Niam Smut

By romancestorygirl

379K 5K 1.1K

Just some short stories of Niam Smut. Credit goes to whoever wrote them, you're really amazing :) More

» Niall's Birthday Sex «
» Fuck Buddies «
» Skype «
» You Up For Some Fun? «
» Honeymoon «
» Daddy's Little Deviant «
» Daddy Kink «
» That, I Can Do «
» Mine «
» Daddy «
» Beach Buddies «
» Daddy? «
» Kitten «
» Rides «
» Only for Daddy, Always for Daddy «
» You & I «
» Voiceover «
» He Is Mine, And I Am His «
» Liam Payne {P1} «
» Liam Payne {P2} «
» Liam Payne {P3} «
» Liam Payne {P4} «
» Liam Payne {P5} «
» Liam Payne {P6} «
» Liam Payne {P7} «
» Classroom Dreams «
» The Dare Of The Party «
» Punishing Niall «
» The Amazing Cruise «
» [Pt.2] The Amazing Cruise «
» Stuck In A Locker Room «
» Having Issues «
» The Stranger You Never Thought You'd Meet «
» Stage Teasing «
» I'd Do Anything «
» The First Time «
» Daddy Payne «
» Can We Do That Thing, Daddy? «
Dirty Sexy Furry
» Big Papa «
» Wanted The D «
» Little Nialler «
Take Me Teacher
» Omega in Heat «
» The Rave «
» Guarding Niall Horan «
» Working Under The Table «
» Seducing The Straight Husband «
Another AN // Sorry

» Blackmailing The Homophobe «

7.4K 89 21
By romancestorygirl

As sales cubicle farms went, Randox Industries wasn't that bad. Although any time you described something as 'not that bad' it usually meant it was that bad.

Opportunities when I started seemed limitless as opposed to the day-to-day grind I endured now. All thanks to my supervisor and homophobe, Liam Payne.

Physically, Liam's a man any guy would proudly fuck or get willing fucked by.

With dark brown hair just near the fringe and sideburns, six foot plus thus letting him tower over most guys, and a body that saw plenty of hours at the company gym, he gave me a hard-on the first time I met him. Even his perpetual stubble gave him a dangerous look as opposed to disheveled. Although it's hard to look like a bum in a Brooks Brother's custom suit.

Hell, I even got the vibe he might be gay from the way he was staring me down. Boy was I wrong.

I'm not flamboyant in mannerisms. My voice isn't sing-songy like stereotypical characters you see on television or books. I just have a look or aura that lets everyone know I'm gay.

Believe me, I've stared in the mirror many times, but nothing stands out to me even if the rest of the world picks up on it. Sure my blond hair's styled a bit—one does have to show some fashion. There's the stereotype that we're all in great shape and judging by my muscles, that's another tell. I'm a bit shorter than most men but that shouldn't be a sign. Yet I give off a vibe I love the cock be it in my mouth or in my ass.

For the most part, it's served me well. Guys approach me for sexual experiences and I don't have to look. I enjoy men I'd normally miss out on like that vacation to Cabo. Oh how those brown skin boys could fuck. Just thinking about it makes my cock grow hard. There's just something about different colored bodies overlapping each other in the heat of passion. Hell, you don't even have to speak the same language. Some things don't need the same tongue.

Unfortunately my uncontrollable broadcasting alerts the homophobes. Especially the one I saw coming toward me in my strategically placed mirror.

I swiveled and watched as our supervisor Liam approached the other sales staff with weekly envelopes in hand. "Tracy, Doug, Michael, Jennifer, Peter," he paused at my name. "Horan."

My first name's Niall, you asshole.

He handed everyone their bonus checks. I got mine last as usual. I tore open the end and half-heard the usual motivational buzzword speech. Liam's pep talk and threats of firing under-performers sank into background noise. I looked at my paycheck. One of my commissions wasn't there.

I yelled out louder than intended. "Where is it?"

The flat sound of Liam's voice called out. "Is there a problem Mr. Horan?"

I held up my check. "I don't see all my commissions."

He frowned to the side looking bored. "Which one do you believe is missing?"

"The Peterson account."

His eyes looked up to the ceiling. "Ah, yes. The one you claim you got."

"The one I did get," I said. I made sure to keep my tone calm.

"You didn't log it as yours. It's open and it falls to the head supervisor."

Are you fucking kidding me?

He smiled at me. "Let that be a lesson. Don't be sloppy. Efficiency and procedure, always remember that." He turned away. "Ladies and gentlemen... Horan." He grinned at my name. "Enjoy your commissions. I know I will."

I crumpled the check in my hand before smoothing it out.

Damn it. That was over five hundred dollars in commission. I took in a big lungful of air. The office was cool, but it still felt hot going into my lungs.

I let my breath out slowly as a shadow fell over my cubicle. I looked up. A familiar curly haired brunette stood over me. Her arms rested on the cubicle wall.

"Hiya Jennifer," I mumbled.

She looked behind—presumably to make sure nobody was listening. "That really sucks. We've all forgotten to put our names in that field once or twice." She gave a small sad smile. "He never took our commission though. I guess it's because...well, you know."

"I like the cock," I said sarcastically.

Her eyes widened. "Niall!"

