The Maze Runner Imagines

By WritingInsanely

127K 2.1K 608

Just a bunch of imagines I've posted on my Tumblr already -thought I would share them with the rest of the TM... More

Food Fight//Minho
Singing Drunkard//Newt
Thanks For The Memories//Newt
Newt's Secret//Newt
Confessions of a Worried Shank//Newt
Teasing and Kissing//Newt
You Read My Mind; Literally//Minho
Make Outs N' Such//Newt
Kiss Me All You Want But Don't Lick My Face//Newt
You're Totally Whipped, There's No Denying It//Newt
Awfully Messy//Gally
Climbing Mountains and Taking Selfies Are Not A Good Mix//Newt
Swimming Naked is Better Than Going to Prom Anyway//Newt
Parted Ways//Newt
The Blond Shuck Face//Newt
I Care//Newt
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 1
Giving You a Chance//Newt//Part 2
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 1
Let Me Love You//Gally//Part 2
I'm Only Relatively Romantic When I'm Drunk//Minho
Happy New Year!//All Four
How Do You Say 'I Love You'?//Gally
The Bet//Minho
I Like Punching People, But I Also Like Hugging You//Gally
The Date//Newt//Part 2
Finding A Friend//Newt
After The Power Goes Out//Newt
The Gang//Newt
Only Flirt With Me If You Mean It//Thomas
The Rescuer//Newt
The Ghost of Him//Gally
You're The One I Want//Thomas
Fighting For You//Newt
Trapped Together//Minho
Close To Him//Gally
Author's Note: IMPORTANT!
The Truth//Gally

The Date//Newt//Part 1

1.4K 25 13
By WritingInsanely

Prompt: In an Alternate Universe where you attend school with characters from The Maze Runner, you are asked to help with a fundraiser for the track team -- Minho's orders. But what happens when you have to recruit the most popular boy in school... for the price of date?

"So," Minho asks, as the track team gathers around to listen to their student captain, "As you all probably know, we desperately need new uniforms. Seriously. These are not only disgusting in their brown and yellow colour scheme, but they are the incorrect material for our kind of sport."

You watch as everyone nods along, yourself included. It's true, ever since you joined the track team you've been begging Minho to change the uniform, it's horribly uncomfortable! Besides, at every competition, your school gets mocked for the ugly colours –even though your team pummels most of them to the ground. There's only one problem however, and that's the school. The school doesn't care enough about their sporting teams –it's all about the music here at Glade High.

"I've talked to the teachers and the principal but they can't spare us anymore money as apparently we already used the track team's budget. Which sucks." Minho looks over the team with hope in his eyes, "But, as I've discussed with some of us already, I'm thinking we can buy them ourselves. If we raise enough money, that is."

A guy called Ben looks over the crowd, "What, sell cupcakes? We are already a bunch of losers for our mustard coloured theme, no way am I walking around the halls selling cupcakes."

You turn to him instantly, "Aw, will that destroy the bare manhood you have left?"

"Slim it, Y/N."

"No," Minho immediately cuts in before you can argue back, "Not a cupcake sale." He looks around at the team again, "I'm thinking of a party."

A lot of people around you groan, but you think this could actually work.

"Hold on, hold on, don't back out yet." Minho raises his hands so everyone stops talking, "We provide drinks, non-alcoholic of course, food and a live band. It's not just going to be some backyard shabby, did-it-in-five-minutes party. And it will be a seven-dollar entry at the door."

Ben sighs, "Alright, sounds good. What do we need to do?"

Minho smiles at his friend's support, "A lot."

In the next five minutes, Minho has allocated people to different jobs to get this party organised, and then lastly he turns to you with a not-so-confident look in his eyes. "Y/N."


"For you, I have a very special job."

You narrow your eyes, "Oh no."

