Chasing After The PA | Comple...

By DaymareXNightdream

1.6M 55.7K 3.9K

Hunter Blackthorne, CEO of the most powerful company in the world. Young, attractive and extremely arrogant. ... More

Official Playlist
Chapter 1 - Interview
Chapter 2 - Caramel Macchiato
Chapter 3 - Cheaters Never Win
Chapter 4 - A Date With A Familiar Face
Chapter 5 - The Kardashians ft. My Date, My Ex And My Boss
Chapter 6 - Reminder From A Dark Past
Chapter 7 - Sleepover!
Chapter 8 - Goodnight
Chapter 9 - We Date
Chapter 10 - You're Living With Me
Chapter 11 - Roses Are Red...
Chapter 12 - Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight
Chapter 13 - Gideon Harris And Erica Who?
Chapter 14 - The First Kiss Is Always The Most Fake, Right?
Chapter 15 - Necklace Of Lies
Chapter 16 - A Poke To The Butt And A Kiss On The Lips
Chapter 17 - New Goal: Make Her Mine
Chapter 18 - I've Got A Migraine
Chapter 19 - Red Velvet And Hot Pockets
Chapter 20 - Cuddles, Chris And Couple Costumes
Chapter 21 - I'm As Straight As A Broken Ruler
Chapter 22 - Halloween King And Queen
Chapter 23 - Alexander Hamilton
Chapter 24 - Midnight Conversations
Chapter 25 - Holiday Spirit
Chapter 26 - Unwanted Proposals and Holiday Cheer
Chapter 27 - New Year, New Love
Chapter 28 - Time Apart
Chapter 29 - Best Friends Give The Best Advice
Chapter 30 - Bonding With Exes
Chapter 31 - Unofficially Meeting The Parents
Chapter 32 - Breakups And British Devils
Chapter 33 - Près Du Coeur
Chapter 34 - I Love Him
Chapter 35 - Confessions
Chapter 36 - To The Moon And Back
Chapter 37 - (Un)Happy Birthday
Chapter 38 - Dead Flowers And Used Band-Aids
Chapter 39 - Daisies
Chapter 40 - Dishonest Lies
Chapter 41 - I Quit
Chapter 42 - Letting Go
Chapter 43 - Grey
Chapter 44 - Between Two Worlds
Chapter 46 - Lay Your Head Down
Chapter 47 - Don't Believe Everything You See
Chapter 48 - Welcome Home, Brother
Chapter 49 - Cucumber
Chapter 50 - Losing Her
Chapter 51 - The Prince Charming To My Cinderella
You Asked, I Answered!
Bonus Chapter - A Very Merry Blackthorne Christmas

Chapter 45 - I Miss Her

16.9K 666 32
By DaymareXNightdream

Whooo! New chapter!

There's not a lot to say today in this author's note expect for that I hope you enjoy it :)

*whispers* there may be Hunter's point of view in it ;)

Anyways as always, thank you guys so much for all your support on this story and I'll see you guys at the end of this chapter!

Song - Troye Sivan, BITE


"This was a new skill she'd acquired, the ability to look, to the outside world, utterly serene and even cheerful, while, in her skull, all was chaos."

― Dave Eggers, The Circle


Oh, this was just perfect.

I was currently locked in my old room, and the person I thought was kidnapped and a friend, was actually working with my ex-boyfriend.

Gideon had locked me in my room, and all I was left with was my own thoughts eating me up.

I looked around the room, and sighed.

This room was mine for as long as I could remember.

The pictures that were all framed on the wall of my family and I seemed to silently torture yet also comfort me at the same time.

All the pictures reminded me of a time when I was actually carefree and happy; a time that I could only remember having again when I was still with Hunter.

God, I missed him.

As I looked around the room, I could remember a different memory in every inch of the place. I had helped my mother and father decorate and renovate my bedroom when I was fourteen, and maybe that's why I kept it completely the same even after they passed.