"Oh please," I said. "You like it too."

"Yeah, but he doesn't take my checks." She bit her lip and looked around. "You know you could go to Human Resources. I know some people who will back you up."

"Why bother? He's friends with the owner's son."

She tilted her head in agreement.

"I already know what's going to happen. I'll say something. They'll investigate." I mimed two air quotes. "They'll find he's technically in the right and I'll get fired."

"They can't fire you for raising a complaint."

I thought about my last job with a similar issue except my bully there was more physical. "No, but they'll find some other legal reason. All I have to do is be late by one minute or not submit a form in triplicate then boom," I snapped my fingers to emphasize the point, "I'm gone."

She shrugged. "If you change your mind, let me know. I'll get the crew to help."

"Thanks," I said softly. "That does mean something."

Damn, the commission was my rent. I could delay payment but my next check had to be better. Simply trying harder wouldn't do. I needed something to increase my chances.

I could stay late and contact leads in China and Russia. With the time difference most of our sales queries were e-mailed. I could get more sales if I stayed later and spoke to an actual human being. This time, I'd log them and send screen-shots to my file server in case Liam tried anything.

* * *

Quitting time came and went and I was the only one left in the office. Instead of the symphony of clicking keys and conversation murmurs, I heard nothing but the overhead air conditioning and my own movements. Every creak from my chair or sound from the computer amplified in the evening quiet.

Officially there wasn't anything against staying late. Although Liam insisted people go home at five. I never figured out why. For all the 'motivational' speeches we were never asked or outright told to stay late. At previous jobs, our supervisors made us stay so their departments looked good. Speaking of which, I'm sure he was going to brag about 'his sale' to the boss's son.

The danger of a rule violation, even if unspoken, went through my head. Without the other employees, he could lay into me freely. That said, I could use technicalities as well. There wasn't anything in the employee handbook about staying late and he never outright said go home. If he came by, I'd leave. In the meantime, I'd be fishing for sales.

I picked up the phone and spoke in passable Mandarin. A surprised male on the other end answered before I went into my sales pitch. I repeated that over the next hour. When I finished, I logged in ten calls and two commissions.

Gee, maybe I should do this more often.

Getting one sell out of ten inquiries is considered good. I was doubling that.

"Hello rent money and maybe a trip to China," I said to myself. Might as well put my tongue to use—linguistically and otherwise.

I transferred the screen-shots to my off-site server and triple checked the commissions. They all had my name. The door from the far side of the office creaked open. A man in his late forties walked in. A dark green hoodie obscured most of his face. I still saw the wrinkling of his forehead as he stared around the office and then at me.

"Yes," I said slowly. We're fortunate enough to not have robberies like some other industries. He didn't look like someone that would rob the place but I got a bad vibe from him.

His voice was gruff when he spoke. "You one of Payne's boys?"

Payne's boys? Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be his boy. Might as well see what this is all about.

"Ya, I'm his boy." The sarcasm wasn't noticeable to him.

He bit his lip and nodded. "He's supposed to be here. Where the hell is he?"

Well, what the hell do you want me to do about it? I shrugged. "Working on a special project," I said.

"Oh good. We were wondering when we'd get those plans." His face relaxed at that bit of news. He pulled out a small rectangular manila envelope. "Here's the money, as agreed." He slapped it into my hand and looked at me. "Ya' need to count it or are we done?"


I stared at him for several heartbeats. "Uh yeah, we're done. I'll give this to Mister Payne for the..."

"Plans," he finished. "One half now and then the rest upon delivery."

"I'll tell him."

He nodded. "See that you do. My boss ain't the patient type if you get my drift." He turned around. A black gloved hand pulled on the door handle and he went out the door.

I stood there for several heartbeats thinking about what happened. I already knew what it meant but the sheer severity just froze me.

"Fuck! He's selling company secrets. No wonder he's able to afford custom suits." I held my hand up to my mouth as I realized I said it out loud. I took a deep breath. Was I just projecting? Sure I didn't care for the guy but maybe I was hoping he was a thief so he'd lose his job. There had to be another reason, couldn't there?

I opened the envelope and three short stacks of one hundred dollar bills slid out. Each had a white paper ribbon with "10,000" in a big bold font.

"Thirty thousand dollars?"

I swallowed at the lump in my throat. Any official money—especially thirty thousand—was always cataloged with multiple invoices. There are few reasons for nighttime monetary deliveries—nobody needs to know. This was some high level industrial espionage. What could I do? I accepted money from Mister Delivery Thug. Seen in the wrong light, this involved me.

Liam's relationship with the boss's son gave him credibility versus a simple sales jockey. This would cement my position on Liam's enemy list. Sure he didn't like me now, but this was different. If I went to the higher-ups with accusations who knows how this would get twisted against me. Hell, I was on camera taking money.

The camera!

The file server room was on the floor above us. I took the back stairs just to make sure nobody saw me—even though I hadn't seen any employees since quitting time.

I was at the door when I realized I still had the money with me. The area where my fingertips gripped the envelope was moist from my sweat.
It's a strange sensation to hold something so valuable. Yes, I could drop it and not worry about breakage but I never had anything worth thousands of dollars. I made decent money but this was a big portion of my yearly salary. Liam was going to get this and more when he delivered the plans.

