Lively. {Larry}

By Still_young

30.5K 2K 508

Sequel to Deadly. This story includes the aftermath of Catherine's terrible curse on our favorite chestnut ha... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three


823 62 2
By Still_young

Harry' ruby red orbs glared at the ceiling of Anne's apartment as she stood in front of him, completely invading his personal space, in order to fix his supposedly "messy" tie.

"It was fine before." His deep voice grumbled as he stood like a child would while Anne undid his tie.

"It was uneven before." The mother replied, her tongue sticking out in concentration.

Gemma was sat on the couch with her small feet dangling at the edge of the couch, her attention on her ipad where she was watching a random video on youtube. She was wearing a light green dress that went down to her knees and white sandals, her hair brushed into two pony tails.

The family color was green which Harry had no complaints about because forrest green did wonders on his skin. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark green shirt tucked into his slacks, a black tie being constructed to rest against his chest.

Anne had her hair styled in a high bun while a few strands hung beside her ears and her olive green dress swooped down to her calves to go nicely with her black heels.

Harry sighed contently as Anne finished with a single pull, a small smile spreading on her face as she felt at the fabric before flattening out his suit. She was absolutely glad that the two had grown closer over the year due to how she could never forgive herself if she never spoke to her son again.

"Don't you think it's weird that we're going?" The woman questioned, furrowing her eyebrows as she took a step back to view her handsome son.

Harry's skin was thankfully clear while he wore his green contacts, his hair parted in the middle with a few strands falling into his eyes. "I was invited," he shrugged, looking towards Gemma who was invested in her game. "And I asked if it was alright for you two to come."

Anne nodded at that, frowning as she looked down towards her shoes at the reminder of how it was just them two. During the year, her husband had suffered a massive heart attack on the way home from work.

The work at his firm had just grown too strenuous to the point where he was missing major events in their daughter's life like her recitals and participation in plays at her school.

It had been months since the passing of Mark but the woman still cried late at night when Gemma was asleep. She missed her husband terribly.

"But what if you see Louis? Wont it be awkward?"

Harry clenched his jaw at that, "I saw him about two weeks ago and he seemed fine." He stated, checking his watch on his wrist to see that it was around one in the afternoon. "And honestly, Zayn and Niall weren't that close to him towards the end so i really doubt he got an invitation."

The brunette excused himself for a moment to go to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind himself because the two females have a habit of just walking in without knocking.

He went straight towards the mirror, his false greens scanning his reflection with precision. It was a different look than he usually had but he wasn't complaining. You have to dress nice when attending a wedding.

It still confused Harry how he received an invitation to the wedding when he wasn't even close to the two. There was a personal note attached to the letter however that was written by Zayn to clarify that it was all Niall's wishes.

The man really doubted that Louis was going to attend but he still wanted to look his best incase he made an appearance. And he didn't have Danielle with him to fuck it up.

"Harry, Love." Anne called from the other side of the door, "We have to go."

He nodded even though she was not in front of him, giving his reflection a small dimpled smile before exiting the bathroom and meeting the two in the living room.

Anne lead the way out of the apartment with her keys in hand while Gemma trailed along, Harry following the four year old with his hands shoved in his pockets. They waited until the mother locked the door before riding the elevator to the basement floor where the car was parked.

Harry's hands began to sweat at the sight of the vehicle, his facial expression blank while he mentally freaked out. He had ridden in Anne's car numerous times but he would still prefer not to.

"Shotgun!" Gemma called out, giggling as she looked up at Harry who was smiling at his sibling. The two adults knew she couldn't ride in the front but it was still cute that she tried.

Anne unlocked the car with the remote, watching as Gemma opened the door and climbed into her carseat. She went to buckle her in while Harry sat in the passenger seat, putting on his seat belt almost immediately.

Once everyone was safely in their seats, and the GPS was set, Anne began to twenty minute drive to the venue that was located in the next town over.

The drive was filled with little bits of conversation, the repetitive songs on the radio, and the occasional mention of the perfect weather due to how it was a warm day in august while there were a few puffy white clouds in the sky.

Harry's hand was tightly gripping the handle as his elbow rested on the window frame, clenching his jaw whenever the woman would make a hard stop. The 20 minute drive felt like a life-time to him.

He finally released his grip when the car came to a stop in a parking space quite far from the building. He groaned at the thought of walking that far, his mind not registering that he has walked much, much further.

