Strange meets weird

By asat3683

2.2K 54 12

Best friends Linny and Amy find a mirror that send them to an alternate reality. At first they can't wait to... More

Strange meets weird
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 17

66 2 0
By asat3683

Strange meets weird - Chapter 17

- Wake up Sleeping Beauty!

Linny buried her face on her pillow and grunted.

- Go away! 5 more minutes!

Amy laughed, shook her head and thought for a moment. Then, she jumped on Linny's bed and started singing/ screaming one of her songs.

- OMG Amy! Stop it! It's way too early! Leave me alone.

- C'mon you lazy woman. It's already 9am and we have work to do!

Linny finally looked up and stared at her friend.

- Since when are you so excited this early in the morning.

- Since you got a hot date and still haven't shared any details about it!

- Seriously? That's not a good reason to wake me up!

- Oh, didn't I tell you? Linus called. His girlfriend got us a meeting with Mr. Whatshisname from the group of supernatural fans. 

- "Mr Whathisname"? Wow, Amy, do you ever read my notes?

- Of course!

Amy pretended to be very offended by the question while Linny just rolled her eyes.

- When is the meeting?

- At noon. But we got to go downtown on a bus because your mom already left for work.

- Can't we just call a cab?

- Mmm I guess, but then everybody will know that Mandy Ferris went to meet a strange dude who believes in ghosts. I wonder what Jack might say about that?

- Amy, stop being such a drama queen. We'll just ask the cab to take us somewhere downtown and then we'll take a bus.

- Well fine! But anyway, Matthew doesn't want to stay here all alone and I don't know how to stop him from tagging alone. So, tag, you're it. Go talk to him! Oh and I still want to hear all about your date with Zach, so after you deal with Matt, we'll have some girl talk before going to meet the weirdo guy.

Linny shook her head and got up, defeated. While she showered, she tried to come up with a good excuse to stop Matthew from going with them. Finally, she did the only thing she could think of: she called Zach.

- Hey Linny! Couldn't wait to talk to me again, huh?

- Argh, I knew I should've called Lenny...

- Lenny? 

- Yeah, I kinda need a favor... See, Amy and I want to hang out together for a couple of hours in the city, but we don't want to leave Matthew alone in my mom's house... So I thought you might want to give him a call and take him for lunch or something?

Zach laughed.

- So you want a babysitter.

- Don't say it like that. C'mon, will you call him? And not tell him that I called you? Please?

- Yeah, don't worry. I'll give him a call. Tell him it's time for some time with his bros. I'll talk to Lenny too.

- Great! Do some male bonding! Yay! That should be cool. Just remember it was your idea. Don't mention me at all.

- Yeah yeah yeah. Don't worry. Go have some girl time with Amy.

- Well, I'll actually be doing research, so it won't be as fun as whatever you guys will be doing. But thanks!

Amy was already pounding on her door.

- Coming! ... Zach, sorry, that's Amy being a pest. Got to go! Thanks! Bye.

- Uh, ok. We'll talk more next time?

- Sure.

- Ok, bye then!

Linny went to open her bedroom door and an excited Amy came in.

- Oh, you're finally ready! Cool! C'mon, you'll tell me all about your date while you have breakfast. By the way, I assume you called Zach and he'll call Matt?

- Amy, calm down! You're too hyper today! And how did you know I'd call Zach?

Amy shrugged.

- What else could you do? I would have done it, but I thought coming from you he couldn't possibly say no. Better odds of success, you see.

Linny rolled her eyes and let herself be dragged downstairs. She couldn't argue too much in an empty stomach.


Linny was just starting telling Amy about her date when Matthew entered the kitchen.

- Good morning Linny! Hey Amy, do you mind if I get a rain check? Zach called and insisted I go with him and Lenny to lunch and then to a pub for some "male bonding". I personally think it's just an excuse to talk about his date with Linny, but I still couldn't get out of it, so I can't come with you girls to that supernatural society...

- Oh, don't worry Matthew! Linus and his girlfriend will be there, so we'll be fine. You can come with us next time... Or you know, we could all go out to the movies and do something fun.

- Yeah, that sounds great.

Matthew took a banana and went to the living room where he was watching some morning cartoons. Amy smiled at Linny.

- Well done. Now, where were we?

