「 ambiguous | jeon wonwoo 」

By AwkwardGlitches

145K 5.7K 3K

❝ My feelings for her, they're ambiguous ❞ Lim Eunha and Jeon Wonwoo are newly engaged couple. Forcefully... More



6.3K 260 92
By AwkwardGlitches

09 | Thank You

"I think you two should spend a day together so Wonwoo can start to like you more", Jeonghan suggests to Eunha as they both drank their tea. She grimaces, placing down her tea cup onto the glass coffee table.

"I think he'll hate me more since I'll be stuck with him. Besides, I don't even know what he likes", her shoulders sag, looking at the older boy in front of her.

"And this is why Jihoon already got you two tickets to an amusement park that we believe the two of you will enjoy. And tonight, there's going to be a fireworks show! Just take it! Besides, this is like a honeymoon for you two!", Jeonghan says, standing up and collecting the dishes. "Now go get dressed, Eunha. Minghao already told Wonwoo about the plans and is getting ready...hopefully"

She groans, listening to Jeonghan's orders and walks up the stairs and closing the door behind her, pulling out a white T-Shirt and a light blue cardigan with a pair of skinny jeans. She pulls her hair back into a high pony-tail and checking herself in the mirror once more, putting on her basic lip-tint instead of the name brand one that Wonwoo's staff provided. It's almost the end of October and soon November and then the next thing she knows it'll be spring and that's when the inevitable happens.

"You can get used to him, Eunha", she sighs, placing down the bottle and steps out the door, closing it behind her.

"Took you long enough"
She scoffs, rolling her eyes and turns around to face this fiancée of hers.

"Well excuse--"
It's as if when Eunha laid eyes on him, her words just seemed to disappear. In front of her, Wonwoo is wearing a red dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up with black jeans.
He looks...damn, she bites her lip, trying to brush away her thoughts but can't help but stare at his eyes, at him.

Eunha snaps out of her daze, looking at Wonwoo but tries not to stare. She briskly turns around, running down the stairs and puts on her shoes.
Good job, now he'll get all cocky or whatever, she groans, tying her laces into bows. Wonwoo strolls up behind her, leaning against the doorway as he leans his head on his shoulder, watching the girl mutter incoherently. He can't help but laugh, causing her to look up with wide eyes.

"Let's go already. The sooner we leave the sooner this day ends. Soonyoung told me he'd get Jihoon to kick my ass if I don't spend this day with you so don't think of it as if I want to spend time with you, I just don't wanna die", he smirks, taking his keys and twirling them around his finger, stepping out the door with his black shoes. Eunha scowls, shaking her head as she takes her purse, walking out the door and into the elevator with him.

"As if I wanted to spend the day with you, jackass"


Wonwoo and Eunha walk into the Amusement Park together, a small gap between the two as they look at different rides.

"What about that one?"
"Fine....then how about this one?"
"Too boring"
"Then what about this one?"
"Nope", Wonwoo responds, popping the 'P' in nope. Eunha stops walking crossing her arms and looks at him, annoyance on her face.

"If you keep on being like this, then minus well go home", she turns around, and starts walking to the exit. She turns around, noticing Wonwoo staying in place like a pouting toddler, a frown on his face. "Come on, we're going home because you don't want to do anything here with me", she grabs his wrist, dragging him out.

"Eunha~", he mopes, dragging his feet.
"If you aren't going to listen, then let's just go home", she tugs on his wrist, trying her best to walk him out but fails. Wonwoo, being taller and stronger, spins her around, their faces closer as his frown shrinks a little and forming what she thinks will turn into a smile.

"I'll be good, I promise. I'll say yes to whatever you want to do", he states, pulling her in closer.
"Please~~", he starts doing aegyo, pouting cutely.
"Everything?", she asks, raising a brow. He nods quickly, his eyes growing wide. She smirks, feeling powerful as she turns around.

"Let's go on that ride"

Wonwoo follows Eunha's finger, leading his eyes to the biggest roller-coaster in the park. He looks back at her with a little bit of fear in his eyes, biting his lip.

"Y-You sure?", he stutters. Eunha can't help but crack a smile and giggle, noticing the marble stoned boy soften at the ride.
"Mhm. Why? You scared?", she teases, tugging on his arm. He shakes his head confidently, straightening out his shoulders as he looks at the giant roller-coaster again.

"Of course I am"

"THAT WAS AWESOME!! CAN WE GO AGAIN?!", Eunha jumps as they got off the ride, aderenaline running through her veins. Wonwoo holds onto his stomach, uncomfortable written all over his face as he walks next to her, leaning on her shoulder.

"N...No", he breathes out, trying to balance himself out. The ride was too much for him-- not only was it utterly terrifying because of how high it was, but also because of all the loops and drops and zig-zags.

