Forever Bound

By strales

6.7K 103 24

Book Two of Three. Skylar and Blake have been dating almost 6 months. They have always been close friends, an... More

Forever Bound: One
Forever Bound: Two
Forever Bound: Three
Forever Bound: Four
Forever Bound: Five
Forever Bound: Six
Forever Bound: Seven
Forever Bound: Eight
Forever Bound: Nine
Forever Bound: Ten
Forever Bound: Eleven
Forever Bound: Twelve
Forever Bound: Thirteen
Forever Bound: Fourteen
Forever Bound: Fifteen
Forever Bound: Sixteen
Forever Bound: Seventeen
Forever Bound: Eighteen
Forever Bound: Nineteen
Forever Bound: Twenty
Forever Bound: Twenty-One
Forever Bound: Twenty-Two
Forever Bound: Twenty-Four
Forever Bound: Twenty-Five
Forever Bound: Twenty-Six
Forever Bound: Twenty-Seven
Forever Bound: Twenty-Eight
Forever Bound: Twenty-Nine
Forever Bound: Thirty
Forever Bound: Thirty-One
Forever Bound: Thirty-Two
Forever Bound: Thirty-Three
Forever Bound: Thirty-Four
Forever Bound: Thirty-Five
Forever Bound: Thirty-Six
Forever Bound: Thirty-Seven
Forever Bound: Thirty-Eight
Forever Bound: Thirty-Nine
Forever Bound: Epilogue

Forever Bound: Twenty-Three

138 2 0
By strales

A Big Mistake

Blake's POV 

After Skylar grabbed my wrist and shoved me out in the hallway, I stood where I was. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but I couldn't hear a thing. Her dad was mad, but she said he changed. She said that he had turned his life around. I believe her, based solely on the fact that there appears to be no sound of hitting coming from her bedroom. Which is a good sign.

Now I can hear some mumbling, which is good. He really did just want to talk to her. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. I didn't realize how worried I was for her safety. And after that huge fight? You can say I ruined my chance of getting her back. Then again, maybe I didn't. She did say I had to fight for her, but she didn't say I had to fight fair. 

A touch on my forearm dragged me away from my previous thoughts. I opened my eyes and found the blonde lady from earlier standing in front of me, with her hand on my arm. I raised an eyebrow and looked down to where she was touching me. She blushed and removed her hand. Then she cleared her throat. 

"Blake, I think it's time for you to leave. They're talking and she won't be able to see you afterwards. Let me show you to the door." She said.

I took another deep breath and nodded. I mumbled a 'thank you' as we were walking away. For the life of me, I could not remember that ladies name. Monica? Beth? Marney? I have no idea, but i'm pretty sure i'm way off. When we got to the stairs I looked back at Skylar's door. I have known her for a long time, so I know what to expect tomorrow...a whole hell of a lot of guys thinking about her in whatever slutty outfit she'll put on. I'll let her have her moment. She'll come back to me. I'm sure of it.

At home, I didn't talk to anyone. Jake had come back from his date with Sophie and went straight to his room. That kid has got it bad. I'm just glad he has stayed with her for as long as he has. Skylar told me how nice Sophie was, and how she wouldn't hesitate to kill Jake if he hurt her. They were becoming close, which could be the reason why Mia was acting like a baby lately. I think I should go talk to her.

And being the amazing brother that I am, I failed to knock on the door before I walked in, and I was in for a great surprise. Yeah, that was sarcasm.

As soon as I walked in a heard screaming and I shut my eyes and said sorry repeatedly. With my eyes closed I back tracked out of the room and closed the door. I will always knock on people's door's from now on. Especially in my own house. I never want to witness that again.

I shook my head and turned around and was suddenly staring at a laughing Jake. My anger flared and I became defensive.


Between laughs he was able to cough out a simple "Nothing."

I narrowed my eyes at him and he finally stopped laughing. He took a tentative step backwards and swallowed. That was satisfaction to me. I was still boss around here.

"Tell me. What was so funny, Jacob." I said in a condescending tone.

"You walked in on Mia, right? You should know by now, Blake. Never, ever walk into Mia's room without knocking. But obviously you found out the hard way." He snickered. 

"Oh shut up." I said as I pushed him aside and walked towards my room.

