Scar Holder (Prussia x Reader)

By HetaliaFanfics55555

28.3K 1.4K 287

You met him at the age of five. He had come into your house, blood covering him completely. But when he saw t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Quick Question
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 12

914 54 7
By HetaliaFanfics55555

  Before you even realized what was happening, your shirt was grabbed and you were yanked towards the light. You and the twelve year old boy. Your body was frozen, you could only see figures as your eyes slowly adjusted to the light.

  Blinking rapidly you tried to look around, as you were dragged by the man who had opened the door. Before you knew it though, you were thrown to the ground, withering in pain. Or at least putting up the act. You wanted them to think you were weak. Maybe you could catch some of them off guard. It was the only plan you had, so there was no choice but to go along with it.

  "No, please don't hurt me. Please. I'm begging you." You curled into a ball on the floor, causing laughter to echo all around you. The fact that you were so weak amused them. But the fact that they believed your act amused you even more. But you continued to whimper, doing all you could to stop you from laughing at them.

  "What are you doing? Get up!" Norway's scar holder yelled at you. He had made his way to his feet quickly after being thrown down beside you. There was no way he was going to go down without a fight, if only he knew you were the same way.

  You slowly looked up at him, watching as he ran towards the shortest person in the circle that was surrounding the two of you. Fists flying, but they hardly made contact. They were too fast for the twelve year old who was seriously under trained. It only took about ten seconds before he was pushed down beside you again. As soon as he was down, he went to stand again, but you grabbed his wrist, trying to stop him.

  "Let go! I don't care if you don't want to get out, I do! I have family I have to go see!" Hearing the boys words struck a nerve and you froze. You had no family left. You had no one to fight for. No one loved you, or at least it felt like no one did.

  Except for Gilbert.

  The albino was always there for you when he could be. He had taken care of you after your mother had died. He had wiped away your tears countless times since you were five, even with your mother around. To you, him alone was worth fighting for.

  Slowly making your way to your feet, you grinned down at Norway's scar holder. He grinned back up at you, happy to see you standing. To you, in that moment, it didn't matter that you had planned to play as weak. You could only wish that for the time that you did, it was enough of a delay.

  "Oh, so they stand." One of the people in the circle let a flat laugh escape their lips. You clenched your fists instantly, ready for a fight. And lucky for you, you just so happened to have the element of surprise on you side. Even with everyone looking at you. But that was exactly what you wanted.

  But what you were hoping for never happened. You had hoped the other scar holders would come up to help, but they didn't. They just stayed in the basement, continuing to cower in fear. In that moment you couldn't help as your anger grew.

  Norway's scar holder ran towards the wall of people once again. But this time instead of being pushed down, his arms were grabbed. They turned him around to face you so you could see the boy struggle. So you could see the pain that was sure to break out across his face once the man that raised his arm made contact with his skin.

  "Get away from him!" You yelled. The way he was being held sent you back to the insistent that happened when you were seven. You hadn't been able to save your mother back then. But you had a chance of saving this boy now. You had to, there was no other choice.

  "(Y/N)?" One of the men that had had no interest in what was happening broke through the crowd. You glared at him, ready to help save Norway's scar holder. But now your eyes were on the man who said your name, just like everyone else's.

  You were about to speak, demand to know how he knew your name, but the words died in your throat. (H/C) hair and green eyes looked down at you. His face now wrinkled and aged. He was clearly the oldest one here.

  "You!" You could help but spit the word. The anger that had grown now started to rise. This was the man who killed your mother. This was the man who had stolen your childhood from you. This was the man who had turned your world upside down.

  You couldn't help it. You rushed towards him, fist clenched and arms raised. You were going to make him pay.

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