Chapter 9

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--------------- Authors Note ----------------

Hey you guys! Guess what?! New chapter all ready! Yep thats right, new chapter. I promised you that I would make it up fto you for disappearing for a month, and I am. Right now. I've been writing and writing and I cant seem to stop. Which means that you guys are going to get chapters faster. I have started the one after this, but I'm going to wait a couple days before posting it because I need to make sure that its perfect for you guys.

Anyway, I love you all.


~ xo Cassiie


Chapter 9

(Stefan’s P.O.V)

"I know it's only been a month, but I want you to mark me."

She wanted me to mark her? Right now? 

I stared at her, wondering if it was really what she wanted. I was shocked at first, because it came out of nowhere. I was nervous, and a little scared, because I knew that it was going to hurt her. But most of all, I was happy. My wolf was happy. It had taken a lot of self control over the last month to keep him from making me take her by force. I refused to let myself hurt her in any way.

"Are you sure..?" I asked her quietly.

"I'm positive." She said.

She had very obviously made up her mind. Who was I to deny her?

I nodded a little and wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling her relax into my arms immediately. I smiled a little to myself as she tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck to me. 

I pressed a light kiss to her neck before biting down. I knew that it was going to hurt her, and I wished more than anything that I could take that pain away, but this was just how it worked.

After a few seconds I pulled away from her neck and looked at her. 

"Ari..? Are you ok?" I asked concerned, she looked slightly pale. 

She shook her head slowly. "Not really...” was her whispered response before she collapsed in my arms.

I picked her up bridal style and walked over to the bed, laying her down gently.

After wiping the blood off her neck with a damp cloth I picked up my phone and called my father.

“What is it Stefan?”

“Ariana and I got home not long ago... and she asked me to mark her...” I told him slowly.

“That’s good son. Are you going to?” He asked me.

“I already did... but after she passed out... is that... is that normal?”

“In some cases yes. It depends on how strong the connection is between the two wolves. You and Ari both have Alpha blood in your veins which makes the connection that much stronger.  I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Just stay there with her and take care of her, she should heal within an hour and shouldn’t feel any pain when she wakes up, but your mark will be on her. It’ll just look like a tattoo to anyone who isn’t a wolf.”

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