Big Time Rush preference

By prefercence1999

234K 2.9K 198


Big Time Rush
1: How you to meet
2: His nicknames for you
4: Your first anniversary
5: You find out/tell him you're pregnant.
12: He defends you from twitter hate
13: You babysit together
14: He meets your family.
15: How you two sleep together
16: You give him the silent treatment.
17: He surprises you by picking you up early from school for a date
18: You moved to LA with him you're feeling home sick and he comforts you.
20: How he comforts you when you're homesick
21: He introduces you to his family.
22: You two visit your family for Christmas.
23: Pregnancy Scare.
26: He PIcks You Up Early From School
27: Your First Time
28: kissing
29: You feel as though you aren't girly enough for him part 1
30: You're mistaken as a couple part 1
31: You're mistaken as a couple part 2
33: Pregnancy Series - Doctor's Appointment/Ultrasound
34:Pregnancy Series - You tell your family/friends you're pregnant.
35: Pregnancy Series - How you tell the fans you're pregnant.
36: Pregnancy Series - "Do you think we're ready?"
37: Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness.
38: Pregnancy Series - Body Troubles
39: Pregnancy Series - Cravings.
40: How you react after watching Big Time Dreams.
41: He compares you to an ex.
42: A moment in time.
43: You don't feel "girly" enough for him (part two).

3: How he proposes

11.9K 168 7
By prefercence1999

Carlos: It was your third year anniversary with Carlos. He'd decided to take you out for a romantic dinner at the little Italian restaurant you went to for your first date. This time was different though, the restaurant was empty, all the tables cleared out other than one. One single table was set for two with candles setting a beautifully romantic scene.

"Carlos!" You gasped. "It's beautiful." you smiled, turning to face him. Before you could say anything, Carlos was down on one knee, beaming up at you. "Carlos..."

"(Y/N), I love you so much. You know that, right?" he interrupted you. You could only nod, covering your growing smile with your hands. "Right, and you know that I could never imagine my life with anyone else but you, right?" you nodded again. Carlos reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, holding it out in front of him. "(Y/N), you're the most beautiful person I've ever met, and I'd be honoured if you'd agree to become my wife. Will you marry me?" he looked up hopefully. You smiled, bending down to reach him.

"Of course I'll marry you, Carlos." you beamed at him, leaning forward and pressing your lips to his gently.

James: You and James were away on your first holiday together. After four and a half years, you both decided it was time. James booked you guys flights to Paris, knowing you'd always wanted to go and see the sights; in particular, the Eiffel tower. After a couple of days taking in some of the smaller sights together, James finally took you to the one place you'd really wanted to go. Once you finally got to the top, James wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.

"Isn't it amazing?" you breathed happily, a huge smile plastered to your face.

"It certainly is." James agreed, you turned your head to face him, only to find his eyes already firmly focussed on you. After a short silence, both of you taking in the city from up so high, James began to speak. "Listen, (Y/N), I've been meaning to ask you something." he started, his voice taking a tone of nervousness.

"Okay." you smiled warmly, urging him to continue.

"Well, I was just thinking that, we love each other so much, and... well, if I'm honest, I'm not sure I could ever imagine living without you." you turned to face him, brows furrowed in confusion. You wondered where he was going with this. Before you could ask the question, James pulled a ring out of his pocket. "Will you marry me (Y/N)?" you stared up into his eyes, tears welling in your own. Speechless, you simply nodded your head, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing his lips down to meet yours in your first kiss as an engaged couple.

Kendall: You and Kendall were out at the park with your two year old daughter having a family picnic under a large oak tree. Kendall laid down on the chequered picnic blanket playing with your daughter as she laid on his chest. You smiled over at them before packing away all the food from your lunch, placing it all back in the basket.

"Hey baby girl, do you see that cloud up there?" Kendall asked your daughter, pointing to a large, fluffy cloud in the sky. She shook her head.

"No." she said simply, trying to follow his line of sight. She looked up and saw the cloud.

"Well princess, let me tell you what it looks like to me." she nodded her head. "I think it looks like a boy and a girl, laying on a blanket with a little girl, their daughter, laughing and having a great time. Don't they look happy?" the little girl giggled, nodding her head. You looked over at them, chuckling to yourself before laying down beside them.

"So, does that make me a queen?" you laughed, moving to kiss your daughters cheek. Kendall sat up, sitting the little girl in your lap.

"Almost..." he smiled mischievously. You looked at him with a confused expression. "(Y/N) you are the most amazing woman I've ever met. You've made me the happiest man alive by giving me a beautiful baby girl, not to mention loving and putting up with me for so long." you chuckled. "And, well... I was hoping that maybe you'd... marry me?" he pulled out a ring, holding it out in front of you. You gasped, holding one hand over your gaping mouth. You looked down at your daughter who was bouncing up and down in your arm screaming.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" she repeated, you just chuckled to yourself and nodded, agreeing to marry the love of your life.

Logan: You and Logan had just had been out on a romantic walk together along the beach when you ran into your ex. There's no bad blood between you and your ex, in fact up until a few months ago, you were still pretty good friends. You smiled politely and conversed with him when he attempted to be a decent person. Logan however, wasn't quite so polite.

"What is your problem?!" you shouted at him after half an hour of pointless bickering about the subject. He snapped.

"I was going to propose to you tonight and he ruined it!" he retorted, glaring at me. I backed away slowly, stepping backwards to sit on a chair.

"Y-you were going to... propose?" you asked in disbelief, looking up at him with teary eyes. He walked towards you slowly, keeping his hand in his jacket pocket. He crouched down in front of you, biting his lip. He nodded.

"I love you (Y/N), so much more than you could ever know." he whispered, taking your hands in his. "And as much as you may not believe me, I only get jealous because I can't even imagine how I'd cope without you." he sighed, looking up at you, ring in hand.

"Logan... I-I love you." you spluttered, quickly wiping away a few tears that were streaking your cheeks. He smiled.

"So, you'll marry me?" he asked quietly, hope glistening in his eyes. You smiled, nodding your head.

"Yes, a gazillion times yes!" you chuckled as he slid the ring on your finger, picking you up and spinning you around before leaning down and kissing you passionately.

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