Chapter 4

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I'm going to be nice and give you guys the chapter early! Vote and Comment and I'll have the next one up by sunday. 

Chapter 4

Groaning, I rolled over in my bed and buried my face in my pillow. Mornings are horrible when you have a headache.

It took a few seconds before everything from last night came back. Frowning I sat up, realizing that I was alone in bed. Huh. Stefan was there when I fell asleep.

Shrugging I got up and pulled on my purple silk robe that ends at my thighs-yes, I have lots of different robes-and a pair of white ankle socks. Once that was done I made my way down the stairs, humming to myself. I could hear people in the kitchen.

By the time I got to the last set of stairs I couldn’t stop myself from singing. And it was the stupidest song that I had ever head throughout my childhood.

Well I saw the thing coming out of the sky

It had one long horn and one big eye

I commenced to shakin' and I said oo-wee

It looks like a purple people eater to me

It was a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater

Sure looks good to me

Walking into the kitchen I saw that everyone had stayed the night. Huh, interesting. The funny thing is that they were eating breakfast and had all stopped to stare at me like I was crazy.

Well, he came down to earth and he lit in a tree

I said mr Purple People Eater don't eat me

I heard him say in a voice so gruff

I wouldn't eat you 'cos you're too tough

It was a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people eater

It sure looks strange to me

I said mr Purple People Eater what's your line

He said eating purple people and it sure is fine

But that's not the reason that I came to land

I wanna get a job in a rock 'n roll band

Well, bless my soul rock 'n roll flying' purple people eater

Pigeon-toed under-growed flyin' purple people eater

one-eyed one-horned it was a people eater

What a sight to see

“Ariana, what in the world are you singing?” Stefan asked, clearly amused.

Ignoring the question I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. At this point I was dancing around the kitchen, intent on finishing my song.

Well, he swung from the tree and he lit on the ground

he started to rock really rockin' around

It was a crazy ditty with a swinging tune

Wop bop a lula wop bam boom

one-eyes one-horned flying people eater

Ooh, it sure looks strange to me

Well he went on his way and then what do you know

I saw him last night on a TV show

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