Forbidden (A Luke Castellan L...

By WriterManiac1

405K 12.3K 2.3K

Avery Hawkins had been orphaned nearly her whole life. But when things started to look normal for her, everyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Contest!! *CLOSED*
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 34
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author Note
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author Note
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 92

Chapter 24

5.1K 161 45
By WriterManiac1

Luke’s POV
            I was lying in my bed, staring at the bed above me when I heard the noise.
            Lifting my head from my pillow I scanned the room ready to give someone a lecture on curfew. It usually happened with the younger kids.
            Propping myself up on one elbow, I looked around until my eyes landed on the sleeping Avery.
            I smiled just thinking about her.
            When she moved and sat up, I was nearly jumped to the Underworld and back.
            Avery sat on the side of her bed and ran her fingers through her hair. I tried to see her but my eyes were still trying to get used to how dark it as, I could hardly make out her figure in the darkness. She looked around and immediately my eyes widened and I acted like I was asleep again. I didn’t want her to think I was creeping on her while she was supposed to be asleep. 
            I opened my eyes when I heard the door creak open. I heard Avery take a sharp breath in and immediately I closed my eyes again. I waited and after a while of holding it, she let it out. I opened my eyes but she must have felt my gaze but she whipped around to check if everyone was asleep. Thank the gods I have quick reflexes or else I would have been screwed. Finally after she was sure everyone was asleep I heard her slip out of the door.
            Curious as to where she was going, I got out of my bed but knocked my head on the top bunk, I was in such a rush.
            I groaned and held my head, cursing myself for being so careless. I should be used to this by now!
            Staggering out of bed with a huge head ach, I managed to stay on my feet without falling over.
            I walked to the door and gently pulled it open, lifted the handle up so you wouldn’t hear it squeak open.
            Once I was safe outside I looked around for Avery but didn’t see anything. I rose and eyebrow confused. She couldn’t have just disappeared!
            Something fell from the roof and onto my head making me mutter about that this was stupid then rub my head and look up. That was when I realized that she must be on the roof.
            Climbing on the side of the cabin I shuffled up but kept slipping down making strange noises while cursing myself in my head.
            When I finally reached the top I saw Avery and was about to smile but she let out a scream.
            I scrambled up and ran to her, covering her mouth. “Woah, woah it’s okay, it’s just me!” I said quietly trying to soothe her down. She was breathing really hard and I looked in her eyes to see them wild with fear. “Sorry,” I apologized, “I didn’t mean to scare you. Now, I’m going to take off my hand, don’t scream alright?”
            She nodded and when I took off my hand she put a hand over her heart and laid back down. “Oh my gosh!” She said trying to steady her heart beat. “You scared me to death! I thought maybe you were a harpy coming to eat me or something!”
            I chuckled, “Sorry ‘bout that. I was just wondering where you were going at this late hour.”
            She sat up and bit her lip. I had a really hard time concentrating on anything else when she did that but I managed not to think about her lips while she talked.
            “I couldn’t sleep.” She admitted.
            I nodded and looked out into the camp. “I understand that. I remember my first day at camp.” I said then laid back until I was side by side with her. I knew that I made her blush by this but I wasn’t about ready to get up. It was almost 1 in the morning plus it was a pretty good excuse to get close to her and lay by her.
            We were silent for a while looking up at the sky when I said. “Look how beautiful the stars are.”
            She smiled and laid back down next to me. “I’ve always loved the stars but because I lived in the city I could never see them with the street lights. How come-how come you can see them here?”
            “We are pretty far away from the city,” I said, “But there’s also a magical boarder around the camp. It blocks out bad weather and protects the camp from monsters. I guess it helps you to see the stars too.”
            She sighed contently and put her left hand, the one closest to me, to her side and her right hand on her stomach. We both just watched the stars, caught up in our thoughts.