I wanted to get rid of it and at the same time, I wondered if there was a way to make this fall toward my favor. I didn't want anything to happen to the company. They might be a bunch of stuck up suits—although what quality suits they were. But they and the employees didn't deserve to lose their jobs because of one man.

Robert was the only one that ever did anything rotten to me. Maybe I could blackmail him somehow. Hell, I might even get the money and escape retribution.

Keep dreaming, I thought. At best you have a thug mentioning Liam's name and some vague plans. That might look suspicious but Liam wasn't a dummy. Egotistical, and oh so fucking hot, but he'd find a way out and make me take the fall.

Despite the name 'server room', we called it the 'server closet'. Nothing but an old cleaning closet filled with beeping and humming file servers for camera storage and backups. I wiped a bead of sweat off my forehead. Either the server closet was hot, or I was nervous.

From what I remembered, every hour the data synced. My watch showed five minutes till the next update.

I stopped the recording to let the last file save. I transferred it over to my USB key-chain where I saved the screen-shots of my sales in China.
Once that finished, I erased the file from the computer. I know enough about computers to realize with enough time and energy, even erased files are recoverable. Yet the more a computer is used and new data saved, the less chance of recovery.

I just realized I committed myself to what I was going to do.

If I went to the owners, they'd check the file server. They would ask why the video evidence wasn't there. Deletion and copying was a termination offense. Second, I was here when the guy came by. Third, I didn't know who Liam was selling our company secrets to, but I was here late by myself and calling China and Russia. Fourth, I was upset about my commission. The whole sales team saw what happened.

Put all that together and you have a sales jockey with revenge and means.

I need something more.

I went through the list of backups and everyone's computer who wasn't a partner was on the list. Everyone was there except for Liam. It made sense when you think about it. If you sold company secrets, the last thing you want are records.

I bit my lip. I couldn't just pretend nothing happened. The guy spoke with me and handed me money. If I pretended I didn't know anything, Liam would look for the video or contact the guy to learn our exact conversation.

I didn't think he'd kill me. I also didn't think he sold company secrets. People have killed for less than thirty thousand. Besides, it wasn't just thirty thousand. Mister Delivery Thug promised another payment. With the custom suits, gold watches, and what little I saw of his office, Liam made serious money. This little side project of his had to be a major moneymaker.

My stomach churned at the thought. My initial concern was to keep my job but now, my life was in danger.

The next backup cycle went and my video wasn't with it. The only proof was in my key-chain drive. It wasn't enough. If his computer wasn't in the backup list, evidence of espionage was on it.

I slid my hands back and forth over each other to remove the sweat. Before tonight, I tried to blend in the shadows and not antagonize Liam or just remind him I was there to berate. Now, I was going to do something I never thought I'd do—break into his office and see what he had on his computer. I wiped my hands again.

I exited the server room or broom closet depending on your point of view. Outside, the air conditioning vent blew in my face. I stood there for a few breaths letting cool air bring my body temperature down.

As much as I enjoyed the fresh cooling air, it wouldn't do for security to find me standing there.

I took slow steady steps toward Liam's office. The creak of my shoes against the flooring or the shaking of the walls was a potential alarm for someone to come and investigate. Maybe I was feeling paranoid and over cautious. Although, considering what I was about to do, caution was needed.

I gave a tentative turn on the door handle and the door opened. My eyebrow went up in surprise. For somebody who was selling company secrets, you think he would remember to lock the door. I walked in and the motion controls turned on the overhead light.

If I needed circumstantial evidence to prove Liam was up to something nefarious, all I had to do was look around his office.

The floors were dark bamboo. His desk was one of those heavy thick and wide deep red burgundy antique pieces. I wasn't sure what century it was from but it was an antique. Instead of the typical cubicle furniture, a red leather seat sat behind the desk. The smell of leather and wood mixed. The decorations were something typically seen in the partner offices and not somebody who was merely a manager.

How much money are you making?

I closed the door behind me. Unless I made a lot of noise, nobody was going to check the office. Just for good measure, I turned off the light and used my cell phone as a makeshift flashlight.

I walked over to the computer. A gentle electronic hum resounded from it. It was on but I didn't see anything after moving the mouse. My brow wrinkled in confusion. For some reason the computer was on but the monitor was off. I turned on the monitor and hoped for something I could quickly find.

I didn't see any open applications. For others, that might represent a problem. They wouldn't know where to look for incriminating evidence. Most new computers helpfully show the latest files accessed. I hovered over the word processing application and navigated to that folder directory. I copied everything within the folder then did a date search of everything created within the last few days.

A random assortment of files came up including all the text files. None of the text files stood out as particularly glaring but something else did.

The hell?

Within the list was a list of bookmarks and image files. My eyes widened as the bookmarks took me to a familiar website.

You're fucking kidding me!

On the splash page was a large—in every sense of the word—muscular black man. His thick veiny cock stretched out the mouth of a short blond wide-eyed twink. I gave a slight smile.

I was right.

In the right light, it looked like me. Later tonight it would be me in my imagination. I'd wrap my hand around my cock and imagine him burying his dick deep in my ass. In the meantime, this was an interesting development.