"Oh yes." Minho worriedly wrings his hands together, and you get slightly irritated that he won't just spit it out; although you have a pretty good idea what he's going to say. "I'm relying oh-so heavily on you because... well... you're probably the most reliable person on the team."

You only raise an eyebrow in response.

"Oh fine, look, no more buttering you up, I need you to book us a band."

You tilt your head slightly, "That's not too hard, I have a few friends who could easily play for a night with a cheap price. What kind of music-

"No, no, no." Minho shakes his head, "We need a specific band."

"If you have one in mind already, why don't you just go ask them yourself?"

"Because! I have to find a venue! Besides, you're probably better at talking to him anyway..."

You cross your arms over your chest, "Talking to who?"

You swear you see Minho gulp, "Newton."

"Oh heck no." You shake your head furiously at Minho as he pleads you to do this one tiny favour for him, "No way in hell! Do you remember the last time I had to approach him? He totally blew me off with an annoyed wave of his hand as if I wasn't worthy to be in his presence! He's a total ass. There is no way-

"Please, Y/N! He might listen to you this time... besides... I couldn't just ask a Greenie to go talk to him, he'll tear their head off."

But you stop short. He's right. There is no way a Greenie could ever persuade him to play at your fundraiser. You close your eyes for a short moment, wishing away all your problems with this guy. Finally, you breathe again, "Alright. I'll do it... But let me ask you one thing. Why him?"

Minho smiles nervously, "He leads the most popular band in school, there are so many girls after him and so many guys jealous of him. We need the money, as much as we can grab. I'm just thinking of the team here."

"If he's in the most popular band, what makes you think I can get him to play for us?" Your voice has become whiny, stressed. What are you supposed to do? Just ask him? "I don't have nearly enough money for his band anyway!"

"Just please try. For me. For your team!"

You roll your eyes and stomp your foot, "Fine."

There he is. The Golden Boy. Stupid blond hair and stupid brown eyes, weird fingerless gloves, pale fingers strumming over his guitar strings. Ugh. You shake your head and try to muster up the courage you need, but you glance at all the girls practically falling at his feet and you chicken out. There's no way. How stupid would you look if he said no? No, when he says no.

You turn to go but a voice calls out to you, it's Newton's. "Hey, you, what do you want?"

You turn around slowly like you've been caught stealing, "I..." You swallow hard, "I wanted to um..."

He raises an eyebrow, "Yes?"

You walk closer to him, his brown-eyed stare giving you chills, "I wanted to ask you about your band... about your availability?"

Newton stands up from his bench and shoos the girls away with a flick of his hand... like he did to you last year. He steps off the bench and places his guitar back into his case, and then he walks over to you with his hands tightly stuffed into his coat's pockets. "Availability? I'm always available for you, sweet-

You immediately raise your hands in protest, "No, no... no. I meant about your band. Like... gig wise?"

He tilts his head like he doesn't understand.

You sigh, "Look, the track team, my track team-

"You're on the track team?" He shakes his head, "That's a shame. Mustard probably isn't your colour."

You laugh sarcastically, "Yeah, well, I don't think it's anyone's colour. Which is why I-

A ringing sound blares out of nowhere, and you watch as Newton takes out his phone. He holds a finger up to you for a moment as he clicks 'answer'. "Hello?"

You stand there silently, although you glare at him as he chats away on his phone. By the sound of it, it's most likely a girl.

"Yeah?" He says, a smile tugging at his lips, "What have you got on right now?"

Okay. That's it. You turn around and start heading the other way, trying real hard to not throw up in public when a hand clasps around your wrist. You're pulled back to face him, his brown eyes slightly amused. "Hold up, Kate," he takes the phone away from his ear, "Where are you going? I thought you wanted to ask me something?"

"Then quit trying to have phone sex with some girl over the phone and let me ask you, gosh darn it!"

His eyes go wide and he shuts his phone immediately, "I... My friend and I were trying to figure out what costume we were going to twin as at Thomas' Halloween party."

