Mr. Smith

By soccer_lover21

668K 22.2K 2.6K

"Do you still have the same feelings for me?" He gently asks. I avert my gaze and look down at the floor... More

Author's Note
1: Newspaper (EDITED)
2: Interview (EDITED)
3: New beginning (EDITED)
4: Mistakes
5: New Friends
6: Fresh Start
7: Late Night
8: Excuses, excuses
9: Questions to prosecutions
10: Dress shopping alone
11: Attitude
12: Margaritas
13: Lunch Date
14: Argument
15: Cotton Candy and Lies
16: Midnight Chat
17: Trouble
18: Held Captive
19: Dinner
20: More Lies
21: Adam
22: Cold Soup
23: Jar Of Pickles
24: Decision
25: Shopping With The Boss
Authors note
26: Dirty Work
27: Shorty's
28: Adam
29: Brunch
30: You Will Be Mine
31: Mama Bear
32: You're Driving Me Crazy
33: Spa Day
34: I Love New York
36: The Earth Isn't Round
37: Preferences
38: Big Trip
39: She's My Wife
40: Arrival
41: You and Me
42: This Isn't Going To Work
43: Birthday Wishes
44: Adam
45: How's the Water?
46: The Story of an Ex Boyfriend
47: The Moon and Stars
48: A night to Remember
49: Beautiful to Watch
50: Awkward Encounter
51: Matter of Time
52: Too Sweet and Too Kind
53: Over It
54: Operation Smith
55: Weird Morning
56: Home Run!
57: The Red Dress
58: The Smiths
59: Tonight, We Feast!
60: Happiness is Key
62: Adam
63: Long Sunday
64: Got Played
65: Trust Me
66: Carcass for the Vultures
67: Paper Jam
69: Adam
70: Cheap Date
71: Harvest Charity Ball-Pt. 1
72: Harvest Charity Ball-Pt. 2
Epilogue-1: FiancΓ©
Epilogue-2: Wedding Day
Epilogue-3: Wedding Day-Pt.2

61: Just Kiss Me

6.1K 240 32
By soccer_lover21

Emilia and I walk back into the living room where everyone is in deep conversation.  Kelley and Vince are cozy in their own little love seat, Ryan is talking football with his dad and Ian and Carly are still talking to one another.  I watch her laugh at a joke Ian cracks and it just makes me wanna slap her.  But I don't do anything. 

I make eye contact with Adam who's sitting in a single recliner.  He gives me a look of concern as he raises an eyebrow up.  I just shrug at him and make my way over to the couch and sit in between Emilia and John. 

"Mom, Kelley and I are gonna be leaving pretty soon."  Vince says, speaking over all of the discussions that's going on in the room. 

Emilia smiles and gets up as she walks over to them.  "Okay, honey.  John and I will walk you two out." 

"John."  She calls to grab his attention.  The dad looks up at his wife and gets up on her command.  The four of them leave the living room as they all head to the front door. 

As if on cue, Ryan yawns as he gets up from the chair he was sitting on.  "Yeah, it's getting late.  Imma bout to hit the road.  I've got an exam tomorrow." 

"Alright.  Night bro, good luck on that test."  Ian says, getting up and hugging his brother. 

"See you, Ryan."  Adam chimes in as he gives him a hug as well. 

"Bye, Adam."  He says as they finish their hug and he walks out of the room. 

Now it's only Ian, Carly, Adam and I left in this room.  The tension was so strong, you could practically see it.  The awkwardness was unbearable.  For the first time tonight, Ian and Carly were actually quiet. 

"So um...are you two ready to leave?"  Ian asks, having the audacity to look at me then at Carly. 

"Yeah.  I'm pretty tired."  Carly responds, which leads Ian to glance back over at me once he's gotten her reply. 

I shrug.  "Would you mind if Adam took me home?" 

Ian furrows his eyebrows together as he looks over at his brother who just simply nods his head. 

"Okay."  He finally answers with a shrug.  "I guess Carly and I will be leaving about now." 

"Alright."  I mumble. 

Carly gives me a smile, but I don't return it as I watch them leave the living room together. 

Once they were gone, I glance over at Adam who just had this perplexed expression on his face. 

"Why do you wanna leave with me?"  He asks. 

"I just didn't want to ride with them."  I answer, shaking my head.  "If that's okay.  Sorry if I put you on the spot like that." 

"It's fine.  I wouldn't mind taking you home anyways."  He says with a small smile. 

But something inside me doesn't want to go home.  I think I need space from Carly tonight.  I just can't be around her until I've got all my thoughts collected. 

"About that..." I trail off, biting my lip.  "Do you mind if I stay at your place for the night?" 

Adam thinks about this for a moment.  Probably wondering what would possess me to want to crash at his place.  The way he looked when he was thinking didn't look promising.  He has this firm expression on his face as his dark eyebrows are furrowed.  But eventually, he nods his head. 

"Sure."  He agrees with no questions. 

I breathe out a sigh of relief as I give him a big smile.  "Thank you." 

"We should probably get going though.  It is pretty late."  He points out as he checks his silver Rolex. 

I nod my head in agreement as we both get up from our seats.  We meet up with John and Emilia in the foyer as they just closed the front door, probably finished saying goodbye to Carly and Ian. 

"Hey guys, we're about to leave too."  Adam says as he grabs my jacket for me. 

Emilia looks at the two of us and her face just lights up.  "Oh okay.  Would either one of you want some leftovers?"  She offers. 

"No thanks, mom."  Adam replies, turning down her offer.

Emilia frowns at her son but smiles when she turns to look at me with a hopeful expression on her face.  "What about you?" 

I was going to turn her down as well, but she looks so hopeful for me to accept it and she probably really wants to get rid of the food. 

So I nod my head.  "Sure." 

