Cute Monster

By uFiona

821K 24.8K 3.7K

Cliché The thing that Jodie Black hate the most are clichés. She prefers jumping out the window, from the te... More

Cute Monster ♥
Prologue ~ ♥
1; ♡ I Got Him, But He Simply Ran Away
2; ♡ Sorry, Apology Isn't Accepted.
3; ♡ Hello There, Kitty cat.
4; ♡ Running Under The Sun? Hell No
5; ♡ Warning! Cliche On The Way.
6; ♡ Reality Will Eat You Alive.
7; ♡ Any Last Words?
8; ♡ After Fight.
9; ♡ Faking & Breaking.
10; ♡ It Is Not As Romantic As It May Seem.
11; ♡ Hide & Seek.
12; ♡ We can never agree on something.
13; ♡ Get Off Me!
14; ♡ Jealousy!
15; ♡ A Zombie Shakespeare?!
16; ♡ And She Strikes Like a Thunder Storm.
18; ♡ Tick Tock!
19; ♡ That Is Called Kidnapping!
20; ♡ He Started It, And I Didn't Get It.
21; ♡ A Blushing Monster, Seriously?
22; ♡ Run! Police! Run
23; ♡ A Pervert + Monster = What?!
24; ♡ Kiss or Kill.
25; ♡ He Needs a Nickname!
26; ♡ The Deal.
27; ♡ I Mess it up Every time.
28; ♡ 'Slut' is My New Name.
29; ♡ Girls are Gonna be Girls Obviously.
30; ♡ How to Avoid Kids for Dummies.
31; ♡ Wow, Thank You Mr. Brother.
32; ♡ Searching for that Stupid Brother.
33; ♡ The Secret Party.
34; ♡ A Reason Why I Should Never Drink Again.
35; ♡ Bathroom Game
36; ♡ Bad News or Good News?
37; ♡ Flashback [1]
38; ♡ Flashback [2]
39; ♡ Rooftop Talk
40; ♡ Rooftop Kiss
41; ♡ Accepting Reality
42; ♡ Face It.
43; ♡ Caught in the Trap.
44; ♡ Talking.
45; ♡ Let's Sneak Out.
46; ♡ Back to Where it all Began.
Epilogue ♥

17; ♡ My Pants Are On Fire!

17.1K 523 126
By uFiona

                              Unedited. [ I'M REALLY SORRY FOR ALL THE SHAMEFUL MISTAKES! FORGIVE MEEE!] 

                                                 ○         ○          ○

                                Chapter Seventeen; My Pants Are On Fire! 

           Do you remember when we used to lie, and people would sing ‘LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE’?

Yeah, that’s what exactly happened to me.

Well, not exactly, since I didn’t lie, but my pants did set on fire.

For some reason, I played the song THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE in my head while that happened.

And the funny thing was, it wasn’t that funny as you may think it.

It started with that annoying golden-fury cat. It was really fat, to the point that I couldn’t imagine myself carrying it.

It sat on the couch near me, with a weird glint in its eyes. Maybe it was me, or maybe it was because I was sitting alone,  but I saw the corner of the cat’s mouth twist up,  turning into a small smirk.

This cat was taking the word creepy to a whole new level.

The thing is, cats shouldn’t be able smirk, not at all. But after seeing Adam’s and Blake’s cat, this thought was thrown out the window like a trash.

A big dirty trash.

At first, I started thinking of what should I do, and what the best thing I could do to make it run away in the other direction instead of me doing that - even though I clearly knew that I would be the one who would do that at the end.

And that was weird, because usually I wouldn’t think about that, I would only run away in the other direction, or maybe fight it – with my amazing imaginary muscles.

I blamed Adam for that. After he came, I started to think of what I should do in these kind of situation.

But my mind turned out to be like a thick rock.

I moved my hand right in front of it, and started flapping it, so that the cat could go away.

But that cat had another idea.

It bit my hand harshly, making me stand up right away, hoping that it would let go of my hand, but it didn’t, it kept biting it.

And let me tell you, that cat weighs tons.

My hand instantly went down, but I held my hand with the other one, and started to shake it insanely.

I was expecting that the cat would get bored, or tired and let go of my hand, but it turned out that with big weight means more power.

It didn’t give up, and my voice got louder, shouting at it, and hoping that someone would come from upstairs and help me. I was trying to ignore the fact that if they actually came, they would stand right near the door, and laugh their asses out at me.

Now, here comes the pants on fire part.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the fireplace, and the first thought that came to my mind, to throw that cat there. I know that that is pretty mean, but if you were in my place, then you aren’t the one to blame.

With all my power,  I flung my arm at the fire’s direction, but from a great distance, so that I looked like I was trying bowling or something.

Here comes the part where the cat should’ve been the bowl, but instead it was me.

 Yes, you may find this stupid, but the cat didn’t let go of my hand, which caused me to go spinning to the fireplace.

I barely touched the fire, but it still touched my jeans, and that is how my pants got on fire.

