Project 1000 School Virgin ||...

By KenneyRou

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Play the game or be played. Once a year, one random girl is chosen to participate in the annual game called '... More

Project 1000 School Virgin
Chapter 1 | Project I Will Go To Church Every Sunday
CHAPTER 2 | Project Play The Game
Chapter 3 | Project Make Everyone Stop And Stare
Chapter 4 | Project Play Truth Or Dare
Chapter 5 | Project Bite His Lips...
Chapter 6 | Project You Wouldn't Be Alive For Much Longer
Chapter 7 | Project Tutor The Bad Boy
Chapter 8 | Project We Could Make Out
Chapter 9 | Project I Like You
Chapter 10 | Project Not Too Rough
Chapter 11 | Project No Need To Threaten My Dick
Chapter 12 | Project The Wheels On The Bus
Chapter 13 | Project Oompa Loompa
Chapter 14 | Project Finger In My nose
Chapter 15 | Project Kissing Behind The Tress
Chapter 16 | Project Something Is Poking My Butt
knowing your characters and book trailer
Chapter 17 | Project You Are Pretty Cool For A Fuck Boy
Chapter 18 | Project All You Need Is A Meaty Dick
Chapter 19 | Project He Is Just Playing You
Chapter 20 | Project Who Took Your Virginity?
Chapter 21 | Project I Didn't Kill Him
Chapter 22 | Project I want Revenge
Chapter 23 | Project Wonder Women
Chapter 24 | Project I Like Dicks
Chapter 25 | Project Sleep With Me
Chapter 26 | Project Loving Him
Chapter 27 | Project Our Gay Best Friend
Chapter 28| Project Lorenzo Albero
Chapter 29| Project Daddy Kinks
Chapter 30 | Project She Has A Black Vibrator
Chapter 31 | Project A Fart That Could Kill
Chapter 32 | Project I Can't Spread It
Chapter 33 | Project Soaked
chapter 35 | Project Falling For You
Chapter 36 | Project Lazy, Unbothered, Teenagers
Chpater 37| Project Girls Are So complicating
Chapter 38 | Project The Game Has Ended
Chapter 39 | Project The Videotape
Chapter 40 | Project She Is Gone
Epilogue - The Final Chapter
Time To Say Goodbye

Chapter 34 | Project Drunken Kiss

2.3K 101 22
By KenneyRou

From the pounding head, vomit taste in my mouth and dehydrated feeling I had figured that I must have drunk more than I said I was which was one glass of vodka and coke but when the guy I was beginning to fall in love with me kissed me and later on continued to have a full make-out session with another girl was a very good reason for me to drink till I couldn't stand on my own two feet.

I know I wasn't meant to get jealous...I wasn't just hurt that he could bluntly kiss another girl after kissing me and whispering sweet words into my ears, I just felt used and hurt.

I moaned when my head pounded vigorously with all the thinking I was doing. No more drinking, I promised myself, however, those were the words I uttered when I drank last time.

I kept on forgetting of the pain that will soon arrive in the morning.

My throat felt like sandpaper. It hurt to move. Maybe I could sleep it off. I curled closer to the body that was next to me and closed my eyes.

I moaned when the pounding was less, it felt better to just relax and sleep for a couple of minutes.

curled closer to the body.

The realization only came a few seconds later that I was somewhere with a guy with me.

I did a mental praying hoping to God, I didn't get myself into trouble, I lifted one eyelid open and looked around the cramped place I was...Brandon's car.

I opened my other eye and looked down to see I was fully clothed. Thank you!

I slowly lifted my head to see that the person I was curdled next to was no other than Lorenzo he was still shirtless from the night over.

I slapped his arm off my shoulder. "Get your arm off me!"

Yes, I wasn't over it.

"Damn it, Stupid, why are you screaming like a fucking banshee?" He yawned out before removing his arm off my shoulder.

I replied with a glare and stood up from the tiny two-seaters, don't ask me how we managed to fit in such a tiny space but I was previously laid on top of him.

"Don't speak to me," I spat as I reached over the headrest to see Brandon, Mackenzie, and Sophia in an uncomfortable position as they all slept.

But there was no Jordan, time to think about it I didn't remember seeing at all after we came back from the bathroom.

"Wake up you drunkards!" I yelled.

Brandon quickly sat up this in result made him bang his head on top the car roof. Huh, that's what he got for being freakishly tall, the other two had different reactions.

Sophia screamed as if she just woke up from a nightmare and Mackenzie kept on cussing me out.

I left out a soft laugh. "Guys, where are we?" I asked as I took in our surroundings – we were in an ally.

"How the fuck did we even get here?" Lorenzo groaned out as he too noticed where we were.

We were all frightened when we heard a loud bang coming from outside the car.