"Great.  I'll be back."  She says as she leaves the foyer. 

"Hope you had a great time tonight."  John says, brown eyes looking down at me. 

I smile and nod my head.  "I did.  Thank you for having me." 

"It was our pleasure.  Hope you come back again."  He smiles. 

"I sure hope so."  I respond back, stealing a glance up at Adam. 

Emilia comes back with a container full of leftovers and hands them to me.  "Here you go, honey."

"Thanks."  I beam.

"Alright mom, we should really get going."  Adam says, before Emilia could say anything else or offer more things. 

"Okay, okay.  I hear you."  She says. 

"Bye Elizabeth honey.  It was so nice to meet you."  She grins as she leans in for a hug. 

"You too."  I respond back as I return her hug. 

"You're welcomed here anytime."  She adds. 

"Thanks, I will keep that in mind."  I chuckle. 

"Nice meeting you."  John says as he shakes my hand.

"You too." 

Adam says bye to his parents and then we leave the house as they close the door behind us.  He clicks a button on his car key and the garage door opens on command as we walk over towards it. 

There were only three cars left.  Adam's Maserati, a black Ferrari and red Porsche. 

He opens the door for me as I hop inside.  I watch him walk around to the driver's side as he opens the door and gets in, closing it after him. 

He doesn't start the car as he just sits here staring at me with so much intensity.  I return his stare, trying not to drop my gaze since I can barely handle how intense he looks. 

"Fuck, I wanna kiss you so bad right now."  He huskily says, voice deep and heavy. 

I feel my face heat up as I drop my gaze to his lips.  "Then do it."  I whisper. 

He leans in but stops midway, hesitant, and sits back properly in his seat.  "I can't." 

I knit my brows, the feeling of rejection washing through me.  "Why?" 

"I want to do this right this time."  He answers, not looking at me. 


"I'm going to wait until you've broken up with Ian first."  He clarifies.

I frown as I stare down at my hands that rest in my lap.  I really want that kiss from him.  And after having that talk with Emilia, I've decided that I don't need two weeks to break up with Ian.  I can do it the next opportunity I have. 

I was getting ready to say something until my phone chirps in my purse.  I rummage through it and check to see who it's from.  Speak of the devil. 

Ian: I wanna break up...

It says.  A part of me is really pissed off on how cowardly he's being right now and the fact he can't say it in front of my face.  I'm going to have a serious talk with him and Carly when I see them.  But majority of me is feeling really happy now that I don't have to feel stressed anymore.

"I guess that's already taken care of."  I mumble as I re-read over the message. 

"What?"  Adam asks as he starts the car up. 

"Take a look for yourself."  I say as I hand him my phone. 

Adam's face goes from confused, to pissed off, and settles for a look of relief when he reads it.  "He's such a coward."  He mutters, handing my phone back. 

I nod my head.  "How much you wanna bet he's with Carly?" 

"He probably took her to his place."  He laughs under his breath, shaking his head. 

"Wouldn't surprise me."  I say, as we back out of the garage. 

"Me neither."  He agrees, pulling out onto the dark main road. 

For a good while, the air between us was quiet.  But it was a good one.  It was comfortable because now we're both single and we both have strong feelings for one another.  And this time we can finally move forward from where we've been sitting for a while. 

When we entered the city lines, Adam grabs my hand and holds it as he continues to drive.  It felt nice holding his hand.  I feel safe and protected.  It's like my safe haven. 

After about a thirty minute drive through the city, Adam pulls into a garage and parks his car.  He opens my door for me and helps me out. 

I check the time and see that it's almost one in the morning.  It's really late.  We walk out of the garage and onto the sidewalk where a large brownstone house stood in front of us.  I couldn't help but gawk at it.  It had tall glass windows, fancy wooden door, and a balcony roof all the way at the top. 

I look down the sidewalk and notice how all of the houses are the same and realize this is the rich neighborhood.  There are Teslas, Porches, Jaguars, even a Lamborghini all parked along the side of the roads down here.  I can't even imagine what kind of job you would have to be able to afford a Lamborghini. 

Adam leads me up the steps to his door as he unlocks it with his key.  He opens it for me as I step inside the warmly lit house. 

"Juanita, I'm home!"  Adam calls out as he closes the door behind him. 

A little Spanish lady with your typical maid outfit shuffles into the foyer.  She has beautiful long brown hair that reaches down to her back with brown eyes that shows she has wisdom. 

"Ah, bienvenido a casa, señor Smith."  She fluently says with a smile on her face. 

Adam takes his jacket off as he helps me out of mine and hangs them up in a closet by the door.  "Gracias.  You can go home now." 

"Thank you."  She says, going to the closet to grab her coat.  "Buenas noches." 

"Tú tambien."  Adam replies, opening the door for her. 

Once he closes it, he turns around to face me.  "So...would you like a tour?" 

A tour would sound nice, but I can do that anytime.  I'm in the mood for something else, and now that I'm no longer with Ian, then I have no worries. 

"Just kiss me."  I say, looking through his green eyes. 

He grabs my face with his hands and crashes his lips onto mine with a forceful impact, taking me off guard.  I wrap my hand around his neck and pull him closer to me, wanting to feel every inch of him. 

Something inside of me sparks, making me really hungry for him the longer we kiss.  He gently bites my lower lip as he pulls away, staring at me with his intense gaze. 

"Are you tired?"  He huskily breathes. 

I shake my head.  "No." 

He scoops me up bridal style and wears a smirk on his face.  "Good, because you don't know what I wanna do to you now."


Author's note: mwhahahahahahaha 😈😈😈...major cliff hanger, I know 😂.  But Ian and Elie are no longer a thing anymore.  So that's that.  What'd ya think?

Hugs and kisses 😘❤️

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