The Emerald Wolf - Book One...

By CassiieAlexx

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[Slowly Editing] Ariana Renee Grayson is an 18 year old werewolf. Growing up without her father, and never kn... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Author's Note - Important!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Authors Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Special Thanks From The Author
Chapter 13
Sequel + New Story
Author's Note

Chapter 6

2K 47 11
By CassiieAlexx

------------------------------------------- AUTHORS NOTE -------------------------------------------

Hey you guys! I'm SO sorry this took two weeks to get out... I had issues with my laptop and ended up loosing the 18 chapters I had written ... So now I have to write everything from this point on completely from memory x.x .. Thank you all for reading! Sorry its so short.


The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be

– Marcel Pagnol.

Chapter Six

I had been right, of course. The rest of the morning went by without a hitch. The only issue that even came up was the death glares a lot of the girls had been giving me. But that didn’t even faze me. I knew 5that none of them even had the slightest of chances.

“So, what are we doing after school?” Tanya asked as she took a seat next to me and Stefan at their usual table in the cafeteria.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like we haven’t all gotten together and just hung out in a while. I also haven’t seen the girls since last week.” I frowned, popping a piece of broccoli into my mouth.

“Well, I don’t know how smart it is to have them over so much Ari...” Carter frowned.

“I know, I know. They’re human and it’s not a good idea. But still, they’re my best friends... If I can’t see them at the house, then I’ll probably pop over to the school sometime soon.” I sighed. Our whole conversation was in hushed tones, avoiding any questions from the human students.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never had anything against humans, I just hate not being able to talk freely. It’s annoying. Then again, so is talking through the mind link. Hence why I block everyone out unless absolutely necessary.

“Don’t worry Ari, I’m sure they understand. You’re spending time with the family you never knew you had. Speaking of...” Stefan trailed off and looked at a spot over my shoulder.

Turning around I couldn’t help but grin. Jason may be a year older, but he had been kept back a year when he was younger, so we were in the same grade.

I couldn’t help but notice how all of the girls stared at him. It made me grin.

“Embarrassment time.” I muttered under my breath, getting up. The others watching me curiously.

“Oh Jason!” I called in a sing-song voice, skipping over to him.

“Yes Ari?” He asked, one eyebrow rose slightly in question.

Grinning I launched myself at him, hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek, smirking when he turned red from embarrassment.

“What the hell are you doing Ariana?” He groaned, pushing me off.

“Well, brother dear, I haven’t seen you all day.” I pouted, ignoring the shocked gasps of people surrounding us.

Huh, I guess I forgot that none of them knew he was my brother. My bad?

“Well, sister dear, you’ve been a little busy with Stefan.” Jason teased.

“Well, hush! I demand a piggy back ride over to the table. Or to your friends so I can have the pleasure in embarrassing you more.” I smirked and jumped onto his back.

“I think Stefan would rather you not hang out with a bunch of football players.” Jason muttered, heading towards the table with his friends anyway.

“Oh hush. Stefan can deal for five minutes. Or he can easily follow, they are his friends too.”

I grinned when Jason simply huffed, stopping in front of the table filled with your typical football players and cheerleaders.

“I thought the bitch was dating Stefan, why is she with you Jason?” the blonde girl from this morning asked, glaring at me.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

“Sweetheart, don’t go getting your panties all in a bunch. I am with Stefan.” At the mention of his name Stefan was at the table along with Tanya and Carter.

“Then why the hell are you all over Jason?” another girl asked.

This just caused more laughter, not only from me but from the other four as well.

“Y-you think... Oh my god this is hilarious.” I laughed, tightening my grip so I wouldn’t fall off of Jason’s back.

“I don’t see how it’s funny.” Some guy mumbled, frowning. “I would never share my girlfriend. Not even with my best friend.”

“Dude!”  I laughed more, “Are you kidding me? Do you know how disgusting that is?”

“Uhm no?” some blonde mumbled.

Clearly they were all very confused.

“Gee, thanks Jason. You’ve been at school all day and failed to tell your friends about your long lost sister? I’m offended! Put me down this instant mister.”

Jason did, giving me a sheepish smile.

“I’m sorry Ari; it just didn’t come up...”

“It shouldn’t have to come up!” I huffed, glaring at him, “you should have just said it.”

I felt Stefan’s arms around my waist and immediately relaxed into the embrace, sighing contently, my previous irritation all but forgotten.

“Hey! I’m still getting used to the fact that you’re my sister. And dude, really? Do you have to feel up my sister when I’m standing right in front of you? That’s still extremely disturbing.” He shuddered.

