Why Me? - Garroth x Reader

By DayAfterEmma

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โ€ข||~#2 in Garroth~||โ€ข ๐Ÿ’™ WARNING ๐Ÿ’™ There is self harm in this book, slight depression and a little bit of dr... More

Chapter 1~ first day
Chapter 2~ Y/N vs. Ivy
Chapter 3~ alone with him
Chapter 4~ weekend friends
Chapter 5 ~ daddy....please
Chapter 6~ Shadow Knight's
Chapter 7~ bloody
Chapter 8~ the picture
Chapter 9~ sleepover
Chapter 10~ Date with Garroth
Chapter 11~ Annual Sports Event
Chapter 12~ Aaron is what?!
Chapter 13~ She-wolfs
Chapter 14~ what's with him?
Chapter 15~ Goodbye
Chapter 16~ therapy
Chapter 17~ Prom
Chapter 18~ Ask the Girl
Chapter 19~ I promise, I'll come back better
Chapter 20~ Senior year ๐Ÿ’™
Chapter 22~ the dream
Chapter 23~ I'm not alone
Chapter 24~ Happy Birthday!
Chapter 25~ Ivy is back at it
Chapter 26~ (FINALE) Flashbacks
Book 2
Book 2 is released

Chapter 21~ Someone's watching me...

1.2K 29 15
By DayAfterEmma

"Black and white melt into grey.
Till every truth is stripped away. When nothing's wrong everything ok. Everyone has been betrayed."
-Ashes Remain

~Y/N's P.O.V~

I was in werewolf class taking down some notes when the bell rang. I quickly closed my journal and stuck it in my backpack and swung it to my shoulder.

I ran out the class and saw Garroth standing there with his backpack strap over his right shoulder. "Ready to go to soccer?"

"Yup! You have off period right?"

"Its more of a study period but yeah I do, which is why I'm gonna watch you practice."

"Awww how sweet of you." I gave him a peck on the lips and we continued to walk towards the locker rooms.

I changed into my soccer uniform that was my number 13, the Jersey had the Phoenix in the front, and it was the school colors. I put my bag and belongings in my locker and walked out of the locker room to only bump into someone. Ivy...

"Oh well if it isn't Y/N. You've become a good girl now?"

"Tch, whatever I don't have time to deal with you. Shouldn't you be heading to class like a 'good girl' you supposedly are?"

"Ha! I will get my Gerroth! Come on Lily let's go."

They walked away and I just scoffed and walked outside to the soccer field. I made it and there I saw Laurance holding his whistle that was around his neck and a soccer ball in his arm. "Y/N! Hurry up! We're starting warm up!"

"Yeah yeah don't get so worked up, it's not even soccer season yet."

"Just start doing stretches. If we want to beat O'Khasis this year we'll have to work extra hard!"

"Aye aye captain." I lazily saluted and bent down to touch my toes.

After the stretching Laurance put me as the goalie since that was my position last year. The reason we lost last year was because I, not to brag, wasn't the goalie. The principle suspended me for a month and I missed the game.

"Y/N! Pay attention!"

I looked at Laurance and nodded. I got my gloves on and tied my hair back (if you have long hair) and got in a squating position.

Throughout the game I was keeping my eye on the ball. Once I saw that they were about to kick it towards the net I got ready and pushed myself to the side and caught the ball that hit my stomach pretty hard. I fell on my side and grunted.

~Garroth's P.O.V~

I was on the bleachers next to the soccer field doing my homework. I kept glancing at Y/N who was just somewhat standing in front of the net thingy. I smiled at how concentrated she must have been. I continued doing my government homework with my laptop to my right side. I heard Laurance blow the whistle and that's when I saw Y/N on her side and Laurance running up to her. I set my stuff next to me and went down bleachers.

When I reached to her she was sitting up clutching her stomach. "Y/N are you okay?!" I asked her, being the worried boyfriend that I am.