Your mouth opens a little in shock and a slight guilt, "I... sorry."

Newton slides his phone into his pocket, a smile in the corners of his lips, "All good, so what did you want to ask?"

You take in a breath, "As I was trying to say, the ugly coloured track team is trying to fundraise for new, more attractive coloured uniforms. We're doing a party, but we want a live band. So... We were wondering if your band would be interested in helping us out? Just name a price, and I'll see what I can do."

Newton looks at you for a moment, "First, I want an apology from you for thinking that I was having phone sex."

"I'm so sorry for thinking you were having phone sex."

"And secondly, I would like to take you out on a date."

You frown, "Excuse me?"

"I'm naming a price, and the price for my band is you going on a date with me."

You keep frowning, "What about the rest of your band?"

Now it's Newton's turn to frown, "Yuck, you can't date the whole band that would just-

"No!" You shout again, leaving him silent and wide brown eyed again. "I mean, your band won't be happy with this payment, right? Wouldn't they need some cash or something?"

Newton smiles, "It's okay, I can figure something out. You just worry about what you're going to wear."

"You're kidding."

"Friday at seven? I can pick you up, what's your phone number? You can text me your address."

"Whoa... whoa, slow down won't you? I haven't even decided if I want-

"I'm not taking money; this is the only route you have."


He looks amused, "Fine?"


You leave him your number and tell him to pick you up at seven thirty instead.

You text Minho the good news, although you leave out the part of the payment. You look in your bedroom mirror, at the girl reflecting back. You chose a simple, black dress with simple shoes and a simple bag because you seriously just want to get this date over with. It's for the good of the team, you keep telling yourself. And it is... He's cute, of course, he's really, really cute, but ever since he ignored you on that one Winter's day... You know he's a player. Or at least a bit snobby.

"Y/N! The door, please!" Your mom shouts from the bottom floor.

You take in another breath, touch up your makeup, and then walk to the front door. You open it and there he is, the guitar playing hipster with his incredibly fashionable coat, those stupid fingerless gloves and the smell of really nice cologne. You want to vomit. "Hey Newton."

He looks at you with a slight frown, his eyebrows knitted together, "You look really nice but please don't call me Newton ever again. Newt is fine."

"What, like the lizard?"

He glares back at you as you both walk down to his car, "Yes, you have something against lizards?"

You laugh at his ridiculousness and he smiles back at you before he opens the car door for you, "Madam."

"Sir." You shake your head and step into his car, sliding the seatbelt on immediately. He starts the car and you're off, racing through town. You start praying that he doesn't crash.

"So, I'm thinking we go eat at this really weird restaurant I found the other night, and then we can take a really long romantic walk on the beach-

"Are you kidding?"

"Or... I can just take you home straight after?"

You sigh, "A walk on the beach is fine... As long as you get me back by eleven."

"Eleven, got it."

You sit down at the reserved table, music you have never heard before playing in the background. Other than smelling a little strange, there's really nothing out of the ordinary in this place. "So... weird restaurant, huh?"

"Wait for it."

After you've ordered both of your meals, music blares out of nowhere and people dressed up as the characters from the Wizard of Oz come dancing out. They sing and dance, even climb up onto the bar with swinging hips and tapping shoes. You stare at this ridiculous sight and can't help but laugh at these poor suckers. Suddenly, the Tin Man comes up beside you, he grabs onto your hand and pulls you up from your seat. There's nothing you can do but follow his lead as he spins you around the restaurant, everyone clapping and singing along too. It's nuts, this place is nuts.

Suddenly he spins you away from him and you fall into Newt's arms who was dancing around with the Scarecrow. You and Newt both dance around the restaurant some more; you can feel your cheeks blushing but Newt doesn't seem to care. The spinning and dancing continues, and it's like everyone else in the restaurant is no longer there. You both laugh at each other, giggling like a bunch of school girls. It's fantastic.

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