Attack On Titan: Forgotten

By BoPol2

2.1K 66 9

Levi his two friends died on their first expedition, but his third friend was still in the underground, so on... More

Chapter 1: Reuniting?
Chapter 2: The Truth
Chapter 3: The Expedition
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Jealous?
Chapter 6: News
Chapter 7: Life outside the walls
Chapter 8: Regret?
Chapter 9: Return
Chapter 10: Return of the two shifters
Chapter 11: Lost?
Chapter 13: Vacation?
Chapter 14: Camping trip
Chapter 15: Finally vacation
Chapter 16: Truth
Chapter 17: The plan
Chapter 18: Waking up and trouble
Chapter 19: Free
Chapter 20: Peaceful life
Chapter 21: Ackerman gang
Chapter 22: Eren
Chapter 23: War
Chapter 24: Paradise strikes back
Chapter 25: Christmas
Chapter 26: Coronation
Chapter 27: Camping
Chapter 28: Underground
Chapter 29: Underground 2
Chapter 30: Camping 2
Chapter 31: All out war
Chapter 32: Peace at last

Chapter 12: Lost? part 2

68 0 0
By BoPol2

The two catch up with Destiny who stopped at the forest and she looks down as tears fall down "He's gone" she says and adds "There aren't any Titans left here" "Des" Farlan says getting off his horse "Come down from there" he says and the white haired girl gets down only to be pulled into a hug and Isabel walks over "We have to looks everywhere" she says, but Farlan says "Where would we look?" "The farmhouse" Destiny says and she adds "That's where we stayed when were outside the walls" "Let's go then" Farlan says and the three head off again "That's where the Titan was when we left to go back" Destiny says, she was losing hope that Levi was still alive "Humanities strongest might be gone" she whispers "Hey Des, he is a human being, just like all of us" Farlan says, only he and Levi called her Des, Isabel used her full name most of the time "I guess" Isabel says "But that doesn't mean that he isn't strong".

They arrive to see Titans swarming the destroyed building, but Destiny spots the Titan and she rides over to him, arriving at the lake. She sees Levi laying next to it and Farlan and Isabel soon come too "He's alive" Destiny says checking for a heartbeat "But it's slowing a lot" she says and Farlan looks behind them "And we won't get out like this" he says and a Titan swings at them "Quick in the water" Destiny says and Farlan grabs Levi, they enter a cave and get out "We're save, for now" Isabel says taking the medical box from her bag.

Levi faintly hears his friends talking, or maybe he's just hoping it is "That should do it" Isabel says earning a relieved sigh "Where does this tunnel lead?" Farlan asks, Levi slowly opens his eyes and Destiny asks "How are you feeling?" "Everything hurts" he whispers, not bothering to get up "Farlan go check if the Titans are still waiting" Isabel says "And I'm feeling weak" Levi adds causing him to earn to worried looks "We can leave, it's getting dark" Farlan says carefully putting Levi on his back and they head off again after getting out of the lake "They're waiting for us to return" Farlan says "We have to get him to a hospital or something" Destiny counters with an annoyed look "Hanji might be able to help" Levi mumbles, slowly falling back asleep "Stay awake" Isabel says, at the town however they see no one "The horses are still here" Farlan says, it didn't make any sense "Titans" Destiny says seeing three in front of her and she says "Find the others" "Psst" Hanji whispers as the trio passes a building so they quietly sneak in "After you left the entire town got swarmed with Titans, Mikasa took half of them out before her gas ran out and we had to retreat" Armin says, Farlan slowly lowers Levi off his back just as Destiny rolls in "That hurt you-" Mikasa quickly covers the girls mouth "Do you want to get us killed?" she hisses earning a sigh "Sorry, just a lot on my mind Mikasa" Destiny mumbles while Hanji takes care of Levi "This is bad" she says earning several confused looks "He's slowly slipping into a coma" the scientist says causing Destiny to clench her fist and before anyone can even think she left, they hear Titans falling and Mikasa peeks outside "She's pissed, Eren, give me your gear" she says turning to her brother "No" Eren says causing the girl to cross her arms "Then you go out to help".

After making quick work of the Titans Destiny and Mikasa start putting the supplies in the cart and they leave, they hadn't lost many people, but the biggest blow was Levi ending up in that state "Where's the Corporal?" a few people ask, but they don't get an answer, Destiny sees two kids looking at them and she slightly waves at them before glancing back at the cart next to her "He'll be fine" Hanji says looking at Destiny who gives her a sad smile, at HQ Levi is brought to the infirmary and Destiny is stuck taking care of the horse "Hey at least he's alive" Farlan says walking over "Can we make a campfire?" Isabel says and she adds "Like we used to" "Doubt that Erwin would let us" Destiny says and she smiles "Look at us, we must be the weirdest group of friends ever, not one of us is even slightly the same" she says earning two smiles "Let's save the campfire" Farlan says and he hands Destiny a key and a key chain "Come when you feel like it" he says and he adds "They'd love to take care of you too", the two leave and Destiny heads to the infirmary. "I can't just do that!" she hears Eren say and she enters "Do what?" she asks causing the two people there to turn to her "Perfect, we need to make sure all his injuries are taken care off" Hanji says "And we need to take his shirt off" "And this is where you tell me to do that because?" Destiny asks and Eren says "Well you're his girlfriend aren't you?" "Yes" Destiny says "But Isabel got all the injuries, don't worry" she adds earning a defeated sigh from the scientist "You just want a picture!" Destiny concludes causing Hanji to quickly run out of the room in fear what the short girl might do to her "Eren, get me her camera" Destiny says and Eren sweatdrops "Wait, why do you need it?" Eren asks earning a smirk "Well I need someway to get blackmail material don't I?" "Alright, just don't blackmail me" "No worries, get the camera and that won't happen" Destiny says, the next day at breakfast Hanji is talking to the Commander "I can't find it anywhere, I put it on the shelf last night and now the camera is gone", Destiny plops down next to her and asks "What's going on?" "That you're sitting at Levi's place" Hanji says sarcastically "So?" Destiny asks giving her a glare "The doc said it might be a while before he wakes up" she says resting her head on the table. "Everyone has the week off" Erwin says and he adds "And of course you can stay with Levi if you want to" "I think I'll take shifts with Eren" Destiny says "Just got the keys yesterday and I am not letting this chance go to waste" she says and Erwin looks at Destiny and then at Hanji before something in his mind clicks "Destiny, you wouldn't know who wants to steal Hanji's camera right?" he asks earning a confused look "No, I mean, she could go without taking less pictures off everyone and everything to save it for blackmail, but I don't even know how to use that thing" she says and shrugs "Sorry, I'm clueless on the subject", she heads off after dinner and she takes the camera from her bag when she's good distance away from HQ "She won't miss this for long" she whispers before putting it back in case someone comes by and sees it, she had left Eren with Levi, so she wasn't that worried.

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