Panem high

By Codydavies_

54.5K 1.7K 307

If there was no hunger games,, More

Panem high
Eventful night..
New couple?
Cheater. Break up or make up?
Break up.
Player and whore.
Who is it?
Who will she chose?
Its you, it has always been you
Authors not
Nightmare come true
He didnt escape.
Im sorry
Not a chapter
It was always you
Telling peeta

At glimmers

1.3K 59 17
By Codydavies_

[sorry haven't updated for ages! My whattpad went bad after then new update but now it's fine, also I've been with friends alot]

~ at glimmers ~

'Lets play spin the bottle" suggests clove

I don't say anything, but I don't really want to play, it will involve kissing and maybe kissing finnick or Peeta and I can't handle this right now

"I'll go first" says finnick. He spun the bottle and it landed on Peeta

"Why did you cheat on katniss, and what exactly happened" oh no. The others didn't know he cheated on me, they don't know anything about finnick either, the girls are going to be annoyed I told finnick not them when there my bestfriends I'm going to have to tell them about finnick

Everyone looked shocked.

"YOU CHEATED ON HER?" Shouts clove, she's like my sister and I love her to bits, but it's not the time, expescially since bringing this all up is making me tear up.

I start pouring with tears and i can't stop them,I don't want them to see me cry, I run into the kitchen and sit down. I cry into my hands. I hear foot steps. It better not be Peeta!


"Finnick it's fine it's not your fault, I know you just want to find out what happened and I do too" I say "but bringing it up reminds me of what he did, and I want to forgive him but I don't know if I can"

Finnick holds my hand and I know I shouldn't but I hold his back, I think I'm falling for him. When I hold his hand it feels right and not awkward, so I lean in a kiss him. Then I hear someone running.

Clove. She saw it, she can't tell Annie or anyone! Annie will hate me, I mean they just broke up. And Peeta, oh no Peeta! I run after her.

"Clove, I know you saw"

"You cheated on him too didn't you?" She says angry "and you made me believe he was the bad guy"

I can't believe she would think that!

"No of course not, were not together and I told him, I like finnick but I'm not sure wether or not it's friendly" I say "he knows, I would never cheat on him, finnick has comforted me so much and that's the only reason I told him first, about Peeta I mean."

"I'm sorry I accused you of cheating on him katniss"

"It's fine" I say even though it hurt "please don't tell anyone clove, I'm confused about my feelings and until I know I can't deal with everyone else"

"I won't"

"Thankyou" I say "I better go back" I say pointing to the kitchen

She winks "love birds" I know she's joking, lightening the mood. And with that she walks back to the living room and can hear everyone asking if I'm okay, and she just said I'm fine

I walk back to finnick

"She won't tell anyone"

"That's not what I'm worried about"

"And what are you worried about?" I say with a wink

"us, I love you katniss" he kisses me and I kiss him back, it feels so right.

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