Everything in this bedroom held some sort of sentimental value, it was somewhat funny how that worked.

Nothing in my bedroom seemed to hold any sort of worth until something tragic happened; then even the dust in it meant something to me.

I grew up knowing this room, and now it was my prison.

I laid down on my bed, and let the mattress support my weight. I wondered if anyone was looking for me at that exact moment. I wondered if anyone missed me.

My eyes felt heavy the more and more I tried not to fall asleep again. I didn't want to dream about Hunter again; not because I didn't want to see him, but because I knew he wasn't real.

No matter how much protest I made to not fall asleep, my body began to shut down and I eventually passed out.

The sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks was like a sweet lullaby.

I looked up at the bright sky, the sun was almost blinding. The rays beamed down on me as I lay there in the sand.

There was something about being on a deserted beach, without anyone in sight that was so ideal.

It felt relaxing, it was a place where I could just let go.

"When I was younger, I used to always watch Cinderella. It was my favourite movie of all time."

Hunter was suddenly cuddled up next to me, with his arm under my neck.

"I didn't like the movie just because it involved a rich and handsome prince, which I obviously could relate to," he joked. "But also, because it taught me that if you really do look hard enough, you'll find beauty in the most unlikely places. Cinderella wasn't the most richest when she first met the prince, but he fell in love with her regardless. He searched all over the kingdom just to find her. He didn't care if she was just a maid for her step-family, he loved her despite it."

"What are you trying to get at?" I asked dubiously.

"You don't need a crown to be a prince's princess," he gazed at me with those beautiful eyes of his. "Payton, you don't need anything at all for me to love you, all you need is to be is you. I've spent so long trying to find my princess, looking in all the wrong places, that I never realised that it was right here all along."

I frowned. "Say that to the other Hunter."

He shook his head, "There is no other Hunter. There's always just been this one. The real Hunter and I are the same person. You're my princess, Payton. You're Hunter's princess, don't you ever forget that."


A large thud woke me up.

Gideon was at the doorway with a tray in his hand.

I glared at him, as he moved closer to me and placed the tray down on the desk. "I brought some breakfast that Adam made."

I sat up quickly, and said nothing.

Gideon sighed loudly. "Things would be much easier if you actually responded when you're being spoken to."

"Things would also be much easier if you didn't betray us," I glowered.

He shrugged.

"Why are you doing this anyway?" I asked. "What did I Becca or I ever do to you?"

He scoffed, "I've always been working with Adam. Ever since I came to your apartment that day. How do you think Adam was able to know your every move?"

Suddenly, something hit me. "Grey," I whispered. "We found a phone in the room you were staying at; it had the contact Grey on it. Adam was Grey."

Gideon clapped. "Great job, you solved it," he said sarcastically. "What do you think that's going to do?"

"Why are you doing this?' I questioned again.

"Adam's a good buddy of mine, and you help bros out," he said casually.

"What would Jordan think?" I tried to reason. "Do you think he'd be happy about you doing this?"

"We aren't even together anymore," he scoffed. "It doesn't matter what the hell he thinks. He let me go, not the other way around."

"Think of how much he's hurting right now, and knowing that you caused this-"

"Shut up! It's your fault anyways. You made him call it off."

My eyebrows knitted. "I never would do anything like that. If he was happy with you, then I wouldn't tell him otherwise. He chose to-"

"He didn't choose anything, you manipulated him," Gideon accused.

"I was rooting for the two of you," I told him. "You're just blaming everyone else for your own misfortunes."

Gideon balled his fists and his jaw clenched, "I loved Jordan, and he knew it."

"You got a good way of showing it by kidnapping-"

"Looks like the two of you are getting along," Adam interrupted, walking into the room. "Gideon, you're excused."

Gideon nodded at Adam before getting up. Still glaring at me, he walked away.

"Don't talk to Gideon," Adam said once Gideon was completely gone.

"Why not?"

"Because, you're mine," he answered.

"I can talk to whoever I want," I crossed my arms. "It doesn't mean that I like them."

