Bad Boy Mahone

By blink182s

239K 7.5K 887

"Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare... More

Chapter One "School is school."
Chapter Two "I need you to do a favor for me."
Chapter Three "You're in danger."
Chapter Four "World so cold."
Chapter Five "That's my story."
Chapter Six "This Means War."
Chapter Seven "Bring it on."
Chapter Eight "There's something different about you."
Chapter Nine "Why do you always calm me down?"
Chapter Ten "It was time to let go."
Chapter Twelve "Don't act like you didn't like it."
Chapter Thirteen "I failed you and I'm sorry."
Chapter Fourteen "You're not scared of me are you?"
Chapter Fifteen "Keep an eye out."
Chapter Sixteen "Trust me."
Chapter Seventeen "There's something going on."
Chapter Eighteen "You never know what damage your enemies can do to you."
Chapter Nineteen "What do you want from me?"
Chapter Twenty "This house no longer is a home."
Chapter Twenty One "Hope is a bitch."
Chapter Twenty Two "Don't tempt me."
Chapter Twenty Three "Big mistake on your part."
Chapter Twenty Four "Sometimes you are destroyed."
Chapter Twenty Five "Stay With Me."
Chapter Twenty Six "I'm just trying to protect us."
Chapter Twenty Seven "Why now?"
Chapter Twenty Eight "Blown to bits."
Chapter Twenty Nine "I was afraid to love."
Chapter Thirty "We have a big problem here."
Chapter Thirty One "If you want to play with fire, you're going to get burned."
Chapter Thirty Two "How long can you stand the pain?"
Chapter Thirty Three "Its like you're screaming, but no one can hear you."
Chapter Thirty Four "Since when the hell do you smoke?"
Chapter Thirty Five "Pretty faces don't last long."
Chapter Thirty Six "I promise."
Chapter Thirty Seven "Don't judge a book by its cover."
Chapter Thirty Eight "You're turning into a monster."
Chapter Thirty Nine "Pick up the pieces."
Chapter Forty "I've already given up."
Chapter Forty One "You threw it away."
Chapter Forty Two "Memories will haunt you."
Chapter Forty Three "Letters to you."
Chapter Forty Four "Go get him."
Chapter Forty Five "When it's real you can't walk away."
Chapter Forty Six "Just another enemy."
Chapter Forty Seven "Everything feels different."
Chapter Forty Eight "Its time."
Chapter Forty Nine "Have fun in hell."
Chapter Fifty "It's already over."

Chapter Eleven "Oh? Do i make you nervous?"

5.5K 178 14
By blink182s

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Song: Lollipop - Framing Hanley

Elena's Point of View

I got discharged from the hospital today, Tuesday. I refused to eat all of the food that they brought me but they said that I had to eat. My grandparents were downstairs waiting for me. I still haven't see their faces yet.

One of the nurses came knocking on the door. "Ms. Carter it's time to leave."

She escorted me from my room down to the waiting room. When I turned the corner I saw 2 elders standing by the door with bright smiles on their faces.

"Grandma? Grandpa?" I said quiety.

"Oh Elena." My Grandma came up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She pulled me into a warm hug. "It's been so long, too long."

"Well how bout we go back home and show Elena her new home." My Grandpa grabbed my hand and all 3 of us walked to the car.

They are actually my dad's parents. I can't really remember how my dad looked since it's been so long. I could tell that his mom had the same color eyes as he did.

My Grandpa pulled up into the driveway. "Here we are."

I got out of the car and noticed that my car was in the driveway. I made my way to the front door and walked into the house. It was so much more fancy and more exspensive then my old house. It was beautiful actually.

"Your room is upstairs on the left side."

All my stuff was here in the room already.The view from my window was beautiful. You could see the water and the sun was in just the right part in the sky. My grandparents actually lived on the water. I was farther away from school, it was all the way on the other side.

I lay down on my bed and rested my hands on my stomach. I closed my eyes, but then someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

My Grandma walked in and took a seat on the end of my bed. I sat up and had my back against the wall and pulled my legs to my chest.

"I just want you know that this is your home and I now that it's going to take some time to get used to, but I know that you'll love it here."

I half smiled. "Thank you for taking me."

"Honey, you're my granddaughter I will always be here for you."

Sarah was chowing down her salad. "So how's your grandparents house?"

"It's only been 3 days."

"And your point is?"

"Good, it's just that I can't sleep. I've been having nightmares ever since I moved in with them. I feel like my mom is going to somehow take me away from them and kill me."

"Elena you're fine. She can't get to you where she is now."

I knew Sarah was being a good friend and just trying to help me, but she's never been in a situation like this.

Sarah grabbed my hand. "Come with me to go buy a bag of popcorn."

