Adopted By Jacksepticeye (Jac...

By mediagirl94

92.4K 2.1K 1.7K

*COMPLETED* When Sean walks home he stops to help a homeless person, but that homeless person happens to be a... More

Authors Note
Social Media
How To Write Fanfiction
How To Write Fanfiction Summaries
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
YouTube Imagines Book
Saved By Them
The Assistant
Achievement Hunter Imagines Book

Chapter Sixteen

2.6K 87 12
By mediagirl94



"Sean, wake up. Babe, you need to get up."

I feel Mark shaking me and I slowly open my eyes realising I was in my bed, not even remembering getting into bed last night.

"Why do I need to get up?" I yawn, sleep evident in my voice.

"Because the Police are in the living room with Felix, they have some good news."

Hearing the words 'good news' I jolt up in bed and throw back the covers making Mark laugh next to me. I didn't care how dishevelled I looked, some news was better than no news.

Rushing into the living room I nearly trip on the carpet but Felix catches me before I can make an ass of myself in front of the Police.

"Easy there Sean we don't need you getting injured," Felix chuckles, shaking his head in my direction.

"We were able to get a signal on Marzia's phone and have sent a task force to the location to get the girls back safely. We should know more soon but this is really good news."

I wanted to hug each Police officer but restrained myself, instead deciding to flop down on the sofa next to Mark who hands me a mug of coffee and ruffles my hair. The air of tension in the room seeming to lift with this good news. It wouldn't be too long until I got to hold my little girl in my arms again.


Forty-eight hours we'd been here in this basement that seemed to get colder with each passing second. All we'd been given was a tatty blanket each which did nothing to keep us warm unless we hugged for body warmth. Being an adult I was better able to fend for myself but Emily wasn't fairing well in the cold and had started to shiver and sneeze, clearly coming down with a cold despite me giving her my blanket as well.

We also hadn't been given anything to eat or drink in twenty-four hours and I was starting to feel a little ill myself. Had something happened to our kidnappers? They were staying unusually quiet like we didn't even exist to them anymore, then again they were holding out for two million pounds.

Emily startles awake next to me upon hearing a loud crash above us, stray particles of dust fluttering down over us making Emily cough. What's going on up there? There were multiple raised voices, and it was hard to tell just how many people were upstairs. That was either going to be good for us or very bad.

"I'm scared Marzia."

Opening my arms Emily crawls into them for safety. If anyone came down those stairs I'd defend Emily with my life because she was only a child and had more of a life ahead of her than I did.

The door at the top of the stairs bursts open and Emily screams weakly into my shoulder.


Torches flash in the darkness before landing on the two of us. I raise a hand and wave it frantically hoping these were the real Police and not our kidnappers playing a game.

"We're down here officers."

Footsteps thud loudly down the creaky wooden stairs and suddenly Emily and I are surrounded by five people dressed in tactical equipment holding torches and guns.

"Are either of you hurt?"

I shake my head then remember the shivering child in my arms, "I'm okay but I think Emily might be coming down with something."

One of the officers motions with a gloved hand for us to get up. Emily keeps her head buried in my shoulder.


"We need to get to the hospital guys, the girls are there."

Felix runs into the living room slightly out of breath, having been called down to the station twenty minutes ago. I dart up from the sofa taking Mark by surprise since I was lying in his lap while the two of us watched TV.

"Why are we still standing around here then, let's get going."

I grab my coat and all but drag Felix out of the living room with Mark trailing behind us. Felix takes my car keys since I clearly wasn't in the right frame of mind to drive us anywhere without potentially crashing the car and injuring the three of us in the process.


"Hi, I'm looking for Emily McLoughlin I'm her dad."

I slam my hands down on the nurses counter a little too harshly making a couple of the nurses jump. I just wanted to see my daughter.

"Take it easy Sean you'll see Emily very soon."

Mark places a hand on my shoulder in an effort to calm me down. The main nurse smiles at me and typed something into the computer in front of her. Felix was next to me getting information about Marzia.

"Ah yes, Emily McLoughlin was admitted to the children's ward, room 3. You just need to take the lift to the third floor and follow the signs."


I grab Mark's hand and drag him to the lift bank, Felix heads in the opposite direction mainly because they kept the kids and adults away from each other in different sections of the hospital. I hoped Marzia was okay, she didn't deserve to be thrown into this just like Emily.

"Calm down Sean you'll hurt yourself."

Mark's reassurance was doing nothing to calm me down, I was inches from seeing my daughter and these lifts were being too god damn slow for my liking.

One finally arrives and I frantically hit the third-floor button willing the doors to shut quickly before anyone else can join us and slow our journey down.

"I'm sorry Mark, I just want to see my little girl. Forty-eight hours is a long time to be separated and know nothing about her safety."

Mark sighs, "I love Emily as well and if I was in your shoes as her dad I'd probably be acting the same way."

I tilt my head to the side, "Mark, you are her second dad. She loves you just as much as she loves me. We're together and are going to have a future together; you are her dad just as much as I am."

Mark smiles and pulls me into a hug resting his chin on top of my head, this moment was sweet and needed amongst the hassle.

"I'm so happy to call you my boyfriend Sean and I hope I can be just as good of a parent to Emily as you've been."

The lift pings and the doors slide open. I entwine my fingers with Mark and we walk out.

We find room 3 and I push open the door revealing a small hospital room painted a light blue with animals painted on the walls to indicate this room was for kids. Emily was sitting up in the bed holding panda while needles were in her hands attached to bags with clear fluids inside.

"Daddy!" Emily squeals, looking up and locking eyes with me.

I run to her side and she hugs me while I try not to dislodge any of the needles.

"I'm so happy to see you, Emily, I never want to lose you again."

She buries her face into my neck and giggles, "I won't get lost again, daddy."

Behind me, Mark clears his throat, "hi fun size."

Emily pulls away from me and makes grabbing motions at Mark, "yay Mark."

I move aside and let Emily and Mark hug it out, while I smile happily at the small family I'd created. If Emily had never come into my life I might never have admitted my true feelings for Mark and we wouldn't be together ready to move in together and raise a kid.

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