He growled. "Just don't talk to anyone unless I tell you to."

"You have no power over me Adam," I argued back. I felt a sense of fear rush in me as I noticed his facial expression suddenly change.

Adam looked like he was about to rage again, but instead, he took a few deep breaths. I could tell that he was trying to control his anger. "Listen Payton, if we want to make this work, you'll have to start listening."

I remained stoic.

Adam scooted closer over to me. He lifted a hand up, and I instantly flinched thinking that he was going to hit me again. "Oh honey, I wasn't going to hurt you," he quickly tried to soothe, gently caressing my cheek with the hand.

I licked my lips. "Please, stop."

Just like I asked, he put his hand down and sighed, "You're going to have to get used to that." He reached over and grabbed the tray. "I made some breakfast for you."

"I'm not hungry," I said softly, pushing the tray away.

"You have to eat something, I don't want you getting sick."

I was already sick; homesick.

"Why didn't you answer the question I asked you yesterday?" I suddenly blurted out.

"What question?"

"Who hurt you?" I needed to know. I knew it wasn't me, it was something else that turned him into a monster.

"Just eat your breakfast," he said lowly.


"Don't try me right now, Payton!" He yelled impatiently. "I already answered it!"

I took a deep breath. "I can help you if you just tell me the truth," I tried to reason with him but he only got more aggravated.

"You know what, I was trying to be nice and all. But you just don't seem like you want to cooperate today," he said getting up. "If you don't want breakfast, then fine. Don't at eat at all," he got up with the tray and walked to the door. "We'll try again tomorrow." With that, Adam stormed off.

As much as I was still terrified of Adam, I found his point of weakness. I found the wall that he had secretly build up, and if I could break it, maybe I could understand him a bit more.

I had spent so long trying to run away from him, and I was getting exhausted from doing it.

As I heard the click of my door locking, all I could think of was what the hell made Adam become such a different person from the one I used to know. What happened all those years ago that triggered this kind of response?


+Hunter's POV+

The deathly noise of my alarm clock blared out.

I groaned as I opened my eyes slowly. My arms were wrapped around something soft, it smelled nice- it smelled like Payton.

Excitement rushed through me until I realised that I was in Payton's room, alone, hugging onto one of her pillows.

Dang it, that was the fourth morning in a row that it had happened.

Ever since Payton left the house, I couldn't go to bed without something that reminded me of her; and that brought me to sleeping in her bedroom.

Despite my protest, my mother had decided to have Tifanny move in the very next day after I had broken up with Payton. It was a miracle that I was even able to convince her to stay in another room; the damn girl was all over me since the minute that we got together.

I made no attempt to pull myself together as I walked out the room with my suit that I had on last night. I didn't really care anymore to be honest, my life was a complete mess at the moment anyway.

The smell of burning pancakes was the first thing I noticed as I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I groaned as I knew what awaited me.

"Good morning!" A high-pitched voice called out.

I sighed loudly, and sat on the barstool.

"Someone's in a grumpy mood," Tifanny cooed, flipping the black pancake that revealed another heavily burnt side. "Do you need a morning kiss?"

"No," I said, examining her choice of outfit that morning. As always, there was quite the lack of it; a pair of panties and a lacy bra. "Aren't you cold?" I asked, turning away to look at something more pleasant. The flowers on the counter looked nice.

"Hmm, slightly. Maybe you could warm me up," she purred.

I shuddered. "Go wear a sweater or something."

"Why don't you be more nice to me?" Tifanny complained. "I made breakfast for you this morning."

I got up, and walked to pantry. Grabbing a granola bar, I looked at her and shrugged. "I don't think that's even edible anymore," I pointed at the smoking pancakes.

She huffed, "I'm your future wife Hunter. Remember that."

"Oh yeah," I rolled my eyes. Like that was going to make a difference on how I felt about her. "Speaking of which..."

Reluctantly, I pulled out the small box my mother handed to me the day before. "My mother picked this out for you." I put the box on the counter.

