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[ Updated everyday; need to finish before June; dedications for free just PM me. ] Sarah was just a normal gi... More



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By DaErudite

Chapter 13 - Accidentally

Steven's POV

Do you know that feeling when you suddenly woke up then see blurry images while getting dizzy? Well, I'm experiencing it now. When I rubbed my eyes, I saw Ellen heading towards me, holding the watch which can travel us in the past or future.

"I stopped the time. Come on," I noticed that the background looks red again. It looked like everything is painted red. Except for us, of course.

"Where?" Seriously. Where are we going?

"No time for questions." She said and handed me a bracelet. "That will protect you if someone in the past sees you."

I wore the bracelet and quickly said thank you. She took my hand and pulled me towards the opened door. We headed downstairs and saw Sarah preparing our breakfast. She's painted in red.

She's looks like she's looking for something. What is she looking for when she could just summon it?

"Can you find Princess? She needs to be here." She said while finding Princess in the room. I checked under the table, bed and Princess' mini-house, but there were no signs for her. Ellen used her magic to get Princess, but she said that Princess is not in this place.

"invenies" She said. I raised an eyebrow at her.


"I'm casting a spell. You'll learn it soon."

"I thought you're a time traveler. Not some sort of a witch."

"Don't be stupid. Come on. We need to go back in the past before the spell vanishes." She said and takes my hand. "I want you to close your eyes and think of nothing. We can't travel if you're thinking about something."

I did what she said and managed to calm myself down. After a few seconds, I felt so dizzy that wanted to puke. I tried to open my eyes but Ellen stopped me.

"No. We're not there yet. Don't open your eyes because you might get blind." She said and I nodded.

"Open your eyes." She said and I followed her. I saw our house.

"Is there anything wrong here?"

"Look around." I looked back and saw Sarah and the past me dressed for a beach party. I remember this. It's the day where Princess saved us from the deja vu.

Then something hit me.

That's it.

I grabbed Ellen's hand so she's now facing me. "Are we going to stop the deja vu thingy?"

"We aren't. Our mission is to leash the powers of Princess."

"You mean, in the past, Princess doesn't have powers?"

"Yes. But she's the only cat who's left in her kingdom and only she can stop this bullshit."

"You can cuss?" I asked in surprise. I never thought that sweet girls like her can curse.

"There's nothing special about it. I can speak anything I want to. Like bullshit, crap, shit, fu-" I covered my hand on her mouth so that she won't say any more words.

"Okay I get it. So let's get moving?" I asked and she just nodded then I followed her like I'm a lost puppy and she's my master. Apparently, I don't want to be a dog. I'm a cat lover like duh.

I noticed past Sarah and past me were no longer in the place.

"Where are they?"

"It's almost 10AM and they probably left because they needed to attend the pool party. Remember?"

Yeah as if I can forget that moment when a cat talks like a princess and ohh... her name is Princess. It makes sense now.

We opened the door and saw Princess roaming around the bushes and I see past Sarah and past me talking to each other. I noticed that the past me is going to turn around so I quickly pulled Ellen into the bushes with Princess purring in front of us.

Then it hit me because I remembered that there were also some movements on the bushes before. This is cool. It's like it's connected to each other.

I noticed that past Sarah and past me are both gone. I tapped Ellen's shoulder that made her turn around to see me.

"What are we going to do now?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Well I don't really know."

"What?" She doesn't have a plan? We went to the past and she doesn't even have a single plan? Is she out of her mind?

"Just kidding. If you can see your face a while ago, definitely worth it." She said, laughing while holding her tummy. Princess, on the other hand, went to her foot and bit her.

I laughed hysterically when I saw that. Ellen's whimpering in pain and I'm laughing like there's no tomorrow. Good girl Princess. Remind me to put extra tuna in your meal.

"Ha! Karma's a bitch." I said, still laughing. Few more minutes passed and we still aren't working on releasing Princess' powers.

"John said that releasing Princess' powers would be done accidentally." Ellen said while giving me her "confused girl face". Kawaii though.

'Accidentally'. I can't imagine about that word. You accidentally fell from the stairs, you accidentally hit the wall or you even accidentally kissed someone.

"Yeah as if there's a shooting star up there then I'll say "Oh hey, shooting star. Can you grant my wish by unleashing our cat's powers?""