She looked up at me and smirked, "doesn't hurt a bit," she grunted and almost fell on her back but I caught her. "Hey Laurance, I'm going to take her to the nurse."

"Yeah sounds like a good idea. Y/N you must be a little rusty, we'll practice some more outside of school."

Y/N nodded. I helped her up and she swung her arm around my neck and I grabbed her arm and held her waist as we walked back inside the building.

~Y/N's P.O.V~

We made it to the nurses office and were greeted by a nurse who knows me too well. "What did you do this time L/N?"

I chuckled nervously, "soccer."

The nurse sighed and pointed to a bed. "Sit down while I go get you a bag of ice." She walked to her office leaving me and Garroth alone.

"You should be more careful Y/N, that ball almost knocked the air out of you."

"It's not a big deal, I've had worse accidents than this."

Garroth stood quiet. "I just don't want you getting hurt."

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips. "You're worrying too much, I'll be fine."

The sound of the speakers through the school rang, "Y/N L/N, Aphmau (whatever her last name is), and Lucinda (someone comment if you know what Lucinda's last name is heh) please report to the witchcraft room. Thank you."

I looked at Garroth and he had a confused face. I was as confused as he was. The nurse came back with a zipup bag with brown tissue covering it. She handed it to me and I just placed it on my stomach. "You should go before Mrs. Hyria gets mad."

I nodded and walked out of the nurses office with Garroth. He walked me to witchcraft. "You can wait for me at the bleachers, I don't think this will take long."

"Ok, I love you. See you in a bit."

"Love you too."

We kissed each other and I walked in the class to see Aph sitting on a chair while Lucinda was sitting on a desk. "Lucinda, haven't seen you at all not until now. How was your summer?"

"Ugh, don't even get me started. Ivan has been a complete jerk to me and I don't know what to do."

"Oh well, you can ju-"

"Alright You three! Let's go to the back room." Mrs. Hyria, Lucinda's mom, interrupted her and walked to the back.

I looked at Aph and Lucinda and we all just shrugged. We followed the witch and there was saw a table covered in potions and magic books. "Mom, what's that for?"

Mrs. Hyria grabbed 3 bottles of the same color and handed one to each of us. I was examining it and it was a greenish blueish color with a little bit of red in it. "These potions are supposed to make you see into the future, it'll land either on a bad part or a good part of your life. Now it could be fake but I need to see myself with your reactions."

"Ok hag, but why choose us?"

"Don't call me a hag you brat! And because you guys are just confused teenagers who dont know how to live life yet so stop questioning and just drink it."

I shrugged and started drinking it, one taste of it and I spit it out on how terrible it taste. "That's disgusting! Irene, what did you put in here? Rat shit?"

Before I could even hear her response my vision started to get blurry and then I was no longer in school or in the classroom. I was standing on snow with tall trees surrounding me.

Out of no where I felt my whole body ache, i looked down at my body and saw that I didn't have the school uniform on but I had a winter sweater with sweatpants and converse. It was all torn and bloody.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and I saw a person, a silhouette, standing in front of me what looks like to be holding a knife. "You're dead to me. I wish I had never met you. I never loved you. You never made me happy." The voice sounded demonic, it was deep and filled with hate.

"What's going on?"

When i finished saying that the silhouette came running to me and stabbed the knife into my stomach. Am I supposed to feel it like this? Not only pain from the knife but in my heart? I don't even know who this person is yet why do I feel like whoever is doing this is close to me?

I felt the blade slide out of my flesh. I was stunned and fell to my knees. "W-wh-who are you?"

The black figure didn't say anything, instead he kicked me and next thing i know I felt myself falling from a high cliff.

I didn't scream. I blinked my eyes and I was back in school with my uniform on, not torn and bloody. I looked around and saw Aph and Lucinda just as terrified as I am.

"Wh-what was that?" Aph asked in a shaky voice.

"That was the most terrible experience ever. That can't possibly happen to me in the future."