"Boooo. You're no F-U-N", Eunha pouts, looking at Wonwoo. She feels a pang of pity towards him, groaning as she wraps her arm around his waist and tries to help him stand up straight. "I'm not trying to put any moves on you, okay", she says, taking the arm that was resting on her and draping it over her shoulder, scowering to find a bench. Spotting an empty one near the haunted house, she walks the both of them over, placing the boy on the bench. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?", she crouches down in front of him, placing the palm of her hand on his forehead. She notices his forehead is kind of warm and is face is green, pulling her hand back as she bows her head down.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have forced you to go on that ride", she apologizes, looking back up. "Stay put, I'm going to get you some ice cream and maybe that can help you cool down", she stands up, walking over to the ice cream stand and ordering a chocolate and a vanilla. Walking back to the bench, she notices that a group of girls surround him, clearly trying to seduce him.
"Excuse me, but he's with me", Eunha clears her throat, looking at the six girls. One of them turns around to face her, crossing her arms.

"And says who?", she asks, brushing her long hair over her shoulder.
"Says I", she responds, squaring her shoulders.

"Clearly not sweetie because he didn't say that he was with anyone. Now if you excuse me, we have somewhere to be", the girl pulls Wonwoo off of the bench, linking arms with him. Eunha grips onto the cones tightly, marching to the girl.

"He's sick so he isn't in the right state of mind. Now let him go"
"Well, I think we're both sick of you so bye-bye", she waves, about to walk away with him but he stays in his place.

"She's my fiancé"

Everyone's eyes widen and especially Eunha's. Her mouth hangs open wide, clearly confused about what he just said.
This jerk just said I was his fiancé?! Since when did he think of me like that?

"E-Excuse me?", the girl linking arms with him asks. "You must be sick. Here, let me take you to the clinic--"

Wonwoo brushes off her hand, walking next to Eunha and taking the chocolate ice cream, eating it. "You heard me right— we're engaged", he smiles. The group of girls awkwardly leave, tugging the one that was hitting on him and dragging her away. Eunha looks at him confused, her mouth still hanging open as he eats the ice cream nonchalantly.

"What?", Wonwoo asks, looking at her. She opens her mouth then closes it like a gold fish, forming words but nothing comes out. "What's wrong with you?"

"I...You...You must be sick. Come on, let's go home", she throws her ice cream away, taking Wonwoo's wrist and dragging him again.

"Eunha," he spins her around, "I'm not sick, I was telling them the truth— we are engaged"
"B-But why?", she tilts her head, confused.
"I didn't think that they would leave, I was just stating the truth", he shrugs, raising a brow. Eunha continues to look at him bewildered, completely baffled that Jeon Wonwoo, the man that has resented her for a month, said that she was his fiancé.

"I still think you're sick, let's go home—", she gets cut off with him dragging her to the haunted house, her feet stumbling because of his strength.

"This day isn't over so we're staying", he responds, getting into the short line. Eunha looks at him skeptically, taking his word for it as they head into the darkness. She closes one eye as they walk through the dark hallway, fake blood and dead bodies everywhere, jump scares coming up any second. Chants start to ring loudly through the hallway, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up.
"You scared?", Wonwoo smirks.
"O-Of course not!", she glares up at him, trying to mask her fear.

"Then why are you so close to me?", he tilts his head as they continue to walk.
"I-It's not because I'm scared! It's because I want to make sure that you d-don't pass out!! Now let me be!!", she responds too quickly, raising her voice at him. Wonwoo smiles a little and rolls his eyes at Eunha's behavior.

"Surrreee", he trails off, looking down at her again.
"Hey! Trust me— AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH OH MAH JISOOS KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!", she shrieks, clinging onto the boy next to her. She hides her face in his chest, feeling his chest go up and down, his heart beat slightly accelerating.
"Not scared, huh?", he chuckles, kind of happy that she isn't looking up to see his cheeks heating up.

"Shut up Woncock"


With the stars lighting up the dark sky above them, they walk around the park with prizes in their hands, the both of the smiling and laughing as they eat cotton candy.

"Let's go wait for the fireworks to start", Eunha looks at Wonwoo, walking over to the boardwalk where people are standing. Wonwoo takes her wrist, dragging her away from the boardwalk and covers her eyes with his hands.
"Not so fast, I want to do one more thing before we see the show", he whispers in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
"What the hell—"
"It's a surprise, now stop talking", he puts one of his hands on her shoulders, leading her farther into the park.

"Are we almost there? We're gonna be late to the show", she mopes. Wonwoo smiles at her as he stops in front of the ride, its bright lights shining down on the both of them.
"We're here", he uncovers her eyes. Eunha opens her eyes, a face of shock written all over as a giant lump sits in her throat.