            All my thoughts consisted of were putting my hand on top of hers but I didn’t know how she would react to that.
            I was debated on doing it when suddenly, without thinking, I just put my hand on hers. Dang!
            She jumped surprised and I closed my eyes praying to the Gods that she wouldn’t hate me for doing that. I expected her to move her hand away and tell me to bug off but nothing happened.
            I looked over at her to see a blush on her face as well as a smile. My face broke out into a grin when I realized she wasn’t going to take her hand away.
            Feeling content with myself I placed it more firmly on her hand and scooted a little closer to her, so our hands weren’t so far away.
            I glanced over at her again and even in the dark light, I could see the blush on her cheeks. She was really cute when she blushed.
            We stayed that way until Avery said, “We should probably get into bed, it’s already 1:37.”
            I looked at my watch, on the hand that wasn’t on hers, and saw that time exactly. I rose one of my eyebrows and turned my head to look at her. She was turned the other way, she didn’t have a watch either; how did she know what time it was. “How did you know that?”
            She blinked, “I don’t-I don’t know. It was just a guess, I think.”
            I shook my head and regretfully took my hand off hers. Immediately I missed the feel of it but forced myself to stand up and brush myself off instead of lay back down next to her. I stood in front of Avery and held out my hand.
            “Thanks.” She said and took it, letting me help her up.
            I climbed down and when I got to the bottom I realized she wasn’t following me. “Avery?” I asked.
            She broke out of her daze and stared down at me from the roof. “Sorry.” She apologized.
            Avery was going to climb down but I said, “Wait.” She looked back at me. I smirked, “Jump.” I said.
            Her eyes went wide. “What?”
            “Jump,” I repeated, “I’ll catch you, don’t worry.”
            “Don’t you trust me Avery?” I said with a twinkle in my eye.
            She hesitated then sighed in defeat. “You had better catch me Luke.” She warned.
            I chuckled. “I will, I promise.”
            “Okay,” She said her voice unsteady. “I’m going to jump now okay?”
            “I’m ready for you.” I said cockily.
            She rolled her eyes but smiled. Avery took one last deep breath then jumped down.
            I caught her in my arms and laughed when I saw her eyes shut tight like she was going to die. Slowly, she opened her eyes, “You-you caught me?”
            Feigning hurt I said, “You act surprised.”
            She blushed, “No it’s not that it’s just-”
            “I can drop you if you want.” I smirked and let her fall in my arms almost making her scream but I still held on to her.
            I chuckled when she hit my chest. “You idiot.” She said. “That’s twice you’ve almost killed me.”
            “Don’t worry,” I said and bent down so my lips brushed her ear, “I couldn’t kill someone so beautiful.”
            She blushed and hid her face in my chest only making me chuckle more.
            “Come on.” I said smirking at her reaction. “We had better get inside before anyone notices that we’re gone.”
            Avery nodded shyly and I dropped her to her feet. She smiled and opened the door but before she could walk in I grabbed her waist and turned her to look at me, bringing her close to me. “You can’t go without saying goodbye.” I teased, our faces close.
            “G-goodnight Luke.” She whispered, shyly, her cheeks pink from us being so close.
            Deciding that I was going to take a risk, I leaned closer and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Goodnight, Avery.” I said then slowly pulled away to see her cheeks bright red. She bit her lip, at that moment I wanted to kiss her on the lips but she turned around and walked in the room to her bed.
            I cursed myself. I should have kissed her!
            Running my hand through my hair I shook it off. Next time, next time I will. I thought to myself.
            What was so weird is that I had never wanted to kiss a girl so much before! I mean sure- I had them all running after me and I’d gone out with a few of them before but she was different. She was just so… intoxicating.
            Making my decision, that I would kiss her soon, I walked in and shut the door.
            I made my way to my bed and drew the sheets around me.
            Quickly I glanced at Avery to see her breathing steady and her eyes closed. I couldn’t believe she fell asleep so fast.
            I smiled and ended up sleeping all night with that smile, my thoughts consisting of Avery.

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