Forbidden (A Luke Castellan L...

By WriterManiac1

405K 12.3K 2.3K

Avery Hawkins had been orphaned nearly her whole life. But when things started to look normal for her, everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Contest!! *CLOSED*
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 34
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author Note
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 92

Chapter 37

4.8K 150 61
By WriterManiac1

Luke’s POV

            Dang that was awesome. She totally reacted to me! I’d done it with a few of the other girls but dang, when she did it… Dang. It was a major turn on.

            I was smirking while I went and helped all the other kids thinking about Avery. I was a little too caught up in congratulating myself to hear the dinner bell until I noticed the little girl that I was helping tug at my shirt. “Can we go to dinner now?” She asked. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts.

            “Yeah,” I said to her than shouted to the rest of the campers. “Cabin eleven, fall out!”

            Everyone lined up as we marched to the dinner pavilion meeting up with the rest of the campers. After we had all eaten, Chiron got up and started to the announcements.

            “As you know,” Chiron said, “Our monthly capture the flag is coming up in a few days.” He had to pause while everyone cheered then he continued. “The teams will be team blue: Hermes cabin, Athena, Zeus, Dionysius and the Demeter cabin. The red team will be: Hephaestus cabin, Aphrodite, Ares and the Apollo cabin. Remember to prepare yourselves and tell new campers what to do. We will be explaining more about capture later in the week.”

            Chiron stepped off and Mr. D walked up sipping a coke. “Go to your stupid camp fire now.” Everyone cheered and ran off. I saw Avery ahead with Jacie and the ghost that was brought into the camp, Grey. They were laughing and smiling while they walked ahead. Zach and Devin caught up to me and Devin said, “So how it going with Avery? I saw you too at archery today.” He wiggled his eye brows up and down suggestively and I smirked at the memory.

            “Dude you guys seriously need to hook up!” Zach said.

            “I will, I will.” I said, “I just got to know that she likes me too.”

            Devin rolled his eyes. “It’s obvious that she likes you.”

            “I have to be sure.”

            “Whatever.” Devin said, “But dude you gotta ask her out soon or else one of the other kids will start to get to her.”

            “They wouldn’t dare.” I said through clenched teeth, jealousy coming over me.

            “I don’t know man. I mean you know the whole camp is basically drooling over her right?” Zach informed me.

            “I’ll get to her first.” I spat out.

            Both Zach and Devin put their hands up in surrender. They knew how intimidating I can be and how much damage I can cause so they backed off the subject.

            I stalked towards the campfire with my hands clenched and my jaw locked but it went slack in surprise when I saw someone.

            “Thalia!” I shouted, a smile coming over my face.

            A girl with black spicy punk hair with dark clothes and stunning electric blue eyes turned to me with a slight smirk. “Hey.” She said and flipped a piece of hair from her face.

            I walked closer, “What in Hades are you doing here?” I asked. Thalia never liked to come to the campfires, she hated the music and everything was a little too happy for her.

            Thalia rolled her eyes, “Gods Luke you seem like I don’t even come to camp! I just so happened to want to come today alight?”

            “I’m just surprised that’s all.” I said.

            “Well I found out that we have a new camper and I wanted to meet her. She seems cool.”

            “Avery?” I asked and she nodded.

            “I missed dinner when she first came but a ton of people are talking about her. Both the girls and boys.” She made a face, “Especially the boys.”

            I clenched my first and looked to Devin and Zach who mouthed, ‘Told you.’ I shot him a glare and he cowered behind Devin who laughed at Zach being so scared.

            Turning my gaze to Thalia she said, “So who’s the girl? I wanna meet her.”

            “Yeah,” I said smiling, “She’s this way I’ll introduce you guys.”

            We started walking closer to the camp fire and Annabeth caught sight of us. Her face brightened up when she saw us. Jumping from her bench she ran over to us with a smile. “Didn’t think I’d see you here Thalia.”

            Thalia scoffed, “Holy Zeus you guys must think that I just stay in my cabin all day long! I’m not the oracle alright? I don’t just stay in my room and collect dust.”

            “I didn’t mean it like that,” Annabeth defended. “I’m just surprised, that’s all.”

            “Apparently you and Luke think alike.” Thalia smirked and looked over at me. “He said the same thing.”

            I put my hands up in surrender while chuckling. “So what are you here for?” Annabeth asked.

            “I wanted to meet the new girl.” Thalia explained.

            “Oh yeah, Avery.” Annabeth said recognizing who she was talking about. “I’ve heard she’s nice but I haven’t actually met her yet.”

            “Care to join us?” I asked and put my hand out, gesturing towards Avery. She laughed and nodded while we walked over to Avery.

            “Hey Avery!” I called and she stopped talking to her friends and turned to me, smiling. “I want you to meet some of my friends.” I said and gestured her over to us. Avery told her friends to hang on while they said something and she laughed then jogged over her smiling at Thalia and Annabeth.

            “Hi.” She greeted, smiling.

            Both Thalia and Annabeth smiled back while I introduced them. “These are my two best friends-” I stared but both Devin and Zach started coughing. I rolled my eyes, “My two best friends that are girls,” I corrected and both boys had triumphant smiles on their faces. I rolled my eyes again and continued introducing them. “This is Thalia and Annabeth and guys, this is Avery.”

