Guns N Roses One-Shots (vv ga...

By Tylerandjosh1

291K 3.7K 5.7K

Because I am trash. Smut and fluff. Request stuff. iiii]; )' More

Hangover (Slash/Axl)
Comfort (Slash/Izzy)
Rocket Queen (Slash/Axl) SMUT
Drunk (Izzy/Duff)
Nightmare (Axl/Steven)
Play with me (Slash/Duff) SMUT
Paradise City(Axl/Izzy)
Don't leave me (Duff/Steven) SAD
Wanna have kids? (Duff/Slash)
7 Minutes in Heaven (Steven/Duff)
Flirt (Slash/Axl) SMUT
Bikers (Duff/Izzy)SMUT
November Rain (Slash/Steven)
Feels (Izzy/Axl)SMUT?
Feels Pt2(Axl/Izzy/Duff)SMUT
So, ya like coffee? (Slash/Axl)
Fifty Shades Of Grey(Slash/Duff/Izzy)SMUT
Make you feel good (Duff/Steven) SMUT
I'm his 'boyfriend' (Izzy/Duff)
The Jungle, Baby (Slash/Axl)SMUT
Fireworks(4th of July Special;))
Every Rose has it's Thorn(Axl/Slash)
Help me(Slash/Axl)SMUT
Dr. Feelgood (Slash/Duff)SMUT
I'm not wearing any clothes(Duff/Axl)SMUTISH?
Fat Axl/Hurt (Slash/Axl)SAD
Electric Feel (Slash/Axl) SMUT
FanfictionPT2(All of them)SMUT
Bass Players do it Deeper (Duff/Axl)SMUT
Don't hug me, I'm mad (Izzy/Axl)
You could be mine (Axl/Slash)SMUT
I want you(Duff/Izzy) SMUT
What the hell (Red/Munky/Jo/Fieldy)
Let's find wood(Axl/Steven)
Let's find woodPT2(Steven/Axl)
Let's find wood PT3(Duff/Slash)SMUT
Let's find woodPT4(Axl/Steven)SMUT
Cornshucker (Duff/Axl)SMUT
This I love (Duff/Slash)
My Joker (Axl/Slash)SMUT
Cum On Feel The Noize (Axl/Duff)SMUT
Vodka (Steven/Duff)
Vodka PT2(Slash/Axl)SMUT
Not in this lifetime (Duff/Slash)
Shy Boy(Axl/Izzy)SMUT
Terminator (Duff/Axl)SMUT
PDA (Slash/Duff)SMUT
Baby, You Ready To Play? (Axl/Slash)SMUT
The End (Slaxl) SAD
A/N See Ya!

Forgive me(Izzy/Steven)

3.3K 63 177
By Tylerandjosh1


For my baby @ana_mckagan she's my main bitch who helped me come up with this oneshot. I love you, babydoll ;;;;))))

Also we've never seen a Izzy/Steven before so this should be interesting.



"Well that was a fucking disappointment." Slash shook his head, glaring at disgust at the TV credits. "I hated that movie."

"Aw, I liked it!" Steven frowned, shooting a sad look at Slash. Slash, Izzy, and Steven were all curled up on a couch and just finished a terrible movie (it was great to stevie okay) and Steven was curled up to next Izzy, snuggling the black haired boy.

"You like everything, Steven." Slash snorted, sitting up and walking in front of Izzy who was passed out with his arm around Steven, mouth opened slightly and eyes closed. "That motherfucker." The guitarist sighed, shaking his head.

"I'll stay with him, you can go back to Axl's hotel room. I think him and Duff are kissing." Steven giggled, watching Slash's face scrunch up in anger.

"He better not! N-Not that I like Axl or anything.... Just, uhm, SEE YA STEVEN!" Slash waved quickly and with a flash was out the door to the one of the hotel rooms the boys rented.

"He totally likes Axl." 

Steven turned his head to see Izzy blinking, rubbing the sleep out of his tired eyes with one hand, the other was still around the blonde.

"Yeah, he really does." Steven said quietly, staring at his hands in his lap, biting his lip nervously.

Poor Steven has like Izzy ever since they met. There was something mysterious about the skinny black haired man that made the drummer intrigued to know him. He then started developing feelings for the rhythmic guitarist, only to find out Izzy was homophobic. 

"Fucking fags." Izzy mumbled, yawning and stretching. "Better not be kissing in public, the media will be all over our asses."

"Yeah... I guess." Steven muttered, heart sinking. Izzy was about to stand up and go somewhere, but Steven grabbed his hand, standing up so they were staring face to face, inches apart from kissing, breathing the same air.

"Steven? What do you want?" Izzy was oblivious to what was racing through Steven's head: kiss him kiss him kiss him. "I needa take a shower, I'm still sweaty from the gig-"

"Izzy... I wanna try something." Steven squeaked out, leaning closer to Izzy's lips, brushing them together. Izzy was too in shock to stop him as the blonde pressed his lips to his bandmate, grabbing onto his arms for support.

