Chapter 7

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------------------------------------Authors Note------------------------------------

Hey guys! I had a major writers block... hopefully it stays away now that its gone!

Anyway, enjoy.

xo - Cassiie Alexx


Chapter Seven

(Ariana’s P.O.V)

By the time we made it home at the end of the day I was ready for sleep. School wasn’t as eventful as I hoped that it would be.

But apparently I wasn’t going to be lucky enough to actually get to go to sleep. The second I pulled into my driveway I saw Jess’s car.

Grinning I jumped out of the car and up the steps where Jess was sitting.

“Hey! I haven’t seen you all week!”

“Hey Ari.” Jess grinned, hugging me tightly, “I’m sorry I didn’t stop by. Christmas with the parents and all. But listen… we need to talk about something… can you get Stefan over here…?”

“What’s this about?” I asked, frowning as I let us into the house, tossing my bag on the kitchen table and grabbing a bottle of water, Hey Stefan? Can you come over… Jess has something to talk to us about and she seems pretty upset…

“I don’t know what to think of it to be honest… just wait for Stefan.”

On my way.

“Alright… well he should be here any second now.” I said, smiling a little just as Stefan walked through the door.

“What’s going on?” He asked, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

“I have no idea. Jess has something to talk to us about.”

“What is it Jess?” Stefan asked, frowning.

“Ari… do you know any vampires?” Jess asked nervously.

“Nope, cant say that I do.” I told her, slightly confused.

As far as I could remember, I had never in my life met a vampire. I was never in one place long enough to know anyone for very long. There was no reason for anyone to even really know who I am other than the pack.

“Well… there’s a new guy at school who says that he knows you. He said that you guys are old friends and that he wants to see you. And he’s a vampire. I told him that I didn’t know where you were.” Jess explained, “He wasn’t happy with my answer, and he knows that I’m a witch, because I had to use my powers on him to get him to let go of my arm…”

“So, what you’re saying, is that Ari has some vampire after her for some unknown reason?” Stefan asked, growling slightly.

Jess nodded, “It seems that way. But I’m going to do my damn best to keep him as far away from you as possible. Hopefully I can keep him off your trail and keep the others from telling him. If not then we may have a problem.”

“Great, that’s exactly what I needed. Drama.”

This was not going to be fun.


Dear Journal,

It’s been eight years since I left the pack. It seems like everywhere I turn either myself or Ariana are in danger. Being on the run isn’t easy, but it’s the only way to protect Jeremiah and Jason. I can’t let the rogues get near my family. I’ll die protecting them if I have to.

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