"Can we go on the ferris wheel?", he asks, walking up next to her with hopeful eyes.
"Wonwoo I...", she looks at the boy next to him, noticing a different shine in his eyes—instead of them being dark whenever he sees her they show a bright youthfulness in them. She sucks in a deep breath, clenching one of her fists but hiding it from him so that he can't see her fear.
"Sure", she smiles tightly. Wonwoo smiles, dragging her into the line as the man running the ride ushers them into a cart, closing the door behind them. The duo sit next to each other, an awkward silence falling between the two of them.

"My parents promised me to take me on one of these with my brother", Eunha breaks the frigid silence, holding onto one of her toys tightly. "My father said he'd take me on this ride and after we'll watch the fireworks show. That was 12 years ago", she looks down at her feet, closing her eyes.

"At least your parents allowed you to watch to go to the show", Wonwoo responds, looking out the window.

"Your parents never took you? Aren't you like, rich or whatever?", Eunha looks up, looking at Wonwoo.
"They are, well were, but my father was always obsessed with his company and my mother was too absorbed With being a reporter. But my father, he'd always try to make time for me. He took me to New York when I was 7 to go ice skating and then LA to show me the Hollywood sign"
"But never to show you the fireworks?"
"Never them. He had to work and told me that he didn't have time to show me them. I asked my mother but no. I guess it was because they were going through that divorce", Wonwoo sighs, taking out a ring from his pocket. "This, this was my father's ring. He gave it to me", he looks into Eunha's eyes, moving the ring around.

"Your mom is a reporter?", Eunha asks. Wonwoo nods his head, looking out the window. "Can I meet her? Is she nice? Pretty? What station does she work for?"
"You haven't met her?", Wonwoo asks. "I thought she would've met you first"
"Nope. My... mom I guess you could say said that he was making me have an arranged marriage so that I could have a brighter future in Seoul instead of working on a farm my whole life back in Jeju. It was sweet of her to think of me even though I was the only one who took care of her. I hope I could bring her here soon", she smiles to herself. "But to answer your question, I never met your mother before. My 'mom' just sent her an email of how I was like and what I looked like, she never requested to meet me first"

She really doesn't think about me, huh?

"Why did you put quotation marks on the word 'mom'?", Wonwoo asks.
"Oh...well I'm adopted, I guess. She's older than my mom and my dad, she's an older woman. My birth parents... they passed, let's just end it at that", she says shortly. "My real father was a firefighter, and he was such an amazing man. You see this necklace?", she takes out a golden button attached to a golden chain. "My father said that this button was filled with luck and it could make any of my dreams come true. And my mom was the sweetest woman ever. We've always wanted to open a bakery together and I hope I could open it up for her"

"Really?", he smiles slightly, seeing the way she looks up to her parents.
"Yea...I really miss them", she sighs, twirling around the button.

"I miss someone too", Wonwoo looks at Eunha. "I miss my father. He also passed away. He's the only one that really cared about me"
"Your mom never cared about you?", Eunha asks.
"Yea. She never wanted to see me. When she had to take me in, she hated it completely", Wonwoo sighs.

Eunha's hand brushes against Wonwoo's. He freezes in place, the soft touch of her hand makes his cheeks heat up, his heart beat faster.

Why is it beating so fast?

"Thank you for trusting me with your past. It must be really hard to deal with a such a bad childhood. It still affects you, huh?", she says, looking into his eyes. Wonwoo nods, staring back into her eyes.

"But shouldn't I say thank you? You trusted an asshole like me with your past and it seems so much harder. I'm surprised that you stayed with me for this long after the way I treated you"

"I stayed with you because my parents taught me to find the goodness in people no matter what. I almost gave up with you but...I'm glad I didn't", she says truthfully, looking down at her hands. "If I gave up, then I wouldn't have gotten to know you, seeing how much you trusted me. I wouldn't have seen this side of you", Eunha says softly.

Wonwoo looks at her with awe, his heart suddenly becoming soft with the words she told him.

What are you doing to me?

"And Wonwoo," she looks up at him, her eyes being lit up by the moonlight, "don't be afraid to cry or hide your feelings. With other people you may need to appear strong or act like everything is going fine in your world, but not with me. With me, be whoever you want to be. I won't laugh and leave you but instead I'll stay with you as long as you stay with me. If you want to cry, if you want to be Wonwoo then please come to me. I want to be the person to know who you truly are. I want you to be happy", she smiles gently at him.

"But why do you want me to be happy after everything I did to you?"

"I want you to be happy because then I'll be happy. I've been happy this whole day because of you. I really, really like it when you smile", she says sheepishly, holding onto her toy and looks away from him.

Wonwoo feels his heart flutter, his cheeks heat up as he looks at Eunha, his heart

What are you doing to me, Eunha?

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