Anne shut off the engine, turning towards Harry to give him a smile before peaking over her shoulder to see Gemma fast asleep.

"I got her." He hummed, stepping out of the car before opening the door to take the small girl out of the carseat. Her arms instantly wrapped around his neck while her head rested on his shoulder; her body already knowing what to do since it was a recurring thing.

"Isn't this place beautiful?" Anne asked, gaping at the large white building with a variation of flower patches planted near the door. The name of the venue was the Chateau which to anyone meant that only those with money to spend have events there.

"Yeah, just peachy." He sighed, following his mother as she walked up to the door only to hold it open for him. He gave her a small smile as of saying 'thank you' and strolled into the rather large room.

Anne let out a whistle as she tilted her head to look at the high ceilings that had numerous chandeliers perched to illuminate the room. The floors were a golden marble with floral designs while the room was incredibly spacious. Even the whistle she let out had an echo.

"Are you here for the Malik wedding?" A female voice asked, startling the two.

Harry's false greens peaked over his shoulder to see a blonde woman who was not that far off height-wise. Her eyes were a crystal blue as they burned holes into him while her smile was warm and inviting.

"Yes." His deep voice rang, a dimpled smile spreading on his face as he scanned her from head to toe. He took note of her hourglass figure and the name tag above her left breast that read 'Rachel'.

"Through the door on your left." Rachel stated, her blue eyes gazing Harry's stance quickly before looking away with a light blush on her cheeks.

Anne was the first to move towards the door while Harry stayed frozen, not even bothering to look away from her behind as she walked away from the two to the employees only area.

"Down, boy." The mother joked, smiling at her son who simply rolled his eyes before following her through the door to see yet another large room except there were rows of chairs set on either side of the aisle while a flower-decorated alter stood at the end.The room was packed with both Niall and Zayn's family, making the two slightly uncomfortable since they knew no one.

"There's an open bar." Harry assumed, looking at a few family members to see a few cups of wine in the hands of women and beer in the men's.

"Thank god." Anne exhaled, her hand softly rubbing at Gemma's back in adoration. Her brown eyes went towards her son who was already looking around with a bored expression on his face. "Try not to get too drunk." She joked.

"Oh, I'll try." He dramatically stated.


"Sir, this is so wrong." The young woman from earlier whispered as she sat on the sink counter with Harry standing in between her legs, his hands gripping tightly to her black slacks while his tongue brushed against the nape of her neck.

Her ice blue eyes widened at the close proximity of his face and hers, the rate of her heart racing on her chest as one of his hands reached up to unbutton her shirt.

His long fingers easily slipped the buttons from their place, opening her chest for him to see. He could help but run his hands teasingly against her sides, rubbing at the soft skin.

"Call me Harry." He moaned, opening his dilated false greens to look anywhere but her. The pain in his side was excruciating and he knew for a fact that he couldn't kill this girl.

"You're missing the ceremony, Harry." She cried out, her fingers tangling into his curls to pull him backward for a moment. His heart shaped lips were swollen as he stared at her hungrily.

"I don't like weddings." The taller man huffed, attacking her lips viciously as his hands undid the buttons. Once he was finished, his hands slipped around her shoulders to pull her closer before wrapping his fingers around her throat to choke her lightly.

Rachel gasped at the action, her gaze rushing to the bathroom door that was locked. It was a two person bathroom yet Harry had decided to make it free for only them.

"This isn't a good idea." She groaned, feeling frustrated that she couldn't just go along with it. Her boss could be outside at this moment searching for her.

"You're an attractive girl and I want you so bad." He tried, clenching his jaw roughly at the aching pain. It always made him angry because he needed to kill, then there should just be a slight pain, nothing continuous.

The statement merely swayed Rachel. She stuck between risking it and actually hooking up with him in the bathroom or just telling him to stop and part ways. She knew she could never find another man as attractive as him though in her small town.

"Please." Harry begged, rutting his leg against her thigh desperately. He really really needed to fuck soon or else he will get lethal. And this was definitely not the time for a dead body.

"I barely know you." She panted, closing her eyes as her hands felt at his shirt. She desperately wanted to just give in but she also had morals and hooking up in a bathroom was against her code.

Harry winced as the pain surged through his body, rutting slowly while his hand went squeeze lightly at the back of her neck. "That will make it hotter." He mumbled, looking behind her to see his reflection.