Izzy surprisingly kissed back, wrapping his arms around the shorter boy, holding him close. 

When things were just getting good, Izzy pushed him off in disgust. 

"What the fuck, Steven!?" Izzy shouted, eyes wide as he wiped his lips with the sleeve of his jacket. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I-I-" Steven stuttered, not even sure why he did that in the first place! "Izzy, I-"

"NO! Save it, Steven!" Izzy snapped, glaring at him and scrunching up his nose. "I knew you were gay scum like the rest of them. Shoulda stayed away from you in the beginning. I'm taking a shower."

Izzy sighed, shaking his head violently and walked away with his hands shoved in his pocket. Steven stook in shock. He could practically feel his heart break into a million tiny pieces as he watched Izzy walk away.

Gay scum. Steven's bottom lip trembled as he replayed what had happened in his mind. Shoulda stayed away from you in the beginning.

But kissing Izzy felt right. It felt good the way his soft lips moulded together with his bandmates, how Izzy had pulled him close. He felt safe. 

A tear slipped down Steven's cheek and he wiped it away angrily, growling to himself and plopping onto the couch, still warm from where they were curled up. Steven wasn't gay. He liked women and he liked Izzy, that was it.

"So fucking stupid." Steven muttered to himself.


Steven curled up on the couch, bringing the blankets closer to his chin as he heard the door to the bathroom open and steam from Izzy's shower seeped into the room with a couch, a bed, and a TV.

"Hey." Steven peeped out, winching as Izzy made eye contact with him. "Axl and Slash are sleeping in one room and Duff is whoever the fuck knows. We have to share this room."

"Okay." Izzy nodded, stiff as a bored as he slipped on a shirt and got into the big bed. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Steven whispered, curling up and sniffling. Izzy turned off the lamp and they were sleeping.

Not even a minute passed when Steven heard Izzy stir.

"Were you..." Izzy trailed off in a hushed voice, staring at the ceiling. "Were you crying?"

"Yeah." Steven grumbled, closing his eyes and trying to ignore the black haired boy. "I don't really wanna talk."

"Okay." Izzy murmured, shifting again and closing his eyes. "I'm sorry." He breathed out.

"For what?" Steven said bluntly, not having it. "For calling me 'gay scum'? For saying you wish you'd stayed away from me? For embarrassing me? For kissing back?"

"Yes." Izzy spoke softly, lulling Steven to sleep as he closed his eyes. Steven was about to fall into a deep sleep, when Izzy interrupted.

"Can you-Can you sleep up here?" 

Steven's eyes shot open when he heard those words leave Izzy's mouth. He couldn't breath for a second and he swore his heart skipped a beat, but he obeyed and stood up out of his makeshift bed on the couch.

Izzy scooted over, making room for the confused blonde as Steven curled up under the covers, sighing at the fluffiness of the bed compared to the hard couch.

"Thanks." Steven smiled to Izzy, both of them facing each other while laying down, staring into the others eyes. 

"Of course." Izzy grinned for once, pity and guilt shining in his eyes as he stared at Steven's bright baby blues. "I'm sorry."

"You already said that." Steven giggled, burrowing deeper into the covers, hesitantly scooting closer to Izzy. The man didn't seem to mind or didn't notice.

"But I am." Izzy whispered, wrapping his arms around Steven, pulling him closer. Steven froze, not sure how to react. "Because I yelled at you cos... I think I like you."

"You do?" Steven gasped, eyes widening. Izzy chuckled, face turning red and vulnerable once he dropped the bitchy act. 

"Yeah. I was confused and didn't want to believe that I actually liked you... hints, the whole homophobic act. I tried to convince myself I didn't like you but when you kissed me..." Izzy sighed. "It felt right. I really do like you, Steven. Will you... go out with me?"

Steven blinked, then snuggled up against Izzy's chest, breathing in his scent and nuzzling his face against the man's neck. 

"Is that a yes?" Izzy giggled, kissing the boys fluffy head and holding him closer. Steven nodded against the guitarist. "Do you think we could try that kiss again?"

Steven couldn't believe this was happening, his little heart was overflowed with joy as he backed up from laying against Izzy, looking into his eyes, then leaning forward, connecting their lips into a passionate kiss.

Izzy experimented, pushing his tongue against Steven's and tangling his hand into the boys blonde hair, tugging a little and making the drummer moan against his mouth. It felt so good, so right.

They both pulled back, stunned and shocked and high on love.

"I'm sorry, again." Izzy whispered, putting his forehead against Steven's gently, closing his eyes.

"It's okay, Iz. I forgive you."




I love Izzy he's such a bitch I'd love to torture him :)


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