Suddenly, Princess started to glow.

Then something hit me in the brain.

Accidentally huh? You got to be kidding me, John.

I heard a chuckle after that. Oh John, reading my thoughts.

Princess transformed her looks from being a cute and adorable pet to a strong heiress of a kingdom. Still adorable though but not as adorable as without a costume.

"Who woke me up in my meow sleep?" She asked. I raised my hand just in case.

"Oh Steven what do you want? And I'll remember that you'll put extra tuna in my meal." She said and I became dumbfounded. How?

"Telepathy." I don't know what it means but who cares?

"I care. The more you know, the better." She said while handing me a book.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's a guide for you. Just say a word and the meaning and such will appear instantly." She said. I think I should give it a try. This thing seems cool.


"Telepathy - It is the transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction."

Oh. That's so cool. I wish I can learn how to do it.

"You will. Moving on, why did you wake me up in my meow sleep?"

"We need your help."


"The deja vu thingy," I paused, not knowing what I would say next. "Do you know what deja vu is?"

"Of course I do. It's a feeling that one has seen or heard something before, something overly or unpleasantly familliar, or also known as repeating. In this case, maybe someone wished for it to happen and someone took it for granted."

Ellen and I nodded, amazed how this cat knows almost everything without realizing it. Maybe it's one of the heiress traits.

I'm getting mental images of a cat kingdom and Princess being the princess. That's so adorable but I can't think of a reason why the Egyptians would kill a kingdom especially some magical cats. Seems so weird.

The wind blew hard and I saw John sitting on a tornado-like throne and said something at Ellen and after an instance, everything went red.

"Just accompany Princess to Katy's house. She'll do the rest. Then you could go back to your house and have some rest. Here's some pizza tickets." He said and handed me two pizza tickets. I just met John a few times and I wanted to be friends with him. Seems so friendly and nice for a person.

After he handed me the tickets he vanished in a blink of an eye. Ellen looked at me suspiciously and I quickly gave her the pizza tickets. She hugged me in surprise and kissed my cheek.

Okay, what's going on?

Ellen walked happily while she dials the pizza delivery's number and she said she has 2 pizza tickets. Where the hell did John get those? Hmmm, seems so suspicious but he's a ghost and he can do anything he wants.

After some minutes of groaning and waiting, the pizza man came and handed us 2 boxes of pizza. Ellen handed the pizza tickets and the pizza man runs away quickly.

Ellen's eating the pepperoni and cheese one while I'm eating hawaiian pizza, which is my all time favorite.

We need to get going before 7PM which John said to us while we're enjoying our pizza. Princess is eating her cat food happily while we look at her eating her food. So cute and adorable.

We watched some movies on Netflix to waste some time because it's boring. I don't remember any of the titles of the movies that Ellen picked, but all I can tell is that it's just full of romance and shit, and I wish she picks something scary and not those full of cheesy and romantic movies.

It's only 15 more minutes 'till we leave this house and go to Katy's. I'm still confused. Why am I here? I didn't even contribute anything for this.

An idea came to my mind, i'll mark something on a wall and i'll check it on the future. I wrote the letters "S" in the wall and I make sure it's small enough for Sarah and the others to see but big enough for me to notice.

7PM and I can see a shooting star in the sky. Ellen transports us in Katy's house in an instance and stopped the time. Ellen pushes me in a bush and she says that the past me and the others aren't supposed to see us. I nodded and continued watching.

Princess floated and said the things she needed to say to the past Steven and just after she finishes saying everything, Ellen transports us back to our house and back to the present.


"Wake up." Ellen says while she slaps me softly on my cheek.

"Wake up Steven. Sarah's waiting downstairs." She said and left me in the room.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a bath. I finished after half an hour or so and when I went downstairs, I saw Sarah and Ellen talking to each other like they're sisters.

I sat on a seat facing to Ellen and Sarah and ate. After eating, Ellen said that she needed to take her things out of her luggage first because she'll now live in our house. That's surprisingly awesome isn't it?

I go to the spot where I put a marking of "S" and saw two markings. It's an "S" and "2A is coming...".

I got an answer to my question. I found out that Ellen, Princess and I are those people who shakes those bushes when we left. But I got another question now. Who wrote the 2A in the wall? Who are the 2A? What do they signify? I need some answers and I won't stop until I get one.

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