Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

We left the mall after talking to them a bit longer and headed straight home. There was too much going through my head. I had to talk to someone about it.

“Hey guys. You remember what I told you about my mom?” I asked carefully.

“Yeah, you said she left when you were like one and no one heard from her ever again.” Carter said.

“Exactly, but that necklace that Ariana was wearing... It was the same one my father gave my mother. With the exact same engraving.” I said slowly. We were about ten minutes from the pack house at this point.

“We need to tell my father about her anyway.” Stefan said, rubbing his forehead. His father Jonathon is our pack Alpha.

“Why? Just because she’s a wolf and doesn’t know? What if her wolf is completely dormant? Most people have had their first change long before their eighteen.” Carter said.

“If it’s been dormant before, then it’s not now. You can sense it from her. But it’s not only that.” Stefan said, his grip tightening on the steering wheel, “She’s my mate.”

We rode in silence the rest of the way. Carter and I were happy that Stefan had found his mate. And even more so that she was one of us, even if she didn’t know it. But none of us knew how she was going to react to this.

As soon as we arrived, we went straight to the packs main house. And up to Alpha Nightingale’s office. Stefan knocked on the door quickly and his father instructed us to enter.

“I won’t bother you long. You need to call a pack meeting right away. There’s an issue that we need to discuss that affects a few pack members.” Stefan said simply.

“What is it?” his father asked.

Stefan just shook his head, “just call the meeting dad. I’ll explain everything then and only then.”

Alpha Nightingale nodded his head and sent everyone a message through our mind link to return immediately for an emergency pack meeting. “This better be worth the time son.”

“Trust me, it is.” I muttered as we all made our way down to the main room where we held all pack meetings. The room fit about a hundred people comfortably.

Once everyone was assembled, Stefan, Carter and I stood before them nervously.

“What’s going on?” Carter’s mate Tanya asked.

“It appears that the boys have some information they need to share that may affect some people in the pack.” Stefan’s dad stated. “Everyone’s here, you can start now.”

Stefan took a deep breath and looked around the room, “We went to the mall today, out of pure boredom, and literally bumped into two girls. Well, technically speaking, I bumped into her because I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings.” He chuckled.

“You called this meeting, to tell us you accidentally knocked over some girl?” Stefan’s mother asked.

“No mom. That’s not why. I caught her before she fell.” He stated nervously, “She’s my mate.”

“How does that affect any of us?” One of the guards asked, “You know the rules Stefan. You have a month to tell her. Especially if she’s a human.”

“That’s where the problem comes in.” Carter said. “She’s not human. But she thinks she is.”

Murmurs went through the group.

“Silence! Let the boys finish.” Jonathon yelled in his Alpha voice. The room automatically quieted down. “How does she not know that she’s not human? And what is she exactly?”

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