He kept walking with me and nonchalantly brought up tonight.

"So, how was Sky? Doing better?" 

"She was fine before we got into a fight." I said as I plopped down on my bed.

"You fought with her? Blake, that wasn't the plan?" He said and sighed.

"Oh yeah, well then what plan do we have now? You're stupid "why not kidnap her because that's so not illegal plan failed. What do I have to do now, huh?" I asked as my anger started to get the best of me. Jake could tell.

"Woah, calm down. My plan was genius, you just messed it up. Anyways, why did you guys fight anyways? You seemed so determined when you texted me. What would ever make you start a fight?"

"How do you know I started the fight? Maybe it was all her." I said, bringing out the five year old in me. Blame it on anyone else but me. Smooth one, Blake.

"Because I know both of you, and she wouldn't start it. What did she say to make you blow?"

I took a deep breath and put my hands behind my head. 

"She said she needed a couple more weeks. And that, in that time, she wants us to try and find another person! She just wants me to go out and make another mistake! And I'm not doing that. But she blew up. Is our love not strong enough?" I said as I looked up at him. He looked taken aback with his eyes wide. His eyes were frantically looking anywhere but me. So I tried again. "Jake?"

He finally looked at me, and I felt queezy.

"I don't know. To be honest." He absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck. "She actually talked to me about that and I told her it was a good idea." He put his hand up to signal that he wasn't done. "I thought it would hurt both of you less that way. You broke her the first time, and you can really lay here in front of me and ask me if your love is strong enough?" He shook his head and started backing out of the room. "Check yourself before you try and pursue her again." He was gone.

I stared at the spot where he used to be and mumbled a list of bad words before finally yelling, "Yeah, well stay out of my life then!"


I didn't even want to go to school. I know how this is going to turn out. There is no doubt in my mind that she's going to turn up looking sexy. The problem is that I won't be able to tell everyone that she's mine. Because, well, she's not anymore. But I was going to do everything in my power to stay far away from her, and keep my mind off of her. So I walked over to the popular table. I was finally a senior and I was looking forward to getting out of here. But not before I show people who the boss is.

"Hey, Jackie, how are you?" I said. God, if this doesn't work, I don't know what will.

"I'm good, how are you Blake? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me. Why the change of heart?" She asked. Hook. Line. Sinker.

"I was thinking, what about going on a date with me this friday?" I asked. Skylar should have known this was coming. I am the boss around here.

"Sure, that sounds great. Where would we be going?"

"To a Landon's parent's restaurant. I know you don't work there anymore, but I love it there." I said with a wink.

"That sounds great! I can't --" I didn't hear what she said next because the whole cafeteria went quiet when someone said, "Is that Skylar?" 

My head snapped to the doors as my eyes took her in. Leather jeans. Red tank top that was a little revealing. High heels that made her legs look killer. And to top it all off she had on a leather jacket and bright red lip stick. Her hair was wavy and it cascaded down her back. When she wanted to make a statement, you better believe she would. I think I died and went to heaven. She was just trying to get back at me for yelling at her, but what she did was make everything more complicated. She was now showing everyone how hot she really was, and that was a problem. Because not more than a minute after someone announced her presence did she have boys all over her.

I made sure to concentrate on her facial expressions. When the boys all crowded her, her face looked apprehensive. She didn't do well in big crowds. But I couldn't blame the guys. If I didn't know Skylar, i'd be all over her. But I had my pride to hold onto. There was no way that I was backing down, no matter how much my insides were telling me to. Just apologize and she could be yours again. But I knew that it wasn't that simple.

I sighed and I was ready to get her out of the mess when a kid with dark brown hair tugged on her hand and pulled her out of the crowd. I could faintly hear him addressing them.

"Listen, all of you need to leave her alone. My God, it's like you've never seen a girl before." The new boy said.

My eyes flicked from him to her and I read astonishment all over her face. Then she leaped at the boy and collided into him with a hug. My heart actually hurt when she did that. I was no expert on girls, but I knew her. She didn't go hugging random boys. She must know him, or really be trying to get back at me.