"Hello?" Mackenzie shakily asked as she looked outside the car window.

We all waited for a full minute until we heard a deep voice answering. "Hello from the other side,"

'The fuck?'

"Is that Adele?" Mackenzie voiced out.

"No, it is my stupid brother who knows every single lyric to her," Jordan listened to Adele...well that was new.

"Jordan, get your ass inside!" Brandon ordered as he opened the passenger seat where Jordan was on his knees so that we were unable to see him.

"Dude, why are you on your knees?" Lorenzo commented when he too saw how ridiculous he seemed.

He stood up from his knees and wiped his knees which had compiled some dirt on it. "I very much like that position," Sophia and I shared a looked understanding the innuendo behind that.

Sophia cleared her throat, realizing the awkward tension in the car from what Jordan had said. "Do you have any idea why the car is parked in an ally?"

"I parked it here, you guys were so drunk that there was no way I was going to drive your asses to a motel,"

"Then where did you go?" Lorenzo questioned.

Brandon let out a soft whistle. "Don't you remember? He went home with this smoky hot chick, they were literally eye raping one another before doing the nasty,"

Once again Sophia and I shared a look – he went home with a girl?

Jordan nervously chuckled, a rose color spreading onto his cheeks as he rubbed his neck. "Yeah, it was a girl..."

"The one with the blond hair?" Sophia suddenly asked.

Jordan swallowed, he was about to reply but Brandon replied.

"No, it was the girl with the fiery redhead...was she good in bed?"

"Good grace am I the only one who is weirded out about this conversation?"

I quickly raised my hands and Sophia followed after. "I am defiantly weirded out, someone please change the subject," I pleaded.

"Gladly, so where are we off to now?" Mackenzie came to my savior and changed the subject.

Brandon answered, "Next stop is camping,"

"Camping? I think you meant food, there is no way I am going camping without eating at least one good meal before eating bugs for breakfast, lunch, and supper," Sophia was the first to complain about not eating food.

Who could ever say no to food?

"Yes," Lorenzo nodded his head. "Because we will hunt for bugs rather than use the meat we stored in the mini fridge," Lorenzo deadpanned.

Sophia shrugged her shoulders. "You never know,"

"Fucking idiot," Lorenzo muttered underneath his breath and stared at my best friend as if she was a mantis that came from a different planet.

Sophia took one glance at Lorenzo with a scowl on her face before averting her gaze towards Brandon. "So can we please go eat first?"

Brandon let out a long sight before agreeing with Sophia. "Fine but we are only staying for 20 minutes,"

Twenty minutes turned into an hour, an hour turned to two hours and then three freaking long hours. We had somehow managed to take a wrong turn thanks to Jordan for parking the car in an unknown all and to make matters worse the GPS was acting out thus telling us to take random turns, at what point I actually believed we were in Mexico.

Don't ask me why...I just had a feeling we were but likely we were not and it only took us less than ten minutes to order our food and we were on our merry way.

However when things were going smoothly with no problem until Jordan made his ass explode and that time it was five hundred times worse than the previous one. I was pretty damn sure that I was about to die from the plan, it smelled worse than anything I have ever smelled, I couldn't even compare it to any smell because I had never ever smelled something so so...there wasn't even a word for the smell that escaped his ass.

So, when we saw finally the sign welcoming us to the camping site we were all reviled to know that we wouldn't have to spend another second in the car with fart boy who couldn't hold his gas in.

We all quickly ran out the doors, taking a huge amount of fresh air. Finally, my lungs didn't feel like they were burning up but felt freshen, we all took ten steps back when Jordan climbed out the car.

Damn, he was going to pollute the whole campsite.

"Stand back," Mackenzie held her hand out in panic. "Why don't you go back in the car,"

"Oh come on guys! I told you guys it wasn't my fault when I need to let go, I need to, however, I still think it was that burrito I ate. It did things to my tummy,"

Yes, blame it on the burrito we all ate but it somehow only affected him.

"Dude, this better be your last farting explosion or else..." Lorenzo trailed of leaving suspense in the air that made Jordan visually shudder."

"OK, OK, I will try my best to hold it in no need to threaten my ass,"

"Now that we have all got some fresh air and not my brother's fart, you guys better start unloading the car and start with,"

Brandon always the demanding time, if he was like that demanding I dared to wonder how he was in bed not that I wanted to find out anytime soon or ever.

We all let out a sign but followed his order and did as he had said.

It took one hour to unload the items and I was still yet to find out how I was going to set my tent.

I looked around noticing all the guys were done with a grin on their face as they stared at us- girls with a glimmer in their eyes.

I would rather struggle for another few hours before asking for any of them for help, Jordan I met have asked but he kept his way over to Sophia and helped her.