“Holy shit...” some girl whispered, looking between me and Jason, “I can totally see it... You’re eyes, and your smiles, and your noses...”

“All things we got from dad.” Jason grinned.

“Yeah. Mom’s eyes were green.” I nodded in agreement, playing with the pendant on my necklace that I still wore every day.

“That they were.” Jason murmured quietly, a small smile on his face.

“So... you two are siblings...” the blonde girl from this morning said slowly.

“No shit Sherlock, when did you figure that out? Was it before or after I said it loud and clear?” I asked, annoyed with the girls constant appearance.

She simply scowled, and turned away.

Shrugging I turned back to Jason, “It’s okay, you’re forgiven for not telling anyone. If...”

“If what?” he asked cautiously.

“If you help me sort though everything at moms this weekend. I still have a lot to go through and I don’t even know what to do with half of it!”

“Fine, but only because I don’t want you throwing away something that could be important.”

“Thank you! And I’m not throwing anything away. Just packing it into boxes and putting it in the basement.” I protested.


And that was the end of that.

(Jess’s P.O.V)

School just wasn’t the same without Ari there. Sadly, I had to be the one to break it to Nicole, Melissa and Isabelle, that latter of who had taken it the worst. She was always so loyal to Ari, and always by her side. She dealt with her better than a lot of us did. And she didn’t even know what exactly she was dealing with.

Yeah, life definitely wasn’t as interesting without Ariana around that was for sure. A lot of the teachers even asked where she was.

Right at last period, I thought I was going to have to snap someone’s neck if one more person asked me why Ari wasn’t here anymore.

Don’t people around here know how to gossip? It sure as hell would make my life a whole lot easier.

Only five more minutes and I could go back to the dorm before going and seeing Ari.

Of course, the minutes seemed to drag by. By the time the bell actually rang it felt like hours had gone past as I hurried into the hall, promptly bumping right into what felt like a brick wall.

“Ow!” I mumbled, stumbling back and catching myself against the lockers with one hand while rubbing my forehead with the other.

Blinking, I looked up into the gorgeous chocolate brown eyes of someone I had never even seen before.

“I’m so sorry, I was in a rush and I didn’t see you there... I’m Jess.” Smiling politely I held out my hand to him.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m Elijah.” He smiled, shaking my hand.

The second he did I had to control my reaction. The familiar coldness made its way through my veins and I gave him a soft, very much forced, smile. Damn vampires.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Are you new here?” I asked, slowly withdrawing my hand so it didn’t seem suspicious. After a few years I’ve gotten used to hiding my reactions.

“Yes, today is my first day. I was just taking a look around the campus. I’m actually looking for a student who goes here... you may know her.” He said, giving another dazzling smile.

Looking into his eyes, I saw his pupils slowly going completely black.

Trying to use compulsion on me? I don’t think so mister.

“I may, what is her name?” I asked slowly.

Vampires were never up to any good. At least not any of the ones who I have met so far.

“Ariana Grayson.”

I quirked an eyebrow at him, “And why, pray tell, are you looking for my best friend?”

He couldn’t hide the excited glint in his eye quick enough, I had caught it. Clearly, this was not going to end well.

“She’s an old friend.”

Ari never had any friends before she moved here. Clearly he’s lying.

Play along. My conscious whispered.

“Ah well, sorry to disappoint, but she transferred out of here before we got back from winter break.”

“That’s a shame.” He sighed dramatically, “You don’t happen to know where she went do you?”

“Not a clue. I’ll ask her next time she calls and be sure to let you know.” I smiled a fake smile at him.

“That would be wonderful. But if you would mind not mentioning me? I want it to be a surprise when she sees me.”

“Fair enough. But be warned, if it’s to rekindle some romance, she’s very much taken at the moment.” I smirked; two can play this game bub.

“Well, then it’s a good thing it’s nothing like that then.” He grinned.

“That it is. Well, I’ll be sure to see what information I can get for you, but I really must be going. My friends are waiting.” I started to walk past him but didn’t get very far before he grabbed my arm.

Glaring at him, I used magic to force him back.

“Look leech, I don’t take too kindly to your kind, so don’t mess with me, got it?” I said through gritted teeth, “you’re already pushing your luck.”

“You’re a witch.” He hissed, jumping up but not before I knocked him back down again.

“Yes, yes I am. Come near me, my friends or Ari, and I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

With that I walked off, not once looking back.

No way in hell was I letting him get Ari. I was going to warn her and do everything I could to protect her.

------------------------------------------- AUTHORS NOTE -------------------------------------------

Please remember to VOTE AND COMMENT

This is up for the watty awards guys. All your votes and comments mean everything to me!


Love you all (: first person to comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them.

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