Linny glanced the kitchen clock and noticed their cab would be arriving soon.

- Amy, we lost track of time! Let's go, I need to grab my notebook and tape recorder. And you need to...?

- I also have my notes! From my scientific research.

The two girls grabbed everything they needed and were ready just in time.


During the cab ride, the girls remained silent. They didn't know if the cab driver had recognized Amy but they didn't want to take the risk of starting rumors, so they just looked through the windows.

They arrived at a café near the "mysteries and secrets" society. They sat down for a while and ordered a cup of coffee. Amy was asked for her autographs a few times and she wondered if she should have used a wig to disguise herself, but she had to agree with Linny's decision in the end. A wig wouldn't have been enough and it would only make people more curious about what she was doing. While they waited for their coffees, Linus texted them asking if they wanted to meet before going to the society's headquarters, so she told him to come meet them at the café.

When he arrived, they met him at the door and were pleased to see he had a car with him. Linny looked at it grateful that they had a ride to their appointment. 

- Nice car, Linus.

Linus smiled.

- Yeah, I thought you might like it.

He winked at her and she laughed. She remembered going to Amy's concert with Linus in her mom's car and feeling like a teenager. He obviously hadn't forgotten about that either. Amy just got in the car and told the other two to hurry. Linny laughed and got in too.  Fortunately, they got to their meeting on time and they hadn't been followed by any paparazzo, so they felt there were good odds for Amy's presence in that place to go unnoticed.

When they entered, Linus introduced them to Liz, the cute goth receptionist that Linny had already met briefly before. She was quite nice and greeted them with warm words and a smile before announcing their arrival to her boss. Linny was a bit worried because she knew they needed to get some good news soon before they lost hope of ever getting back. When they were told they could go in, both girls walked with determination, but scared in the inside. They told Linus he could wait outside and he seemed fine with the idea of keeping Liz company, so they were alone when they met Mr. Langer.


Mr Langer was a tall man of about fifty years. He seemed mysterious and intimidating. 

- Good afternoon. My name is Paul Langer, head of the council of the Mysteries and Secrets Society. 

Linny greeted him with a handshake while introducing herself and Amy. Mr. Langer didn't seem to recognize Amy, which was a relief. Amy also shook his hand and remained silent while Linny talked.

- Thank you for receiving us Mr. Langer. We are here because we're interested in alternate realities and we were told you were an expert on that field.

- Ah, Alternate Realities. Of course. A very difficult field, if you ask me. There is a many great deal written about it, but most of it is either too theoretical or plain rubbish. Have you read anything on the subject?

Linny nodded but let Amy talk this time.

- Yes, sir. Linny read some books about some folklore on the subject while I read books about the opinions of the Physicists and other scientists. Unfortunately, we found out that the information was insufficient for the exact reason that you have already stated.

Mr. Langer nodded with solemnity.

- Yes, yes. It's really not easy to find proper information. I know it's quite difficult, specially if you only use the most well-known books out there. However, I have been studying this subject for quite some time. Ten years to be exact, and I have some interesting books I could lend you.

The girls nodded with grateful looks on their faces. 

- That would be wonderful!

- Oh, it's not a problem. But since we are all here, would you like to ask me any questions?

Amy nodded, and took a notebook.

- Yes, sir. If you don't mind. As we mentioned, we've read books about the subject, but none had useful details. For example, we were wondering if you thought that specific objects could act as portals between two or more dimensions?

- Indeed, yes. You see, certain objects, such as old paintings or antique mirrors, hold properties that would make them useful gates, shall we say, between two specific dimensions. 

- And why is that? What are those characteristics?

- Well, these objects' history, age let's say, make them grounded enough in a dimension so that they are not affected by the fluctuations in the space time field. At the same time, they must have a "sister" object in the other dimension to create a bridge between the two. There are actually some signals that are sent and received by each. The "sister" object would be the exact replica but in the other dimension.

- And how would they work? What would make them turn into portals?

- Ah, the trigger. That you see, is the oldest unanswered question there is. There are many theories of course, a certain traumatic event, a distress signal emanating from someone near the object, or the destiny interference. Any of these answer could be true, unfortunately I have yet to see proof. The trigger still remains a mystery.

His last statement had been said almost for himself. You could see the passion for the topic in his eyes, as well as deep longing for unraveling the mystery.

