✔️Azalea Hogwarts (Harry Pott...

By SymoneHeyward

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Disclaimer: I wrote this many years ago, but the series improves throughout. • Magic tumbled from her pretty... More

Book Two


37.8K 843 584
By SymoneHeyward


Azalea Gryffindor Hufflepuff Slytherin Ravenclaw Hogwarts

1st A.D.

MIDNIGHT GLISTENED ALONG THE HORIZON, SPARKLING ALONG THE SKY AS STARS DANCED AGAINST THEIR VELVETY BACKDROP. Raindrops dripped relentlessly, caught in an iridescent rainbow against window panes due to lamp lights. Within the newly built castle of Hogwarts, positioned in Scotland hidden from the muggle eye, people bustled despite the unwavering darkness.

Through the hallways and Corridors, a large griffin stood fast, it's golden composure casting a shadow due to the moonlight through the high arched windows. Beyond the golden statue, up a flight of winding stairs, a wooden door stood plain against the equally plain stone wall. No sound escaped the room from within though it contained five adults positioned oddly around the room.

Two women and two men sat on long couches within the circular chamber, opposite a woman sat stiffly on a wooden chair. She was an imposter to the castle, grime and grease running down her face with the raindrops that covered her, dripping from her slimy graying hair.

"I demand you to listen, please I beg you." she pled continuously in a thick french accent "I have travelled far to be before thee, you must address my words with caution." She thrashed around in the golden chains that shrouded her, concocted from nowhere.

"We protect this academy and the pupils within it and do not take lightly to intruders threatening to demolish the protection we provide." Rowena Ravenclaw demanded as she stood, her diadem placed perfectly atop her midnight black hair.

"Calm yourself Rowena, we do not yet know of the woman's intentions" Helga bustled to calm the situation though nobody was taking lightly to the woman who had arrived in the night, awakening the students as she screamed promising war along the corridors to the office.

"I am sure a few drops of Veritaserum shall give us all the answers we desire" a deep voice chided as the gentleman in question stepped forth, clutching an oddly shaped vial with a smirk.

"Do not jump to such extreme measures just yet Salazar, if you have not noticed we are yet to ask the lady her name" Helga interrupted and smiled sweetly at the lady who'd been tied to a chair. "Who are you dear?"

"My name is Reyna Joyce" she smirked when she saw three of the four change expressions from ignorance to a mix of shock and guilt as they discovered that they had tied up the most powerful seer of the era. However,  Salazar kept his indifferent expression and shook the bottle, stating that Veritaserum was still an option.

Godric whipped his sword from his belt and held it near to her as the females protested, the Slytherin king merely smirked at the sudden motion. His expression held that joy of when a considered goody goody within school slipped up or got something wrong, he was highly amused to say the least. "Prove it" he demanded and she smirked as she twisted her arms.

The chain fell and she clicked her wrists effortlessly as she pushed back her greasy hair. "I did not come here to be interrogated in such a way" she retorted and he frowned as she smirked "but for the sake of this gentlemen I implore you to look out the window" they all did as told "within ten seconds, a white owl will pass carrying a brown letter"

Salazar truly hoped she was wrong as he would love to see her expression though unfortunately, a white owl passed at the time she stated and the Slytherin turned away with a down turned face.

"Now that we have all been acquainted and have established that i am who i state, i suggest we proceed to the purpose of my visit"

"Indeed, i take it you are not here for merely social purposes" Godric guided her to a much comfier seating arrangement and their conversation about the future began.


20th Century

DAWN CRACKED ALONG THE HORIZON, A FIERY BEAST AS DUMBLEDORE MADE HIS WAY ALONG THE STONE CORRIDORS. Upon his travels to the great hall for the before term teachers meeting, he passed the newly assigned office of Dolores Umbridge, a ministry worker. As much  as the headmaster had grown to tolerate bright colours within his dark halls, he still found himself shocked by the explosion of pink that could be seen through the door.

Venturing onwards, Dumbledore glanced down at his watch as though he were on a strict timetable despite the meeting being impossible to host without his presence. Finally he did manage to reach his desired location and found every teacher sat around a single table.

"Welcome all, I'm glad to see you could all make it" he began his usual pre meeting speech as teachers shuffled parchments in preparation. The meeting passed by rather hastily though when they established Dolores' role as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Severus Snape shot the headmaster a look which was far from happy.

It was not until nearly the end of the meeting that a ghost came floundering through the wooden doorway with a terrified expression. The headmaster looked up hastily at Sir Nicholas who had been closely followed by peeves the poltergeist.

"What's the meaning of this?" Dolores snapped at the beings who had haunted the halls since before Dolores had even been born. Nearly headless Nik chose to completely ignore the pink toad as he responded to Dumbledore alone.

"Us ghosts had been minding our own business when he heard a large crash from within your office Headmaster, please come quickly, a scream accompanied the crash" 

"What he's trying to say is there is someone in the office, what are you waiting for? Run!!" Peeves screeched as he flipped upside down, blew a puff of air from his cheeks and flew abruptly backwards from the room with the teachers following behind hastily.

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