His false greens glared daggers at himself as he saw his hands lower down to the small of her back before pushing her towards him hurriedly. The bulge in his slacks was bursting through the fabric, pressing against her crotch.

He felt like a whore by basically having to beg for sex. He never had to beg. Yet here he was rutting against her like some prepubescent virgin.

"Uhm," She hummed, too distracted by the hot pressure between her legs. She opened her mouth to add something else only to jump at a loud knock that came from the bathroom door.

"Rachel? Are you in there? Chris is looking for you." A coworker stated on the other side, her hands pushing at the door only to see it was locked. "I would hurry if I were you. He's really angry."

The girl sighed deeply, watching as Harry took a step backward with his hands combing through his hair to fix himself up. He was livid. Not only did he have blue balls but that fucking curse is putting him on edge.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered, hopping down from the counter shamefully. She turned to her reflection, a blush dusting on her face as she saw her wild hair and exposed breasts.

"Its-" he paused, adjusting his tie before rolling his eyes. "Fine." He spat through gritted teeth, his mind flickering through thoughts that would make him soft.

Rachel turned to him after she had cleaned herself up, raising a brow at his closed eyes and clenching fists. "Coming?" She asked, unlocking the door cautiously with a small smile spread on her face.

Dead bodies, blood, cartoons, pizza, Louis, not Louis, Anne, Gemma, old people, barbie dolls, boobs, not boobs, Liam.

"Yeah, i'm good now." He smiled, taking one more glance at his reflection before following her out the door to go to the wedding ceremony since he had already missed so much.

Luckily, the door was already open so he just strolled through, sneaking into the back where Anne and Gemma were seated. He ignored his mother's judgmental stare as he kept his gaze forward to see that Niall was just beginning his vows.

The blonde man was dressed in a black suit with a white tie and corsage pinned above his left breast pocket while Zayn was wearing a black suit with a white shirt.

The theme seemed to be pastel colors which was beautiful with the flowers that decorated the alter while the groomsmen were matching with their black suits and light colored ties.

Niall had four men behind him while Zayn was standing by himself. It almost made the brunette feel bad that barely anyone was on Zayn's side. It was obvious that some of Niall's family sat on the left side just to be nice while the blonde was on the right.

"Where did you go, Mister hotshot?" Anne whispered, wiggling her eyebrows as Gemma looked at her brother with curious eyes. He merely gave her a smirk as a response, feeling at his hair since a few strands felt out of place.

"You were always there for me when I needed it and thats what I always loved about you, Z." Niall gushed, looking at his partner with pure adoration. He was absolutely happy that they were finally getting married.

Harry paid attention to that bit and then zoned out, clenching his jaw as his eyes wandered around the room.

The event was just one big blur to him, down to the cheesy kiss at the end and the cheers from everyone in the room. He finally paid attention when the newly weds had walked down the aisle with wide smiles spread on their faces.

Niall was focused on Zayn's face while the dark haired man was watching Harry who gave him a small smile. The clapping was overwhelming to the point where Gemma had to cover her ears.

"Harry," Zayn greeted, pausing from their walk despite how strange it might be. "I'm glad you could make it. With your family as well." He smiled at Anne who cheerfully told him it was a beautiful ceremony.

"Me too." The false green eyed man replied, wanting to bring up how he hasn't seen Louis at the ceremony but decided against it since it wasn't the time. "So happy for you two." He added, cringing slightly at all the people who were watching their interaction.

"A picture of the newly weds and their friends?" A man randomly asked, appearing almost out of thin air with a camera in hand.

There were a few awkward laughs between them before Anne instructed Harry to go off to the side and take one. He obliged, standing between the two with a light blush on his cheeks as he was told to get ready.

"Thank you for coming, really." Niall whispered before he wrapped one arm around Harry's waist. The brunette blushed harder at that, slowly doing the same with the two husbands.

"Say cheese." The man stated, bringing the lens up to his right eye while the other squinted. He looked like a professional with his Kodak camera.

Oh god, Harry thought. I am going to regret this later.

With that, he pulled on his best dimpled smile even though his body was completely on fire. He felt right at that moment though. He didn't feel as alone as he was before as he stood there between two people he wasn't even close to. "Cheese." He muttered, forcing his eyes to stay open after the bright flash from the camera.

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