My Boys | a Dobre Twins Story

By its_that_girl_you_h8

2.1K 68 14

⚠️Warning: Mentions of Abuse, Suicide, self harm, Smut, etc+⚠️ This books been Discontinued, I don't much car... More

__-Part One-__
__-Part Two-__
__-Part Three-__
__-Part Four-__
__-Part Five-__
__-Part Six-__
__-Part Seven-__
__-Part Eight-__
__-Part Nine-__
__-Part Ten-__
__-Part Eleven-__
__-Part Twelve-__
__-Part Thirteen-__
__-Part Fourteen-__
__-Part Fifteen-__
__-Part Sixteen-__
__-Part Seventeen-__
__-Part Eighteen-__
__-Part Twenty-__
__-Part Twenty One-__
__-Part Twenty Two-__
__-Part Twenty three-__
__-Part Twenty Four-__
__-Part Twenty Five-__
__-Part Tenty Six-__
__-Part Twenty Seven-__
__-Part Twenty Eight-__
__-Part Twenty Nine-__
__-Part Thirty-__
__-Part Thirty One-__
__-Part Thirty Two-__
Thirty Three

__-Part Nineteen-__

51 2 0
By its_that_girl_you_h8


I made sure to take my medicine today then walked out the door, I usually walk to school and I really didn't mind actually, but today Marcus and Lucas were waiting in their car outside of my house.

"Omg why are you guys here?" I say as I reached the door of there car.

"I didn't want you to walk and I didn't feel like texting." Marcus says looking at me.

"Are you just gonna look or are you gonna get in?" He asks.

"It's a pretty nice view here." I say smirking at him.

"Just get in goofy." He says opening my door.

I got in and we went off to school.
We walked into school holding hands.. I assume people didn't know we were dating yet cause people looked at us, Me, very weirdly.

"Don't worry about them." Marcus says reassuring me.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked him,

"Is this like against the rules?" I say giggling.

"No it's just.. people probably didn't expect this. I mean you only got here a Month or so ago and we're already together." He says looking at me. I still look confused I guess and he says

"People probably just didn't wanna see this." He says nonchalantly.

"What does that mean?" I ask. Looking concerned.

"No, Babe I mean .. I guess.. I've heard.." he trails off.

"Finish maybe?" (That's what she said😂) I say madly.

"Babe, don't get mad." He says seriously. He was probably right, there was no real reason to be mad.

"I'm not mad it's just.. what were you trying to say." I say trying to calm down.

"Ok, I've heard that.. a lot of people.. I mean like a couple of people.. not even like"- "Just say it!" I say cutting him off.
"Alotofpeoplelikeme." He says fastly cause he didn't want me to notice what he says.

"Excuse me?" I say looking around the hallway.

"This beautiful being here.. he's MINE!" I say going up to girls giving me the worst stink eye.

"Hey you" I say pointing at a girl looking at me devilishly after I say that.

"Do you wanna say something?" I say looking at her.

"You can't just come here and claim someone." She says with a big attitude.

"I didn't 'claim' him. He's mine! Not yours, not this bitch's over here, not ANYONE else's!" I say going up to him and kissing him.

"Do you have it through your thick scull yet? Cause you obviously don't have a brain if you haven't processed this yet!" I say rudely. Everyone, except one girl has looked away by now.

"Hi." I say fakly smiling brightly, She turned away too.

"Babe you didn't have to do that." He says grabbing my waist quietly laughing.

"Yes I did. People need to know you're mine and.. No one else's." I say grabbing his face with both of my hands.

"Go to your first period goof." He says kissing me then laughing.

Šhit this little trouble maker😂. She's a baddie ik,ik. But honestly these Bitçhs deserved it.. MARCUS IS HERS!(mines)


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