Special Thanks From The Author

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Hey you guys!

So, I'm sorry to say, but this story is nearly over ..

I had 30 chapters planned for the first book in this series, but some things have changed.

After the next chapter is up, Book One will come to an end.

But don't worry my lovelies! Book Two will come shortly after.

I just wanted to give a special thanks to everyone who has been reading this story. To those of you who have been with me from the start, thank you. Your support and your votes have meant the world to me.

For anyone who just started reading, thank you guys too! All of your votes, comments and views mean everything to me.

This story has become my baby. And I can't wait to continue on with it in the next few books.

After the last chapter is posted I'll be going through the story and editing it to make a few changes.

So thank you guys, for everything!

Remember to vote and comment as this story is up for the Watty Awards! 

Share the story with anyone you'd like. All your support means the worl dto me.

I love you guys!

~ xx Cassiie Alexx

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