Tifanny's eyes lit up as she rushed over and opened the box. "Oh my gosh!" She squealed, almost breaking the sound barrier. She quickly slipped the engagement ring on her finger. "It's beautiful!"

"I'm glad you like it," I said sarcastically.

She quickly ran over to me and hugged me tightly, smothering me with kisses. I gently nudged her away, "Okay, no need for that."

"I can't believe that I'm going to be Tifanny Blackthorne!" She exclaimed, looking at the large rock newly placed on her finger.

I almost gagged at the name. It didn't sound right, it never would. The ring was ugly as well, it clearly looked expensive, but Payton would never like it. Obviously though, this ring wasn't for Payton so I didn't care.

"Do I have to remind you that this relationship, this marriage, is strictly business. It's the merging of two family companies into one," I frowned.

Tifanny twirled her hair around with a finger and raised a brow. "But I'll be a real wife for you."

I laughed dryly. "That won't be needed."

"Do I need to tell your mother that you won't accept this relationship?" Tifanny threatened. She didn't know about the blackmail my mother had been menacing me with, but my mom did tell her to inform her if I didn't cooperate.

"No, that's quite alright," I gritted my teeth. Payton had to be kept safe from my mother at all costs; even if that meant that I had to keep up this relationship with Tifanny for the rest of my life. "I'm going to get ready for work now, honey."

Instead of going to my room, I walked back into Payton's. Finishing off my granola bar, I sat down on the bed. My eyes drifted to the nightstand where the necklace was.

I lost a piece of me when Payton gave me the necklace back. I still remembered the moment that I had given it to her; her eyes lit up at first glance, and it was enough for me to know that I chose the right person. That look- it was imprinted in my mind forever.

I had waited so long to tell her what that necklace really meant to me, but all the time that passed just helped me find more reasons as to why I did.

She told me about the contract, and how she wouldn't say anything about it. I knew she wanted to forget it, and so did I, but how could we? It was what started it all; it was how I fell in love.

I remembered the night that she had told me that she loved me, and how much joy I felt.

She looked at me with those emeralds that she called eyes. She twisted her fingers nervously which I had found adorable. "I think I love you," she said. "Wait no, I don't 'think': I know, I feel, I do, I love you."

I had been waiting for that moment for what felt like an eternity, and it finally happened. It was even better than I imagined.

My fingers went over the cold chain, I let out a shaky breath. It wasn't my necklace anymore; it never really had been. It was always Payton's, it belonged to her.

I missed her.

I missed her so much.

I missed her so much that it hurt.

I missed her the moment I knew it was over.

All I wanted was to hold her again, to kiss, to tell her that I didn't really want to let go.

But I couldn't have her get hurt, my mom promised that she wouldn't as long as I stayed away; so I did.

I hoped that she was doing fine; I hadn't seen her in the office for a few days now. I expected that she left, after all it must be quite uncomfortable to be working for your ex. I just wished that I could have seen that smile one last time.

Erica came over the day after I had broken it off with Payton. She asked me if I was out of my mind and quite frankly; I think I was. I must have been out of my mind to actually let go of the girl I love. Erica was in an absolute state of rage when she came over, and was even more disgusted to notice that Tifanny had already moved in.

Chris was no better. She always had Erica's back, even if that meant tormenting his own brother-in-law until he was at his breaking point.

I couldn't tell them the truth; Erica would have instantly been at mother's door to berate her, then she would have surely gotten Adam to completely take her away from me.

The argument ended off with Erica basically disowning me before storming off.

I sighed in abjection. Pulling out my phone, I gazed at the home screen wallpaper.

I still hadn't changed it. It was a picture I had secretly taken of Payton when she was sleeping. It sounded cheesy, but she looked the most beautiful in the morning when the first rays of sun beamed down on her face. There was always a small smile on her face as she slept; for someone who had such a rough and heart-rending past, she looked so innocent and calm when she slept. That was the Payton that always ran through my mind.