I screamed really loudly, and I never thought that my voice was this girly, but after screaming this loud, I think that I have a really high pitched voice.

Luckily, maids came really fast, and horror plastered all over their faces. They stood there for a second, just watching me running around like a mad woman, but then they came to help me by throwing water at me.

They didn’t just throw water on my jeans, but no, they had to soak my whole clothes with water.

Blake and the rest came after the little scene was over – which was great, because I didn’t want them to see me, running around – and the first thing I did was holding the cat from its mouth, yanking it away from me, and throwing it directly at Blake.

I didn’t know why I didn’t just do that from the very beginning.

How stupid could I get?

Blake was caught in surprise, that the cat hit his face, he screamed girly a little, and threw the cat at Issac who threw it at Jace who did the same with the others.

When it reached Jason, it got bored from being thrown at people, and started scratching him with its long claws.

And that is how I ended up with soaked clothes, and how Jason ended up with a bloody face.

By the end of the day I was really angry, that I felt that the devil on my shoulder is choking the angel on the other shoulder, and they were having a big fight.

Blake was trying to act cool, and he gave me one of his mother’s jeans and a shirt which she never uses anymore. Ever since they became rich, his mom, who is very young, stopped wearing jeans, or tops, and she stuck with dresses all the time.

Seeing how angry I was, Issac decided to drop me home, he said something about that I might catch a cold.

And that was the most surprising thing happened.

Issac never let anyone enter his car, even me. And the weird thing was, he lived right next door. He never let me in, or even pick me up when I am late, he says that if he did it once, that means he might repeat it again, and he doesn’t want that.

Great best friend.

The whole ride was filled with me babbling about what happened, cursing Blake and his cat, and mumbling things that both of us didn’t understand.

He started to look uncomfortable, and he would clear his throat every or so minutes, probably because he didn’t know what to say, but he also knew that I didn’t need anybody to say anything, I just needed to get things out of my chest before I explode.

Words stuck in my throat when I saw my house. Two familiar cars were parked outside, and the whole house’s lights were lit.

I leaned into the chair more, clicking my tongue to the side. My mood turned from angry to being annoyed, and back to being angry.

I imagined myself entering the house, finding the two extra people inside. That made me grit my teeth together. 

They didn’t deserve to have any place to sleep with. Streets are perfect for them.

Issac noticed how I looked, and that I stopped talking. He stared at my house too, and pursed his lips in a thin line.

 “You can stay at my house tonight.” He suggested.

I shook my head. I would have considered his option, but I have been ignoring them a lot lately, and I don’t think my ignoring-plan is going to last long since this morning I saw Jenna.

“It is okay,” My voice sounded weird, it didn’t sound like mine, or it did but I was too distracted to remember how it originally sounded.

I got out of the car, mumbling a ‘thank you’ which might have frightened Issac out since I had never said ‘thank you’ to him.

My legs were moving, but my mind was somewhere else entirely. 

Just as I entered the house, I was welcomed with the sight of my dad standing near the door. When he heard the door clicking close, he turned around, and smiled at me. Yet, I could see something in his eyes.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

“Jodie,” He said while looking at me from my head to my toes.

I gave him a wary look. “Hey, dad.” He moved closer, and hugged me. At this point, I was almost sure that something happened.

Something I wouldn’t like.

“What’s wrong?” I pulled away. He looked at my face a little, and then shook his head.

“We need to talk about something.” I nodded my head, and followed him to the living room, dropping my bag near the couch.

Just as I sat, I noticed that we weren’t alone. Sandy was sitting near my dad, and he was holding her hand on her lap. I looked away from them.

“What?” The way I said it almost sounded as a snap.

Could this day get any worse?

“We have to tell you something.” The word ‘we’ made me cringe. I leaned more to the couch, and met my dad’s eyes.

Yes, it apparently could.

I nodded my head, not really finding my voice. I was hoping that this wouldn’t be something that I would hate, because after the amazing show that happened today, the dragons inside of me wanted to be out.

“Um…,” Sandy opened her mouth, and I blinked when I heard her voice. She looked down at her lap, and started touching her belly with her free hand.

My eyes widened, and my breaths hitched.




No, no, no, no. No!

“I’m pr-“ She began, but I stood up, making her’s and my dad’s head turn to me.

“I’m really tired, I think I should go to my room.” I started backing away, turning around, ready to leave this room. To me, it was almost hard to breathe, and I felt the urge to cough to my death.

“Jodie, wait!” I sensed my dad’s hand on my elbow, stopping me from moving forward. He turned me to face him, and I looked up at him with wide eyes. My legs began to tremble a little. “Listen, it’s really imp-“ I shook my hand, and pulled my arm away harshly.

“No!” My voice seemed to stop everything. He stopped in his place, and even Sandy, who stood up, looked at us with horror. “I-I don’t care.” This time my voice was way lower than before, it was almost a whisper as I started moving backwards.

I ran to my room, and closed the door behind me. Just as the door clicked close, my legs grew weaker, and I fell on my white carpet. My breaths came short yet fast, so I tried to take a deep breath, to calm myself down.