I just stared at the shaking girls. I was speechless, could that have been how I die? Did I just see my own death? Getting killed by someone then getting pushed off a very high cliff in the middle of nowhere? Is that really how I die?

"Y/N? You okay?"

I looked up and saw Aph hovering over me. I nodded and stood up. "I'm heading back to soccer, I'll see you guys later."


I just got out of soccer practice and I'm currently walking to the locker rooms to get my bag. I walk inside and I open my locker but I only start thinking about the what I saw. I couldn't get it out of my head, I saw my own death and i don't think there's anyway to prevent it. When the time comes even if it's in 20 years or tomorrow, I'll let it happen. After all, I wasn't afraid to die a year ago. I quickly grabbed my bag and shut the locker.

When i got out i saw Ivy talking to Garroth. I walked up to them and grabbed Garroth's hand. I glared at Ivy and we walked away.

As we left the school, we were walking towards Garroth's house hand in hand. We stopped walking in front of his door and I just leaned against the door frame. "You gonna try to get Zane into a sport again?"

"Yeah, soccer didn't work, baseball didn't work, maybe he's more of a golf kind of person?"

"Or maybe he isn't a sports person at all. You can't really force him to do things he isnt fit to do. Let him join chess or something. Newspaper club, art I don't know. I just don't think you should force him to do sports ya know?"

"Yeah but I mean Vylad is in soccer with you and Zane's the only one who isn't in a sport."

"Wow, even I know your brother more than you. Listen, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't force him into anything. He's more of a gamer slash nerd slash not sporty. He isn't a jock like you."

"Yeah i know, I guess my dad is the one that's gonna have to accept that. But that doesn't mean i can't help him exercise."

"Do whatever you want but I don't think he knows how lucky he is to have a brother like you." I leaned towards him and have him a kiss on the lips. "I'm heading home, love you."

"Love you too Strawberry."

"I'm dying my hair back." I walked away and down his driveway into the sidewalk. The weather was pretty chilly today, too bad I didn't have a jacket and the uniform doesn't make it any better.

As i was walking home I had a strange feeling of someone watching me. I ignored it and continued to walk.

The feeling never went away, even as I reached the door to my house. I turned my head slightly to look behind me and that's when I saw Ein standing on the sidewalk, leaning against the white fence. Ein smirked at me and walked towards me. "What is it Ein? I thought i made it clear to you that I never want to see you in my life again."

I was about to unlock the door until Ein pushed me to fall on my back. I felt the concrete rip my uniform once i made contact. I arched my back in pain. Ein grabbed me by the throat and looked deep into my eyes. "I know your secret Y/N. And if you don't want me blurting it out then I suggest you tell me anything about Aphmau and send me pictures. I could care less about you, I want her."

I was gasping for air as his hand was getting tighter around my throat. "Like I said Y/N, I know your secret. I know you're a werewolf and you don't want anyone to know about it. But let me tell you this, I will tell everyone about it. I know people, and they will know and will say it around the school. You wouldn't want your precious boyfriend to get involved too right?"

I growled, "You better not go anywhere near Garroth I swea-"

"You'll what? Who's the one under my grip? I have you on a leash and you will cooraporate with me, that's if you dont everyone to know."

He let go of my throat and I fell to the ground, gasping for air. He kicked me on the side and kicked my stomach. I started coughing as I felt the air leave my body. I saw him walk away as my vision got blurry and soon I passed out.


I was at my locker putting in stuff that i didn't need. I felt someone next to me, I turned and Aph was there with a wide grin on her face. "Hey Aph. What's up?"

"The sky..."

"... you're lucky I'm not in the mood to yell at you for that."

Aph tilted her head to the side just a little. "What's got you in the bad mood?"

I can't tell her or Ein will tell everyone I'm a werewolf. He only thinks I'm a werewolf and thank Irene for that. If he knew I was an Ultima, things would end badly. "Y/N?"

"Huh? Oh uh, Mrs. Hyria kept giving me crap during class."

