Chapter 8

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------------------------------ Authors Note Please Read ------------------------------

Hey you guys! I know that this took about a month to get out, but I gad to do a lot of work on it. It didnt want to co-operate so I was never really happy with the outcome of the chapter. I was also on vacation - so I wasnt really working on it as much as I should have been. I lmpw that this is shorter than my chapters usually are, but dont worry! As you are reading this, I'm working on the next chapter. And I'm going to keep on writing until I need to sleep, so hopefully I'll have a new chapter out either tonight or tomorrow. If not it will be sometime this week. I'm going to try and get back to weekly updates. As for the teaser from the last chapter, I didnt really write what it said. So, I'm putting it into the next two Chapters.

Anyway, I loveyou guys. So please dont kill me.

Remember to VOTE AND COMMENT !


Chapter 8

Walking out of the building I sighed and looked around. At least one good thing comes out of getting kidnapped. Information. 

And this was one piece of information that I was going to need if I was ever going to find the rogue who killed my mom. And if I was ever going to find out why they did it. 

At least now I have a name. Shane. 

Now I just have to find him. But how?

Alpha nightingale, I need everyone I'm closest to, to meet me at my house. I'll see you all soon. 

As soon as I said it I cut off the mind link and headed for the woods. I needed time to think and be alone. I needed to run. 

(Jess's p. o. v.)

"Ari wants us all to meet her at her house. She cut off the mind link and went wolf." Stefan's father informed the small gathering in the lobby of the hotel where they had found us. 

The vampires had shut down an entire hotel just to kill Ari. It was insane.

"She went wolf? In the middle of the city?" tanya asked. 

"no, she went off to the woods. It's understandable Tanya. She was kidnapped and then found out someone is trying to kill her. I need everyone to head back to the reserve and meet her." Alpha nightingale said. 

Everyone nodded and started to leave. 

"Come on Jess, we'll give you a ride." Carter said. 

I nodded and followed then out to the car. 

This was all insanity. Why would someone go through so much trouble for one girl? What is it that they think she knows?

There was no way that this was going to end well. 

Within a few minutes we were at Ari's waiting for her. 

"Where is she?" I asked Stefan, frowning in confusion. 

"Give her a few minutes Jess. She needed to cool off. You should be relaxing too. You were tied up too." he stated. 

"I'll relax when we know what we're going to do."

"I agree." Ari's voice came from behind me. "let's talk."

(Ari's p. o. v.)

"So what are you planing to do?" Jason asked as everyone sat around the living room. 

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