Psychotically In Love: The Vi...

By mischiefofloki

41.4K 1.3K 308

Young Billionaire Bruce Wayne finds himself in a rather tragic situation when Gotham's Most famous Villain J... More

The Benefit
Mazes and Tunnels
The Storm
The Auction
Dammit Alfred
Am I Crazy?
Coming Out
Point of Change
Ive got you
Bad Kitty
True Comfort
A New Beginning
A Boy and his Butler
We all Could go Insane with just One Bad Day

Pure Bliss

2K 70 19
By mischiefofloki

(Warning, sexual Content)
-Jerome's POV-
I sat up after being slapped awake by Selina.
"Come on idiot. They'll find you, Jim Gordon knows where I stay, you can't stay here they'll take us both down if I'm seen with you"
I chucked and got to my feet.
"You really only care for yourself don't ya girl"
Selina rolled her eyes.
"Out. Now. I will not deal with the cops all over my ass because some lunatic decided to crash at my place"
"You didn't seem to have an issue with it before"
She rolled her eyes again and pointed at the door.
"Now or I'll make you"
"Okay okay. Down kitty" I chuckled and headed out the door. Laughing slightly as I left.

-Jim Gordon and the GCPD-
Jim paced the office as he and Harvey went over the case file for Jerome. Hundreds of officers were or looking for him. Earlier that day Alfred had called in a spotting but knowingly left out the details as to where.
"He's hiding him, he's got to be, what other reason does he have for hiding the truth about where Jerome is"
"Hes protecting his boy, he always does what he thinks is best based on how Bruce's mental state is you know that Jim" Harvey sighed.
Jim groaned and slammed the case file down onto the desk.
"That's not good enough, if Jerome is out there, that boy, and plenty others are in danger and you know it. Bring the butler in, question him if you need to, we have to bring Jerome back to Arkham or the GCPD gets there asses handed to them"

11:45pm that night
-Bruce's POV-

Alfred was in the kitchen doing the dishes while I lay on the sofa reading through a novel I was fond of.
"Im heading to bed Alfred. I'll see you in the morning"
"Alright master Bruce, I expect you up and ready for school at 7am sharp. I will be checking to make sure by 7:05 do you hear me" Alfred fathered.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"Yes, I understand. Goodnight Alfred"
Alfred walked into the room and grabbed the back of my head leaning me down, kissing my forehead firmly
"Goodnight Bruce. Sleep well"
I went upstairs and shut my bedroom door behind me, I waited for a few minutes and heard Alfred come upstairs and go into his room and shut the door behind him.
I smiled and went over to the window, I carefully opened it as not to make a sound and carefully climbed out. Slowly lowering myself off the windowsill and dropped to the ground. I buttoned my coat and headed off towards the back.
About a half a mile down the property was the river. I walked around keeping an eye out for Jerome.
After what felt like hours of not seeing him I lowered my head in disappointed and turned to head home.
"Oh cmon now Brucie. Leaving so soon?"
I turned and saw Jerome walking towards me.
I couldn't contain myself. I found myself running towards him. Before I could realize what had happened I had my arms tightly wrapped around him and my lips pressed into his. His hands gripping firmly onto my torso. The force of my hug caused both of us to fall to the ground, my body crashing down into his. We laughed and looked at one another for a moment.
The next thing I knew his hands were exploding my body, stripping me of my clothing. Our lips tangled in secret passion. I straddled my legs around his waist as we sat. I was in nothing but my underwear, his hands rubbing up and down my bare back. I eagerly pulled off his shirt, practically ripping it from his body. I kissed down his neck, leaving dark purple marks along his jawline and collarbones. I pulled myself off him and unbuckled his pants pulling them off of him. I bit my lip and stripped off the rest of my clothes. I brought myself back onto his lap, straddling him pushing myself up onto my knees causing my body to press into his. His hands lowering to my ass, he gave a squeeze and smirked. I gasped slightly and took his jaw in my hands and kissed him passionately, I lowered my body and felt him inside of me. I gripped onto his shoulders and pushed myself against him, leaning my head into the crook of his neck as our bodies began to move rhythmically. He slowly moved me onto my back and kissed on my neck as his hips moved with mine.
I gripped firmly onto his orange hair, moaning softly in pleasure.
"Jerome" I muttered.
He smirked and continued to move his hips with mine, my body starting to tense up.
"That's right Bruce, just like that" he spoke softly.
I felt my body relax in pure bliss and gripped firmly onto his shoulders, slightly scraping his skin. He let out a big breathe of relief and lay himself down on my chest.
"I" I stopped. "I love you" I whispered.
"I know" he whispered.

We lay there silently, holding each other. Our naked bodies pressed together. The body heat commingling creating pure bliss and comfort. I felt safe, even in the arms of someone who's legally insane, I felt safe. I felt loved. The first time I felt real love since the death of my parents.
There were lights in the distance and dogs barking.
"Fuck, cops" I pushed Jerome off of me and grabbed my pants, forcing them on I stood up and grabbed him pulling him behind brush. He quickly pulled on his clothes, I fashioned my belt and grabbed his cheeks.
"Don't get caught. I'll send them in the wrong direction"
"Bruce don't get caught up in my nonsense"
I kissed him and looked into his eyes.
"It's not nonsense. It's the man I love"
Jerome smiled his devilish smile and kissed me roughly, holding my jaw firmly with his left hand before taking off down the riverbank. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on, buttoning it as the GCPD showed up shining the flashlights at me.
Jim approached me as I was finishing tucking in my shirt.
"Where's Jerome"
"I'm afraid I don't know"
"Don't lie to me Bruce"
A worried Alfred ran up and wrapped his arms around me, gripping my cheek in his hand.
"What happened to you my boy, why aren't you properly clothed, where's Jerome did he hurt you"
I said nothing and smiled.
"No, no he didn't hurt me"
"Cmon lets go home"

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