"Why? You're really good with potions and magic. It's a surprise you're not a witch."

I chuckled, "as much as I would like to be, Hyria thinks I'm not good enough to consider myself a 'witch'."

"You never told me why she hates you so much. You didn't do anything to Lucinda did you?"

"Of course not. I didn't have witchcraft in freshman year but I knew Lucinda at the time i just never met her mother. When i went in class with her I saw her mom and I said, 'i thought you said this was your mom's class, not an old hags cave.'"

"And what did she say?"

"She obviously yelled at me. But come on, Lucinda has orange hair while Hyria has grey hair. I saw no resemblance so of course I confused her."

Aphmau laughed, "That's understandable. Anyway, I came here cause I'm doing a sleepover with the girls and I'm inviting you obviously."

I closed my locker and swung my backpack over my shoulder. "Sure, what time and when?"

"Friday at 7."

"Cool, I'll go."

"Awesome! See you then!" Aph walked away in a hurry past me. I looked back at her feeling guilty. It might be selfish of me trying to keep my secret hidden but I have to or else Uncle Derek and everyone else will be in serious trouble.


Garroth had practice after school today so I stayed to watch him practice. I was just sitting on the bleachers with Laurance next to me and telling me a story. "So then this guy in my class just stands up and just says, 'did you know the color red is red because it's red?' Honestly I don't even know how he managed to become a senior."

I gave him a confused look. "Maybe he's stayed a senior for years. Any luck with Aph?"

Laurance dropped his head and sighed, "no..."

I patted him on the back, "its okay, one day she'll notice you."

He doesn't have a chance at all. She's in love with Aaron and even I know that one day they'll become a thing.

"You really think so?"


"Obviously! Laurance you're an awesome guy and girls who don't like you don't deserve you."

"So I don't deserve you?"

"Not as a girlfriend but as a sister from another dad then hell yeah."

"How was your mom? I never met her."

I dropped my smile and did a frown. "I honestly don't remember... it was so long ago I was too young to remember much. But from what my brother told me was that I looked almost like her. I had her hair, her eyes, her personality. He would tell me, 'if I ever want to see mom, I just have to look at you. After all you are a replica of her.' That made me happy but I never really remembered much of her. I looked at photos and in her eyes I saw pain but she still has a smile. If anything I was the same way in Sophomore year. So I guess, if you want to know more about my mom you already do cause you know me." I smiled at him.

He smiled backed. "Man Y/N, our families are fucked up."

"You are right about that."

"We obviously need Cadenza to re dye your hair. I can't take you seriously with your pink hair."

I sighed, "well it was all thanks to Cadenza in the first place. If I didn't do that date last year I wouldn't have pink hair in the first place. Well I guess that's what I guess for being such a risk taker."

"So I'm guessing your mom was a badass?"

"I hope so."

"Hey guys." I looked forward to see Garroth walking over to us with his baseball cap on and his baseball glove on his right hand.

"Hi GarGar~" I cooed his nickname and he groaned with a bright blush on his cheek. "Y/N! I told you not to call me that in public!"

I shrugged and smirked, "you should know better I don't listen to 'rules'. Only ones that won't get me in trouble with the swat team."

Laurance tried to hold in his laughter by covering his mouth with his hand.


I was walking home and yet again I feel eyes on me. I turned to look behind me and saw Ein standing there and this time with what looks like a pocket knife. "Did you get me pictures?"

I didn't say anything and just looked at him. "Oh my dear cousin, we made a deal remember? You are supposed to get me pictures or I'll tell everyone your secret."

"I didn't see her today..." I had to lie, I didn't know what he was gonna do with that knife.

"Well then look for her tomorrow. Or there goes your school reputation and your position as Beta." He walked closer to me and swung the knife at me. I jumped back to avoid it. He tackled me to the ground and scratched my cheek with the knife. I felt the red think liquid fall down my down slowly. He got off of me and walked away, leaving me with a scratched up cheek and laying on the floor.

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