Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

Od chibicandimei

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When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... Více



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Od chibicandimei

Loss, Movement And Suicide: Part 1


(Your POV)


It's particularly easy to say that no one slept very well after that eventful night, especially with Andrea refusing to move from her place. Everyone had crowded into the RV to sleep that night which was possible only cause of how little of us were left. I stayed outside with Shane and Daryl to keep watch as well as to stay by Andrea's side. I legitimately couldn't sleep anyway. My focus on Andrea didn't waver even when we had random small talk. I didn't try to speak to her, move her or tell her what to do like Shane wanted to. I merely pulled out a blanket I had stored in my bag and placed it over her shoulders to help her through the cold night. She only glanced at me, thanked me through her broken teary eyes and went back to caressing her little sisters face as tears continued to drip down her white skin. I know what it feels like. To lose someone right in front you and know there is nothing you can do.

By the time the sun had come up Andrea had yet to move, not one bit as I was the one who continued to fix the blanket I'd given her. I had sent Shane to go sleep along with the others and told Daryl to sleep as I'd take the first shift of watch. I lied of course, I covered him in a blanket Shane brought out for us once he fell asleep and I never woke him up. Thankfully no more walkers seemed to wonder into camp, so I truly had no need to bother Daryl. Everyone began to wake up inside the RV so I walked off into the woods in search of food as the rampage had made them lose supplies as well. Smelling around I noticed a deer not too far. Quietly, I crept along the trees, following its faint scent, "There you are."

I pulled out my crossbow with an arrow all set and ready to be fired, after yesterday I don't think I need to attract anything with a gun. I crouched a bit to steady my aim. Aim and Fire. I watched as it pierced through its skull and in less than a few seconds the deer dropped dead. I better get back fast before anyone notices.

Getting back was easy, minus the awkward slouch position I was in as I had lugged it back to camp on my back. It wasn't heavy for me, more like deers are awkwardly shaped. Sadly once I got back into the camp it seemed a specific sleeping beauty was no longer asleep. They were now wide awake and currently he was also angry. No one had been angry with me in a while especially for something like this and it confused me, a lot. Where is the thank you for letting you sleep well.

"Y/N! "

I froze in my steps, carefully looking up from my slouched form as my view trailed up a black clad outfit until my e/c eyes met blue-green orbs. If my mask wasnt covering half my face he'd have seen my wide smile, "Daryl, guess what I brought?"

He continued to glare at me as his eyes trailed my form, that was til they focused on the deer that covered my back. "When'd you have time to hunt?"

I rolled my eyes as I continued my way into the camp ignoring his angry face. I was headed for the campfire, "I asked a question first not that it really needs to be answered now."

He seemed to ignore my comment and slowly followed after me instead, "Why'd you not wake me up, what bout takin shifts huh?" I groaned in annoyance; I expected him to confront me about this since he was mad and there was only that but not now. I brought food, isn't the best way to a man's heart his stomach or something? At least enough to shut them up.

"You needed your rest, "I dropped the deer onto the floor Infront of me before pulling out a knife and cleaning it as best as I could with a wet cloth. "All of you needed your rest, so I let you all sleep while I took care of the camp. Easy peasy."

"What if you got attacked?"

I stopped moving and glanced behind me to where Andrea was half asleep half-awake holding onto her sister...She still hadn't moved an inch. I thought maybe with everyone still out of sight and me gone she would have moved but...It's all my fault. I wasn't fast enough. "Then you wouldn't have to deal with another random person in your group."

"Thas how you think of it huh?!"

I slowly stood up and turned in his direction, he had gotten a lot closer the last I checked, "Why are you so peeved about this, I didn't do anything wrong. I'm the military trained person here, hello!"

"Puttin yourself and us in danger is what you gone and did, what if you had fallen asleep or had gotten attacked when you left to hunt!"

He had gripped tightly on my arm during his angry comment, he continued to glare at me, so I returned the favor. "I was just helping! Who cares if I'm in danger!? Not that I would be in any, nothing would happen to me anyway! As long as you guys are safe then everythings fine!"

I attempted to pull his arm off of me but no matter how I pushed at his arms he refused to let go. I didn't want to go and hurt him with my true strength. With his grip on me and my clothing he pulled me closer, our faces only inches away, "I want you to be safe I don't wanna lose anyone else!"