Was it that simple—all the hostility because he's a self-hating homophobe?

Most of the photos were of young blond guys fucking other men. Typically it was the other way around. When you're short, you tend to be the one with the dick in your ass or sucking off some guy with several inches on you—take that however you like.

I'm okay with it. Inches of cock thrust in your ass feels good—damn good. I'm not going to turn it down. Hell, a nice juicy cock in the mouth is its own reward. It's an incredible rush of power to make a man scream and moan in delight as you bob up and down on his stick. He'll scream, moan, and grab at the sheets while you take in the flavor of his meat before he explodes in your mouth.

I let out a little shaky sigh as my cock stiffened. Yes it was fun, but I needed to switch things up. Let me come inside someone as I bury my cock into their ass. At over eight inches and a respectful thickness it needed use.

No time to think about that right now. I turned the monitor off and went back to the server closet. Each nervous step sent vibrations though the walls sure to notify someone of my presence.

I pushed the USB stick against the computer, turned it around, and as expected it fit on the third try. The transfer of the files to my stick and off-site server started.

I took another moment to look at the photos. All young blond men don't look alike but the guy in the photos was very similar to me. If you wanted a masturbation aid of me and didn't have a photo, those photos would do.

Was he jacking off to me in his office?

I shook the thought away. Now it was time to take care of the money. I stood up on the chair, pushed a ceiling tile up and left the envelope there. I frowned when I closed the tile.

Part of me wanted to take the envelope home. Thirty thousand would buy time to find another job but I wasn't untraceable. Liam had my mailing address, Social Security number, and who knows what else. Besides I didn't want to leave this city nor be on the run for the rest of my life. Thirty thousand is a lot, but it's not worth a life.

For now, the money was in a safe spot until I reached a decision.

The last of the files transferred and I let out a sigh. If something happened to my USB stick, they were still off-site. I'd go home and see what I found. Think about what to do for a few hours, sleep on my decision, and wake up with some sort of solution.

Now it was time to get out. I opened the door and jogged down the side steps. The metal railways vibrated with each jarring jump of my body. I opened the door and saw Liam standing next to my cubicle. I let out a loud gasp. He turned around.

If there was a look that combined the emotion of anger and surprise, Liam had it.

He looked at my office and then back to me. "What in the hell are you doing here?"

"Late night sales to make up for the commission."

He stared at me. I kept my face neutral to not betray what I knew and stared back.

God, even though he was an asshole there was just something so fuckable about him. Blame genetics, body chemistry, or just plain human instinct for fucking. I despised him—perhaps even hated—yet I wanted to fuck him so bad.

The tailored suit from earlier was gone. He wore a simple cream colored shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Even that bit of flesh was enough to show the promise of more muscles.
The fabric near his stomach flowed loosely due to lack of belly fat. Sometimes if you're good, you can imagine someone's naked body under his clothing. I was definitely imagining that. He seemed the type to have a nice tuft of chest hair. Just the kind you love to play with when you're resting side by side after a marathon fuck-fest.


I blinked and stared back.

"I asked you a question. Did anyone drop off anything?"

"Like what?"

His tone was sharp and to the point. "Does it matter? Do you have so many damn deliveries tonight you need to know which one?" His finger snapped. "Answer me Horan!"

In the overall scheme of things, it was such a little thing. I've been treated worse in my life. Having somebody snap his fingers like I was a dog didn't approach the tragedies I've experienced.

It was a catalyst—an action that causes everything else to react. The one tip of the domino, the spark that lights the dynamite, or in this case for me to say I had enough.

He snapped a few more times as he waited for my answer.

I reached up and stopped the finger snapping. My hand squeezed his thumb and finger hard and I continued to press.

His eyes grew wide. I had no idea if it was the impertinence, the shock at seeing little ol' me stand up for myself, or just the sheer unlikeness of that happening.

He tugged at his fingers but they stayed within my gripped hand. He worked out but I had muscles too. My forearms and hands were stronger from all the hand jobs I'd given.

"One," I said evenly. "That's the last time you ever snap your fingers at me." I released my grip.

He pulled them away and pursed his lips.

"I could break little fairy."

I smiled and let out a short low laugh.

"Fairy? Yeah. I'm a fairy. Little Niall here likes the cock. I love it in my ass. I love the taste as it explodes in my mouth and I swallow all that salty goodness down my throat."

His face distorted into revulsion.

"I'm also a fairy with proof of your little industrial espionage and your thirty thousand."
He lunged forward and grabbed the top of my shirt. I shot my head forward and hit him in the nose. It wasn't enough to seriously injure him but enough to give a message.

"I could kill you," he said between pants while rubbing his nose.

"Maybe," I said. "Although, don't you think the little fairy knows how to fight by now? You're dealing with someone who works out. You're not the first guy to threaten to kick my ass. I'm still here. Who's the one with a hurt nose?"

I could tell he was evaluating the chances in his head. I had to make the next part stick hard.

"Even if you could do something to me, what's going to happen to all that evidence I've been saving?"

His nostrils flared. "You don't have any proof."

"I have thirty thousand worth proof. I obviously know that something's going on. Do you really think I would tell you without some sort of insurance?"