Brandon too made his way towards Mackenzie after having his fun of watching her struggle and now that left Lorenzo who still had a smirk on his face that widened when he saw my tent collapsing onto the fool.

I was never going to get it right; I concluded I might as well ask for help from the devil.

"Lorenzo?" I called out, swallowing my pride.

He looked around before answering. "Who me?" he pointed to himself. No the freaking ghost behind you but I prevented myself from saying it after all I need his help with this stupid tent.

I forcedly smiled. "Yes, you, I don't see any other guy with the name Lorenzo, so I must be talking to you,"

He took three long strides towards me. "So now you want to speak to me after the silence treatment,"

I gritted my teeth, preventing myself from saying anything that will most probably ruin my chance of getting any help that I need.

"I just really help with this tent so can you please help me out?"

He smiled. "Sure,"

I blinked my eyes in surprise, I was expecting a little more begging on my part but it seemed today was like my lucky day, I didn't need to go on my knees to beg him in order for him to help me.

I spoke too soon when he opened his big fat mouth.

"But, I need you to give me a kiss and only then will I help you with your little problem over there," he pointed at my fail attempt at making a tent.

I snorted. "Let me think about it," I tapped my chin. "No, go kiss Meghan or whatever her name was,"

I looked around noticing that the others were all done setting up their tents.

He let out a loud laugh. "That was her name? I could have sworn her name be honest, I really don't remember,"

I groaned in annoyance. "Just go away, Lorenzo,"

He held onto my shoulder's preventing me from setting up my tent. "I was drunk and I really don't remember anything from last night,"

Didn't he remember anything from last night? So did that mean he didn't remember the kiss we shared? Stupid Alex for overthinking things, he didn't even remember!

"Although, you didn't give me a kiss I hate seeing you all miserable so I will help you out with your tent,"

"Thank you, Lorenzo," I tipped onto my tippy toes and give him a peck on the cheeks. "You kind of deserve it," I whispered into his ears.


"Okay, who is ready for some marshmallows on a stick?!" Jordan yelled as he waved the pack of marshmallow in the air.

We all sat in a closed circle, with a bright fire in the middle giving off warm heat in the cold chilly air.

I held my hand out for a stick and a marshmallow and began to stick the marshmallow into the stick, held it close to the fire and waited for my marshmallow to roast and turn a light brownish color.

It was mesmerizing to watch, colors of orange and red gave way to yellow and white near the center, where the emanating heat was the greatest.

It reminded me back to the days when my father and I used to camp every weekend or whenever he wasn't busy with work.

The saying was true – you never miss something until it was gone.

I looked up into the distance, noticing a lake nearby that had the reflection of a distant glow, like a bright sun on land. The colors were brilliant reds, oranges, and faint yellows.

I took a bite of my marshmallow when I saw it was ready to be eaten, I moaned when I tasted the marshmallow. Just how I remembered it to taste like.

"Aww! Aww! Fuck, I burnt my tongue!" we all turned wide-eyed at Jordan who stuck out his tongue and attempted to blow air on his tongue with his mouth.

Sophia patted his back. "Come on, let me get you into your tent," Sophia stood up, reaching her hand out.

"But why?" He winced with his tongue sticking out of his mouth.

"Jordan, go into your tent now, I will come with you,"

Brandon bowed his head but gradually stood up from the log he had previously sat on. "Fine,"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do, kids," Brandon called out in humor this is result made Jordan throw a glare over his shoulder.

He wouldn't have to worry about that.

Mackenzie yawned which in result made me too yawn not because I was feeling sleepy but yawning was contagious.

She yawned once again before deciding she was tired and Brandon followed, thank God they went into separate tents I did not want to wake up to grunting.

And then there were two.

"Are you tired?" I glanced at Lorenzo and shook my head.


I closed my eyes and let my eyelids paint yellow and orange kaleidoscopes as the heat washes over me, rosying up my cheeks and giving me that nice, warm Hotface Effect. In the cold, dark forest, on the cold, dark log bench I sat on my ears and nose perk up, and I call on some of my primal, caveman instincts to focus on every little sound and smell around me.

I could hear the soft sound of the wind blowing against my face, crunching twigs that were no doubt caused by little forest animal running.

Other than that, it was peaceful.

"Dude are you asleep?" I felt a finger graze my cheek before I felt a small pain on my cheek.

"Oww," I rubbed my cheek, erasing the pain. "And know I was not asleep,"



"Tell me something that no one knows about you, I know you got secrets buried in there," he tapped my head, he knew I was keeping secret locked up inside my head.

And I had enough of secrets haunting my dreams and even when I wasn't dreaming – demons always have a way of catching up.

I closed my eyes once again and took in a deep breath before answering. "How much time do you have?"

"I will always make time for you,"

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