It was silent for two minutes straight after his strange comment. They were complaining about there being someone from outside the group they'd formed. So what did it matter. Andrea had looked for a second to see what was going on but quickly lost interest. Inside the RV though, Shane, Carl, Glenn, Rick and TDogg had exited in a rush after hearing our yelling. Daryl looked over at them and I quickly used it as my way to escape. This is payback for being stupid. I jumped up in between the arms he held and kicked him in the face. He quickly let me go but since it happened so quickly, I ended up landing on my butt. Meanwhile he stumbled back and almost fell.

"What in the hell is going on out here!?"

I slowly stood up brushing the dirt away from my pants as me and Daryl continued to glare at each other, "I don't know, ask him." I walked away from the campfire to my crossbow and began to walk out of camp. I felt Daryl get up quick as lightning to follow me, "I'm going hunting, don't follow me!"

( Rick POV )

"Umm..what just happened?" Glenn glanced at the campfire from last night only to find an untouched but dead deer.  With an even more confused stare he looked over at me, "Also when did we get a deer?"

I brought my hand up to massage my forhead, glancing at Shane we nodded at each other before he walked back into the RV to wake everyone up. "I'm guessing Y/N or Daryl got it."

When Shane came back out he handed me my radio, the one I had gotten back from the bag of guns. Glenn spoke again, "I'm going after Y/N."

"Make sure she's alright," Glenn nodded his head at me before running over and grabbing a gun for his small trip.

Daryl attempted to stop Glenn, "No imma get her."

I had begun to walk away from the scene, still I glanced back to see Shane gripping Daryl's shoulder and talking to him, "You just fought, I don't think it'd be good for her to see you right now."

Daryl smacked his hand away before stalking off in the opposite direction of Glenn and soon his figure disappeared shook my head as I headed over to a more quiet place. I crouched down onto the floor, my radio in hand before turning it on.

"Morgan, I don't know if you're out there n I don't know if you can hear me. Maybe you're listenin right now, I hope so." I paused for a second hoping to hear a response. When I didn't, I continued, "I found others, my family if you can believe it. My wife and my son, they're alive. I wanted you to know that." I paused once more as I stared over the trees, this small hill gave me the slightest view of the he overrun city in the distance. "There's something else I want you to know, Atlanta isn't what we thought, it's not what they promised us!..Do Not Enter The City, it belongs to the dead now."

I closed my eyes as I told him where our camp was placed in hope he would come looking, but I had to give him another warning. The walker attack last night meant they were beginning to move out of the city. "Be careful, Morgan."

(Your POV)

I had just gone to hunt more food for the others, or at least what was left of them, by this point I was sure they were awake and since I hadn't cut up the deer I decided to get them smaller meals. I steadied my arm before releasing the arrow towards my target, which was a rabbit, "I hate killing rabbits, they used to be my favorite pet.. I'm sorry buddy."


I pulled my arrow out of the rabbit just as Glenn came into my sight, "Don't be yelling Glenn, it's not safe."

I bent down to pick up the rabbit only to be pulled back up and into a hug. He's a very hug type of person huh? Glenn tightened his arms around me,"I know but it was the fastest way to find you."

As he pulled away I quirked my eyebrow up at him in question, "Rick sent you after me, didn't he?" He shook his head no before smirking at me, "You volunteered for once?"

"Hey!" I laughed at his immediate response to my teasing, "I was worried, so I came after you, especially after hearing yelling outside the RV."

"Oh ya...that." I looked away from him and bent down, again, to retrieve the rabbit which I then placed in a satchel I always carried along."We should get back now, I think I've caught enough to at least treat everyone to a well-deserved meal."

He nodded at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we began to walk back into camp, he cleared his throat before speaking, "What were you fighting about anyway?"

I couldn't help the small smile that grazed my face, "First you don't have to be awkward about it, "I noticed a slight blush come across his face. "Also, I don't even know why we started fighting, he got mad that I stayed awake all night without waking him up."

Glenn suddenly stopped causing him arm to come off my shoulders as I continued my steady pace, "Wait you didn't sleep?" I shook my head no, "Like at all?" Again another No. "When we get back you're going to sleep."