"What do you mean?" The reply was slow and drawn out.

"You heard of a Dead Man's Switch? Trains use it to automatically apply the brakes if something happens to the engineer."

His eyes closed at my explanation.

"In this case if something happens to me, all the evidence goes out. Who do you think will be the number one suspect if I go missing?"

"It's not like you'll enjoy being dead," he said through clenched teeth.

"Nor you in jail."

We stared at each other for a few heartbeats. Neither one of us said anything. We both knew a power-play would be decided within the next few moments. Either I'd have my upper hand, or I'd see what Liam did when pressed in a corner. My heartbeat faster at that thought. Even my dick got hard and pressed against my underwear and I imagined him reacting with primal fury. Funny how fear can make you horny.

I played my last card.

"Jail might not be so bad. Although, you can't visit your favorite websites."

The color drained from his face.

"And you won't have cute blond-haired twinks around. They tend to be the rougher sort."

He closed his eyes and let out a long breath. "What do you want?" The tone was flat.

Funny, industrial espionage wasn't enough but revealing he was queer did it.

I bit my lip. "That's a good question. It seems to me, you'll do anything to get that money and evidence."

I walked around him taking my time as I looked him over. Damn, he was built. An arrogant asshole sure but damn he was fine.

I walked back in front of him taking a good look at his face. His mouth was even, neither frowning nor smiling but the downward slope of his eyebrows told everything.

He hated and feared me. Was it the sheer audacity of a subordinate rising up? Did he hate me for being gay? Was it because I was out and he was still in the closet? With all that money and power, the lowly sales jockey had something he couldn't buy—the ability to be out and proud. I lived my life as I saw fit and he hated what I represented. A reminder of what could have been. I was sure of it.

"It's no secret I'm upset you stole my commission." I circled around him again and traced a finger along his back as I walked around. The fine fabric slid along his back muscles as I pressed. He flinched to my touch but did nothing more.

Oh yeah, he's mine.

"I won't lie. I need money but the sheer arrogance of taking somebody's commission—especially in front of everybody." My head shook in disapproval. "Who in the hell do you think you are?"

He opened his mouth as if to say something and then closed it. His nostrils flared out and the sound of his breathing was audible.

"What do I want?" I stared at him for several heartbeats. "I want you to feel what it's like to be powerless. To know someone holds power over you—inappropriate power. Realize there's nothing and I mean nothing you can do about it because you've already made your choice to give in."

His lip pursed as he looked at me. I never saw such anger in my life. The rational part of my brain told me that I was being foolish and if pressed too much he'd react like a wild animal trapped in a corner. The egotistical part of my brain was getting off on the power. I won't lie. I used to fantasize about letting him have it but never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine what I had planned.

My fingertips rubbed the fabric of his pants making sure to touch near his crotch. He jumped slightly yet stood there telling me he'd made his decision to copulate.

"That's nice material. I always wondered how you could afford such things. Surely, they didn't pay you that much." I grinned and looked up into his eyes. Sure he was taller, but I had the upper hand. "Guess selling company secrets is profitable?"

He frowned and looked away.

"So many secrets Liam." My lips pursed and I gave him a fake look of sympathy. "I bet it's got you all wound up inside." I stood in front of him so he could study my face. "Speaking of secrets. It's telling so many of those photos have guys who look like me."

His eyes widened. Either he just realized or I discovered a secret within a secret.

I pressed my fingers lightly against his crotch. I grinned at what I found.

Fucker's hard!

I spoke in a sing-song voice just to drive home the point. "Damn Liam! Don't tell me the little fairy got you hard? When the lights are low and nobody's around, do you imagine you and me together? Fucking hard with sweat pouring off our bodies?"

He shook his head violently. "I'd never fantasize about you."

"Right," I said with a drawn out tone. "One commonality in all those photos is young blond men." I squeezed at his crotch in time to each word. "Just-like-me."

I pulled at his belt and he let out a little yelp. "What? No sounds of protest? You're just going to let the little fairy have his way with you? God, what a pussy." I smiled. "You know what happens to pussies right?"

His voice was shaky when he spoke. "What?"

I lowered my voice to a whisper. "They get pounded. The one here gets pounded hard by little blond guys with big dicks."

He shook his head several times. "No. I can't. I'm not like that."

"Sure you are. The photos say otherwise." I stressed the next part. "I have the photos. Hell, I come in everyday and do things I don't want to do but I do them. Like I said, I want you to feel what that's like."

I tugged hard at his shirt. "Take it off."

"Someone might come by."

"Funny how you aren't telling me to fuck off. You're wondering if someone might come in. You want the cock as much as I do."

He pursed his lip and shook his head. "No. I don't." The little quiver in his voice made it sound less than sincere.

"If you're worried about someone coming in, then you better get this over with. It's either that or everyone will know your secrets and I mean all of them."

He closed his eyes and started unbuttoning his shirt. Each pull revealed more of his tanned skin and the suspected curly chest hair. I was right.

With each button pull his facial expressions transformed into something else. The look of hate and disdain disappeared. A man resigned to his fate took its place.

He folded his shirt and placed it over the cubicle wall next to my name.