- Sir, are there any evidence that certain symbols might be connected with the effectivity of a portal? 

Mr. Langer's eyes were suddenly lit with excitement.

- I thought you were complete amateurs, but I see you have studied the matter quite well. Yes, indeed, there are some symbols that have appeared in most of the portals that have been brought forward. We don't know their meaning, but we suspect they might be related with the trigger.

- Could those symbols be involved in the communication between sister objects?

- Yes! Yes! Exactly. We believe they act as links between those objects. We think they might have appeared when the connection between the sister objects was first done.

Linny was surprised by Amy's questions, she hadn't expected her friend to be so prepared. However, she was most excited by the answers they were receiving and she was writing in her notebook while following the conversation.

- I see. So you think these symbols might be involved in the creation of the bridge, and might I be right if I said that they might be also responsible for keeping the portals grounded to their own realities while being gates into another dimension.

- You are a bright young lady. Yes, I think you'd be right about that.

- Could the symbols be related to the kind of triggers that affects them? Has any relation been found?

- As I said, we don't have much information on the triggers. With that, alas, I can't help you.

- Of course. I understand. Sir, may we take you up on your previous offer about the books? I think it'd be wise to read as much as possible before bothering with further questions.

- Of course, of course. Follow me.

Mr. Langer seemed very excited and gave them a lot of reading material. Linny looked at her friend with a smile, happy to have come with her. Sometimes it was useful to have a genius as a friend.


After the meeting with Mr. Langer, the girls took Linus out for some lunch. They went to a nice little Italian restaurant. As soon as they exited Linus' car, a bunch of teenagers came to Amy asking for autographs, so Linus and Linny entered the restaurant and asked for a table while Amy signed magazine and CD covers and posed for pictures. Linny ordered for Amy, knowing what her favorite dishes were and specially expecting a very impatient and hungry Amy. She was right to do so because as soon as she sat down, Amy devoured the complementary bread sticks on the table.

- OMG, I'm so hungry! 

Linny laughed. Sure she was hungry too, but Amy was always so dramatic about lunch.

- Amy, when are you not hungry?

- Mmm. Fair point. But I mean, c'mon, you must be hungry too, right?

- Actually, yes, but I saved the bread sticks for you because I knew you'd die without them.

- Awww! You're such a good friend!

Linus laughed listening to the girls' conversation. Fortunately for Amy, they were soon served real food. Amy attacked her lasagna with so much passion, even Garfield would have been impressed, so for a while the conversation was only between Linny and Linus.

- So, are you guys ordering desserts?

- Amy, how on earth did you finish your lasagna already?

- Linus, when I said I was hungry, I meant it!

- But it was huge!

- Yeah, yeah. So chocolate cake?

Linny looked at her and shook her head "no".

- You are not eating chocolate after a lasagna. You know you'll get sick if you do! Order some ice cream and that's it!

- Yes mom.

Amy looked like a disappointed child until she saw the gelatos from the place.

- Actually, a gelato doesn't sound so bad...

Lunch was very pleasant and let Linny relax for a while, forgetting the "alternate realities" mystery still unsolved. Linus was then kind enough to drop them at Lucy's house.

Neither Lucy nor Matthew was home yet, so Linny and Amy had some time to talk alone. Amy wanted to talk about Linny's date, but they ended up talking about their meeting with Mr. Langer.

- Uh, I can't believe we have more books now. I'm so bored with all the reading.

- At least these seem more interesting...

- Amy, you really impressed me today. I wasn't expecting you to be so well prepared.

- Hmm, should I be offended?

- No, I just meant your questions were really good and you didn't seem nervous at all.

- Well, it helped that we had an intelligent person there to answer our questions. 

- So, not a weirdo now?

- He's still weird, but intelligent too.

They compared notes and divided the books between the two of them. They had a lot of work to do and they had to focus if they wanted to be done before the end of Amy's vacations.


At midnight, Linny heard some noises by the entrance of the house. She saw Amy on the hallway and together they went downstairs. They heard some familiar voices and opened the door. A very drunk Matthew was being carried by Zach.

- What is going on?

- Ouch, woman! Don't scream! I have a killer headache!

Linny was not impressed by Matthew's reaction and helped Zach get him upstairs while Amy went to get some bottles of water and aspirins.

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