"Ugh not you too, "I growled lowly before picking up my pace and walking back to camp. The entire way back he would ask if I was tired, if I wanted to rest for a bit, if he could carry the bag of food ,etc,etc,etc!

By the time we got back to camp I was completely fed up, and it's hard to get a person that isn't even alive really annoyed and angry. Looking into camp I noticed everyone was awake now and since Glenn never stopped asking if I wanted to sleep or not they began to throw me questioning glances. At last I had enough, "Fine!"


I removed the bag of food as quick as I could before tossing it in Glenns face, it smashed into his face before slowly sliding onto the floor. "Since you won't stop bugging me about, I'll go sleep, I hope you know that means you're in charge of cooking breakfast. God what are you guys my parents? This is worse than scenario training in the woods."

"Wait wait but I don't know how to-."

I walked ahead, ignoring Glenns whines and saying a quick and silent hello to Andrea and her..dead..sister before strolling into one of the assembled tents near the rv. I just laid down on my back and pulled out a knife to mess around with. "Normal people sleep minimum five hours, I sleep none so what am I supposed to do?"


Eventually Glenn came over and I could tell cause of the way he smelled. I played the part of a sleeping girl, to which he carefully shook me awake. I rolled my head over to look at him with a glare, "Can I stop sleeping now?"

He sighed before nodding his head, with the help of his outstretched hand I stepped out of the tent and was surprised to see everyone eating food or helping move the dead bodies. Awkward combo if you ask me. "I decided to come get you for your portion of food."

I pulled down the bottom half of my mask before smiling at him, this caused a blush to erupt on his face again. He was cute. He also froze not knowing what to say so I spoke instead, "Thank you chef of the day."

"Umm problem."I walked ahead of him and towards the camp. Instinctively I sat next to Daryl who looked like a lost puppy.

After Glenn handed me my portion, I took it in my hands taking a bite and he left to go get his own. I watched the others eating happily even in these sour times, eventually Glenn came back and sat down next to me. He wasted no time in eating instantly. I looked at Daryl who seemed to be avoiding eye contact, so I leaned closer to him knowing I needed to settle this dumb stuff, "I'm sorry about this morning, I know you meant well."

"Don't worry bout it, "I noticed a small smile appear on his face as he began to eat without any awkwardness. Actions speak louder than words with him.

After quickly eating my portion, I looked up and over at Andrea,it hurt me to see her like this even though I was in a familiar position not too long ago. I debated what I was about to do before standing up and turning towards Glenn, "Are there any portions left of rabbit?"

He pointed over at Rick who has a container near him , the leftovers that were quite grand were being stored inside. I thanked Glenn before walking over to Rick and grabbing the smallest portion since I wasn't too sure if the heartbroken girl would eat. At the very least I needed to make it available to her Then with sadly everyone's attention I walked over to Andrea and sat down next to her, "Andrea..I brought you some food."

She looked up at me, though it was barely noticeable. If anything it only looked like a slight twitch, a mere glance of acknowledgment, "No thank you." She whispered almost inaudible, but I could hear her slow heartbeat, and hearing her words was a thousand times easier.

"I'll leave it here if you change your mind, "I placed the food on a small plate next to her before making a small patting gesture on her shoulder and walking back to the group.

TDogg, Daryl, and Shane had begun to get rid of the dead bodies scattered around the campsite. I helped them by lugging the far bodies closer to their pile. I then watched as Daryl struck those who this group used to know in the head with a pick axe just in case. The group had decided to dig up those they cared for and to burn the rest. About two hours had passed of us doing this, but there was an elephant in the room that needed to be addressed and soon. I could smell the change as much as I didn't wish it upon Andreas sister. Rick, his wife and Shane would only look at Andrea. She still wouldn't budge. But truly it wasn't my business, so I stayed out of what the trio wanted to do. Doesn't mean I wasn't slightly curious about what they wanted to do. Having finished my part of the work I walked over to then to listen.

"She still won't move?"

"She's been there all-night Rick, she won't move for nothing. She won't even talk to any of us." Oh yeah, I forgot that no one noticed her acknowledgement of my movements or words..maybe I should try to talk to her but also...this is something she has to come to terms with on her own.

"We need to deal with it."

Rick looked over at Andrea before standing up, "Well I'm gonna have to tell her how it is."