Well I definitely had a talent for guesstimating a man's body under his clothes. His body wasn't as lean as a swimmer but not as massive as a professional baseball player—just nice lean muscles. They were to be admired but they could hurt me if I pressed the wrong buttons. I sucked in a huge breath full of air.

I've been with larger guys before. It can be scary to have a muscle-bound bodybuilder pound their dick into you. Now I was going to do it to him. I knew it and I'm sure he suspected it as well.

"You have a nice body," I said.

"Thank you."

I shook my head. "Oh no. That won't do. How do we address our superiors in this office? Remember the reprimand you gave me?"

He grimaced. "Thank you, sir."

There wasn't respect in the tone but that was fine. Making him say it was victory for now.
I look down and gestured toward his clothing. "Your pants."

He shook his head slightly. "Please. Please sir?"

"No. You're mine to do with as I please. What I want is for you to get naked."

He looked back toward the door at the front of the office. "Someone could come in...sir."

"Then that's incentive to hurry up. 'Efficiency and Procedure' remember?"

Hearing his tag line made him frown slightly, but he took off his pants and shoes.

There's just something ridiculous about some men in their underwear with nothing but black socks. Most men look comical but damn if he wasn't pulling it off. He just looked too good. Some men work out and concentrate on their chest and arms but he didn't neglect his legs. Calf muscles flared out. His whole body was taut. I looked up and saw his legs grow gradually thicker with muscles. A fine patch of brown hair started around his knees and continued to his crotch.

I stared at his underwear and his obvious bulge.

"I guess real life is too much for you? Do you get this excited on-line?"

"No." The answer was too quick.

"But you do get excited. How many times have you sat in your office, logged into..." I whispered the website address into his ear. "Then found a video or photo of a nice blond guy to jack off to while everyone else is working?"

He let out a long sigh of air. "A few times," he whispered.

"There. Was that so hard?" I looked down. "Not talking about your cock of course."

If you had seen Liam from the back, you wouldn't have known it was the same man who regularly berated me and even took my commission. Besides the obvious hold I had to him via the blackmail, I stripped him of what little dignity he had left—literally.

Clothes do make the man. A simple glance can tell you how much someone makes, what they do, and even aspects of their personality. I stripped away the expensive clothing leaving nothing but a practically naked man in front of me. Not only in front but in full view of anybody who might come through. I took away his status and personality. I turned him into someone vulnerable.

My hands rubbed the bulge of my hard cock. "I'm sure you know what's coming."

He nodded slightly. "If uh...if we..." He took a deep breath. "If we do this, will you tell?"

"Happy people have less reason to tell," I whispered. "It's in your best interest to make me happy."

He looked worried and I could tell that he didn't like my answer. He was an analytical guy used to numbers in spreadsheets and specific ways of doing things. Besides the obviousness of having the gay guy dominate him, I knew he didn't like the ambiguity of the situation.

Let's see what I could do to remove any ambiguity.

I pulled at the belt to my pants. I undid the buttons and pulled down on the zipper. The sound went through the office.

I looked at Liam. His chest went up and down quickly.

"Please don't... Sir?"

I shook my head. I pulled my pants down just enough to get my dick out. A small momentary feeling of regret washed over before I reminded myself this was a man who stole secrets. He could cost hundreds of people their job if the company went under. Hell, I was doing him a favor in a roundabout way. In a few seconds, he'd have my dick in his mouth and couldn't deny who he was any more.

"Kneel," I shouted.

"I can't."

I stared at him. "If I have to ask again, I will be unhappy. Happy people have less reason to tell, remember? What do you think unhappy people do?"

He nodded quickly and complied.

If it was possible to come from a power trip, I would've done it already and all over his face.

This morning, he was my superior and had the power to make my life a living hell which he used. He passed me up for promotion—even though my sales were high, lost my vacation requests and withheld paychecks due to 'accounting errors'. That's all in addition to today.

His theft of my commission reached into my personal life and almost ruined that as well. I nearly lost my apartment because of him. Now he was on the floor, almost naked and about to take my eight inch dick in his mouth.

He looked at my cock and then up. "I'm not gay you know."

I laughed and added emotion to it driving his humiliation deeper. Every week at the clubs or on vacation, there's always that one guy who's straight ninety nine percent of the time. When nobody's around, they're taking cock up the ass or sucking off multiple guys. Hell, they do things most gay guys don't do. Making up for lost time I guess. So yeah, they'll have a group of guys come on their face, but they aren't gay. Whatever.

"If you say so Liam," I slapped the side of his jaw with my cock. "Straight, gay, bisexual or whatever, you're still going to suck my cock, aren't you?"

He hesitated and nodded slightly. "If I have to."

"Then get to it or are you a liar and a thief?"

I heard a little moan and a long breath of air hit my cock. I just stood there making sure I didn't touch him at all—at least with anything besides my dick. Morning would come and I wanted him to remember I didn't grab his head, shove my dick inside his mouth by surprise or do anything else. He was going to open his mouth by himself and take me in willingly—as much as he could given the circumstances.

His tongue touched the end of my cock and his lips followed. I closed my eyes and let out a long satisfactory sigh. How many people all over the planet wished they could make their boss do this? Here I was living the dream with my cock in my boss's mouth. I felt like I could do anything and right now I felt like making him give me a blow-job.