At the dinner table my grandma always ask me how my day was and how I'm feeling.

Fine. Good. Lost.

"Honey maybe you should start to open up more, be a little happy. From here on out everything just gets better. You don't need to bottle up your feelings because one day you'll break. I just want to see you smile again."

"I'm still on the road of recovery. It doesn't just start to instantly get better, it's only been a week it needs more time."

"You need to let someone in. Who's that cute young man you've been talking to?"

"His name is Austin. And no I don't need him in my life to make me feel better."

I didn't have an appetite to finish dinner. I excused myself from the table and went to my room.

A heard a slight knock on my door and my grandma walked in. She sat on the edge of the bed and tucked a piece of he gray hair behind her ear.

"Elena, I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it like that."

I sat up and crossed my legs. "You don't need to apologize."

"Yes I do. Your mother did horrible things and it's hard to recover from so many years of pain."

She moved a piece of hair in front of my hair. "You deserve to be happy ad you're in this beautiful home. You're safe and surrounded by people who love you."

I smiled then gave her a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'm guessing you will be up here all night so goodnight."

I put on a pair of black shorts and a white tank top. I plopped down on my bed and relaxed. Before I knew it, my eyes drifted to a close.

I heard a noise coming from my bedroom window.

I shifted in my bed, turning on my side.


I groaned at shifted my eyes to my clock. It read 10:23.

I got up from my bed and walked over to the window. I saw a figure down on the ground.

What the fuck?

I opened the window. "Austin?"

"Let me in."

"It's 10 at night what are you doing here?"

He groaned. "Just let me in."

I walked downstairs and unlocked the front door, welcoming Austin.

I whispered "What are you doing here Austin?"

"I'll tell you, let's just go to your room."

We both walked upstairs quitly and I shut the door.

I stood across from him and crossed my arms getting ready to say something when I saw a contrasting color on his skin from the lights outside.

It was blood.

It was starting to seep through his shirt, and he clutched his side.

"What in gods name happened to you?"


I could hear the pain in his voice from his wound.

"We had a meeting with them at 7 and I was a setup. I ended up going there alone with no back up and Dean stared talking shit and threw punches. I dodged the first few and struck him in the jaw. He punched me to the ground and kicked me I the face. By the time I had the chance to throw him off of me and pulled out his knife and stabbed me in the side."

My jawed dropped.

"I would've gotten a chance to fuck him up but they pulled him away and I left on my way here."

"If you had the chance to get back at him you would've gotten into more trouble than you are in right now."

"They pay."

I sighed. "Violence isn't the answer for everything."

"Anyways, if you want that wound fixed I'm going to have to look at it."

I pulled him into the bathroom in myroom.

"Take a seat," I pointed to the toilet seat. I grabbed the first aid kit from far back in the cabinet.

I set it down on the counter and grabbed the necessary things to help his wound.

"Take off your shirt."

He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up slowly, throwing it on the floor.

Once again his body caught me in awe as I stared at his stomach.

"Are you gong to help me or just stand there and stare?"

"Shut up." I whispered, leaning down to get a better look at his gash. I walked over the sink and grabbed a towel to clean up the blood, along with carefully dabbing his cut.

When that was one I grabbed the disinfecting spray, shaking it while crouching down to his side. I saw a little smirk on his face.

"What are you smirking at?" I looked up at him and followed his eyes down.

"You're such a pervert," I said while pulling up my tank top.

"Hey I'm not the one with my boobs popping out."

"You're an ass." I growled lowly.

"Just saying the truth." He winked.

"Stop it." I blushed.

He smirked. "Oh? Do I make you nervous?"

"Uh no."

"You hesitated, I think you're wrong." He whispered stepping closer to me.

"I think you're delusional."

He shrugged, and walked until I was pressed up against the wall.

"You're a liar." He pressed himself against me and laid his hands on my side. "Wanna know how I know?"

"How?" I said looking up at him. His hot breath clashing against me.

"By doing this," he moved his head closer to mine pressing his lips firmly onto mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer to me. An adrenaline rush flooded through my viens--this was my first kiss. He squeezed my sides; his fingers crawling on my skin as he tugged my bottom lip wih his teeth.

I moaned, running my fingers through his hair. This felt great.

His slipped his hands to my back and slowly moved them down to my ass. He squeezed it, making me gasp as the kiss got deeper and he groaned.

His lips, soft and plump. He tasted like mint and smoke. He has me hooked and he's waiting for the perfect time to reel me in.

He pulled away and pushed his forehead against mine.

"I stand corrected." He whispered sexily, knowing he won the argument we had earlier.

He nuzzled his head into the nape of my neck and began sucking, biting, and licking on my flesh.

I pushed his head closer and began playing with his hair. He groaned.

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