            They all shook hands, “Nice to meet you.” Annabeth said and Thalia nodded.

            “You too.” Avery smiled back. “So are you guys Hermes kids too?”

            Both Annabeth and Thalia shook their heads. “No,” Annabeth responded, “I’m in the Athena cabin and Thalia is in the Zeus cabin.”

            Avery nodded. “That’s cool.”

            “You’re not claimed yet right?” Thalia asked.

            “No,” Avery said sadly. “Not yet. But hey- it’s only been a few days, right?”

            “Yeah,” Annabeth agreed, “It might take a while but the Hermes cabin is always fun.”

            Avery laughed, “If you mean fun by loud than yes.”

            We all laughed until we heard Connor yell at Avery. “Hey Avery! I saved you a spot!”

            “No!” Travis interjected, “I’m saving her a spot!”

            Thalia made a face and Annabeth laughed at Thalia’s face. Avery weakly smiled and said, “You really don’t want to sit by me guys.”

            “Yes we do.” They both said in unison.

            Avery sighed and Thalia laughed, “Don’t like them much?”

            “It’s not that,” Avery said, “It’s just they won’t leave me alone.”

            “I can take care of that.” Thalia offered but Avery shook her head and a twinkle came into her eyes.

            “I’ve got it.” She said then turned to the Stoll twins. “Could you guys ignore me for the rest of the day?” She asked and I could hear the power in her voice. She was using her charm speak on them. I smirked.

            Both twins looked confused and then nodded, dazed. “Yeah, okay.” They both said sounding zoned out.

            “And give me your s’mores too.” Avery added and they both nodded making Avery smile widely.

            I laughed while Thalia and Annabeth looked quizilly at the boys, noticing that they listened and looked away from Avery, ignoring her. “They would never do that. I- I mean… what?” Thalia asked confused.

            As always, Annabeth was smart enough to figure it out and laughed, “She’s using charm speak on them!” She laughed and Thalia’s face broke out into a smile.

            “Nice,” Thalia smirked. “Make them leave you alone, and get treats.” She smiled, “I like this kid.”

            I feigned surprise, “You actually like someone?”

            Thalia rolled her eyes and punched me in the arm. “Shut up.”

            We all laughed and talked a little more until we had to sit down. Avery and I ended up sitting next to each other and sang and laughed along with the other campers until it was time to go back. While most of the kids looked like they were about to fall asleep on their feet, Avery looked like she was full of energy she looked better than the Apollo kids were in the morning. You seriously do not want them to wake you up. The Apollo kids are what you call ‘morning people’ only times that by 10. They are seriously so annoying.

            Izzy, a six year old Hermes camper, looked like she was going to fall asleep on her feet. She went up to Avery and asked sleepily, “Can you carry me?”

            Avery smiled and crouched down so Izzy could reach her back. “All about the Avery express.” Avery said. Izzy smiled brightly and hoped on to Avery’s back to have Avery stand up and speed towards the cabin while making noises like she was flying while you could hear Izzy’s giggles.   

            I smiled at them and walked towards the cabin. When I walked in I saw Avery tucking Izzy in and I leaned up against the door with my arms crossed watching them.           

            “Why do we have to sweep?” Izzy asked trying to say sleep but she was too young to pronounce it fully.

            Avery smiled at the question. “We need to rest our bodies so we can play tomorrow. If we don’t sleep, we can’t play.”

            Izzy thought about that for a while and nodded taking the answer. “That mwakes since.” She said and Avery laughed and kissed her forehead.

            “Time to go to bed Izzy.”

            The six year old yawned and nodded sleepily then settled down into the covers. Avery tucked her in and kissed her forehead one last time, “Goodnight, Izzy.” She whispered but the little girl was already asleep.

            I walked over to Avery, “You’d be a really good mom you know.” I said and Avery blushed.

            “Thanks.” She said shyly.

            A smile spread on my face and I nodded in a ‘you’re welcome’ jester.  “We should probably get to bed too.” I suggested and she nodded than started to walk away to her bunk but I grabbed her wrist. She turned to look at me and gave me a confused look.

            “What?” I asked, with a mischievous smile on my face. “I don’t get a goodnight kiss too?”

            Avery blushed and I expected her to walk away but instead she walked towards me and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek. “Goodnight Luke.” She whispered than walked away to her bunk leaving me stunned. I honestly didn’t think she would actually kiss me. I thought she would just say goodnight like she did that one night but oh my gods that was amazing. I could still feel the tingle on my cheek from where her lips touched my cheek.

            Smiling at the now, curled up Avery in bed, I walked over to my bunk and got ready for bed too. When I pulled up the sheets over me I smiled again thinking about the innocent kiss on my cheek. “Goodnight Avery.” I whispered to myself and closed my eyes, falling asleep.


A/N: Remember I can handle criticism; just make sure you don't yell at me please. Try to be nice when you criticize, remember that I’m new at this but it’s helpful to know things. Also, I can clarify anything that you guys need help with. And one more thing guys, I thought it would be cool for you guys to comment who you think Avery's parent is and if you guys comment on what you guys want that would be great too!! If you want Luke and Avery to kiss already tell me!! :) Thanks so much for reading guys!!


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