His tongue ran along the bottom of my shaft. The saliva trail left a cool feeling amplified by the air conditioning. He moved on to other areas without any prompting. His tongue licked my glans and then went to my balls.

I grabbed his hair. "Eager little thing aren't you? Who's pleasing who here?"

"I'm just doing it because I have to," he mumbled.

I laughed and pushed him back toward my cock. "Whatever you say TwinkFan29. Bet you would love this for your collection."

His head started to pop back and forth and my wet glistening dick slid in and out of his mouth. The tempo increased and every once in a while, my dick slid out of his mouth. Without instruction, he'd take it and suck it back in.

His panting increased in volume and his hand went around my cock. He squeezed and gave me licks along the head of my cock.

My eyes rolled back from the sensation of his tongue treating my cock like an ice cream cone.

He must have noticed my reaction. "I'm just trying to get this over with." The tone was impertinent like someone ordered to eat their vegetables. I have something for you to eat in a moment, I thought.

"Well, you're definitely eager for something. What is it?" I stroked the top of his head brushing his hair back with every stroke of my cock into his mouth. "Eager for me to come in your mouth? Is that what you're wanting?"

He let out a small moan neither an affirmative nor denial. "You already tasted my pre-cum. What's a mouthful at this point?"

He gave my cock a long suck before letting it go out of his mouth. "Please don't...sir."

I let out a small laugh. The so called straights were so similar. Even when you were fucking one, they just had to hold on to that bit of pride. That little voice that told them they weren't really gay. It was just one night. They were drunk and they would never do it again until you saw them months later ready for another night in boy town. I wasn't going to let him have his excuse.

"I'm not making you do anything you don't really want inside. You love the taste of this fairy's cock in your mouth. Even now the taste of my salty brine is in your mouth and you love it."

I held the back of his head with my hand. He probably could have pulled away but he didn't. "Ever had fairy cum in your mouth Liam?" It was such an outdated insult but I used it anyway against him. I gave him another thrust as I buried myself into his mouth to prod along his answer.

The moan told me no.

"Well, get ready." I held his head tight with both hands and proceeded to face fuck him as my hips bucked back and forth. My slick spit and pre-cum covered dick slid in and out of his mouth. He coughed as my cock hit the back of his throat. "Don't you dare spill any when it comes," I screamed.

I couldn't contain the sneeze of my orgasm anymore and shot my load into his mouth. Physically it wasn't the best blow job I ever had. Mentally, I've never had better. Oh my god, there was nothing better than knowing I was coming into his mouth. Every hot spurt of cum was mine and going into him. Cum he had to swallow.

I pressed my groin hard against him. The thrusts from my crotch were shorter but just as powerful as final almost violent shots of cum landed along his tongue. I panted hard and pulled out an instant before my final shot. It went against all my instincts. There's nothing I wanted more than to have my cock buried deep into his mouth as I gave my final shot. But I wanted to do this one thing to solidify my dominance.

One final shot of cum landed on his face. He closed his eyes in reflex.

"There. Just like in the photos," I said between deep breaths of air. "You give a damn fine blow-job Liam. Guess all those videos paid off."

He spoke quietly. "Thank you sir."

I pointed to the dollop of cum on his face. "You might want to take care of that."

He ran a finger and scooped it up. He held it up and looked at it.

"Go for it," I said. "What's another splash of cum at this point?"

He closed his eyes and sucked slowly at his finger. I grinned at his expression. He reminded me of those rich guys at a restaurant sampling wine—except he didn't spit it out. He licked it all and looked up at me expectedly.

"Is that it, sir?"

"I don't think my slave has been properly punished."

He looked up. His eyes were wide, and I saw his nostrils flare from rabid breathing.

"You need a final lesson." I pointed to my desk.

"Get my hand cream on my desk and bend over."

He looked at my desk and then back to me. "No. I can't."

I repeated my instructions. "You will or else. Tonight you're mine to do with as I see fit. What I see fit is for me to stick my eight inch cock in your ass and make you scream."

"I don't want to."

His volume was low, and he didn't have the confident tone people use when they are certain about something.

Even now, I could tell he wanted me to force him. Part of his brain refused to admit what he wanted. Like before, I wasn't going to give it to him. I wanted morning to come and him remember how willing and even eager he was to participate.

"And yet you will," I said flatly. "I know you imagine a cock in your ass from time to time. I see guys like you all the time in the club. You have the same look they do."

He pursed his lips and shook his head.

"That's not true. I'm not like you."

I laughed. "Says the man with cum in his mouth."

He held out the finger used to scoop up the cum off his face and just stared.

I looked over to my desk. "I won't ask again."

"What if someone sees?"

"Then it's a good incentive for you to hurry up. Efficiency remember?"

He nodded and walked as best he could with his underwear around his ankles. His dick bobbed with each little step as he made his way over to my desk. He handed me the cream. "Will this hurt?"

I smiled. "It usually does."

I let that sink in for a moment. "I'll do what I can to make it easy." Perhaps I was being a little too nice to him. Then again, I was built down there. My cock was too much even for some experienced guys. Sticking it into Tight Ass's tight ass would hurt. Maybe it was pride. On some level I wanted him to remember the pleasure of an amazing fuck. Pain's easy to do. Any guy with a big dick can give pain. A good lover gives his sub pleasure as well.

