Chapter 11

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------------ Author's Note --------------

Hey guy's! New chappie already (:

It only took 24 hours...

This is my longest chapter in a while. So hopefully they go back to being this long.



This is up for Watty Awards... so spread the word (: if you like it then maybe your friends will too!

~ xo Cassiie


Chapter 11

Six months.

That’s how long it’s been since I met Stefan.

In the matter of six months, I’ve done the following; a. met my mate. B. Met my brother and father that I didn’t know I had. C. Got kidnapped by vampires who were hired by some crazy ass lunatic rogue named Shane. D. Had my Alpha boyfriend mark me. E. Found out one of my best friends is a witch while the other was a shape shifter, the kings’ daughter to be exact. F. Helped one of my best friends through her transformation to wolf because she’s my brother’s mate.

And now where am I?

Standing in the middle of the mall with Tanya, Jess and Nicole – both who had transferred to my school in January to be closer to me (well, and Jason for Nicole’s sake). And what were we doing? Shopping for prom dresses.

That’s right, Prom.

Today is the tenth of May and prom is in a week. And none of us have our dresses.

Since I had dyed my hair, I had a lot more choices. And every dress looked damn good to me right now.

“Okay, I think I’ve narrowed it down to six.” I told the girls as I met up with them at the change rooms.

“Me too.” Jess said.


“Me as well.” Tanya agreed, walking up.

“Alright, then let’s try them on! Try them on and then try to narrow it down to two?” I suggested.

‘Deal! Then we can model each one for the others and make a final decision.” Nicole grinned.

“Then it’s off to La Senza.” I smirked and walked into one of the four change rooms to start trying on dresses.

Twenty minutes later I had it narrowed down to two. Both were floor length had had simple yet elegant look to them. One was white with black embroidery on the top. It was strapless and flowed to the floor in an elegant cascade of fabric that wasn’t too poufy but wasn’t too flat either. I stepped out and waiting for the other girls while looking over the dress in the mirror.

Nicole and Jess came out at almost the same time and looked at me, shaking their heads.

Tanya emerged a second later and frowned, “You look like you’re getting married.”

“Yeah... it’s too white.” Jess agreed.

“I think so too. But I think the next one is it. As for you three. Jess, you look stunning. Absolutely breathtaking. Nicole, I think something in a light blue would look better with your skin tone and Tanya...” I look he rover, grinning, “Love the dress on you. But see if they have it in red, it looks better on you than black.”

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