I didn't even notice the small smile that appeared on my face as I continued to look at the picture.

Before I could dig myself deeper into my grave, I opened up the news app. My attention instantly went to the very first article that appeared.

"No, no," I whispered to myself as I shot up. "No."

I dashed out of Payton's room and made my way to the front door.

"Hey, leaving that quickly?" I heard Tifanny call from behind me.

"Call in sick for me," I yelled back before slamming the door and heading to my car.

I had to get to the hospital.


Bill, Jordan, Gonzalez, and Beckett were standing in front of a room in the ICU with anxious expressions across all of their faces.

Gonzalez and Beckett were sat down on the floor, while Jordan paced around the hall in little circles.

Bill was on the phone talking to someone in a consoling tone.

Through the large glass pane on the door, I could see Becca there, lying on the bed. From what I could make out, she was deathly pale with a ventilator hooked up to her.

"Oh my goodness!" I said loudly, quickly rushing over. Before I could even make it a few feet, Gonzalez and Beckett stood right in front of me, blocking my path.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Beckett seethed.

"Do you have no shame?" Gonzalez scolded.

"I'm just here to see if Becca's okay-"

"You can get those answers from your sister, she's just been informed," Bill stepped in, putting his phone back into his pocket.

The harshness of Bill's tone was enough to make anyone back away, but I stayed in my place. "No, I'm not leaving until I know what's happening."

"You've done enough already," Jordan walked over. "Please, just leave.

"What the hell are any of your guys talking about?" I asked perplexed. I looked around and realized that Payton wasn't there. Why the hell wouldn't she be there? She was Becca's best friend. "Where's Payton?"

I weird look went across their faces before Bill pushed me against the wall, "Don't you even dare mention her name."

My eyes widened out of shock. "Wh-What? Why?"

"Just leave, you're not welcome here." Gonzalez turned away teary eyed, and Beckett patted his back to comfort him.

"Could somebody please just tell me what's going on?" I asked, even more frustrated.

"Security!" Jordan yelled. Two large men that were standing by walked over. "Please escort Mr. Blackthorne out of this building and make sure that he doesn't come back."

I gazed at everyone with betrayal and confusion, but they didn't care. Before I knew it, the two men were dragging me out the doors of the hospital.

Once I was back in my car, I back tracked on what just happened.

What was that back there? Who did that to Becca? Why wasn't Payton there?

My gut told me that something was very wrong here, but what could it have been?"

"I got to call mom," I muttered to myself pulling out my phone. She better have kept her word.

My mom picked up almost instantly. "Hello sweetheart."

"Where's Payton?"

"Getting on with her own life, I'm guessing?" She answered casually. "Shouldn't you be planning a wedding instead of thinking of your ex?"

"Her best friend's in the hospital and she's not there," I pointed out. "I haven't seen her at work either for the past few days."

"She's just being a drama queen," mom scoffed. "She probably just ran off with her own thoughts."

"Mom, you promised-"

"And I kept it," she cut me off. "Anyways, enough about that. Have you given Tifanny the engagement ring?"

"This morning," I answered unenthusiastically.

"That's great!" She squealed excitedly. "That means that you'll be just in time to announce it during our annual charity party in a few days!"

I froze. "Wh-What do you want me to do?"

"There will be people from a lot of other companies there, and even the media will record. It's the perfect time to announce the coming together of our business with the Turner's as well as your marriage with their daughter."

"I don't know-"

"Remember our deal," she threatened. "You got to listen to everything I say if."

Hesitantly, I answered. "Okay, fine."

"Good, now I got some party planning to do!" She chirped. "Goodbye honey!"

I slammed the phone down on the seat next to me. "What the fuck," I groaned to myself. What was I going to do?

The image of Payton's sleeping figure came to mind, and I sighed.

I had to figure out what was really happening before the party.

A little peek into Hunter's mind... What do you guys think?

Maybe he's not as bad as he seems.

Until next time... <3

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