I slapped his ass.

His ass was rock solid. Damn, if he ever got over his homophobia, he'd rule at the gay clubs. Lots of young men would love an older daddy to fuck.

Maybe I'll help him get there.

I squirted the hand cream into my open palm and rubbed it between his ass cheeks. "This is more than you deserve you know." I touched his opening with my cream covered finger. He immediately flinched. I paused to let him get used to the feeling of my finger in his ass. I slowly moved back and forth with my finger rubbing his star.

A low admiring moan escaped his lips.

"Feels good doesn't it?"

He shook his head. I heard a sigh afterward. "Yes."

"Just wait until it goes deeper into you." I waited for him to start breathing normal again and I pushed my finger slowly against his opening. His body grew still. It was more than he deserved but I let him get used to it before I pressed deeper with my finger. I rocked my hand back and forth feeling the tightness of his ass around my finger. Eventually he rocked back causing my finger to go deeper than I intended.

"Oh god," he screamed. "That feels..."


He nodded slowly.

I laughed. "Just wait until my cock gets into you." I squirted two squeezes of hand cream around his opening. Each forward thrust of my finger made a squishy sound as the cream went in and out of his ass.

His head looked up and I heard a low continual moan.

I knew that position. He was ready for a cock in the ass. Hell I did it too sometimes.

With one quick motion, I pulled my finger out and pushed my erect cock between his ass cheeks.

I let out a long breath of air. Sex—there's nothing like it. So many emotions mix when you're fucking someone or fucked by them. In most cases I'm the one that's penetrated and there's a certain amount of power in that. Nothing like knowing someone wants you so bad and you're giving them their fantasy.

On the flip side, it's damn nice to bury your dick inside someone and use them to please you. You can go fast, slow, deep or whatever and they just take it. Hell, they beg you to use them. This morning I let him steal my commission, now I was fucking him after he swallowed a mouth full of my cum. I swear I my dick grew larger at the thought. Poor Liam. My dick was already huge. Now he was going to take in more.

I pressed against his ring. Besides my finger, he had a virgin asshole. The key word here is had. Even with the tightness of his ring, my dick pressed deeper into his ass. It was simply too slick to prevent me from burying myself inside him—and I did.

He screamed out. "Oh! It...feels..."

I pressed in deeper. "Hurts so good Liam?"

He didn't say anything for a few thrusts. He pushed back onto my cock. "Both, I think."

I rocked forward again and more of my cock went inside his ass. He let out another moan and pounded at my desk with one free hand. The constant banging from his hand and my thrusting shook the cubicle walls. The thumping grew in intensity as I increased the tempo.

His hand went around his cock and he jerked outward every time I buried myself in him.
The sound of my breathing grew in volume and mixed with his heavy panting. I yelled out. "You love my cock in your ass don't you?"

He nodded.

"Not good enough. Say it." I pushed as hard as I could to prod him along.

"I love it," he mumbled.

"Louder," I screamed. I gave a thrust with each word. "Make-me-believe-it!"

"I love your cock in my ass," he screamed.

My hands wrapped around his waist and pulled him tight against me. "I'm coming," I yelled.

He let out of loud moan and I saw spurts of his cum shoot on to my carpet.

I let out a scream and unloaded my cum into his ass. My vision blurred as I slammed myself against his tight ass. Each thrust of my body shoved him hard against the desk. The walls shook and one of the photos fell off the wall.

"You're bringing down the house Liam!"

Aftershocks went through my dick as I continued to shoot cum into his ass. I pulled him hard against me. My dick continued to shoot hot spunk inside his ass as I held myself against his back. I listened to his rapid heartbeats while I caught my breath. After a while they matched in rhythm.

The last of the aftershocks came and I waited until my breath normalized. All the while, I kept my dick in him. I wanted him to stay there and think about my cock in his ass. The moment was over but he just stood there while I kept my dick inside him. He'd remember that in the morning as well.

I gave him a slap on the back and pulled my cream and spunk covered cock out of him. He let out a shiver as my cock rubbed against any final sensitive areas.

I wiped off the last of my spunk with my hand and held it out to him. He looked at my hand and licked whatever was left on my fingers.

"Good boy," I said in my most patronizing tone. "I'm very pleased with how well you did. You're so efficient."

He looked down at the floor. Even though he was taller than me the power dynamic was obvious from his stance.

"You're going to get dressed and let me have my commission back."

He nodded and gave a slight frown. "And then?"

"I'll decide." I leaned in and whispered the next part. "I'm sure you'll go home and part of your brain—the one that pretends it doesn't like cock—will wonder about tonight. Hell, you may even want to get even with me. Just remember I have the evidence."

He nodded.

I had already gotten off on the power play and something just told me I had to give him a reminder. Although, I knew he was mostly beaten. He didn't even ask for the money as he walked out of my office.

I took the back stairs and got the envelope full of money. With the new power dynamic, I had so many possibilities just like I thought I did when I first started work at Randox Industries.
Now the big question. What would I do tomorrow?

Anything I want, I thought. Anything at all.

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