I immediately stood up and grabbed at his arm, he looked back at me confused, "Don't, she needs to deal with this on her own. Trust me Rick."

He simply pulled off my hand and continued his way to Andrea, I watched as he attempted to crouch down next to her only to have her pull out her gun and point it straight at Rick who immediately panicked. He was frightened and raised his hands up, trying to calm her down. His fault for not listening. I had been close enough to hear her speak to him, it was cold and ruthless unlike her tone with me, "I know how the safety works."

Rick seemed so astonished by this that he slightly froze ,"Ok..ok,"he continued to stand up straight from his half-crouched position. He slowly backed away, "I'm sorry."

I walked over and grabbed his arm dragging him away from her. Andrea silently thanked me to which I only nodded. Heading back I noticed everyone had stood up in fear of her attacking Rick,"I told you to leave her alone."

"I didn't expect her to do that."

I finally let go of him as I tossed Rick at his wife, "You shouldn't expect anything in general, when stuff like this happens it's best to let it play out, let her deal with it. I know she'll be fine, she's strong."

I had whispered the last part, more to myself as memories decided to come back and haunt me at that very moment. Daryl seemed to notice this seemed personal, but thankfully Glenn came over to ask for my help before he could question it. After finishing the burning of the final walker it seemed everyone, almost at least, had come around the campfire to discuss what to do with Andrea and her soon to be zombie sister.

"I say we shoot her straight through the head, that girl is a zombie time bomb," I glanced over at Daryl as he said this. He isn't wrong..but it's not right.

"Then you tell her, but don't be surprised when she blows your brains out," responded Ricks wife who seemed to be done with the entire situation as she sat back down. She had smartly agreed with me to let it play out.

Daryl glared in annoyance before turning around and going back to work. I followed after him only to see him and another man I hadn't been fully acquainted with beginning to drag another body in the fire. Once Glenn noticed though he stepped in, "Guys our people go over here, this is only for the geeks."

Geeks? Is that what he calls the zombies? Or well walkers? Daryl only ignored him with a click of his tongue, "He's a dead drunk."

"Our people go in that row over there..We don't burn them! We..we bury them, understand?" They all stood and stared at each other before Daryl gave in and began to pull away from the fire and over to the group of people that used to fill the camp.

"Suit yourself!" Daryl was really pissed now, he barely glanced at me as he dropped the body on the ground, "You left my brother for dead! You all had this coming!"

After that Daryl walked away, I sighed in annoyance watching him clench his fists. Sometimes I think coming here was a bad idea. I could have just stayed in the lonely silence I called home back in the city. At least there I could blend in with the dead, with the living I seemed to only stand out in wait of someone discovering me to murder me the next second. I shook my head of my thoughts as I walked over to Glenn and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Don't let him get to you."

He heard me though and gave me the faintest smile before heading back to the pile of people, that's when I noticed that man in the hat again. Smelling the air I noticed the smell of fresh blood. Why didn't I notice before. I began to walk closer to him but the dark-skinned woman in front of him began to freak out and pulled me away from him, "A walker got him! A walker bit Jim!"

I finally learn his name and now he's gonna die? Everyone immediately focused in on Jim and began to crowd around. Honestly, I felt bad for him as he just wanted to hide it and live normally for as long as he could, but the woman didn't let him.

Daryl came over with his pickaxe in hand and brought it up as if he were going to hurt Jim, "Show it to us!"

I pulled down the axe in an attempt to not freak out Jim, "Daryl stop!" It was too late as Jim backed up and grabbed the first weapon, he saw which was a shovel.

TDogg was behind him and without warning gripped him in place as hard as he could making him panic even more and he started to scream. Daryl rushed over and lifted up his shirt revealing a huge bit mark right on his stomach. I walked closer to examine it but after officially sighting it Daryl pulled me away before I could touch it. TDogg had instantly let him go and backed up and Jim went into denial, "I'm ok I'm ok...I'm ok I'm ok I'm ok."

Jim began to basically chant the words I'm Ok as everyone stared at him in fear and sadness, I wish I could do something, but I don't even know why I didn't turn in the first place. I could only watch him cry on the inside as he cluched onto his arms and crouched onto the floor. I attempted to walk forward in hopes of comforting him, but I was only pulled back once more being told to stay away from him. I'm sorry Jim.

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