But then I realized something.

Why was I acting so weak? So cowardly? I should be now standing, facing them with no expression on my face. I should be angry rather than scared. This is not me. I hated this version of me.

I tried to stand up, but I failed. I couldn’t find the strength to do that.

Why am I so weak?

I started hitting the floor with my hand, trying my hardest to stand up.


I had the same feeling that I felt a very long time ago.

The feeling  that even if I tried my best to stand in everyone’s way, I still wouldn’t be able to do anything.

I still wouldn’t be able to change anything.

                                                   ○         ○          ○

I was able to walk after a while, and I sat on my bed, that was placed near the window. My room didn’t change at all. It was still the same since way before. Still, all covered in blue.

I heard a knock coming from the other side of my room’s door. Then, the door was opened. I didn’t look away from the window.

“Dad, I don’t feel like talking.” When I got no answer, I frowned and looked at him. But it wasn’t him, instead it was Sandy.

Sandy slowly entered the room, she was looking at me with a nervous smile.

I sighed, and massaged my head. Why can’t this day be over already?

“About earlier-“

“I told you, I don’t care,” I said firmly. She flinched a little, but then relaxed her shoulders. She bit her lip, and looked away.

I was hoping she would turn around, and get out of here. If she did that, then I wouldn’t be worried about getting angry with anyone.

“Listen to me, it is not like that.”

That did it. “You are pregnant. Am I right?” She was still looking away, but she nodded. “Then what should I think? Or what do you want me to think?”

She snapped her head to me. “What’s wrong with me being pregnant? Me and your dad are marrie-“

“That’s what is wrong!” I stood up, “You aren’t supposed to be here.” I walked closer to her, till I was standing right in front of her. “This is not your home. Just leave us alone.” We were looking at each other in the eye. I was saying my words slowly, trying to make her understand.

“This is her home.” My dad was standing near the door, looking at us with a weird look that I couldn’t make out. He started walking closer to Sandy, and he put his hand on her shoulder. “And she is going to stay here.”

I didn’t flinch or looked scared of what my dad said, I just narrowed my eyes. Even though I loved my dad, but if I had to say what I will be saying to make him understand what my point is, then I don’t care.

“Sure. But it only became her home when she married you. When she took my mom’s place. When she wore her jewelry. When she started walking through the hallways that my mom used  to walk through. She is only a replacement  and both of us knows that.” That seemed to anger my dad, and to make Sandy frown. He was about to open his mouth, but I outran him. “I won’t accept a bitch that you had picked up from a strip club as a mom, or as anything else for that matter.”

My dad snapped, and before I knew it, I felt my cheek stinging, hurting me like hell. A gasp came out of Sandy, and she whispered my dad’s name to calm him down. Even my dad seemed to look shocked of what he had done. My eyes were wide open as I looked at them. I refused to look weak in front of them. I refused to show them that they affected me. My pride was way higher than that.

I stood straight, staring at my dad. “I think you have made your decision then.” I walked toward my bed and took my huge bag from underneath it, opening it, and heading to my closet, picking up anything I found.

“What are you doing?” I heard my dad’s voice from behind. I ignored him and continued on picking up my clothes and putting them inside the bag. I never though that I had this much of clothes in there.

Since I couldn’t take all my stuff, I only took what is important to me, and closed the bag, then turned to my dad. “I’m going back to live with my aunt in Los Angeles.” I picked up my bag, and walked toward the door.

Just as I was passing my dad, he said, “When are you coming back?” He wasn’t looking at me, he was looking at the walls, avoiding my gaze.

“Whenever that bitch dies.” Before he could say anything else, I continued on walking, and heading to the main door.  I opened it  the door, and slammed it close. Even though I have never felt cold, but for the first time in such a long time, I felt my skin getting colder, making me shiver.

I walked a little the house near us, and stopped a little at their house’s porch, breathing deeply before knocking the door.

The door was opened after a few seconds, revealing a lady that I knew since I was a baby.

“Hey,” Sara said with a smile. I tried to smile back.

“Can I stay at your house for a whole?” She frowned, she probably knew that something happened by only looking at my bag.

Sara nodded. “Sure,” she moved away so she could let me enter.”Does your parents know about this?” I shook my head.

“I was supposed to call my aunt, is that okay?” I was hoping that she wouldn’t mind. She rolled her eyes.

“Sure as hell, and don’t worry, I wouldn’t tell your dad about this.” She winked at me, and before I knew it, she wrapped her arms around me.

                                                  ○         ○          ○

                                Next Chapter's Title: Tick Tock!  

Dedicated toSurroundMe Againnnnn :3 She made the banner on the side! Isn't it amazing?! Thanks you sooo much ♥

The song at the side kind of fit this chapter. 

Don't worry! You will be seeing Adam soon. Actually, i miss him too, so yeah xD but i don't know if he is going to be in the next chapter or not since there has to be a reason for him to be there and not just appear out of nowhere. 

Vote , Comment , Enjoy


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