A tug at my shirt drew my eyes away from Skylar and back to the table I was sitting at. Landon and Jake had now come and were watching her. Landon's face darkened and his eyes got mad, but Jake smiled. That infuriated me and I was just about to hit him when he ran towards Skylar and the guy.

I watched as they hugged and started talking. That meant that she did know this guy, and he wasn't knew. I mean, he did look familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Levi?" Landon asked to no one in general.

"What did you just say?" I asked, not sure if I understood him the first time.

"That's Levi. Don't you remember him? He used to hang out with Sky in grade school before he moved to Arizona. She would always buy Arizona Iced Tea because it reminded her of him. I think that was her first crush. That's cute." He said as he made his way over to them.

Levi. Did I even remember a kid in our neighborhood with a name so peculiar? I don't remember, but then again I wasn't around then as much. I had sports and I didn't have time to play with anyone. The thought of Skylar playing without me back then had never came across my mind. I just assumed she sat at home and did nothing while I was busy. God, I was so stupid. 

Then it clicked. Levi was the kid who was always picking fights with me. I never considered him a friend let alone someone that my best friend would ever dare to play with. But now he's back, huh? To finish up senior year in this small town? I don't buy it. I turned to Jackie and took her hand. If I was going over there, I would not be going alone.

"Where are we going, Blake?" She asked.

"To visit some old friends." I said as we walked up to everyone else.

They all stopped and turned around. Jake had a warning in his eyes, but I quickly dismissed it. He was told to stay out of my life. Plus, this is what Skylar told me to do. We weren't going to date anymore. That was her choice, and i'm going to make her regret it.

"Hey guys, who's the new kid?" I asked nonchalantly. Already knowing who he was.

"Blake." Levi said in a stern voice.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Sky. She had her arms wrapped tightly around her body as if she was ashamed. Her eyes were looking at everything but my eyes, but they finally rested on Jackie's hand in mine. I had to smile at that. Then I turned back to the group and raised our locked hands. 

"Well you all know Jackie." I said with a smile.

She gave a shy smile and mumbled a feeble 'hi.' All eyes were on me though, even Skylar's. I gave her a cocky grin then turned and glared at Levi. "And what are you doing back here? Get too bored in the desert? Too bad. I was hoping you'd dehydrate. No more problem then."

Skylar gasped at that. "Don't talk that way to him Blake! Just because you two never got along doesn't mean we hate him. Grow up." She said and put a hand on Levi's forearm. "Come on, let's go to class. Obviously you're the only one your age that had grown up since you were last here." She tugged at his arm and glared at me as they made their way down the hall.

"You just love causing hell don't you? What in your head would make you think that the right way to get her back was to date the girl that ripped you two apart!" Jake said with fury. 

"Bad move, slick." May said as she grabbed Landon's hand.

"Will you all stop crying over her. They moved on, get over it. She was wrong for him anyways. I'm glad I proved it." Jackie said.

"Whatever. If I have to tolerate you, you better respect my sister. I hear one bad thing out of your mouth about her, then I will not talk to either of you." Landon said. His eyes on Jackie.

"Same for me. You've changed, Blake. No offense. You weren't like this when we had fun." She said and squeezed Landon's hand.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Well now that I know my brother's stupid, I have to go to Sophie. I'll talk to you guys later." Jake said as he ran off down the hallway.

"You son of a --" 

"Liam!" May yelled.

I turned around to see Liam with hate in his eyes. Ah, he must have heard the news. Man, this school spreads gossip like no other. He shouldn't be mad. He doesn't like Skylar like that. I had talked to him about it. We were cool, and i'm guessing now we're not.

"Hey, Liam."

"Don't you dare. Why are you back with that thing?" He said, jerking his chin towards Jackie, who scoffed at him.

"Sky and I talked and we decided there was no hope of ever getting back together. So i'm free to date whoever I want. Do you have a problem with that?"

He shook his head and sighed. "You didn't just seal the deal on not dating ever again, but of ever being friends again." He said then walked away.

"Well, it's time to go to class, Blake. Let's go. See you later May." She nodded at her. "Landon." he nodded at him before leading me to the janitors closet.

I couldn't help thinking about what Liam said. Did I really ruin both of those relationships? She said to date other people. Jackie is other people. I should be focusing on my happiness, but why does this feel as if i've made a big mistake?

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